Part 1

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Exactly twenty-four hours ago──

Late at night, the day Eyriey returned to the tower together with Sheltis.


The black-haired girl in kimono-style vestments stood fixedly by the window.

She had a dainty body stature and face that made her look 2 or 3 years younger than her actual age of sixteen. Her black eyes had large droplets of tears moistening them which further deepened the impression she gave off of being shy and reserved.

"..................Where......are you......"

A certain Priestess' personal quarters on the 287th floor of the tower.

Even if she turned towards the carpeted floor, he was nowhere to be found.

No matter when she called his name, he would respond. He maintained that chairs were unsteady so he would sit cross-legged directly on the floor......but she couldn't see him anywhere.

"............I'm begging you............Please"

He had suffered wounds in his battle with a Lord of Unusual Books and fallen into a waterfall basin. Multiple rescue squads had been mobilized but there had still been no reports of his discovery.

"......Please be safe."

She was also searching with clairvoyance but because he'd fallen into the waterfall basin and was likely washed away, the search area had expanded too much. She wouldn't be to search it all no matter how long she kept at it.


A stinging pain ran through the front of her head. It was one of the symptoms of fatigue from overuse of shinryoku arts. It was a pain that every apprentice Priestess experienced on their way to becoming a Priestess.

......I've overused my ability.

......Meimel also told me to stop.

Despite already being at her limits from maintaining Hyouketsu Kyoukai for three days, she had participated in the joint operation with the Governmental Sector with hardly any time for rest in-between. She understood best without anyone telling her that she was overworking herself.

"Ahh............ Haa......ahh............"

She took a seat on the chair by the wall and leaned her shoulders against the window sill.

She couldn't put any strength into her limbs and would collapse right this instant if she didn't have anything to lean against. That's what it felt like.

"............Leon...... You must be safe...... You must be safe."

She constantly voiced this. Even if there was nobody around to respond, she needed to repeat it or she would be overcome with unease.

"......You must be safe."

My head......hurts like it's going to burst. It hurts so much I can't stand it. No amount of powerful painkillers will stem this pain. Even if my tears well up, I'll bite down and bear through it............


Directly after, Syun-rei's whole body shivered slightly.

"You......were here............Leon!? Leon, Leon!"

Within the dense grove of trees ── several meters from the bank of the waterfall basin with its violently flowing waters, a man was leaned with his back to a large tree, his head drooped.


......Is he alive? No, I can't tell. He's sitting up but not moving in the slightest.

......I'd like to......believe he's only lost consciousness.


I have to inform the rescue team on site even a second earlier.

She clearly remembered the location she'd found via clairvoyance. She finally took up a pen with her trembling hands and compared the place she'd seen with the map.

......Calm down. Everything would be for naught if I get the coordinates wrong here.

......Do it without a mistake. These are the basics of clairvoyance. Keep calm, keep calm.

She pinpointed the direction and coordinates on the map down to the millimeters and conveyed the values on her memo pad to the apprentice Priestesses in the field.


It's done ── as soon as Syun-rei breathed a sigh of relief upon looking at her memo, her shoulders felt incomparable weight and she collapsed right where she was.

......I can't...... My body............can't go on any longer..................

And following that, her consciousness started to fade out──

"Good work, Syun-rei."


She could hear a voice. In her personal quarters where she should be alone.

"It was hard work, wasn't it. Although I also think that Leon is fine. He shouldn't be done for from just that."

"──Who is it!?"

A tall shadow seemed to be mimicking her with its shoulders leaned up against the neighboring window as it looked over at her.

Black shoes, black suit and black boots. With a fully black outfit, the Lord of Unusual Books stood there as if assimilating with the night.

............That voice.

............It's a Lord of Unusual Books......the one Sheltis spoke with.

"Now then, I've safely made it this far. However, this is largely due to Leon's absence. It has become easier to reach my goal."


"Ah, don't be so afraid, Syun-rei. There's no way I would raise my hand against you."


──What does that mean?

The person before my eyes is an enemy. Even though that should be undeniably the truth, this Lord of Unusual Books' style of speech is for speaking to an acquaintance or friend.

"I think what you're thinking is probably right. See──"

Igun-I took a step forward.

In the instant the tower's external lighting streaming in through the window pane lit up the figure of the Lord of Unusual Books standing there.


