Chapter 156 Sharpening Stones

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Those words that were light and cloudy, made Rear Admiral Buck-tooth tremble.

On the eve of the World Conference, there will always be many pirates and outlaws who attack the royal family.

These people are either for ransom, or they have accepted the entrustment of a certain party, and they have very clear motives and purposes.

Therefore, the world government will let the navy assume the responsibility of escort.

As long as it reaches this point in time, such incidents of attacking the royal family are a norm in the Grand Line, but rarely happen in the four seas.

The tricky guy in front of him is coming for the Carnet royal family…

According to a word that Maud casually said, Rear Admiral Bucktooth immediately confirmed Maud’s motive.

As everyone knows, it was just a smoke bomb that Maud casually released.

“Did you come from over there?”

Maud stepped on the moon step into the sky, and while looking at Rear Admiral Bucktooth, the right arm holding the gun was stretched straight, and the muzzle was aimed in the direction of King Carnet’s ship.

There, it was also the direction of another warship.


Rear Admiral Buck-tooth didn’t want to waste his meaningless words, he kicked his feet and charged towards Maud who was in the air like a sharp sword.

He doesn’t know the Navy Six.

In terms of strength, although it is not as good as the monsters above, it is also one of the mainstays.

And what he relied on was a superb swordsmanship.

Rear Admiral Buck-tooth volleyed towards Maud, and before a few meters apart, he had already driven the sword in front of him, raising a seemingly meaningless crescent blade in front of him.

Hidden knife!

The sword light swept past quickly, shaking out a string of afterimages.

Sword should have taken the lead in front of the afterimage, but in a burst of bells and whistles, it hid behind the afterimage.

The afterimage is in front, and sword is behind.

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This is a technique that can deceive vision, and was integrated into the sword technique by Rear Admiral Bucktooth.


Maud retracted his gun and drew his sword, and when he saw the news, a red light appeared in the depths of his eyes.

The trajectory of the long blade hidden in the afterimage of the blade glow was immediately visible.

Immediately afterwards, Chidori shot straight out, holding on to the long sword that the buck-toothed Rear Admiral slashed.

In an instant, the dazzling afterimage disappeared at this moment.


Swords collided, sparks flying.

The hidden knife was blocked, and Buck-tooth narrowed his eyes.

His technique, the most feared is this ability to see through the truth.

Maud’s hands holding the handle of the knife suddenly exerted force, suppressing the rush of Rear Admiral Bucktooth from bottom to top.

After gaining an advantage in the suppression, Maud’s upper body leaned forward sharply. At the same time, his feet stepped on the air one after another, and he used the moon step.

Bang bang!

The reaction force brought by the moon step was transmitted to the sword along Maud’s body.

The force of the blessing in vain caused Rear Admiral Bucktooth’s body to fall to the ground like a meteor, directly piercing the deck, and falling into the bilge.

After shooting down Rear Admiral Bucktooth with a knife, Maud used a moon step to lift off and stand on the crossbar near the mast lookout.

Before Bucktooth returned to the deck, Maud took the time to fire two shots, knocking down two more Marines in the chaotic battle, which relieved Lafayette somewhat.

After firing two shots, Maud watched the movements of the king ship and another warship while reloading.

He noticed that the King Carnet ship was pulling its sails in order to slow down and stay away from the battle circle, while another warship passed the king ship by the wind and came closer.

The obvious intention made Maud’s mouth slightly twitch.

Standing at a high place widens Maud’s field of vision, while exposing himself to the muzzle of the gun.

How could the navy on the other warship miss such a good opportunity, and immediately raised the muzzle and poured a wave of lead bullets at Maud on the crossbar.

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Maud leaned back, and when he fell to the deck, he also avoided the pouring bullets.

A backflip landed steadily on the deck, and without any pause, Maud raised his gun and pulled the trigger at the hole where Buck-tooth landed.


The lead bullet that rolled through the rifling pierced a puff of gunpowder and went straight away.

