“Greetings to the Duke.”

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The Duke, who was on the sofa reading a newspaper, greeted Elena.

The Duke placed down the newspaper after he gestured to her to sit down, to which she complied.

“You seem to be feeling a little better.”

“Yes. Thank you for your concern.”

Frankly, Elena didn’t expect Duke Halos to take his cloak off for her at yesterday’s party.

‘I think it’s because he adores me so much lately.’

Those cold eyes of his when he stared at Killian struck at her heart.

‘Have you always been a cold person?’

He didn’t appear often in the original novel, so it was difficult to get an accurate picture of his personality.

One thing was certain, though; he was indifferent to his sons.

‘It must be because he’s a busy person.’

There were a lot of parents like that in her previous life, neglecting their children because they were busy and didn’t have the time to pay attention to them.

Although it was inevitable from their point of view, the lives of the children would have been different if they had given a bit of their time.

“Yesterday, I talked to Killian. Something like yesterday will never happen again. If that happens again, let me know.”

Duke Halos didn’t speak further, but somehow the subsequent event was expected.

‘Next time, I won’t leave Killian alone. It must be something like this.’

It was a good thing.

Once the video sphere was finished, capturing crucial evidence was imminent, and Killian’s future would be decided.

“Yes, Duke.”


‘Did he have anything else to say?’

“I heard from Jeremy that not only are you talented in practical magic, but also in potions and magic supplies. I look forward to your future.”

Duke Halos said with a smile.

It was a smile that was genuinely satisfied, his eyes subtly shining.

“Yuri and Jeremy both praised you. Hearing stories about you makes me want you to have as my daughter.”

He even chuckled.

“Thank you, Duke. It’s all thanks to the Duke.”

“All thanks to me? I’m just supporting what you want. And all those achievements were because of you. If there is anything you want in the future, just tell me.”

“Yes, Duke.”

* * *

After their conversation, Elena headed straight to her room.

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She was in a hurry to finish her video sphere.

But Killian was standing in front of the door.

“… Elena.”

He gazed at her, not sure what to do.

‘It must be because of yesterday’s mess.’

Elena’s eyes suddenly became cold.

“What did you come here for?”

She thought about outright ignoring Killian, but he approached first.

However, Killian wouldn’t be able to harm her after hearing his father’s warning.

Perhaps he came to make an excuse for what happened yesterday.

But what happened next was unexpected.


The proud and arrogant Killian bowed to his waist and apologized.

‘Oh my gosh. Duke Halos must be terrifying.’

The Killian before her was apologizing in a drastic manner.

“About yesterday… I came to apologize. I’m really sorry. It wasn’t on purpose.”

Killian kept apologizing – one after another – just as Lexion did to Elena yesterday.

But for her, Lexion and Killian were different.

Even if she received an apology from Killian, Elena’s evaluation of him wouldn’t change.

So it would be meaningless for him to apologize any further.

Elena opened her mouth to cease his fruitless apology.

“I know.”

“Are you accepting my apology?”



As she nodded, Killian’s face brightened.


One should listen to what people wanted to say.

Elena smiled at Killian and continued.

“Don’t just apologize to me. Because of the young master, there are other people who have suffered the most.”

“… No way.”

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“Do you know who it is without me having to tell you?”

His face contorted.

* * *

Along with Killian, who wasn’t willing to go, Elena went to Lexion.

Lexion, who was reading his book in his room, greeted her with a bright smile at the fact that she had come, but he instantly froze when he saw Killian.

“Lexion, it’s okay. You don’t have to be frightened, because I will be with you.”

Elena whispered to the horror-struck child.

And she poked the hesitating Killian in the side.

Then Killian reluctantly lowered his head.

“… Sorry.”

Killian spitted out the short, concise word.

Fortunately, there were no frivolous words like: ‘You idiot, you were wrong!’

‘Is that what you call an apology?’

Elena jabbed Killian’s side again. Then he raised his head and looked at Elena.

Elena’s eyebrows narrowed to an expression that seemed to ask him why.

“I think you said you would do what I wanted. Is my memory betraying me?”

A while ago, in front of her room, when she brought up the idea of him apologizing to Lexion, Killian said:

“I’ll do it if you want.”

‘Saying that, shouldn’t you properly apologize?’

After being stared at for a moment, he exhaled a little, then bowed his head again toward Lexion.