Syun-rei forgot to breathe for a moment and froze with her eyes wide open.

She could see.

The hat hid the face and the suit hid the body shape but she could tell. Though appearances could be hidden via clothing, the 'form of shinryoku' could not be disguised.

"The girl was subjected to abuse from her parents from early childhood. It is assumed that her excessive fear of others is a result of this. She spends her days constantly checking people's expressions and constantly doubting them. Ironically, this led to her acquiring a rare shinryoku art."

Igun-I slightly lifted the brim of his hat.

He took one step and then another step towards her. I have to run......despite thinking that, Syun-rei couldn't even twitch as she lay collapsed.

The thing she could see through the Lord of Unusual Book's chest was──

"'World Imaging', which can give concrete form to a person's heart, their shinryoku. Using that power, you found Leon who used to be an Elite Guard. Each person's shinryoku form is characteristic and no two are alike. Each and every one is different. And to me, it is a most inconvenient ability."


The words leaking out of her parched throat displayed Syun-rei's true thoughts more than anything.

She could see.

The half-transparent form of shinryoku at about chest-height on Igun-I. That form──

"......Eh............ Hu......huh?"

She could certainly see its 'form'. But she couldn't believe it.

That can't be. Because that means......Igun-I's identity is............


"It's not your mistake. The 'form of shinryoku' you see is my identity. That's why I came here. Of all people, the one I wanted to show my true face to was Syun-rei...... It was you."

The Lord of Unusual Books' arms extended in her direction.

"............Why...... Why are you......"

"I'll tell you when everything is over. I'll have you come to our base for a while. I'll guarantee you a lifestyle free of freedom."

Igun-I, who had been so stubborn about not revealing his face, turned up the corners of his lips happily ── Syun-rei's consciousness sunk deep, deep into darkness.


Part 2

Sophia floor 22, the tower's internal hospital.

"Eyriey-san, thank you for your cooperation. You can put your clothes on now."

"Y-yeshhh! ......Ahh, that was cold."

Eyriey was slapped on the back by apprentice Priestesses wearing white vestments and did a little hop in place. After all, she'd had everything stripped and was stark naked. She'd undergone a detailed examination that spanned several hours wrapped in only a single thin towel.

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"Achoo! Uu, why am I doing something this cold?"

"Please bear with it. We don't know if 'his' mateki is stuck anywhere on your clothes or body so we've received orders to confirm it."

"......That's why I'm telling youuu, Sheltis' mateki is fine."

She headed to the changing room with her cheeks puffed. Her favorite overalls had been carefully placed in a vinyl bag and even tagged "purified".

"Ah, but they smell nice. They laundered them for me."

As she passed through the sleeves, a refreshing scent tickled her nose. They normally smelled of nothing but machine oil so it was a fresh experience.

"Eyri-nee──! Eyri-nee, are you done?"

The black-haired young girl ran over to her. She was wearing a sky-blue one-piece dress and looked ready to head home.

"Ohh, Yuto. So you're done too. It looks like we're being released fully innocent."


"It means we can head home. Now, just wait a bit. I have to check over our things......"

She opened the indicated locker and there was her bag. The fact that things had changed positions inside the bag likely meant that there had been a check conducted for remaining traces of mateki after the entire thing had been purified.

"Snacks, juice, communicator...... Alright, looks like everything's here! Then first, let's leave this floor."


She took Yuto's hand and headed towards the third reception desk of floor 22.

"......I think here's okay. Umm, hello. Designated code 0987-4G Eyriey and designated code 0986-9K Yuto here."

"Yes, Eyriey-san and Yuto-san, right? Thank you for your cooperation in the check for mateki remnants. Even with the detailed examination, the mateki reaction is zero."

The girl smiled as she touched the electronic terminal and looked at the screen. She looked used to using a terminal but her vestments were yellow, not white.

"Hey, hey, are you also an apprentice Priestess and not a doctor?"

"Yes. We apprentice Priestesses take turns operating the third receptionist desk. It concerns the diagnosis and treatment of mateki as well as the communication of the results so the assessments of apprentice Priestesses are more accurate."

"......I see, I get it."

She took the outputted results. Eyriey stared at it enough to bore a hole through it and then wordlessly placed the paper in her bag ── she crushed it in her hand.

