Chapter 60-A Star

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Katzt’s power really should not be underestimated.

Even if it is inferior, once he is hit head-on, the situation will instantly turn over.

Maude had been avoiding war before, and it was not entirely because of Katzt’s tyrannical power.

In his opinion, since he could easily fly a kite to death, why bother to take the risk of fighting in close combat.

It’s just that Katzt changed his strategy in time, sacrificing defense in exchange for speed, thus sticking to him, and forcing him to only accept the move head-on.

In this case, Maude can only get on.

The punch that contained his strongest strength at this stage was quite damaging and hit Katzt’s wound.

This punch not only beat Katzt to internal injuries, but also crushed Katzt’s guesses mercilessly.

Kazte thought that Maude’s power would not be much stronger.

Otherwise, if you really have the strength, you won’t evade the battle.

Therefore, when attacking Maude, there is no room left for the move.

But after receiving a punch from Maud, Katzt found himself wrong.

And it was ridiculously wrong.


Katzt glared at Maude, and as soon as he spoke, he spit out another mouthful of blood.

He really couldn’t understand Maude’s approach.

Obviously he has the strength to fight head-on, but he has to engage in some insidious methods to disgust people.


Maude smiled.


Katzt endured the pain in his belly, and could only express his feelings in these short words.


However, Maude took out a flintlock pistol without warning, and shot Katzt’s non-beastly knee.

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The lead bullet hit Katzt’s knee, and a dazzling blood flower burst out.

“What did you just say?”

Maude slowly put away the pistol.

The gunshot just concealed what Katzt said later, causing Maude not to hear it.

Katzt opened his eyes and stared at Maude, and after a while, there was another roar that resounded through the night sky.


Suddenly, Katzt turned into a beast.

However, instead of attacking Maude, he turned around decisively and ran towards the shore dragging his injuries.

Maude raised his brows and chased Katzt.

A few seconds later, Maude squeezed the dagger and pointed directly at the back of Katzt’s heart.

At this moment, Katzt turned around abruptly, and the violent movement caused the wound on his inner thigh to burst, splashing bloody arrows.

However, his brows didn’t even frown.

【Double Hit】

Katzt looked ruthless, and his left hoof came out first, hitting Maude’s throat.

Maude raised his dagger, trying to block Katzt’s mortal counterattack.


The tyrannical force flew Maude’s dagger and fell into the sea.

Joy flashed across Katzt’s eyes, and his right hoof came out next to him, printing on Maude’s chest.

If it hits, he has the confidence to take Maude’s life with one move, thus instantly reversing the situation.

However, Katzt did not see the slight smile on Maude’s mouth.

Compressed by the black hoof!

Maude squatted short, letting the black hoof wipe past his scalp.


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Dodging the black hoof, Maude drew the Dark Crow with his right hand, and between the elbows flexed and stretched, he stabbed into the heart of Katzt with no technical content.

The sharp blade pierced into one third in an instant.

Katzt’s body that maintained the posture of the move suddenly shook, and he looked down and stared at the sword pierced into his heart.

Maude didn’t give Katzt any chance to breathe, and his other hand slammed against the hilt of the sword, moving forward at the same time under his feet.


The bloody blade came out of Katzt’s heart.


Maude pushed Katzt’s body until he nailed Katzt to the mast before stopping.

“You were shot in the knee and trying to escape? If you believe it, I won’t believe it.”

Maude restrained his smile and looked at Katzt’s distorted expression of resentment and unwillingness with no expression on his face.

“Actually, there is no grievance between us, but… I need some stepping stones.”

Maude drew the Dark Crow back, and at the same time stepped back two steps, watching the deadly Katzt softly fall to the ground.

Around, the remnants of Bull Pirates Group couldn’t believe the scene before them.

“Captain Katzt!!”

Maude was holding the blood-stained crow and tilted his head to look at them.

The unspoiled blood made the remaining members of the Bull Pirates shudder on the spot, not daring to move.