“I’m sorry for bothering you all this time, Lexion. Forgive this bad brother.”

‘Okay. Even if you can’t get down on your knees, you have to apologize for this.’

Elena looked at Lexion with a satisfied smile.

Lexion was staring at Killian in bewilderment.

It was expected.

His brother’s sudden change of attitude, who has been tormenting him so far. He would have a hard time adapting to it right away.

Still, Elena had brought Killian with her, hoping that the child’s broken heart would at least be comforted a little.

Lexion waited for a moment, then he said with stern eyes as if he had made up his mind on something.

“I will accept your apology. But I will not forgive you.”

And he hurried into his room.

It was only a few words, but it must have taken great courage for Lexion to do that.

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Besides, he handled it well.

Even if the victim has received an apology from the perpetrator, there was no need to forgive unconditionally.

‘No. I don’t want Lexion to forgive Killian either.’

She liked the child’s reaction even more.

For some reason, it felt like her child has grown up, thus feeling proud.

‘Good job, Lexion! My baby!’

* * *

“Oh my! Lady, there are flowers today.”

Her maid, Rossi, came into her room with a smile. In her hand was a red rose.

“I don’t know who it is, but it seems that he likes it very much.”

Rossi smiled brightly as if she was happy with her job and handed Elena the rose.

Even in winter, the red rose was as fresh as it had just bloomed.

It must have been taken from the greenhouse.

“It seems like it, right?”

Elena smiled happily and gazed at the rose.

For several days after the party, a rose was placed in front of her door every morning.

‘Was it Lexion?’

Elena smiled brightly. Rossi asked her, who was smiling after her.

“Should I tend to it as well today and store it?”

“Yes. Thank you for that.”

She handed Rossi the rose.

It must have been picked by Lexion with his tiny hands because he obviously didn’t want the rose to just wither.

Rossi, who had taken the rose from her, began to clean the thorns and the leaves.

After watching her for a moment, Elena looked out of her window.

Not long ago, it was New Year’s Eve.

Soon it was really time for Lexion to leave for the academy.

‘I don’t want for him to go.’

Elena thought if she have something to offer, even a small gift.

As she pondered over it, she received a satisfactory answer from Jeremy.

“Then why don’t you give him a magic stone?”

It was time for magic class.

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And Jeremy suggested this to Elena.

Elena openly shared her concerns with him, and he gave her a clear answer.

“What is a magic stone?”

“Hearthstone is a stone made by refining magical power. Depending on the wishes of the wizard, its uses widely vary. It’s a one-time item, but you can put out a fire or you can use it to cause rain.”

It could be used only once, but it was a stone that could hold the magic one desired.

That was a brilliant idea.

“The production of the video sphere is also in its final stage. How about making a magic stone right now?”

As Jeremy said, the video sphere was in the final stage since she was immersed in working on it for several days.

It was enough time for Elena to deal with it for just one or two more days.

“It’s not related to fire or rain. I want to create a magic crystal with a protective property when the person encounters danger. Is that even possible?”

“Absolutely. Then, today’s class is to make magic crystals.”

“Thank you!”

Jeremy taught Elena how to make magic crystals step by step.

After putting both hands together to condense the magic, one could use the magic they want on the condensed magic.

As Jeremy instructed, Elena put her hands together and condensed her magical power.

Thanks to Jeremy’s magic class, it was easy to gather her magic.

“You are doing great!”

Jeremy clapped his hands as a lumpy but condensed sphere of magical power was created in her hands.

“You just started, but the shape is close to a sphere! Very good!”

“I don’t think it’s that much… Anyway, thank you.”

Afterward – with the help of Jeremy – Elena infused her magic sphere with shield creation magic.

However, the process was not as easy as expected and failed one after another.

She condensed her magical power to shape it, but if she put her magic in it, her magic would disperse due to inept control.

“Teacher, can I create a Magic Stone?”

After her ninth failure, Elena’s shoulders sagged, and looked at Jeremy.

Jeremy comforted her with a bright smile as he always did.

“Absolutely. Don’t worry too much, Elena. You are still doing well. It’s also very fast compared to other wizards. With a little more work, we can succeed.”

Boosted by his encouragement, Elena clenched her fists.

‘It’s not from someone else’s, but the chief researcher of Magic Tower.’

She would definitely be able to do it herself.

Elena thought so, and put her hands together again, condensing her magical power.

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