......Yuto and I are both at normal values in all fields.

......Despite this much evidence, they're still confining Sheltis? Then what the hell is this examination for?

"So what are we supposed to do now? Can we go home?"

"Yes. If you take a left through gate number two here, you will come to a central elevator. Civilians may also use that elevator so you can take it down to ground level."

"What about this way?"

Eyriey pointed at two pathways to the right.

The left path was empty but the right one had many Guard-looking people lined up in rows and it interested her.

"They are people that will undergo the same examination as Eyriey-san. They're waiting for their turns."

"You're kidding!? Eh, that many......?"

"It's a little troubling."

A bitter smile appeared on the apprentice Priestess for an instant but she immediately hid it.

"They are Cadet Guards. After training for extended periods of time with 'him', there is a possibility that they have been infected by mateki so they're requesting purification."

"......I see. Yuto, let's get going."

Eyriey looked them over with narrowed eyes and once again took Yuto's hand before starting to walk. They briskly passed through gate number two which was uncrowded.


"Eyri-nee, are you angry?"

"......I don't know. But this might be distasteful for me."

If she had to explain exactly what "this" was, she wouldn't be able to do it well. She just had a vague sense of distaste for the unsettled feeling of tension in the air. It felt like something was stuck in her chest. She wanted to breathe in more relaxed and jubilant air.

"Well, I can't be getting all gloomy too! Alright, let's head somewhere then. We'll meet up with somebody and go wild!"

"Ohhh! But Shel-nii isn't here?"

"That's the thing, you seeee. His examination probably won't end for a while."

The scrupulous remaining mateki points checking done by the apprentice Priestesses. On top of that, they had to undergo a purification ritual they didn't ask for which took up more than a whole day. Even they were being treated like this so she didn't think Sheltis who was the cause would be released any time today.

......I don't want to leave Sheltis and head back to Albireo all on my own.

"Mmm. Okay, Yuto, come this way."

They passed by the central elevator and headed for the staff-only high speed elevator. With the badge given to them by Shasa before, they would be able to go right up to almost the highest floor in one go.

"Are we heading to Ymy-nee's place?"

"Yup, yup. If we report that we met up with Sheltis, that should put her at ease even a little, right? Since it seems like she's been worried the whole time."

She scanned the badge's electronic authentication key and pressed the floor button for '260'. Above floor 260 would be some elevator changes to specialized ones.

Fwoom ── the sound of air rushing by echoed as the elevator ascended. They stared at the floor indicator change steadily and then the elevator came to a stop with a light ding.

"We're here!"

"Alright, let's hurry and swap elevators. Shasa asked us to not stand out since this is the Guards' floor."

Executive-use Meeting Room.

......Umm, I think this was supposed to be the floor Elite Guards and Sennenshi use when having an important discussion.

She'd passed through multiple times before but the floor gave the impression of being disproportionately large for how few Elite Guards there were.

"......Or so I thought but what's this? Did I get the wrong floor?"

Immediately after disembarking the elevator, the intersection up ahead was noisy. Just as she thought, there were Guards in white formal wear running from left to right in the corridor in a crowd. And it wasn't just once or twice. Everybody was doing something and there was even a leader-like person shouting to be seen.

"Wh-what the...... Eh, what is this?"

Even a civilian like herself could tell the Elite Guards were on tenterhooks. This floor......should not be the kind of place where everyone runs around in a flurry.

"──Eyri-nee, keep quiet a bit."


When she turned to the adorable voice, Yuto was staring at the ceiling with her eyes closed as if facing the sky.

"..............................What a pain."


"Eyri-nee! Yuto heard the people over there."

"Oh, ohhh!? Well done! So what's got them all riled up?"

"Umm, umm, umm......"

Yuto made small nods many times.

"It sounds like a Priestess has gone missing."

"......Come again? What's that mean?"


Yuto spoke easily with an innocent expression.

"They said a bad person kidnapped a Priestess."


Part 3

Sophia floor 199.

'Hey, hey, Sheltis, how are you doing?'

"The worst......seems to have passed now...... But getting up might still be an issue."

Sheltis answered while sprawled out on the plain bed and shakily reached out his right hand. He picked up the drink bottle that had fallen on the ground, took off the lid and put it to his mouth.

