Soon enough, Sera, who had just been celebrating her mother’s recovery, fell asleep.

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Roen gently patted her daughter on the back and got up from the bed, heading to the kitchen.

“I only have tea, are you okay with that?”

Roen asked Elena and Lexion. The two nodded in affirmation.

They weren’t there for tea, so it didn’t matter what it was.

Roen brewed the Harlot tea leaves with a skillful touch.

Seeing this, Elena suddenly remembered what she had learned in the tower.

‘I heard that Harlot tea is a tea enjoyed by ethnic minorities from the north.’

She’d heard it from the male wizard who’d given her a ride back then.

As a result, it was nearly impossible to find Harlot tea anywhere in the capital.

‘No way…’

Elena didn’t dwell on her speculation since it wasn’t certain yet.

It was something to think about after hearing the story from Roen.


Elena looked at Roen, who was sitting on the bed and holding a teacup, and asked:

“Maybe Sera’s father… Perhaps I could arrange a time for you two to talk. What do you think?”

Roen pondered for a moment at her cautious question.

But then she shook her head.

“I don’t want to meet him yet.”

“Huh… May I ask why?”

Roen nodded and continued.

“Actually, I didn’t even tell him about Sera’s existence.”


“Because I don’t want to burden him.”

Roen gave a bitter laugh.

“He is a remarkable and capable person, no matter how you look at it. I feel that me and my child would be a burden. So I said goodbye and left him. He caught me, but… I had no choice but to do it.”

It wasn’t that she didn’t understand Roen.

In her previous life, she had seen it in countless novels, dramas, and even in real life.

Many people leave because they didn’t want to be a burden to their loved ones.

But to see such a person before her very eyes, she was deeply saddened.

“Are you sure you don’t want to meet him?”

Elena asked again.

Then, Roen’s eyes became wet with tears.

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She wiped her tears and shook her head.

Since she rejected it, Elena couldn’t convince her anymore.

“All right.”

Elena smiled bitterly.


It was late when Elena and Lexion left Roen’s house.

Elena took a robe from her pocket and handed it to Lexion.

After the two put on their robes, they bid Roen farewell.

“Then, see you next time.”

“Yes. Be careful. Thank you for today.”

Elena and Lexion were seen off by Roen as they left her place.

“It’s pretty late.”

Total darkness had fallen. The slums were quiet.

Lexion softly spoke as he took Elena’s hand.

“Be careful not to fall.”

“Yes. Thank you.”

The fingers of the two people briefly touching naturally intertwined.

“You can go through the portal in my office. Or you can go to sleep for the night.”

Lexion decisively offered and then he cleared his throat.

The night breeze was cool, but he felt some heat.

Meanwhile, Elena pondered for a moment.

Then she gladly replied.

“Yes. I’d rather go to bed tonight.”

Even though it was the last day of her vacation, it wasn’t really the end.

Besides, just because Elena took a few more days off didn’t mean Jeremy was going to stop her and have her do rigorous work immediately.

Lexion’s lips went up at her decision.

After some time, the two got out of the slums and arrived again in the downtown area of the capital.

Elena and Lexion headed to the carriage of the Halos family, which was waiting for them.

As they sat in the carriage and relaxed, she felt reinvigorated.

Once they were settled, the carriage pulled away.

Elena looked out the darkened window and fell in thought.

‘I was supposed to help Sera, but….’

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At Roen’s refusal, it seemed difficult to help her further.



“Do you know who Sera’s father is?”

Sera’s father.

Elena thought about Lexion’s question for a moment before answering.

“Yes. I think I know. But I can’t be sure.”

Sera’s facial features and Roen’s tea.

There were only two clues, but Elena could predict who it was.

He was a wizard who was relatively close to her in the tower.

‘Of course, there is no solid evidence.’

Unless something changed, then she could be right.

‘But what should I do….’

While she was pondering, the carriage arrived at the Halos mansion.

Elena was naturally escorted by Lexion and they entered the mansion.

“Elena. I’m going to my office.”

“Ah yes.”

