Chapter 141: Colonel Wolf Rat

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Although Usopp’s name was used…

But where am I like a murloc? ? ?

Maud looked at Nojiko, who was sitting on the ground, speechless.

Frightened stupid, this woman…

Maud looked down at the shovel in his hand, which had turned into a stick attached to a small iron ball.

After thinking about it, Maud used both hands, pressing the small iron ball with one hand and the stick tail with the other.

Then, with a little force, it was like squeezing a can, and as he closed his hands, he pressed a whole stick with a small iron ball into a small pancake.

This is not something that can be done by brute force alone.

Maud let go, and the shovel biscuits fell to the ground, splashing a little dust.

At this time, Nojiko also realized that she had said something stupid, but she was really stupid when she looked at the shovel that was crushed into small cakes by Maud.

The young man in front of him is obviously a real human being, but what is this power?

She has seen murlocs that can pull up a house with strength alone, and she has seen murlocs destroy five warships with ease.

No matter how many navies had come, in front of the group of monster-like murlocs, they were all fragile like oranges that could be crushed with a single hand.

Over time, not only Nojiko, but also all the villagers on the island believed that the murlocs were an existence that humans could not compete with, and that the power of humans could not be stronger than the murlocs.

Those navies who were easily killed by the murlocs are bloody evidence.

So, who is this young man in front of him?

If the power of human beings can be so powerful, why are the navies who came to crusade against the Arlong Pirates so vulnerable?

Maud looked at Nojiko with a dull face.

The spade pancake seemed to further stimulate the woman, but it also allowed Maud to achieve his goal.

Showing power is one of the intuitive ways to increase persuasion.

That’s why Maud does it.

Seeing that Nojiko had been staring at the shovel cake, Maud bent down to pick up the shovel cake, and took advantage of the opportunity to catch Nojiko’s eyes.

“I don’t mean anything else, I just want you to understand one thing, I’m… quite strong.”

Maud held the shovel and biscuits, and walked over to the house over Nojiko, who was sitting on the ground.

“If you calm down, come find me in the house.”

Lonely Nojiko sat high on the ground, Maud came to the front of the house, raised his hand and pushed open the door and walked in.

The area of ​​the room is not large, but it is very warmly decorated, which shows the good intentions of the owner of the house.

Mostly, it was because she wanted Nami to feel the atmosphere of home intuitively when she went home to heal her injuries.

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Just based on the surrounding arrangement, Maud can easily guess Nojiko’s intentions.

After a few casual glances, Maud sat in front of the dining table like a domineering guest, and then leaned his chin and looked at the door that opened a small gap in front of him.

He was waiting for Nokigo to come in.

After a few minutes, the door was slowly pushed open.

Nojiko walked into the house and closed the door with his backhand.

She has calmed down.

The unknown teenager showed no malice.

If there were, it would not be the case now.

Moreover, the picture of the young man pressing the shovel into small cakes with his bare hands was deeply ingrained in her head.

Maud pointed to the seat opposite and motioned for Noki to come over and sit.

Nojiko bit her lip lightly, this is obviously her home.

But the situation is stronger than people, and there is no time to think about it.

Nojiko walked over and sat opposite Maud.

Such a submissive performance made Maud very satisfied.

“What’s your name?”


“When will Nami be back?”

Hearing Maud’s question, Nojiko couldn’t help being silent.

The boy knew Nami’s name.

Is it because Nami stole his money?

So he came to the door?

While Nojiko was silent, she pondered in her heart.

She didn’t know the specific intention of Maud, how could she easily reveal the news about Nami.

“Do not say?”

Maud flicked his fingers off the table.

The dull sound made Nojiko tremble.

Still silent.

The deterrent power shown by Maud was enough to make Nojiko suppress his temper and not dare to mess around easily.

But once it comes to Nami, Nojiko will not budge no matter what.

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Maud could see Nojiko’s determination.

Obviously, force alone cannot make Nojiko a bridge between him and Nami.

In order to maximize the profit, he must first obtain detailed information from Nami.

Before that, you can’t meet the people of the Arlong Pirates.

If you encounter it, you will inevitably have to kill it.

In that case, it is equivalent to losing several walking experience babies.

That doesn’t work.

In this place in the East Sea, there are only a handful of experienced babies that can be put on the table.