......I can tell my whole body's burning up.

'See, I told you so. You wouldn't be able to do anything in that condition even if you didn't get confined.'


The source of his bleeding was inflamed. Shivers and headaches assaulted him and he couldn't even answer Iris a little while ago.

'You were having a nightmare. You must have lost consciousness a number of times.'

"Eh, you're kidding. Was it that bad?"

'Compared to that, you're recovered now. As you are now, you could even withstand extended interrogation.'

"......Saying that's just inviting it."

'Izzat so?'

Iris didn't crack her carefree tone at all.

'But I was prepared, you know? You've been under house arrest here for two whole days. I thought they'd interrogate you or at least have the apprentice Priestesses continue their mateki examination.'


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Did they wait for me to recover because I was in critical condition? No, there should have been regular check-ups from a doctor in that case.

──At any rate, I need to avoid wasting time.

"I'll ask next time somebody shows up."

'That would be a wise decision. If your body has begun the recovery phase, then you should consider proactive things next. The fact that Syun-rei is being targeted hasn't been dealt with yet.'


The sound of high heels hitting the hard floor.

'Ara, speak of the devil. Somebody's coming this way. They might have business with us.'

"......I don't care if it's an examination or interrogation as long as it gets the situation moving."

But high heels are an unusual choice. The majority of those coming and going from the Shinryoku Theory Bureau are apprentice Priestesses or administrative workers. Apprentice Priestesses wear plain shoes with low heels and administrative workers are also mobilized during emergencies so their standard is sports shoes.

Clack. The footsteps stopped in front of the door.

"Sheltis Magna Yehle, this is a mission."

"......Understood. So it's an examination."

"It's a mission."

"......So it's a debriefing."

"Subordinates that can't listen get the death penalty."

The mechanical door opened and a lit cigarette came flying in a straight line at him like an arrow.

"Wha, uwah, that's dangerous!? Wh-what!? An enemy!?"

"I told you it's a mission, you moron. Can you not hear your Instructor?"

"Ah, right, Instructor. Please for──............Huh."

After getting a good look at who came into the confinement room, Sheltis blinked absentmindedly.

It was a tall woman wearing a suit with nary a wrinkle, a bright red necktie and stiff high heels. She had a cigarette with smoke puffing from it in her mouth and a whip he recognized in her left hand.

"............Instructor Yumelda?"

"Glad to see you're in good health. I'd heard you were confined while on the verge of death."

For some reason, he felt that her high-handed manner of speech was nostalgic now.

"However, this is an odd room. It's the first time I've entered such a room too."

"Uh...... Umm, Instructor? Why are you here?"

He gingerly asked his superior who was looking around the room.

"I'm killing time."

"Eh, but you said there was a mission just now."

"If you were listening, then that's good. That's how it is."

Instructor Yumelda skillfully continued her words with her cigarette still in her mouth.

"I'll get right to the point. I'm assigning a patrol mission to the four of you in Monica's unit. Starting tomorrow for about seven days, go around the remote regions of the floating continent.

............A mission.

............So I wasn't mistaken.

"What location? If it's a patrol, what's the location?"

"Ferun Thorn Forest."

"! Hold on please. Isn't that a place in the Biotope!?"

"Yeah. It's so cold there that your breath freezes as it comes out. It has raging snowstorms and large-scale avalanches...... It's famous for being a rough place that not even Regular Guards willingly go."

Ferun Thorn Forest.

Just hearing its name was enough to give goosebumps to the seasoned Elite Guards. Compared to brutal carnivores, the climate was more of a problem and the threat of freezing to death was ever by one's side throughout the patrol.

'Uwahhh...... That's some crazy plot.'

"That's not a plot, it's downright evil."

She spoke smoothly.

"Sheltis Magna Yehle, whether you're aware of it or not, the executives have their eyes on you. As the biggest threat to Sophia's order."

"......I'm prepared."

"Good. Now then. They decided to put you under house arrest but it seems they're in no rush to carry out an interrogation. In any case, their first priority was to arrest you and now they have all the time in the world since that's done, so it's obvious decision."

"So that's where the patrol you mentioned comes in?"

......So that's how it is.

He caught on to a little of the executives' plans.