At this moment, Rear Admiral Bucktooth jumped out of the hole in the deck, and the predictable lead shot came right in front of his face.

“Have you calculated the timing…”

In a hurry, Buck-tooth slashed the lead bullet in half with one sword.

When Rear Admiral Bucktooth had not withdrawn his sword, Maud took advantage of the situation, and Chidori, who was wrapped in Armament Haki, slashed towards Rear Admiral Bucktooth.

“Armament Haki…”

Rear Admiral Buck-tooth frowned slightly, hurriedly released his Armament Haki, and immediately raised his sword to parry.

The moment after the swords collided, they were separated by a touch, and then they collided again, shaking out sparks.

Clang clang…!

Maud wields his sword as fast as a gust of wind, without any rules to speak of, a quick word supported by his physique alone.

Rear Admiral Buck-tooth was forced to take the move, but he was able to accurately block every sword that Maud slashed.

His sword skills are evident.

“This kid’s sword skills have not been honed, and there is still a hint of immaturity.”

In just a few seconds of confrontation, Rear Admiral Bucktooth saw the flaws in Maud’s offensive.

It’s just… a dozen seconds passed.

The two sides each made dozens of sword.

Although Rear Admiral Buck-tooth knew the flaws, he was unable to respond effectively.

“It’s the Observation Haki…”

Rear Admiral Buck-tooth’s eyes showed a dignified look.

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Armament Haki, as long as you practice day after day, and then guide it, even ordinary people can learn it.

It can be seen that the smell is different, and the proportion of talent is higher than that of hard work.

In this world, there are many people who are proficient in Armament Haki but not good at Observation Haki.

Rear Admiral Bucktooth is one of them.

Obviously it is an unruly fast break, but he can block his counterattack one step ahead by relying on his knowledge.

Buck-tooth frowned.

He can see flaws, but he can’t break them.

This feeling is uncomfortable.

The unwilling Buck-tooth tried several more times, but the result was still a failure.

Every time it’s just one step away…

“Damn it.”

Rear Admiral Buck-tooth scolded in his heart.

With experience and reflexes alone, he can parry Maud’s fast break.

But what he wanted was to defeat Maud, not pointless tricks.

Compared with the eagerness of Rear Admiral Bucktooth, Maud was enjoying it.

Swordsmanship is different from physique, and daily practice is just to lay a solid foundation.

To make the sword technique go further, actual combat is undoubtedly one of the fastest ways.

Every time a sword is used, Maud seems to be able to see that the experience value is beating little by little.

“This feeling… not bad.”

Maud smiled.

Buck-tooth in front of him is not weak, but not strong either.

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He is an excellent whetstone for him.

Buck-tooth’s eyes passed through the interweaving sword beams and fell on Maud’s smile.

“Is it funny?”

Rear Admiral Buck-tooth’s eyes turned cold.

Maud just pretended not to hear, and focused on each sword match.

It was rare to find such a suitable opponent in a place like the East Blue Sea, and he had to cherish this opportunity.

A few minutes passed, and Rear Admiral Buck-tooth noticed something.

“This guy… is practicing swords with me?”

Rear Admiral Buck-tooth’s eyes became more chill.

At the same time.

Lafayette chops down the last navy.

By the end of the battle, he had screened out a total of twenty-four heads that he considered qualified.

Lafayette first glanced at another warship that was about to approach, and then looked at Maud who was fighting with Bucktooth.

With his eyesight, it can be seen that Bucktooth is the highest combat power on the two warships.

Therefore, before the troops on the other warship come to the rescue, it is better to work together to solve the Rear Admiral.

Thinking of this, Lafayette moved.

“Don’t help me.”

However, Lafayette only took a few steps when he heard Maud’s words.


Lafayette glanced at the happy look on Maud’s face, smiled in a low voice, and then turned to look at the warship that was about to approach.

“I can’t let you disturb Maud’s interest…”

The tone was full of awe-inspiring killing intent.

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