Chapter 99 It’s Him

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Sabo rarely uses firearms, but he understands them.

The gun body sticking out from behind Maud’s shoulder is full of marks of battles.

This is a rare old gun.

In Mad Hatter, Sabo has only seen one.

That is, the old gun carried by the undertaker whom he met in the tavern some time ago.

Is it the same person…

It’s no wonder that when they passed by the night before yesterday, there was an inexplicable sense of familiarity, as if they had seen it somewhere.

After a flood of information, an answer was finally gathered in Sabo’s mind.

What followed was doubt.

He first glanced at the jet-black blade penetrating from Scott’s heart, and then at Maud in the uniform of the armed team.

“who are you?”

The two sentences that are so inconsistent before and after are because Sabo doesn’t know the details of Maud at all.

Maud did not respond to Sabo’s question, but made a stab at Scott to prevent accidents.

The key was hit twice, and Scott didn’t even see Maud’s appearance, and immediately died.

After killing Scott, Maud didn’t have time to experience the physical changes.

He pushed Scott’s body away, then quickly retreated, heading towards Sonny’s position.

With important experience gains, and the fact that the revolutionary army has gotten rid of the disadvantage, there is no need to continue to stay here.

“Wait, what’s your name?”

Sabo looked at Maud who was retreating rapidly, and when he spoke out, he involuntarily made a holding motion of reaching forward.

The question gave Maud a pause.

Doing good deeds is his consistent good character.

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After dropping a name, Maud quickened his pace.


Seeing Maud jumping all the way, Sabo only had time to say thank you.

In the field of vision, Maud’s back gradually drifted away.


Sabo whispered to himself.

Really strong…

Silently taking the name Usopp to heart, Sabo turned to support his companions

The current situation is very good, and then it is safe to evacuate Mad Hatter Island to complete this rescue mission.

Maud quickly returned to Sonny.

Don’t stay here for long.

The armed forces are now on the verge of collapse.

Over time, they will also become targets of the Revolutionary army in uniform.


Maud tugged at the corner of Sonny’s shirt.


Sonny complied and followed closely behind Maud.

The two of them headed towards the entrance and exit at the bottom of the wall, one after the other.

Not far away, the masked man who joined the battle to change the situation glanced at the backs of Maud and Sonny leaving.

On the field, after Scott fell, the Revolutionary Army quickly gained an overwhelming advantage.

After that, the revolutionary army did not reluctantly fight. After destroying the long-range weapons of the armed team, they retreated.

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Seeing that the revolutionary army began to retreat, the surviving members of the armed forces dared to chase after them, and just let the revolutionary army disappear from sight.

Sabo and his party walked through the tunnel left by Jasmine and came to the bottom of the island cliff.

Two mast boats are moored on the sea not far away, and the previously rescued slaves have been safely transferred to one of the mast boats.

“Sabo, Koala…!”

On the deck, Jasmine waved her hands towards Sabo and the others at the bottom of the cliff.

His giant body was so conspicuous that even if he didn’t shout, Sabo and the others could see him standing on the bow deck for the first time.

Sabo waved his arm towards Jasmine, and immediately rode a small boat with his companions, heading for the two mast boats.

After a while, the surviving revolutionary troops boarded the mast boats one by one.

The long-awaited ship doctors quickly mobilized to help the members of the revolutionary army treat their injuries.

The masked man also followed.

He had taken off his hood, revealing a dull face.

“Tatamu, you came very timely.”

Koala patted Tatamu on the back.

Tatamu pulled a smile from the corner of his mouth, and immediately threw the hood covered with fire ashes and blood in his hands into the sea.

Sabo came closer and also raised his hand and patted Tata Mu on the shoulder.

“Tatamu, do you want to stay, or go with us?”

“Stay, just give me a boat later.”

Tatamu answered without hesitation, and immediately took off his coat and trousers, revealing a brand-new bartender attire.


Sabo nodded.

Koala looked at Sabo and suddenly asked, “By the way, who was the one who helped you just now? Shouldn’t it be ours?”

“His name is Usopp, and he’s the undertaker I mentioned to you when we first came to Mad Hatter Island.”

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“It’s him?”

Koala was taken aback.

It was the man who shot and saved the murloc slaves on the long street.

Sabo laughed: “Also, we only saw him in the alley the night before yesterday.”


Koala didn’t expect it, recalling the appearance of the young girl, her surprise was beyond words.

“But who is he?”

“I am not sure as well.”

Sabo shook his head.

On the side, Tatamu’s expression moved slightly, but he didn’t say anything.

The two mast ships carrying the revolutionary army and slaves slowly sailed out to sea.

At this time, the sky had broken, and the morning light filled the whole sky.

After the mast boat had gone some distance, Tatam came to the side of the boat, ready to lower the boat to the sea.

Sabo and Koala pull over to help.

Just as the boat was about to fall to the sea, the lookout’s nervous voice came from above the mast.

“Two warships found at five o’clock!!!”

Hearing the lookout’s report, everyone on the deck couldn’t help but look up at him.

“One of them… is the navy hero Garp’s warship!!!”


Hearing Garp’s name, Sabo and his party changed slightly.

“How can a navy hero come to such a place?”

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“Could it be for us?”

“Who knows, just avoid it!”

Revolutionary army talked a lot.

With their lineup, if they were targeted by the Navy legend, wouldn’t it be over?

Tatamu looked at the distant sea with a solemn expression, and said solemnly, “I probably know what’s going on.”

Everyone couldn’t help but look at Tatamu.


On the deck of the warship, the sailors entered a busy state of combat readiness.

They pushed carts loaded with shells from the magazines.

Immediately, they pushed the cart as fast as they could to the steps in front of the bow deck.

Since the cart could not go up the stairs, the sailors could only pick up the cannonballs from the cart, and then carefully walked up the stairs.

They moved the shells one by one to the bow of the boat and put them on the cart beside Garp.

When the warship was less than 500 meters away from the harbor of Inner Bay on Mad Hatter Island, Garp was already full of shells.

Garp twisted his shoulders and grinned at the many ships moored in the Inner Bay from a distance.

“Let’s warm up first.”

The warship came to the exit of the Inner Bay, immediately furled and anchored, and stopped at the mouth of the bay.

The people on the dock soon noticed this arrogant warship.

The next second, without hearing the sound of artillery shells, along with the sharp sound of breaking the air, shells flew from the bow of the warship, hitting a pirate ship with precision.


The main mast of the pirate ship was first broken by the shell, and the subsequent explosion caused the pirate ship to fall into a fire in an instant.

On the deck of the warship, Garp picked up the shells on the cart with his bare hands.

The few shells just now were thrown by him with his bare hands.

Before landing on the island, he would use this method to warm up and then destroy all the pirate ships in the inner bay.

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