“Right now, it’s out of season…”

Maude’s eyes drooped.

In consciousness, on the cover of the note, the “☆” on the right side of the physique has become a solid “★”.

“Sure enough, it fills up, eh? It’s coming…”

Maude was overjoyed, and then subconsciously squeezed the handle of the sword.

In vain, a strange feeling was like a hundred pairs of jade hands gently kneading on Maude’s spirit.

The indescribable comfort makes the six senses extremely sharp in an instant.

At the same time, warm currents flowed in the limbs.

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Every vein, every cell, seems to sink deep into the warm soft cotton.

It’s just the right massage that I have never missed.

Sour and numb, very comfortable.

Maude slowly closed his eyes and immersed himself in the long-lost rebirth.

The six senses that have been elevated in a short moment can always lock onto the remnants of the Bull Pirates on the deck and “see” the crowd swarming out from the dark.

The remnants of Bull Pirate Group watched Maude suddenly closed his eyes, and immediately after that, he heard Maude’s body making waves of firecrackers.

I don’t know if it was an illusion, they felt Maude’s body bulge a little.

While looking at each other, they wanted to do it, but they also had the feeling of being stared at by a beast, and they could only froze in place.

After a while, Maude opened his eyes.

The baptism is over.


After returning the dark crow to his sheath, Maude couldn’t help but stretch out.

A solid star representing physique took him an important first step.

At the same time, according to the characteristics of the hunter’s notes, it means that the physical ceiling of the Pirate World is ten stars.

Maude knows very well that the more difficult it is to form and fill the star frame, the further you go.

It is a long and difficult road to raise a demand to ten stars.

In the previous life, because the demand was filled too quickly, the previous [revenue] was severely diverted.

Therefore, until his death was affected by the unreasonable [Wishing Machine], even if Maude had used a few waves of experience by opportunism, among the four requirements, the highest was only in the early four stars.

Once in experience, Maude actually considered raising the star of [Physique] separately, but that was too extreme, so I gave it up.

The current demand for physique and swordsmanship can make the previous experience gains more concentrated.

As for the next demand, there is no doubt that it is Haki.

However, considering the lack of knowledge of his own talents and the scarcity of prey, Maude is not in a hurry to fill in the requirements.

If you have a Haki talent above the qualified line.

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Then, you can consider filling in single items such as the demand for Armament Haki, so as to speed up the speed of star upgrade.

The reverse is also true.

Maude stopped thinking about it, and turned to look to the shore.

Dense and rapid footsteps came from the shore.

Armed with war blades, the pirates who came to be unkind one after another climbed onto the Pirate Ship.

In an instant, there were seventy or eighty more pirates on the deck, divided into three groups.

The group of pirates looked at the corpses all over the floor.

When they saw Katzt’s body, they were all shocked, and turned to look at Maude in silence.

They are like wolves, although they gather in crowds, they will only get stuck between advance and retreat.

Will not take the initiative to attack the prey, and will not give up the prey easily.

Instead, wait for the prey to fall, and then open the blood basin to eat its flesh and blood.

Maude saw the other party’s intentions at a glance.

Compared with the property of the Bull Pirate Group, Maude cared more about the prey named Gabdon.

Glancing coldly at the pack of wolves, Maude walked towards the shore.

Seeing Maude taking a step, the pirates who came for the food all swallowed secretly, and at the same time withdrew a step back, they gave up a road.

Maude ignored them, walked across the highway, disembarked and left.


When Maude walked away, a pirate who had been closest before swallowed fiercely.

“It’s terrible.”

The pirate’s legs trembled slightly.

Just now, he was only a few steps away from Maude.

When Maude walked over, inexplicably there appeared in his head a picture of himself being chopped into several segments by Maude.

Around, no one made fun of the pirate’s reaction.

Bull pirate group, unexpectedly fell into the hands of this young man named Usopp.

After being amazed, their greedy eyes suddenly looked at the few Bull Pirates members.

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