Chapter 25 Hiding division

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Raglan was killed by a bullet that didn’t know where it came from.

After that incident, Wolf Rat wanted to break his head while all the grass and trees were all soldiers, but couldn’t think of why the weapon shop had to kill the navigator of the pirate ship, which caused a series of problems afterwards.

As far as he knows, there is no intersection between the two sides.

What I have to say is that one of the deceased’s residences is not far from the weapon shop.

Of course, these are not important at this time.

Because the biggest master came to the door.

Wolf Rat looked lightly at Katzt, who said he didn’t like roundabouts.

His look as steady as an old dog, and his inadvertent fiddle with the wine glass but vaguely revealing the murderous behavior, all reveal the master’s demeanor.

As if in between, the 30th figure headed by Katzt is a chicken and dog in front of him.

Listening to Wolf Rat’s understated answer, feeling Wolf Rat’s seemingly turbulent momentum under the calm surface.

The eyes of Katzt, who had secretly filled his brain, condensed, and when he was on guard, his fighting spirit was beginning to appear.

The atmosphere suddenly became deadly.

“Captain Katzt, right?”

Seeing that Katzt was speechless for a while, Wolf Rat felt helpless while being calm, thinking about how you should sacrifice your identity as the perpetrator if you don’t answer the conversation.

“It seems…”

Katzt’s eyes were cold, slowly driving the power of the Devil Fruit.

The black beard on his mouth spreads toward his cheeks and forehead like wildly growing branches and leaves.

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In an instant, black and thick hair covered the entire face, and a pair of yellow beast eyes in the hair were like a beacon in the night, dyed with a layer of obvious murderous intent.

But Wolf Rat suddenly said quickly: “Anything you want to know about, Captain Katzt.


The style of painting took a turn for the worse, and the killing intent that Katzt was brewing suddenly stopped.

Ten minutes later, Katzt group who had obtained the “complete” information left the bar.

After Katzt and others left, Wolf Rat slowly converged to smile, turned to a sullen look, looked at the door and said coldly: “I only provide free services to the dead.”

Tatamu glanced at Wolf Rat and said calmly: “It was dangerous just now.”

“It’s okay, I’m not a stinky fish or shrimp to deal with, and you are still there?”


Tatam wanted to say that if there was a fight, he would first find a way to run away.

Wolf Rat didn’t know this, and went on:

“With the strength of the two of us, we can escape easily, even if we can’t kill them all at once. Although Katzt looks like a cow, I knows how to do things. Will be as reckless as a cow.”

“So as long as I honestly cooperate, I can be sure that he will not mess around at this time when the auction is about to start.”

When the glass wine cup was buckled upside down, Wolf Rat watched closely the remaining wine in the cup slowly flowing down the wall of the cup, showing a hint of coldness at the corner of his mouth.

“As for the rest, I just hope they don’t die too miserably.”

Tatamu remained silent, and it seemed that Wolf Rat was talking to himself.

Wolf Rat has long been accustomed to the mode of getting along with Tatamu, knowing that the other party has a voice problem, so if he can’t speak, he can’t speak.

“Tatamu, it will be very lively tonight, are you not interested in it at all?”

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Wolf Rat turned the glass back and motioned to Tatamu to have another glass.

Tatamu shook his head and said he was not interested, and immediately refilled Wolf Rat with a glass of wine.

“I really want to go.”

Wolf Rat raised his head.

“But I fucking dare not!!”


Sharp Bull Pirates walked out of the lane and headed towards the Mad Hatter auction site on Wangjiao Street.

Wells, one of the cadres in the regiment, walked beside Katzt, and said in a deep voice: “The information from the torture has weight, and Rat is too cooperative. Should we trust the information he gave?”

He is a cadre of the same level as Raglan, but unlike Raglan, he is not proficient in swordsmanship, but specializes in firearms.