'Ahh, I get it. After they capture Sheltis, they have to create material to use to expel him from the tower.'

"That's right. It appears the pretense given is 'To prevent needless confusion before his hearing is held, Sheltis Magna Yehle who is under suspicion of carrying mateki is being kept outside the tower'. Their real aim is to drag out your faults during the patrol."

He used mateki. He exposed his squad to the danger of annihilation by mistake during the patrol. Or maybe some suspicious speech was observed.

──None of that would be ignored by the executives.

"It's to strengthen the case for expelling you from the tower. Taken together with the mateki incident, consider it to be an instant worsening of your situation if you mess up during the patrol."

"......So that's why they explicitly picked a rough place like Ferun Thorn Forest."

"Easy to understand, right? That's just how dangerous the executives think you are."

Fizzle. Instructor Yumelda crushed the end of her cigarette with her fingers.

"But at the same time, those seven days are your last and only hope."

The Instructor's words couldn't be truer.

......Rather than being confined here, I can contact the outside world after leaving the tower.

......I also have things I need to tell Ymy and Syun-rei.

"If you go as far as the Biotope, they can't directly monitor you. You should still expect to be monitored via clairvoyance by apprentice Priestesses though."

"But it's such a rough place──"

"You're not convincing anyone saying that when you used to be an Elite Guard."

There was no point in hiding it.

It was already a widespread truth that he had been an Elite Guard three years ago.

......I have no choice but to go even if it's a trap by the executives.

......I'll leave the tower. I have no other way to contact Ymy and Syun-rei but that.

"I understand. At any rate, if it's a forced mission, there's no way I can turn it down. But even if I'm okay, sending Cadet Guards into the Biotope is crazy. I should just go alone──"

"I told you, this is your last chance."


"It's only a matter of time until your unit is crushed."


"Monica's already well on her way. But not from outside influence. Did you......keep this a secret from Monica as well?"


......Right. When I think about it, I've been keeping more secrets from her than anyone else.

About Eden and mateki. I said nothing about the identity of the Elite Guard she admired and my relationship with Ymy.

"This morning, Monica was holed up in her room until I brought up this case. Kagura and Vaiel visited her many times but she didn't answer them."

'I'm surprised you managed to have a talk with her in that state.'

"I kicked open her door. It caused a big fuss since that activated the alarm."

'Ah, so I was right?'

"It was terrible. Her face was red from crying her eyes out and she was crouched in a corner of the room. She was curled up like a kid."

"............She's in that state."

"She refused this patrol at first. She doesn't want to meet you right now. Her feelings will burst out for sure if she does."

"This is my responsibility so I'm prepared to face it. But her life really will be at risk if she heads to the Biotope in that condition."

"If not now, when do you intend to go?"

The Instructor crushed the lit cigarette with her fist and continued in a low, hushed voice.

"When Monica pulls herself together? She won't. If a room is a mess, you can clean it up. But things that are lost can't be found in that room anymore. Continuing to search for something that's not there leads to exhaustion and eventually everything brings agony. That's the current state of Monica and your unit."


"You have no choice but to go find it. What's been lost won't return by talking it out, you have to go search for it where you lost it."

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With the unit on the verge of destruction, there was no other way but to find what was lost on the battlefield where Guards would be as Guards.

......What a dilemma.

If he accepted this patrol mission, he would be going along with the executives' invitation of his own free will.

But at the same time, if he didn't take on this mission, he might......not be able to ever meet Monica again.

"Lost your nerve?"


His superior was looking down at him. Sheltis right looked back into her sharp gaze.

"Why......are you helping me this much?"


"Because if it was just about the mission, you only had to inform me and that would be enough. In that situation, you went to Monica's place...... Why did you do that?"

To begin with, it was odd that she came as far as his confinement location. The others feared being infected by his mateki and wouldn't come near him.

"Do I need a reason?"

The Instructor moved her mouth skillfully with the cigarette still in it.

"Let's see, if I had to say......the first reason is, taking into consideration what I know and my experiences, getting near you has no direct connection to being infected with mateki."

'I believe that's a valuable opinion.'

"Then there's our relationship during the day. I'll at least give my subordinate's unit a kick in the pants. That's about how far I considered it. ......If I were to give another reason, it would be to reward you."


