Chapter 136 Everyone has their own chance to play

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The height of the rocks around the valley is about 150 meters, which is equivalent to the height of about 50 floors.

Such a height can be used to practice the Moon Walk just learned.

Maud jumped off the edge of the cliff and fell against the mountain wind.

The landing time is about 10 seconds.

During this period, use the Moon Walk as much as possible.

Maud quickly adjusted his posture and stepped on the air with his right foot first.


There was a slight explosion of air in the air, and Maud’s figure suddenly slanted to the left.

At this time, Maud did not adjust his posture, but controlled the strength and speed within a rough standard, so that the left foot stepped down.


The thrust generated by stepping on the air caused Maud’s upper body to fall to the right, but he used too much force and failed to straighten his body.

After all, he has only just learned, and the control of strength is still lacking.

Maud stomped on the air and stumbled to the ground.

When you are in the air, you must take into account factors such as gravity, weight, direction, and strength, and the error should not be too large.

If one of these factors is not under control, it will not be possible to use a stable Moon Walk.

This is obviously not something that can be done easily.

“If your physique meets the standard, it is not difficult to learn Moon Walk, but the most difficult thing is to master the skills.”

Maud recalled the situation just now in order to make adjustments later.

He knew very well that if he wanted to master the Moon Walk, he had to keep practicing.

Cliff jumping is only the first stage of practice. After this stage is completed, you have to start practicing the skills of using the moon step on the spot, and then there are skills such as changing directions in the air, not to mention shooting while using the Moon Walk.

Only by mastering these skills can the practicality of the Moon Walk be improved.

Otherwise, Moon Walk is at most just a skill used to buffer the falling force.

And the most ideal state, of course, is to be a happy aerial bomber like Saul, which can make some enemies who lack air-to-air means hate and helpless.

However, to reach the level of Saul, it is impossible to do it in a few years, unless you can hunt a lot of dragon-level prey.

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After thinking about it, Maud looked at Lafayette not far away.


Lafayette chuckled, and a pair of white wings grew behind him.


Lafayette grabbed Maud’s right hand, flapped his wings and flew into the air, sending Maud to the edge of the cliff in a short while.

Maud nodded towards Lafayette, who fell to the ground with a smile on his face.

Standing on the edge of the cliff, Maud did not rush to jump off the cliff, but adjusted his breath first.

He will keep practicing until he runs out of energy.

In the past three months, he insisted on training every day, and with the help of [Food Tonic Cuisine], he finally raised his physique to three stars the afternoon before yesterday.

After crossing this initial stage, the subsequent improvement is significantly slower.

Judging from the current trend, even with the help of [food supplements] every day, it is estimated that it will take about 20 years for the physique to reach the level of Kaido and BigMom.

This is just a conservative estimate.

It is not surprising that it actually takes thirty or even forty or fifty years.

But he has Hunter Notes, which can shorten the process as much as possible.

Maud has not yet jumped off the cliff, but Lafayette has slowly landed, and then put away his wings.

Regarding the skill of Moon Walk, Lafayette has little interest in it, although Saul has said it.

After all, he is a phantom beast with the ability to fly, so there is no need to waste energy on learning Moon walk.

Not long after taking away his wings, Lafayette felt a familiar gaze from behind him.

His eyes were full of envy.

Without looking back, Lafayette also knew that the source of his gaze was Sonny.

Ever since he revealed to Sonny that his fruit ability is an Mythical beast in the animal system, whenever he uses his ability, it always attracts Sonny’s envious gaze.

Over time, Lafayette got used to it.

A few meters away from Sonny’s side, Bailey, who had successfully lost weight, was jumping up and down. It looked like he was also trying to learn Moon Walk.

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Jaya squatted on the ground, cupped her cheeks with both hands, and squinted at Bailey, who was seriously studying the moon steps.

“Bailey, there is a way for you to master the Moon Walk as soon as possible.”


Hearing Jaya’s words, Bailey stopped, his eyes shining with stars.

Jaya smiled and said, “You’ll know if you try it.”


Listening to Jaya’s familiar mantra, Bailey was slightly startled, and had a bad premonition.

