Chapter 77 Balance

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Paramecia castle fruit.

That is the devil fruit Bege ate at the auction last time.

Ability, as the name suggests, is to turn the body into a strong castle.

Therefore, Bege’s body is like a castle, and anything can be put into it, including living things.

The objects that enter the body will all become smaller, and only when they leave the range of ability will they return to their original shape.

In short, a moving castle.

As the leader of the gang, Bege is neither short of money nor people, and naturally deploys the maximum number of weapons and manpower in the body.

That’s why he only brought seventy or eighty little brothers on the street today.

At this time, Bege was in a deep crisis, and he directly exposed his cards.

The younger brothers deployed in the body quickly mobilized, put a cannon out of the gun door, aimed at Maude, and then ignited.

Along with the roar, black cannonballs the size of marbles bounced out of the gun ports on Bege’s chest, and then returned to their original size in mid-air.

Above the long street, the sharp sound of shells whizzing past suddenly resounded.

Maude understands the ability of the Castle fruit, and as early as Bege makes a move, he immediately withdraws the approximate range that the cannonball can reach.

However, the pirates on both sides of the street didn’t know anything about Bege’s abilities, and when they heard the sharp sound of shells whizzing past, it was too late to run away in a hurry.


Ten shells exploded at about the same time.

The high temperature and heat wave swept away with shrapnel towards the surroundings.

The dozen or so unlucky pirates who were closer were directly beaten into a sieve by shrapnel and died on the spot.

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There were also many pirates who were pushed out by the air waves and suffered varying degrees of injuries when they landed.

After the explosion, dozens of pirates lay on the ground.

For a while, the scolding and whining were intertwined.

How could the pirates present think that Bege would be so mad, and even shoot directly on the street.

“Bege, you bastard!”

The frightened pirates each greeted Bege and quickly fled the scene.

The cannons are all out, who dares to stay at the scene to watch the fun?

Even the pirates in the tavern rushed out of the tavern after hearing the movement, trying to stay away from where Bege was.

Only a daring pirate like Lafayette still stayed on the scene, but the distance was well controlled, and while he could watch the battle, he would not let the battle spread to himself.

Bege was greeted by a group of pirates to his family, but he ignored it and looked up at Maud who was standing on top of a tavern.

As Bege looked up, the muzzle on the chest was raised upwards, aiming at Maude again.

However, taking into account the rules of the Mad Hatter town, Bege did not order this time to fire.

If he destroys the tavern, he will be the one who will be unlucky in the back.

Maude used this rule to restrain Bege’s pursuit.

Seeing Bege stop the shelling, Maude jumped down and rushed straight to Bege.

On purpose, behind Maude’s attack route is a tavern.

From this point of view, Bege, who is a rat-killer, really can’t shoot at will.

He could only close the gun doors on his chest and put down a hanging door on his abdominal cavity instead.

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The gangsters who were already prepared in their bodies lined up and stood behind the hanging gate, each holding a rifled long gun in their hands.

You can’t use guns, but you can use flintlocks.

In addition, when the sniper’s misfire in the distance made Bege suspicious, he could also release his hand a little to attack Maude.

But Bege didn’t let his guard down, and focused his attention on the sniper who might shoot again at any time.

Seeing that Bege switched to the offensive, and there was no movement on Saul’s side, Maude resolutely gave up the charge, and consciously leaned towards the pirates lying on the ground.

At the same time, the gangsters standing behind the hanging door pulled the trigger without exception.

With the sound of dense gunshots, a dense barrage composed of hundreds of lead bullets enveloped Maude.

Maude, who had foresight for a long time, put the dark crow back into its sheath, and immediately used both hands to lift the two seriously injured pirates nearby and use them as shields in front of him.

The barrage came flying, and suddenly a burst of blood was shot on the seriously injured pirate.

In an instant, the two unlucky bastards took their last breaths.

Around, more than 20 pirates who were lying on the ground because of their injuries watched this scene in horror.

For fear of being the next shield, they immediately used their milk-feeding strength, and even if they were climbing, they had to leave the place of right and wrong.

Watching Maude block the barrage with two pirates, Bege smiled coldly.

There are sufficient troops in the castle, which can overcome the shortcomings of slow reloading of flintlock guns by shooting in turns, thereby greatly increasing the shooting frequency.

With only two corpses, it is impossible to resist the second round of shooting.

In the next second, Bege’s abdominal cavity was followed by another volley.

Hundreds of lead bullets came out of the body and formed a barrage to shoot at Maud.

“Gun formation…”

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Facing the second round of shooting less than two seconds apart, Maude remained calm.

He squatted down directly, and while reducing the area of ​​the bullets, he folded the two rag-bag-like corpses in front of him, struggling to resist the second wave of barrage.

After that, Maude did not give Bege a chance to shoot the third salvo, and threw the corpse in his hand.

Bege’s eyes changed slightly, and she dodged away from the two corpses that came one after another.

The dodging action caused the body to sway, causing the gang members standing behind the hanging door to lose their alignment and were forced to interrupt the third round of salvo.

At this time, Maude went directly to the other two pirates who were crawling on the ground because of their injuries.

Seeing Maude rushing over, the two pirates suddenly changed their faces and let out shrill screams of terror.

“No, don’t come here, don’t come here!!!”

“You two have worked hard.”

Maude offered condolences, and immediately knocked out the two terrified pirates.

Shields cannot be moved.

Maude held the back collar of the unconscious pirate and charged at Bege again.

Under the premise of sufficient weapons and troops, the castle fruit can exert astonishing firepower.

But behind the amazing firepower, there is a more fatal flaw.

That is balance.

As long as Bege’s balance is broken, the firepower will lose its pouring point.

Bege frowned at the pirate shield that Maud had replaced, and gave the order to shoot again.

Another round of barrage shot towards Maud from behind the hanging door.

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Maud directly placed the two pirate shields in front of him, blocking this round of shooting.

At the same time, the impact of the buckshot caused Maude to stop.

But after the last buckshot disappeared, Maude repeated his old trick and threw the pirate shield in his hand at Bege.

Seeing this, Bege’s face turned cold, and in order to avoid the corpse, he dodged to the side.

Maude took advantage of the situation to burst out with amazing speed, and shortened a large distance in an instant. He immediately took out his pistol, aimed at Bege’s eyes and pulled the trigger.


The buckshot flew out.

“This bastard…”

Bege was startled, and jerked her head back, dodging the buckshot.

This action of his made his body unbalanced again.

At this moment, Bege realized a problem.

That is, Maude seems to know the castle fruit well.

When his mind turned around, Bege straightened his body.

And at this time, Maude has come to him.


Crow unsheathed.

The blade flashed away.

A lot of blood was splashed in the air.

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