Did I do something of merit? Even though I know I'm either the one who keeps causing disorder in the tower or am the direct cause.

"I don't know the particulars about your situation but I know one thing for sure. 'In protecting Ymy-sama who was about to fall into Eden, you fell instead.' ── which means you risked your life to protect a Priestess. That is the very thing that Guards embody, the essence of being one."


"There's nothing to be ashamed of so boldly take pride in it."

......I see, I didn't think of that.

I didn't remember the part about saving Ymy and saving her is just a given to me.

"Stand tall."

He felt something touch his shoulder. At some point, the Instructor's outstretched arm clamped onto his shoulder to a painful degree and wouldn't let go.

"Stand tall and become a source of strength for Monica."


"You might be met with heartless words at first but she's not strong enough to fight and live without you."

The Instructor's other hand threw something high into the air.

"This is──"

The hilts of twin blades danced in the air.

The Instructor had purposefully brought his twin blades that had been confiscated upon his detainment......

'Your body isn't actually fully healed or at the point where it's fine to walk around yet.'

"We can't use that as an excuse."

He got up as he replied to Iris' sarcastic laugh. Sheltis took the twin swords thrown to him by the Instructor in each hand and took a large step forward.

──Let's go.

The Biotope. Towards the most extreme environment on Orbie Clar.

"I will definitely come back."

At about the same time.

It was only a few minutes later that a report that the MIA Sennenshi Leon had been rescued was delivered.


Part 4

"Meimel! Meimel, where are you!? Leon...... Is it true Leon's been saved!"

"Calm down, Ymy. I can hear without you shouting and running at me like that."

"No, I can't calm down this time!"

Sophia floor 288.

On the floor provisioned to the second Priestess and her partner, Ymy had come running to Meimel at full speed.

"Ymy...... I've been working the entire time on this. It's hard on me if you use such a loud voice."

Meimel was sprawled out flat against the table.

An altitude of two thousand meters. At the back of this floor which was closer to the heavens than the ground, there was a balcony for getting sunlight. The space was surrounded by transparent, strengthened glass with the idea that sunbathing could be enjoyed even in the middle of winter.

"Ahh, it's so warm. I'm being heaaaled."

"Don't say that! I heard that you received the report so please don't just sunbathe, tell me!"

"......Mm. Ummm, first of all, he's alive. That's just as you heard. The reason it took so long to find him was that he was farther upstream than we expected."

"Upstream? Shouldn't it be downstream?"

The reason for the majority of late discoveries was that the individual was washed further downstream than expected.

"It looks like Leon swam to the shore himself right after falling into the basin. Even though the specialists say the currents there are strong enough to drown a fish. Based on the discoverer's reports, he even disinfected his wound with alcohol and made a bonfire with dead leaves to ward off wild beasts before collapsing. It seems his badge broke from the impact so he couldn't contact us."

"......That sounds unbelievable."

She felt like she'd once again witnessed the real strength of the Sennenshi. All this despite having been ripped apart from his left shoulder, through his chest, stomach and out his right flank by that great sword.

"But I'm glad. If he's that energetic, then he'll make a quick recovery!"

"............Recovery, huh."

"Meimel? Wh-what does that silence mean? St-stop it!"

"He was certainly saved. But holding a sword is already──"

"......No way. Th-that has to be a lie!"

"Of course it's a lie. Leon's already awa-bueh!? H-hold on, Ymy! Isn't it cruel for you to suddenly punch me!?"

"Fu, fufu. Fufufufufu......"

Ymy turned a fiendish smile on her senior Priestess who was rubbing her cheek and drew closer. Of course, both her hands were still balled into fists.

"Meimel. If you make such a joke in this situation, even I'm going to get angry, you know?"

"......I-I get it. Let's talk seriously."

She cleared her throat.

"Well, Leon's doing well enough that I can joke about it. They're currently examining and disinfecting his wound following his personal doctor's instructions. It looks like they'll also stitch him up. I can't say for sure yet but it looks like there will be no lasting complications."

"......That puts my mind at ease."

She put a hand to her chest and breathed a sigh of relief without thinking.

"But it's also hard being too unhurt."

"Leon woke up partway during the ship ride to the tower. I hear his first words upon confirming the circumstances with his subordinates were 'Sitrep' and secondly '......I'm sorry'."