It must not be wasted.

Thinking of this, Maud retracted his hand on the dining table, his upper body was straight, but he had a military posture.

“Actually I’m a navy.”


Hearing Maud’s words, Nojiko’s face showed a look of surprise.

Without waiting for Nojiko to speak, Maud continued: “This time, I came here to defeat the Arlong Pirates.”


Nojiko’s eyes brightened, but dimmed again in an instant.

Every time I see a warship, there is always hope.

But the end result is, without exception, disappointment.

She has been disappointed too many times.

Maud said: “You saw it too, I’m still pretty strong.”

When Nojiko heard the words, her eyes lit up again.

Maud said: “But you should also know very well that the Arlong Pirates are not generally strong.”

Nojiko’s eyes dimmed again.

Maud said: “I say so, but I am still very confident.”

Nojiko’s eyes lit up again.

Maud sighed: “It’s just… Although I have confidence, I can’t guarantee that I can eradicate the Evil Arlong Pirates.”

Nojiko’s eyes dimmed again.

Maud smiled and looked at Nojiko, who was a little confused by being fooled.

“So, in order to make sure this happens, I need Nami to provide detailed information on the overall strength of the Arlong Pirates.”

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“As long as I have that information, I can easily deal with the Arlong Pirates, which is why I came to find Nami.”

Having said this, Maud suddenly got up, stretched out his right hand to Nojiko, and said with a serious tone: “Let’s get to know you formally, I am Colonel Wolf Rat of the Navy Headquarters.”

“You really are… the Navy!”


Maud affirmed.

Nojiko seemed to see hope again, got up slowly, and stretched out his hand to hold the right hand stretched out to Maud.


Maud noticed something and looked directly at the door.

Not sure when Nami will come home before, so I can only find out through Nokigo.

But it doesn’t work now.

“The Lord is here.”

When he was speaking, Maud drew back his hand directly, making Nojiko jump high into the air.

Nojiko suddenly stared at Maud.

While she didn’t know the situation, she had a feeling that she was going to be played badly.

Maud glanced at Nojiko and said with a smile: “Those words just now… just pretend I didn’t say it.”

“What, what?”

Nojiko seemed to understand something, and his face couldn’t help changing.

At this moment, she heard hurried footsteps coming from outside the door.

It’s Nami…


The door was pushed open.

Scarred Nami hurried into the house, a dagger and a bulging cloth bag in her hands.

Upon entering the house, Nami immediately noticed Maud’s presence.

“Nojiko, who is he?”

Nami’s brows froze, and her slightly swollen face showed ferocity.

Nojiko was about to answer, but was taken one step ahead by Maud.

“Nami, let’s make a deal.”

Maud sat down slowly, leaning on his cheek with his right hand, and looked at Nami calmly.

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“I will help you kill all the murlocs, including Arlong, in exchange for the money you buried in the orange grove, and this bag in your hand…”


Hearing the money in the orange forest, Nami’s face changed drastically, as if she was stimulated, she decisively threw away the money, and rushed towards Maud with a dagger.

She wanted to control Maud for the first time, and then asked what was going on.

“Nami, don’t…!”

Nojiko stopped her loudly, but it was too late.

Despite her injuries, Nami jumped onto the table, the dagger pointed at Maud’s neck.

However, Nami’s eyes froze.

When he came back to his senses, the dagger was already in Maud’s hands.

Nami’s body froze as she leaned forward.

Maud held the dagger on the table and flicked his thumb.


A finger snap broke the tip of the dagger.

Fragments landed on the table, making a soft sound.

Afterwards, Nami and Nojiko watched in astonishment.

I saw that Maud’s thumb was shot again, like pushing the bullets out of the magazine one by one, quickly breaking the dagger inch by inch.

The shards of the dagger rained down on the table.

“Ding ding ding…”

“There is no free lunch in this world, you have to pay for what you want.”

“Ding ding ding…”

“You give me money and information, and I will help you kill all the Fishman.”

“Ding ding ding…”


When Maud said the last word, the dagger was thrown into dozens of pieces by him, and it fell on the table in disorder.


Sweat dripped from Nami’s cheeks, converged on her chin, and fell straight to the table.

Her face was pale.

“who are you?”

“Colonel Wolf Rat of the Navy Headquarters.”

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