Chapter 44 All messed up!

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A minute ago.

After fully adapting to the rhythm of Abe’s onslaught, Maude gradually had spare power.

At the same time, I couldn’t help but sigh at the ferocity of the mad woman, Abe, and fortunately for her physical condition to keep up.

Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.

Defensive pressure dropped sharply, and Maude was finally able to free up some energy to observe the situation.

He noticed that Wolf Rat and Katzt were heading for each other.

I thought that if Wolf Rat hadn’t blocked Katzt, then…

After being afraid, Moude silently praised his good wolf and mouse brother.

But soon, he saw that Wolf Rat was hard for three seconds, and after a few encounters, there was a tendency to be smashed into small cakes by Katzt, and he suddenly realized that it is not suitable to stay here for a long time.

“Get out of here before Wolf Rat can’t hold it.”

After making a judgment, Maude stopped paying attention to the battle situation on Wolf Rat side.

Noting that Maude still had enough energy to pay attention to other places, Abe’s vitality suddenly surged, and several blue veins burst out beside his eyebrows.

The previous charming style is gone.

In his anger, Abe’s foil stabbed at Maude suddenly scored a point, but the composition began to show signs of disorder.


The sudden faster sword strike made Maude feel the pressure again.

However, the threat plummeted.

“Do you want to fight back…”

Maude frequently avoided that sword attack again and again, thinking about the feasibility of taking out a pistol or a dagger he carried close to his body to fight back.

The beginning of the chaos of the rules means that if Abe hurriedly switches from offense to defense, a certain degree of flaws will be exposed.

This is the opportunity to fight back.

But Maude also considered the risks after the counterattack.

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Whether it is drawing a gun or drawing a dagger, there are several extra moves to make.

Although Abe has messed up the game, his sword speed has increased.

In this case, any extra action that cannot keep up with the speed may evolve into a breakthrough.

If it benefits, Maude is willing to take a risk.

On the contrary, Maude’s focus is on retreat.

“Then you can only… use your hands.”

Overturning the decision to fight back with a gun, Maude had a next step.

The sword power that was gradually chaotic had already been wiped out of all threats.

After defensively for dozens of seconds, Maude seized an opportunity and while dodge a sword sideways, he did not retreat but instead moved forward, using his feet to rush forward.

As the body brushed against Abe, Maude slapped Abe’s side with a slap with his arms raised.

A clear voice suddenly sounded, but it was instantly overwhelmed by the sound of sword fighting on the scene.

Abe was slightly out of balance by being slapped, and the continuous offensive appeared to be faulty.

Maude seized the opportunity, got out of Abe’s attack range, and ran towards the hole in the wall.

Abe’s mentality collapsed, and he stared at the back of Maude running away.

This scene happened to be seen by Wolf Rat.

It’s just that Wolf Rat’s focus is not on Abe, but Maude, who runs faster than the rabbit.

By now.

Wolf Rat recognized everything.

He didn’t even have the energy to scold Maude again.

The exhausted Wolf Rat withdrew his gaze, turned to Katzt, and tried to explain.

“Trust me, this is a misunderstanding!”

It was Katzt’s fierce hoof that greeted him.

With a bang, Wolf Rat flew out and hit the wall hard.

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When he hit the flying Wolf Rat, Katzt was a little confused about the hitting touch just now.


Before thinking about it, he saw Maude about to escape from the tavern and suddenly shouted.


Hearing Katzt’s angry voice, Maude couldn’t even turn his head back.

Is Brother Wolf Rat dead?

Maude thought.

Seeing the opening of the hole was imminent, Maude couldn’t help speeding up.

Suddenly, he saw a white skunk running wild in front of him, but his legs were too short to run fast.

Recognizing that the skunk was a pet brought by Abe, Maude took the skunk in his hand before jumping over the hole.

Suddenly mentioned by Maude, the skunk’s body trembled, and the dark eyeballs showed a humane fright, but he did not dare to struggle too much, for fear that this inexplicable human would suddenly give himself a knife.

In the eyes of the skunk, humans are such sinister creatures.

Honestly frozen, the skunk watched Maude carry himself through the hole in the wall and escape outside.

At that moment, the skunk realized that this human was actually helping him escape.

The color of horror in his eyes suddenly melted like spring snow.

The perception of humans can’t help but change a little.

“Finally saw a different human being.”

The skunk was moved.

Maude didn’t know that this throwing object he held with his hand could have such rich psychological activities.

When he smelled a strange fragrance from the skunk body, he was even more surprised.

Fragrant skunk?

It seems that I have seen a similar description somewhere.

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At the same time, inside the pub.

Watching Maude escape, Katzt glared and chased after him.

However, Youdao figure was faster than him and ran to the hole in the wall.

Surprisingly, it is Wolf Rat that has not yet lifted the form of human beings and beasts.

Seeing that Wolf Rat was okay, a startled color flashed in Katzt’s eyes.

At this moment, a sword beam stabbed at Katzt.

Katzt stopped abruptly, avoiding the sudden piercing sword.

“Crazy woman, what are you doing?!”

Seeing that his eyes were bloodshot and the hideous Abe stood in front of him, Katzt yelled.

Abe didn’t say a word, and he spurred his sword to Katzt, and weaving a large sword light in an instant.

Katzt is in the form of a human being, and while his strength increases, his speed slightly decreases.

Facing Abe’s attack with a brutal sword attack, he was accidentally stabbed with several wounds.

For a while, Katzt was even more angry.

After easily stabbing Katzt, Abe’s hideous face showed a grin of satisfaction inexplicably.

Looking at Katzt, he couldn’t help showing a high desire to release the sword.

Seeing Abe’s complex and expressive expression, Katzt’s cheek twitched fiercely.

It’s messed up, all special codes are messed up!

“Crazy woman!”

Katzt roared, and what greeted him was still a sword.

In desperation, Katzt could only retreat and escape, and gave orders to the cadre Wells.

“Wells, take someone to chase that kid, I don’t care if he lives or dead!”

Hearing the captain’s order, Wells led several gunmen away from the gate without saying a word and chased Maude.

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Outside the tavern, Maude ran wildly on the street carrying a skunk.

After Wolf Rat got out of the hole in the wall, relying on the physical advantage brought by the beastization, he just caught up with Maude.

“Usopp, wait for me!”

Seeing Maude’s back, Wolf Rat shouted with excitement.

Maude heard the yelling from behind, and subconsciously threw the skunk in his hand like a conditioned reflex.

The skunk who was sighing about meeting good people: “?”

Wolf Rat with only Maude in his eyes: “?”

The skunk thrown by Maude made a beautiful arc in the air like this, and then smashed it precisely in the face of Wolf Rat.

There was a bang.

Wolf Rat was knocked to the ground.

Wells and the others who chased out of the tavern suddenly stopped and looked at Wolf Rat and skunk rolling in front of them.

The air quieted down for a while.

Maude secretly overreacted, then looked back at Wolf Rat and said loudly: “Brother Wolf Rat, I…”

Then, after seeing Wells and others armed with guns, Maude changed sharply.

“If you have a chance, listen to my explanation.”

After speaking, Maude ran away without looking back.

Wolf Rat recovered and took a deep breath.

Lung pain.

The skunk on his head was blank.

The human heart, the human heart is sinister!

Wells frowned slightly, hesitating whether to waste the bullet on Wolf Rat.

In the crowd of people on the street, a small figure flashed away.

“Smelly boy…”

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