"Then about Syun-rei as well......"

Syun-rei was kidnapped at night. In her place was just a small memo that had fallen. What expression did he have when he heard that it was information about where he was? The answer must have been concentrated thousands of times over into the words '......I'm sorry'.

"I saw a Lord of Unusual Books that night──"

"I've heard. As soon as they appeared in the tower and this far up at that, it was our loss. You wouldn't be able to put up a fight alone. It's such that I can even say I'm happy you weren't kidnapped as well."

......But if I had a Sennenshi.

......I might have been able to repel Igun-I that night.

"So how much does Leon know about Syun-rei's situation?"

"As soon as he was carried to the tower's hospital, I told him everything I knew without exception. That includes the note left behind by the Lord of Unusual Books in Syun-rei's room."

'To the beloved people of Sophia, my greetings.

Getting to the point, let's talk about the sweet Priestess. We make these three promises.

First. We guarantee both the mental and physical safety of Syun-rei-sama.

Second. As long as you do not transgress against us or seek revenge, we shall return Syun-rei-sama to you one year later free of harm.

Third. Syun-rei-sama will contact you via telepathy to inform you of her safety once per week.

Will you accept these conditions and endeavor against revenge and obstruction towards us? Or will you forfeit Syun-rei-sama's safety to resist us?

With that, I hope for a wise decision from you.'

"What's their aim?"

"It's a vexing problem. Releasing her after one year...... This is too convenient. Not ten or twenty years, just one. It makes me want to think it's fine if that will mean Syun-rei returns safely............but there's a catch."

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Right. Igun-I's declaration had a major hidden meaning. The Lords of Unusual Books only had to keep Sophia in check for a year. In other words, if the tower just watched, the Lords of Unusual Books would accomplish their goal within just a year.

"Something will definitely happen after a year. I don't know what exactly but they're a group that studies captures live Yuugenshu and study them in water tanks so it can't be anything we can laugh off. In that case, we can't leave it alone for a year......but Syun-rei's in trouble if we make a move against them."

"What about Leon?"

"Still no answer. As soon as I finished telling him about Syun-rei, his willpower ran out and he lost consciousness. At any rate, the decision's being postponed. Since I have things to ask Leon too."

The senior Priestess peeked at the empty glass atop the table. She stared at the ice at the bottom languidly and rested her cheek on top of her right hand.

"Anyway, I'll work towards the right answer for when the time comes."

"I'll bear it in mind."

She put the thing about Syun-rei aside in her mind for a while and prioritized quelling the unrest filling the leadership of the tower. Fortunately, Leon's return eliminated one of the major concerns she had.

......My remaining major concerns.

......How Sheltis will be dealt with after this and settling things with Monica-senpai.

"Ymy, I'm leaving 'his' matter up to you but is that okay?"

"Y-yes! ......At any rate, I'm telling them that I'd like his treatment to be left up to the Priestesses but the executives aren't replying. I plan to press the matter."

"Right. I'll also have Viola help you. She's also stubborn and might have some personal connections to use."


Okay. Just before Ymy assented, light footsteps came from behind her.


"Ohh, there you are! Oiii, Ymy, doing well!? Do you have a little time?"

A girl with black hair was holding hands with a girl in overalls.

"Ahh, Eyriey! And Yuto-chan!"

"Wheeew, things were hard. We came to Sophia together with Sheltis but immediately got found and caught by a scary lady. Umm, ummm──"

" mean?"

"Ohh, her, her. That's the one! Rather, Ymy, is it true Syun-rei was captured!? The Guards down below were kicking up a fuss just now."

"It's true. I'd like you to not talk about it much on the lower floors. It's information privy to only those from floors 260 and above and hasn't been publicized to the living districts."

Meimel shrugged her shoulders with her chin rested in her hands.

"Okaaay. ......I see, so it's true. Sheltis came here with the resolve to be caught so he could inform you. But I'm glad at least you're safe."

"......Wait, Eyriey."

She grabbed onto her drooped shoulders.

"Sheltis returned to the tower for that purpose. For Syun-rei and I......?"

"Y-yeah. You didn't hear? Sheltis asked a bunch of times. He asked Nescalsia to guard you and Syun-rei."


