Chapter 21-The Realm of the Sniper

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According to the [neighbors] intelligence provided by Sonny, Maude selected ten prey from many neighbors.

Needless to say, Prey No. 1 was Reid killed by Morde, and Prey No. 2 was Garden who had just assassinated.

However, Maude didn’t expect that Garden would buy one get one free, which was a bargain.

As far as physique is concerned, these two muscular men who hugged each other tonight are obviously better than Watt and Reid in terms of body.

However, Maude’s gains are not as obvious as the first two.

In this regard, Maude was mentally prepared.

He is very clear that the profit model of Hunter’s Note is similar to the accumulation of experience points.

This is like a novice player who just entered the game, as long as he kills a few slimes in the initial stage, he can easily rise to two or three levels.

But when the level is increased, the slime’s experience value gains will be reduced accordingly.

After that, you can only hunt for prey with a higher level or matching your own level, so that the experience value gains can show a steady upward trend.

For example, if the current Maude can kill the monsters of Kaido or Big Mom’s level, the physique benefits from the back feeding will definitely make the current Maude go to the sky.

But that kind of thing can only be thought of in a dream.

Of course, Maude can also choose to continue hunting slime-level prey, although the income is lower, but it can also form a qualitative change effect through the quantity.

Maude has done this kind of thing before.

When he was in Hunter World, he took advantage of the convenience brought by the penalty agency to personally execute a lot of death row prisoners.

During that period, he frantically used experience points, until the current stage benefit really dropped to zero, then he stopped.

However, although this approach can gain experience points with zero risk, it will also greatly consume the blank pages of the notebook.

It is acceptable to use this method in the Hunter World, but if it is used in the One Piece World, it is a bit self-destructive.

Because people with Nen abilities that are different from ordinary people are very scarce in the Hunter World, but in the world of One Piece, strong people are crawling all over the floor.

This is the fundamental difference between the two.

In other words.

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That is, the number of selectable monsters in One Piece World far exceeds the number of selectable monsters in Hunter World.

Therefore, even if Maude had thought of using money to buy slaves to gain experience points, he would not implement it hastily.

Back at the weapon shop, Maude washed and fell asleep.

Days go by.

The day before the start of the auction, Maude had successfully acquired neighbors No. 3, No. 4, and No. 5.

Regrettably, although the bounty offered by nearby neighbors is not low, the quality of experience is not as high as expected.

After all, the assessment of the amount of bounty is not only based on the level of strength, but also based on the [bad things done] and [threat] to establish the approximate amount of the bounty.

And these neighbors, of average strength, obviously belong to the category of [have done too many bad things].

This also caused Maude to hunt down several times, and his physique was able to break through from fifteen times to twenty times that of ordinary people.

Nevertheless, Maude was very satisfied.

He thinks that the capital he has now is enough to join in the excitement in the outer circle of the auction.


A new day is clear and cloudless.

The auction was preheated for almost a month, attracting people from all walks of life.

There are pirates, people from the underground world, bounty hunters who are not afraid of death in disguise, and even undercover agents from the navy.

This grand occasion made the inner bay port of Mad Hatter Town almost full of ships, and various flags were flying in the sea breeze.

If any navy sees this scene, I am afraid it will not help but have an idea of ​​how good it would be if it could be served in one pot.

Although the grand occasion has caused an overload of people in Mad Hatter Town, the business of the Sol Arms Store is still very impressive.

On this day, the weapon shop opened as usual.

Sunny sat at the counter, staring at the store door in a daze.

“It’s the end of the month…”

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All the devil fruits of the auction were in her mind.

However, that is destined to be something she cannot get.

Saul rarely went to Flower Street for morning exercises.

Maybe it was because the place was full, or because he suddenly remembered his responsibilities as a master.

Just today, he finally arranged an introductory exercise plan for Maude.

“Why is it training legs?”

Maude’s legs were tied up with dark, unidentified metal.

Don’t say it, it’s heavy, and I don’t know where Saul found these heavy objects.

It’s just that he thinks that snipers will pay more attention to the training of the stability of the hands, so it is very strange why Saul wants him to train his legs first.

“Do you know what the highest level of a sniper is?”

Listening to the question raised by Maude, Saul asked back.

“do not know.”

“Listen, the highest level is that you don’t have to run after a shot.”


“Then do you know what the next level is?”

“No, I don’t know.”

“You don’t have to run after ten shots.”


“There is another realm further down, do you know?”

“You always speak directly.”

“Run after one shot.”

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“Do you think this is the end? Tell you, there are more!”


“The final state is to run directly when the situation is bad.”


Maude was messed up in the wind.

Is this the sniper realm theory in the world of One Piece?

No, it must be Saul himself.

But it seems, seems to make sense.

Saul took a breath of cigarettes, and then said quietly: “Then what state do you think you are now?”

Maude hesitated, and whispered: “Run when the situation is bad?”

“That’s it?”

Saul’s eyes widened.

Maude suddenly had nothing to say.

At this moment, he somewhat understands these realm theories.

So honestly started the leg training.

He wondered, don’t fail to become Usopp when the time comes, instead train yourself to become a Sanji.


With a large influx of people, Mad Hatter Town, which is already out of order, can be described as lively today.

The frequency of the gunshots was extremely high, resounding like bursts of salutes everywhere in Mad Hatter Town.

Seeing blood homicides has become the norm.

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Such chaos did not cause any trouble, but instead made the pirates a complete carnival.

Gambling on the street, on the avenue.

A group of generally tall people in black suits lined up in the street.

The leader is a relatively short middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man wore a black hat and a striped suit with a cigar in his mouth.

Obviously short, but burst into a timid momentum.

And a group of people behind him who are tall and majestic, look forward to him.

“Damn it, Becky from the bandit!”

“Are you looking for death? Don’t come back soon.”

“These guys can’t kill people without blinking!”

When the crowd on the street saw the gangs coming in line, they all retreated and gave way to an empty road.

the other side.

Wine Street is still on the road.

A dozen people who died of stab wounds were lying on the ground in a mess.

In front of the group of corpses was a man with a strangely white complexion wearing a black top hat and holding a cane.

The man whistled casually while turning his cane rhythmically.

On both sides of the road, the crowd watched the men leave in horror.

“What happened just now?”

“Okay, it seems like an instant…”

“I remember, that man is… Lafayette, nicknamed Sheriff the Devil!”


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