Chapter 138: Fire Fist Ace again

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Maud couldn’t answer for a while.

The initial idea was relatively simple, that is, to become stronger as soon as possible, and then gain the capital to stand on.

He is very clear.

In this world where big fish eat small fish, in order not to become the fish on someone else’s chopping board, you have to become stronger than others.

Is this kind of purpose a dream?

Maud didn’t know, but he suddenly thought of a word.

If you want to live, you have to eat.

If you want to eat, you have to eat well.

How to do this kind of thing?

That is, being powerful enough to be able to do whatever he wants.

Maud pondered for a while, looked away from Sonny’s profile, turned to look at the sky full of stars, and said with a smile, “Does it count as a dream to do whatever you want?”

Sonny thought for a while, then nodded and said, “Forget it, I remember Saul said something similar.”


“If you can’t do whatever you want, what’s the point of going to sea?”

“It’s not like what he would say.”

“Well, maybe where did he hear it.”

“Ha ha.”

The two chatted casually.

Bailey fell to the side and fell asleep.

Lafayette is still sitting on the stone quietly drinking the goat milk brewed by Jaya.

It’s just that he looks at Maud from time to time, as if eavesdropping.

Jaya sat on the side of the bonfire, and while silent, he could clearly hear the chat between Maud and Sonny.


Jaya muttered to herself in her heart.

Since she was sensible, the pirates she saw were all bastards who wanted to come to Mengmeng Island to burn, kill and loot.

Even the pirates that I learned about in the newspapers are all bad things.

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So, she hates pirates.

Even though Gaban was a pirate before, she couldn’t change her opinion.

But she’s not the kind of paranoid person who won’t overturn a boatload of people with one stick.

At least, she doesn’t hate Saul and the others.

One thing to say…

Jaya glanced at the taciturn Lafayette without a trace.

This man gave her a bad impression.

The reason, she couldn’t say why.

Lafayette was very keen, noticing Jaya’s fleeting sight just now, just pursed his lips and smiled, and didn’t take it seriously.

The night passed.

The next day, under the urging of Saul, Maud began his daily training again.

Saul’s expression was calm, as if nothing had happened last night.

But he also knew that the humiliating appearance of the old tears last night could not be washed away.

On the prairie, Maud sweated like rain.

Bailey works out with Maud.

Since he successfully lost weight, he seems to have changed his mind, and he is very interested in exercising.

It is estimated that it is because he has experienced the various benefits of getting stronger…

Near noon, Jaya, who was carrying lunch, arrived as scheduled.

Maud and Bailey were already too hungry to gobble up.

After a while, the supplementary lunch that Jaya sent over was completely eaten.

After Jaya left, Maud glanced at Bailey, who was lying on the grass with a contented face.

“Saul, can a creature like Bailey learn Haki?”

Hearing Maud’s words, Bailey’s ears moved.

Saul pondered and said, “It is theoretically feasible.”


Maud nodded.

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Hearing Saul’s words, Bailey straightened his upper body, looking a little excited.

However, he still prefers the moon walk, after all, it is a skill that can be used to escape.

After a short break, Maud and Bailey started working out again.

In the residence, Sonny is still learning sailing skills with Lafayette.

After deciding to join the Revolutionary Army, Sonny’s enthusiasm for training has obviously dropped a lot.

Because she wanted to be an intelligence officer, the ratio of strength and knowledge changed.

In itself, she is not the material to become a strong man.

After Jaya came back, he had nothing to do, so he just listened on the sidelines.

She watched Lafayette speak clearly about sailing,

It’s a bit of a change for Lafayette.

Days go by like this.

five months later.

On the grassland, gas explosions sounded frequently.

Saul and Gaban sat on the rocks, looking up at Maud stomping the air in a “Z” change.

After five months, Maud finally mastered the technique of moonwalking.

Now he has been able to use the moon walk to change direction in the air.

After reaching this level, the moon walk can also be used in battle.

Seeing Maud stepping on the air towards the top of the mountain, Saul said lightly: “It’s a month sooner than expected.”

Gaban said with emotion, “Time flies so fast.”


Saul nodded and whispered: “It’s time to let him go to sea…”

Gaban smiled, wanting to make a joke, but gave up after thinking about it.

on top of the mountain.

Maud stood on the edge of the cliff, closing his eyes and enjoying the wind on his face.

Perhaps it is from human nature, when using the moon step, there will be a very free feeling.

That alone makes it worth the time it takes to master this skill.

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After a moment, Maud opened his eyes.

In the sky in the distance ahead, a conscientious newspaper delivery gull flew here.

“The weekly newspaper delivery, is it today?”

Maud looked at the newspaper delivery gull, his thoughts arose, and he couldn’t help but smile.

Bang bang!

He stepped on the moon walk to meet the newspaper delivery gull.

The newspaper delivery gull was shocked when he saw a human “walking” in the air.

After seeing the appearance of the human, I felt a little relieved.

I came here to deliver newspapers so many times, and the delivery gull knew Maud.

“I took the newspaper.”

Maud came to the newspaper delivery gull and pulled a newspaper directly from the pocket.

When the newspaper delivery gull saw this, he couldn’t help shouting.

It’s like saying: Pay?

Although Maud couldn’t understand it, he could also understand the meaning of the newspaper gull.

“Go to Sonny and ask for it.”

After leaving a sentence, Maud stopped the moon step, let his body fall to the ground, and disappeared from the vision of the newspaper delivery gull after a while.

The newspaper delivery gull was quite helpless, and could only continue to fly to the place of residence.

It’s terrified of being hacked out of a newspaper’s money.

Maud landed firmly on the newspaper, and read it.

What occupies the headline position is still about pirates.

“Is it Fire Fist Ace again?”

Maud glanced at the photo of Ace at the headline location.

The headline content is probably that Fire Fist Ace became very active after becoming the second team captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, and defeated many enemies for the Whitebeard Pirates.

There is also a preamble.

In just over a month, it will be the quadrennial world conference.

“Have you read it yet?”

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Maud was scanning the contents of the newspaper when he heard Saul’s voice coming from the front.

“finish watching.”

Maud is duplicitous.

Although I haven’t read it yet, I already understand the general content.

“Bring the newspaper over when you’re done.”


Maud walked over and handed the newspaper to Saul.

Saul took the newspaper and spread it out to read.

“Huh? The headline is this Fire Fist Ace again?”

“Tsk tsk.”

Gaban leaned over to take a look, and clicked his tongue.

Maud watched Saul and Gaban react.

The two elders didn’t know that Ace was Roger’s son.

Think about it too.

If he had known, it would have been impossible to watch Ace get executed in the original book.

“Should I tell them? Forget it…”

Maud thought to himself.

Even if he say they don’t necessarily believe it, he can’t find a suitable reason after they believe it.

Maud waited patiently for Saul to finish reading the paper.


Maud said seriously: “Saul, I have mastered the moon step.”

The implication is that Saul is clear.

He put down the newspaper and looked at Maud calmly.

After a long time.

Saul patted the newspaper lightly.

“Stinky boy, how long will it take to see your photo in the headlines?”

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