'He did not say anything. I did ask him if he had anything to tell the Priestesses. He remained silent.'

"............I see. Thanks, Eyriey."

Ymy looked down and bit her lower lip.

......I can't forgive her.

......I knew......I knew Sheltis came here to tell us something.


"Y-yeah. What is it?"

With her hands still gripping her friend's shoulders, Ymy looked straight into her eyes.

"Please tell me about what happened at the time in detail. I want Sheltis!"


Part 5

Sophia floor 21.

After getting off the elevator, this floor was full of countless meeting rooms. Large sections were completely marked off for use by small groups and it served as a discussion place for Cadet Guards.

"......It looks like our destination is Ferun Thorn Forest."

"That rumored place where your lungs freeze too if you breathe in deep. That's no joke. Who the hell picked this torturous place?"

Vaiel skimmed the message sent to his badge, sat down on the pipe chair he had at hand and heavily shook his head.

"It looks like we'll be provisioned insulated gear, anti-cold mask and goggles for blizzards."

"Seriously spare me that......"

"It's troubling for me too. The destination is already set in stone by the Guard Regulation Institute. It might just be torture like you said."


"I mean they're waiting for 'him' to make some noise. No, I guess it's more appropriate to say show his tail."

Vaiel reclined in his chair and Kagura continued from directly behind him.

"This is just my guess but......I believe they're lacking data to assert that 'his' mateki is dangerous. And it's hard to get that data while he's confined. That's why they're sending him to the Biotope."

What would the mateki within him do in response if Sheltis were to be cornered by a harsh environment? Would his mateki run wild or would some other reaction occur?

Vaiel became sulky and crossed his arms. Kagura dragged her own pipe chair up to his side and sat down next to him.

"So what do you want to ask me?"

"Oya, I'm surprised you knew I wanted to ask you something."

"It's the same as with a cat. You only get close to me when you're plotting something."

If you're gonna ask, get it over with ── Kagura brought her face even closer to her coworker who was urging her on with a sideways look that said this was a pain in the ass.

"You've been repeatedly saying that you don't want to go to the Biotope."

"Damn straight."

"But you're not against going with 'him'."

Their talk with Instructor Yumelda had been precisely at noon.

"Officially, we're there to monitor the mateki possessor in case 'he' tries to run away during the mission.


"What about in reality?"

"Ain't no reason to refuse. I don't get it but his mateki's safe, right. Then the mission's the same as always."

His gaze as he replied was focused on a girl crouched wordlessly against the wall.

"That's the story, right, captain?"

"......That's what I heard from Ymy. Since I wouldn't have taken the mission either without any assurance."

The squad captain weakly held onto the hem of her formal wear. Her appearance alone gave off a feeling of uneasiness but there was strength in her voice compared ot yesterday when she wouldn't even respond.

......Rather than making a poor attempt at convincing her, they're forcing her to stand up by assigning us a compulsory mission.

......It's not a bad situation. Instructor Yumelda's plan has hit the mark so far.

"It's certainly unreasonable but the Instructor said we have the rest of today, so half the day, to prepare and we set out tomorrow. Monica, you should have things to prepare. I'll put in a request for a transport."

"No, it's nothing big. I'll do it so Kagura and Vaiel, you two inspect the shared equipment. The communicators and medical pack."

"Is that so? Then we'll do that."

Her reaction to my suggestion isn't bad either. It would be the worst case scenario if we entered the Biotope with our captain's judgment impaired but it appears that may be a needless concern.

"As expected of somebody that trained their determination as an apprentice Priestess."

"What's that?"

"No, no, it's nothing."

Kagura waved her in response to the serious-faced question and breathed out.

......Monica alone is not a problem.

......Now what will change when she meets Sheltis?

Monica had reservations about Sheltis. How would it turn out when she met him again? Kagura didn't have self-confidence that she could predict it.

──When will she notice?

──Even during the discussion about the mission, Monica has not spoken Sheltis' name even once.

"It looks like it will be a harsh patrol."

Putting her anxiety about what would happen during the mission on a back burner, Kagura shook her shoulders slightly.

And in the room with cold air circulating.

"............Harsh or whatever, there's something else that's fallen and has to be cleaned up first."

Nobody heard that mutter of Vaiel's.

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