Perhaps there was something to be done, she watched as Lexion promptly walked and disappeared into the office.

Left alone, Elena headed straight to her room.


“Master, how can you just come now?”

As soon as Lexion entered the office, Kerr spoke in distraught.

Surrounded by stacks of papers, his eyes were especially puffy.

“I apologize for being late.”

“Ugh. I thought I was going to die.”

Kerr wiped away the tears he had squeezed and approached Lexion.

“Did you enjoy the date?”

The work was exhausting and backbreaking, but he was still curious about their date, so Kerr couldn’t help but ask as he organized the paperwork.

“Yeah, pretty much.”

Lexion replied roughly. Then he added:

“Now there is something more important than that.”

“What happened?”

His master’s expression was critical. Hence, Kerr also turned serious.

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“Find out Killian Halos’ whereabouts right now.”

“Yes? Isn’t he Master’s older brother? Didn’t you say he was kicked out of the Halos a long time ago?”

“Yes. But I think I saw him in the slums behind the capital today. Scour the area, and if it is Killian Halos, keep an eye on him at all times.”

“Yes, my lord.”

Kerr put down the papers he was organizing and immediately left the office.

Lexion touched his chin.

If Killian Halos had returned, it was necessary to keep an eye on his movements.

He must have a grudge against not only him but also Elena.


“Lexion. What’s up?”

Lexion came to Elena’s room after she had showered.

The ends of Elena’s hair were still wet.

Moreover, her cheeks were a bit red.

Lexion swallowed hard at the sight.

He calmed his beating heart and said to her.

“Elena. Are you hungry?”

Dinner hadn’t been served, since they met Sera right after the play.

So Elena was quite hungry.

“I’m famished.”

As Elena spoke while holding onto her stomach, Lexion’s lips curved up.

The way she narrowed her forehead and expressed her hunger was so cute.

He took her hand and led her out.

“It’s late, but let’s have dinner then.”

“Okay. But why not make our own food and eat it instead?”

Walking down the hallway, Elena asked.

“Make it ourselves? There’s nothing that can’t be done. If Elena wants it…”

At Lexion’s response, Elena’s lips rose.

Honestly, she didn’t want to disturb the rest of the servants.

It was already too late by the time they got to the mansion. It was now midnight.

Of course, some servants worked during the night, but she felt a little sorry for them.

‘Is it because I’m not a noble?’

Even back as a child, when she stayed in the Halos estate, she wasn’t used to servants serving her.

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Even more so now that she stayed in the Magic Tower for several years.

Anyway, the two went to the kitchen.

Although she had been in the Halos for quite some time, it was her first time entering the kitchen.

The kitchen in the Halos mansion was neat and resembled the chef’s personality.

“Lexion. I will make you something today.”

Elena said to Lexion, grinning.


After hearing Lexion’s gracious answer, she chose the ingredients.

The kitchen had a lot of fresh ingredients.

A variety of vegetables and meats were in a magical storage box that kept the temperature cool, so they were in excellent condition.

Elena scanned through the ingredients and took out bacon, bread, and some vegetables.

She didn’t know much about cooking, so she planned to cook something simple.

‘With these ingredients, you can make a sandwich.’

Elena smiled and started cooking.

Meanwhile, Lexion just watched her as Elena told him not to do anything.

After a brief period.

Elena finally finished cooking.

“It’s all done…”

Elena said gloomily as she placed the sandwich on the plate.

She wasn’t kidding about making the sandwich

She made it by carefully trimming the vegetables and adding bacon. However, she was embarrassed to attach the word “cooking” to it.

“It must be delicious.”

Nonetheless, Lexion’s expression was bright.

Especially since it was Elena’s first dish for him.

Lexion immediately grabbed the sandwich and put it in his mouth.

Elena looked at him nervously as he chewed.

“Is it delicious?”

“Yes. It’s delicious.”

“Thank god.”

Elena sighed in relief and put her sandwich in her mouth.

‘Well. It’s weird that the sandwich doesn’t taste good.’

She took a bite but couldn’t find it appetizing. 

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