Chapter 144: You Lie

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That human, not only easily caught Kuroobi’s ultimate move, but also killed Kuroobi with just one sword?

The fish people headed by Chew were both angry and unbelievable.

Since coming to the East Sea, the humans they have encountered are basically vulnerable guys.

Even the navy that came to crusade them was solved in three or two strokes.

Over time, the fish people who were used to being domineering became more and more inflated.

In their eyes, humans are just an inferior race, stupid, weak and useless!

And how arrogant they were before, the impact that Kuroobi’s death will bring them now.

“How dare you, an inferior…!”

Chew looked at Maud who came over, and his eyes suddenly turned red.

“Frog at the bottom of the well.”

Maud sneered.

This unjustifiable contempt for human beings seemed ridiculous to Maud.

You know, in the farthest sea area, there are countless human monsters.

And Arlong’s predecessor was also a member of the Sun Pirates, so he should have a clearer understanding of this.

However, Arlong leads by example a group of idiots who have no reverence for human beings.

Chew was furious.

“Hundreds of water cannons!”

The long sausage mouth shook like a machine gun, and the powerful water cannons shot out of his mouth and flew towards Maud.

Maud did not dodge or attack, and while walking towards the water cannon, he pulled out his flintlock gun with lightning speed, and pulled the trigger at Chew without even aiming.


The lead bullet rolled over the rifling, pierced through the gunpowder smoke carrying heat, and passed the oncoming water cannons with a just-right flight path.

Then, it flew straight to Chew’s mouth.

At the same time.

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Maud maintained the action of raising his gun, moving his body from side to side, and deftly dodging every water cannon.

That posture, as if walking in the rain, did not let the rain stained his body.

In just a short moment, the water cannon that was rushing to the ground stopped abruptly.

Chew was shot to the ground.

The buckshot went straight through his mouth and out the back of his head.

So many water cannons can’t stop a lead bullet?

And it’s so accurate…

At the moment of the fall, Chew racked his brains and couldn’t figure out how Maud did it.

This shot did not kill Chew on the spot, but it also made him lose his strength in the first battle.

In less than ten seconds, the two officers of the Arlong Pirates were killed and injured.

The scene in front of them made the twenty or so fish people unable to accept that they had been in the East Sea for so many years. How could they ever encounter such a situation?

After Maud passed through the water cannon, he had already put away the flintlock.

He looked at the remaining fish people, and said lightly: “To deal with you scumbags, it is a waste to use guns.”

The implication is that you are not worth a lead bullet.

The murlocs were furious and roared towards Maud.

Maud held Chidori in his hand and bent his right knee slightly.

Charge up, eject!

Maud’s body shot out like an arrow.

Inflow’s powerful physique gave him enough explosive power.

He passed through the group of murlocs with a blade of light.


One after another blood arrows splashed out from the body of the murlocs.

The murlocs froze, collapsed to the ground one after another, and lost their breath after a second or two.

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Maud kept walking, walking towards Chew, who fell to the ground.

Chew lay on the ground, looking side by side in horror at Maud who was walking step by step.


The shot just now made him lose his ability to speak, and he could only utter meaningless unknown syllables.

But he is struggling.

Like a fish thrown to the ground.

In fact, he was indeed a murloc who came to land.

Maud came to Chew and stabbed him into Chew’s temple with his backhand.

Suddenly, Chew stopped struggling.

Maud drew Chidori back, bringing out some blood.

With a flick of his arm, the blood on Chidori Sword was removed, and then it was put into the scabbard.

Around, the villagers stared dumbfounded at the murloc corpses all over the floor.

This group of murlocs, who could easily defeat the navy, could not last for twenty seconds in front of this young man.


That boy is too strong.

Or, were murlocs not that scary in the first place?

Nami and Nojiko stared blankly at the murloc corpse in that place, as if they were dreaming.

“Nami, Wolf Rat… he didn’t lie to us.”


Nami bit the corner of her lips, and the shadow that had been in her eyes for a long time was swept away at this moment.

After seeing Maud kill the group of murlocs like chopping melons and vegetables, she believed what Maud had said earlier.

“Wolf Rat… Maybe it can really be done!”

The light called hope lit up not only in Nami’s eyes, but also in the eyes of the surrounding villagers.

Six full years…

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During this period, how many people died under the cruel rule of Arlong Pirates.

And now, finally, someone has brought real hope.

This dream moment has made them wait too long.

Genzo, who hid on the side of the village road, looked at Maud’s back, and his heart was filled with indescribable excitement.

“Young man, who are you!”


Maud turned around and was about to answer, but Nami took the lead.

“He’s Colonel Wolf Rat of the Navy Headquarters.”

Nami and Nojiko came over, looking at Maud without squinting.

Genzo looked at Nami and Nojiko, and murmured, “It turned out to be the navy from the headquarters, no wonder they are so powerful, and… so young!”

Hearing Nami’s words, the villagers on both sides of the village road immediately became excited.

“It’s the navy, and it’s so strong!”

“Great, we are saved!!!”

“Colonel Wolf Rat, please, you must defeat the Arlong Pirates!”

“Colonel Wolf Rat…”

All kinds of hopeful people voice flooded towards Maud.

It was an emotion and impulse that had been suppressed for a long time and finally released.

Being in it can indeed make people feel a sense of pleasure from the spiritual level.


Maud smiled.

“I’m not a navy.”

The sudden sentence easily broke the current situation, and the voices in the field gradually calmed down.

The villagers were dumbfounded.

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Nami and Nojiko looked at Maud in surprise.

“It’s not a Colonel Wolf Rat either.”

After that, Maud turned and left.

The murloc hunting just now brought him a lot of benefits.

Murlocs are really good prey.

Even if the strength displayed is not strong, the foundation alone can bring considerable physical benefits.

He could feel that the fourth physique star frame was coming out.

This made him eager to brush off Arlong and other murlocs in the dragon’s territory.

“Are you really not a navy?!”

Nami shouted, looking at Maud’s back.

“Nami, your information is very useful, thank you.”

Maud didn’t answer, answering the question.

“You lied!”

Nami gritted her teeth.

Her strength is not strong, but it can also be seen that Maud killed Kuroobi and other murlocs by virtue of his own powerful strength, not the information she provided.

Nojiko couldn’t help it, and asked loudly, “Then who are you?”

Around, many villagers looked at Maud, waiting for an answer.

The response came, but it was only a distant back that went to Arlong’s territory.

The villagers were silent for a long time.

They deeply remember this young man.

Even if the young man failed to defeat Arlong Pirates…

they didn’t want to be resigned anymore.

The murloc corpses all over the floor were telling them all the time.

Murlocs are not unmatched!

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