However, he didn’t want to miss any possibility, and immediately asked cautiously, “What method?”

Jaya took out an axe from behind with a smile, and then stood up the axe so that the sharp axe blade was facing upwards.

Looking at Jaya’s behavior, Bailey was a little stunned.

Jaya pointed to the upward axe blade and explained: “This method is to use the survival instinct to stimulate your potential. Come, as long as you practice on the axe, you will definitely be able to learn Moon Walk in a short time.”

“I don’t believe it, you must be trying to kill me…!!!”

Thinking of some terrifying images, Bailey shuddered.


Jaya looked at Bailey with a special body structure, as if looking at a rare ingredient.

After all, after three months of feeding with [Food Tonic], some wonderful changes will definitely occur in the already special body.

Thinking of this, Jaya reluctantly said, “Bailey, let’s try it.”

Bailey screamed and hid directly behind Sonny.

Seeing this, Jaya could only regret to put away the axe.

Aside, Saul glanced at the axe that Jaya was hanging behind him, and said with emotion, “I think Jaya is more suitable for using a gun.”

Gaban said angrily, “Go away!”

While chatting, Maud fell from the sky again, still crooked to the ground.

After that, with the help of Lafayette, Maud took the shortest time to the top of the mountain, and then jumped again.

It goes on and on and on, practicing the skills of the Moon Walk.

Sonny and Bailey were not idle either, they were also training.

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Gaban looked at Maud, who landed again, and asked, “Saul, it took you about two years to master the moonwalk, right?”


“Then how much time do you think Maud will take?”

“With me watching, it will take about half a year.”

Saul smoked a cigarette and said lightly: “However, if you want to go further, hard training alone is useless. Many things, including talent, can only be drawn out by battle.”

Having said that, Saul glanced at Lafayette not far away.

The effect of sparring is there, but after all, it is only a training battle that does not endanger life.

Perhaps hundreds or thousands of training battles are not as useful as a life-and-death battle.

If you want to make the training battle achieve the effect of a deadly battle without endangering your life, unless both sides are awakened animal fruit ability.

You don’t have to worry about fatal injuries, and you can recover from injuries in a short time.

With just two points, you can accumulate strength through daily death battle training.

In fact, someone has already put this into action.


Time passed and night fell.

A bonfire was raised on the ground with a roasted whole sheep on it.

Saul opened a newspaper in his hand.

Under the light of the fire, there was a headline with a photo of Ace.

“Fire fist…”

Saul whispered the name softly.

On the side, Gaban glanced at the photos in the newspaper and said seriously: “This guy should be the most dazzling new star this year. He is very courageous and dares to challenge Whitebeard at a young age.”

Saul nodded in agreement.

“The famous pirates seem to be very good.” Sonny came over to join in the fun, and she provided the newspaper.

“Not quite.”

Saul looked at Sonny and smiled.

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“Oh.” Sonny nodded and said, “I remember Lafayette’s name is Sheriff Devil.”

Hearing Sunny’s words, Maud couldn’t help but glanced at Lafayette and joked: “To be honest, this name is quite earthy.”


Lafayette silently left the chat group.

Sonny laughed, turned to look at Maud, and asked, “Maud, if it was you, what would you call yourself?”

“I hadn’t thought about that.”

Maud pondered at the mention of Sonny.

As if thinking of something, he slowly looked at the short figure in front of the bonfire.

In his mind, the decadence and unwillingness on Saul’s face when facing Garp suddenly flashed through his mind.

That’s a kind of… the deep unwillingness to realize that all efforts were wasted after spending a lifetime of poverty.

I tried my best to climb the mountain, but the mountain is always there.


Maud looked at Saul and said seriously: “Lend me the name of Spooky Gun for a few years.”


A few sparks emerged from the bonfire.

The arena suddenly fell silent.

Saul was stunned.

Suddenly, some long-standing memories in my head were flipped.

Vaguely, a voice gradually became clear.

It was the captain’s voice.

“Everyone has their own chance to play…”

Saul held up the newspaper and covered it in front of his face.

“My appearance.”

“Is it… for this moment?”

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