Katzt looked ahead and said indifferently: “The auction is coming soon. I don’t want to have trouble. These bad things will be dealt with after the auction is over.”


Wells heard the words and said no more.

The group of them almost rushed back to Mad Hatter Town at the time.

When I returned, I heard that Raglan had been sniped in the tavern, and suddenly realized that there was hard stubble on them.

Otherwise, they would not kill their navigator first, and then kill Raglan who stayed to deal with the matter.

Although Katzt advocates a steady growth without causing trouble, it does not mean that he is afraid of trouble.

It’s just that he fancyed several items in the auction, and one of them was the murloc slave, which was one of the guarantees for successfully passing the inverted mountain and ocean currents.

In order to compete for the fancy goods, he used the news of selling as a bridge of cooperation and united with two other pirate groups of similar strength to swallow the platinum fleet in order to obtain sufficient auction funds.

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With such painstaking efforts to prepare, how can you mess up the plan because of other things.

Moreover, it is a race against time to find Wolf Rat after a few times of understanding, and if it is delayed, you may miss the auction.

Sharp Bull Pirates walked very fast, and a group of people soon came to the gate of the Mad Hatter auction house.

At this time, there is still about half an hour before the auction begins, but most potential buyers have already entered the market early.

Despite this, there was a rush of people at the door of the auction house.

Due to the regulations of the auction house, Katzt only brought two cadres with him.

He did not choose to hand over the money he brought to the concealer of the auction partner, but walked directly into the venue with the money.

The so-called concealer can be roughly understood as the profession of taking care of something for others, and the client group it faces is naturally mainly pirates.

In this world, there are tens of millions of large and small islands, and many of them are deserted islands that are uninhabited.

Many of these deserted islands are used by pirates to hide treasures and spirits, which are extremely precious to them.

In contrast, the problem with doing this is that there is no guarantee in terms of property safety. It is possible that the hard-earned treasures just hidden on the front feet, the back feet are caught by other colleagues by mistake.

Under this normal situation, the hiding division came into being, by charging a certain level of reasonable handling fees, such as banks, generally providing paid custody services to the masses of pirates.

The main job of the hider who cooperates with the auction at this time is to keep the funds for the buyer.

Once the buyer chooses to entrust the stashing division to temporarily keep the bidding funds, then after the buyer successfully bids for the goods, he does not need to go through some slightly cumbersome handover procedures, and can directly withdraw the goods on the spot.

If the bid is for goods like Devil Fruit…

Of course, it is safer to eat it on the spot.

All in all, according to the buyer’s own considerations, some people choose to entrust the hider, and some people choose to bring the funds into the auction house.

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Katzt is the latter.

Located in the tavern near the Mad Hatter auction house.

“Hidden Master, the professions here are really diverse.”

Maude wearing a mask occupies a table exclusively, silently listening to the information provided by the surrounding “enthusiastic citizens” during the chat, and learns a lot of things about Mad Hatter Town.

As for his ability to occupy a table alone, it wasn’t like Kidd did it with his fists.

The root cause lies in his costume as a funeral director.

In the eyes of the pirates in Mad Hatter Town, the funeral director said that the good sound is the collection of corpses, the good sound is the scavenger, and the bad sound is the cleaner.

With such a bad job, naturally no pirate is willing to sit at a table with Maude.

With this phenomenon, Maude was rather happy.

He ordered wine and food but didn’t move. Whenever he heard the chat content related to the name, he would quickly look over it, and then take it back without a trace.

Every pirate who was quickly “scraped” by him would always be inexplicably excited.

Apart from strange doubts, he didn’t realize what was wrong.

Time passed bit by bit.

Sometimes pirates get up and leave, and occasionally pirates push the door in.

Every time the tavern door was pushed open, Maude always glanced at it without a trace.


The door was pushed open again.

A blond teenager with a black top hat walked into the tavern.

He stood in front of the door and glanced at the sitting situation in the tavern, and instantly locked the relatively empty position of Maude.

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