Chapter 86: Guidance

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Starting tomorrow to teach Haki is something Saul has temporarily decided tonight.

The reason is that he watched Maud’s fight tonight.

As far as the outcome of the battle is concerned, there really isn’t much of a problem.

However, the process of the battle could not satisfy Saul.

Simply too rough.

The most important thing is that the weapon to help Maud complete this revenge is not a gun, but a sword! ! !

Unluckily, Maud used a sword quite slippery, at least in terms of the situation at the time, the effect of using a sword was far better than using a gun.

This made Saul feel resentful in his heart.

But he is reasonable and knows that for Maud, the current firearms do not have the effect of destroying the enemy head-on.

Only by mastering Observation Haki can this situation be changed.

Of course, for any occupation, the effect of Observation Haki is obvious.

However, compared to swordsmanship and physical art, spearmanship relies more on the transformation effect brought by Observation Haki.

This is not only an improvement in all aspects, but a substantial change that can diversify the gun tactics.

It is also based on this consideration that Saul will temporarily change his mind.

In his original plan, it would take at least three months before he would officially teach Observation Haki.

But considering the talent revealed by Maud, it is not impossible to advance this time point.

After all, Sonny has almost met the conditions recently, so she can teach together.

The only thing that worries Saul is that in the process of imparting Haki, Sunny might be hit by Maud.

“It shouldn’t be.”

Saul thought silently.

Seeing that Saul suddenly pondered, Maud and Sunny looked at each other and left quietly, leaving Saul alone in the store.

Before going to bed, Sunny still helped Maud deal with the injury.

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“Don’t touch water for a week.”

After applying medicine and dressing, Sonny reminded.


Maud nodded.

The injuries suffered tonight are not serious, but the number of wounds is relatively large.

With the current physique and supplemented by the wound medicine, it should be almost healed in ten days and a half months.

After that, the two went back to their rooms.

They are looking forward to tomorrow.

Early the next morning.

When Maud woke up, he went downstairs for the first time.

In the kitchen, Sonny is preparing breakfast.

Maud went to wash first, then came to the restaurant.

He pushed Bailey aside, who had occupied two positions, and sat down immediately.

It was half an hour before Sunny made breakfast.

And Saul, as if calculating the time, stepped to the restaurant.

From today, he can’t go to morning exercise again.

After breakfast, the three came to the store.

Before the training officially started, Saul removed the counters and shelves, freeing up the entire store.

Maud and Sonny sat upright, looking expectantly.

Saul sat on the stool with Erlang’s legs crossed, holding a gilded pipe in his hand.

“About Haki, shouldn’t I need to explain it again?”


Maud and Sonny each nodded.

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Although they are not Haki user, they have a basic understanding of the existence and type of Haki.

Saul tapped his pipe lightly, his tone calm.

“For the gunman, Observation Haki is a prerequisite for officially entering the threshold, but that’s all. If you want to go further, you must master Armament Haki.”

“However, everyone will be more or less good at something and not good at it, and the same is true of Haki.”

“The two of you have a very high aptitude for Observation Haki. As long as you are properly guided, it’s not difficult to get started.”

“As for Armament Haki, we will talk about it after you have mastered Observation Haki.”

Having said that, Saul looked in the direction of the corridor.

“Little guy, bring something over here.”

Hearing Saul’s voice, Bailey immediately moved a basket of lead bullets to Saul’s side.

Saul jumped off the stool, put his pipe on it, and pulled a handful of lead bullets from the basket with a dangerous smile.

“No matter how much theory is said, it is not as useful as practice.”

“Saul, you said proper guidance, shouldn’t it be… dodging bullets?”

Maud looked at the basket full of lead bullets, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

“Is there a problem?”

Saul threw the lead bullet in his hand and said seriously: “I’m talking about it ahead, although it’s a practice, but these are all genuine lead bullets. If you can’t avoid the key point…”

Having said this, Saul sneered.

“Then I can only ask Arthur to run.”

Realizing that Saul was serious, Maud and Sonny’s eyes changed slightly.

If you just practice, you can completely replace the lead bullet with other things.

At least no accident will happen.

After a while, Sonny asked, “As far as it goes?”

Saul glanced at her and said lightly, “Bleeding now is better than losing your life later.”


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Sonny nodded.

After a pause, she asked suspiciously, “What if I lose my life now?”

Maud glanced at Sonny silently.

Saul said with a blank face: “That can only mean that you are nothing more than that.”


Sonny nodded again.

The strange conversation ends here.

Then, the practice officially began.

Maud and Sonny stood on either side of the wall, while Saul held a buckshot in each hand.

It was also at this time that the two knew that Saul did not intend to use a gun.

It’s just that…

The expressions of the two of them were slightly relaxed.

And when the practice begins…


Maud and Sunny only heard the sound of breaking air, and when they reacted, there was an extra bullet hole in the wall beside them.

How to hide this fucking?

The two were stunned.


Saul looked at the bullet hole with the curling tobacco, and sighed: “Oh, it’s really unfamiliar, and I accidentally used too much force.”


The two looked at Saul quietly.

If the lead bullet just went to the forehead…

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“Don’t worry, I’ve always been in control.”

The index fingers of Saul’s hands are pointed straight forward, and the thumbs are bent down, making a pistol gesture.

“let’s start.”

As soon as the voice fell, Saul’s right index finger first aimed at Maud, and the downward thumb flicked, and the lead shot was fired.

This time the buckshot speed was not as exaggerated as the first time, even slower than a regular flintlock pistol.

“see it clearly…”

Maud ducked to the right in time, and there was an extra bullet hole in the wall only a few centimeters away from his left arm.

Immediately afterwards, Saul “fired” two shots in a row, both of which were successfully avoided by Maud.

After that, Saul turned to “shoot” Sonny, who also easily dodged the buckshot.

After “opening” dozens of shots in a row, Saul slowly increased his speed.

Maud and Sunny began to feel the pressure.

Not ordinary pressure, but the pressure between life and death.

If you can’t escape, you will either get hurt or die…


Mad Hatter, Wine Street.

The big news that happened last night has been spread.

Almost every bar is talking about Maud.

“Not only the Abe Pirates, but also the gangsters…”

In a tavern, everyone was talking.

The popularity of Usopp’s name suddenly surpassed that of Lafayette.

On a table in the tavern, Kidd and Kira were drinking silently.

The ears were full of discussions about Usopp.

“That rascal……”

Kidd snorted coldly.

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