"The other side isn't at all cooperative," Chen Shuo said mockingly. "Is there any other way besides suing? Are you trying to persuade my client to go upstairs and duke it out in person?"

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Fu Zheng ignored his provocation, but concentrated on Han Ran. "Based on what I've just discussed with your handyman, there is currently a quick way to fix your current water leakage problem."

As expected, Han Ran expressed interest. "What is it? I asked him to investigate the source of the issue and verify it, but haven't asked about the solutions."

Fu Zheng smiled, "I just asked for you. The water leak itself isn't particularly serious. It's the constant drip and accumulated seepage that has damaged your wall. The final solution is to have your neighbour fix their leaking water pipe, but you can't do that if they're not cooperative, can you?"

"Therefore, the handyman suggested that you could first plug the cracks on your side that are allowing water through, and then add a waterproof layer on top. This would run you around 2,000 yuan."

When he heard this, Chen Shuo couldn't help but interject. "Are you trying to say that since it costs two thousand yuan anyway, why not just spend it on a waterproof layer instead of suing to defend one's rights? But a waterproof layer like that is just a stopgap, a temporary solution, not a permanent cure. So long as that water pipe keeps leaking, the waterproof is eventually going to fail..."

This time, the one who interrupted Chen Shuo was Ning Wan. "Hold on, Chen Shuo. Let Fu Zheng finish."

Fu Zheng smiled at her. "Spending two thousand for a waterproof layer really is treating the symptoms but not the root cause. However, no matter whether or not Han Ran wishes to sue, she will have to spend the money, because she can't possibly allow the water to keep leaking while she waits for a ruling in her favour and the enforcement of the court. What, should she just let the pipe keep leaking for the whole of the three-month litigation process? This is the house where Han Ran is currently living in. For her own comfort and to reduce the damage to the walls of her own home, won't she have to pay that two thousand regardless?"

"After you've done this, there is a second part to the plan." Fu Zheng glanced at Ning Wan before looking back at Han Ran. "I've confirmed with the handyman that once this waterproof layer is installed, since the water from upstairs won't be able to leak down, it will instead gather in the upstairs floor. If your neighbour remains unwilling to deal with the leak, it will eventually be her own house that suffers, and her own floor that will be soaked, deformed and blackened."

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"Once you've waterproofed your ceiling, you can let her know. I'm quite certain that she will fix her water pipe within a month."

After a little consideration, Han Ran summarized, "So what you mean is if I go with the first option of suing, I may have to wait for up to three months. I would be spending two thousand yuan to waterproof my ceiling regardless, and I would also have to pay legal fees. The second option would be to do the waterproofing immediately and not pay the legal fees, but have my neighbour fix the pipes on her own within a month. But since I'm not suing my neighbour, I would have to come up with the two thousand myself."

"That's correct. Of course, if you win the case, you can ask for your legal fees to be paid by the other side. But your particular case doesn't warrant legal fees being paid according to the law, so it's very likely that you will end up paying for your own legal fees, but you'll be recompensed for the two thousand you spent on waterproofing."

Han Ran's young mind turned this over quickly, and she soon gave a clear analysis of the pros and cons. "So in the end I would be paying two thousand yuan, no matter whether it's option one or two. In that case, I might as well choose the second, since it'll save me some trouble and it won't take so long. Anyway, if she doesn't deal with the leak after my waterproof layer goes in, it's she herself who will suffer. That'll definitely make me feel better to hear about!"

She gazed at Fu Zheng with worshipful eyes. "What a fun thought! After putting in the waterproof layer, I'll put off telling her for a week. Let her taste the feeling of her own floor being soaked! Serves her right when all she can do is fix it herself! We'll be even then! Two thousand yuan to piss her off is more than worth it!"

When she finished ranting, she gave Fu Zheng a shy, grateful glance. "Thank you, Mr. Lawyer. I don't suppose I could have your WeChat, if it's convenient for you?" She glanced at Chen Shuo. "Lawyer Chen, I'll just add him. Since I'm not planning on suing, I won't bother you."


Those affectionate eyes, that worshipful look, this girl was just being too obvious with her flirting... The problem was that right up until just now, it had all been aimed at Chen Shuo. This modern young woman was too quickly out with the old and in with the new...


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Naturally, Fu Zheng refused. Han Ran tried a few more times before finally giving up and turning to leave after thanking him profusely.

Chen Shuo felt his face turn from red to green, and his mind was full of ups and downs. He had thought that this case would be a good opportunity for him to show off in front of Ning Wan, and in the end Fu Zheng had wiped out the battlefield like an old-time general. Not only had he not gotten to show off, but the case had become Fu Zheng's personal spotlight.

But even though it was true that his method was more practical and efficient, Chen Shuo was still a little reluctant to agree with it. Such a crooked way of handling cases was fundamentally contrary to the principle of law. He called himself a community lawyer, yet practiced this sort of work. Did this really reflect the professionalism of a lawyer?

Just as Chen Shuo was preparing his verbal attack, he heard Fu Zheng ask Ning Wan gently, "Did I do this right?"

This man was obviously older than both himself and Ning Wan, but he actually sounded quite innocent and natural. It was an obvious attempt to take credit on his part, yet he sounded naïve and simple and not like it at all.

As Chen Shuo was about to interject sarcastically, he heard Fu Zheng continue--

"I've always kept in mind what you once told me. When handling community cases, we must strive not simply to close the case, but also to solve neighborhood disputes smoothly. If we had sued, it would have taken a long time, and the neighbours would have dragged at each other in court. This would have intensified their dispute. Han Ran lives downstairs, and if she angered her upstairs neighbour too much, it would be all too convenient for them to make trouble for her, pouring water from upstairs on her drying laundry or something. In short, it's far better for Han Ran's future to settle out of court."

He gave Chen Shuo a pointed look before looking back at Ning Wan. "Although the law may be our bottom line and code of conduct, it isn't omnipotent. It doesn't magically wish away a dispute. Instead, the law is a tool. If, in the practice of community disputes, they can be mediated in a more flexible manner, in such a way that we are still practicing in accordance with the spirit of the law, then this is both a demonstration of a lawyer's skill, and the art of law."

He fixed his eyes on Ning Wan and smiled, "Am I right this time?"

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It was fake! This guileless look like he was humbly asking for advice was obviously fake! Chen Shuo himself was a man, and he understood men. He had known from his very first impression of Fu Zheng that the man was up to no good. He might not know all the ins and outs of the matter, but the man was absolutely not a cute, silly, sweet person.

Unfortunately, Ning Wan was sincerely guileless. She didn't realize Fu Zheng's scheming at all, and looked at him with bright eyes full of approval. "Fu Zheng, you really have grown!"

She praised Fu Zheng unstintingly, then looked to Chen Shuo. "Chen Shuo, what Fu Zheng said is quite reasonable. It does indeed work out better his way. There's still a difference between how business is handled in the community versus the general office, so make sure to ask Fu Zheng for more advice in the future."

Sure enough, because of this case, Ning Wan had recognized Fu Zheng for his professional skill, while he himself, who had worked in the main office for several years, was being negatively compared to the man.

"I don't know if I'm really qualified to give advice. It's just a more flexible way of thinking." Fu Zheng smiled gently, pursing his lips. "I'm sure Chen Shuo will naturally pick it up in a few months."

Chen Shuo glared daggers at Fu Zheng. He wished looks could kill.

This guy was humblebragging!

Wasn't he just pretending to be modest so Ning Wan would praise him more?

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Sure enough, Ning Wan patted Fu Zheng on the shoulder. "No need to put yourself down! You've progressed at a surprising rate. Chen Shuo could definitely use your advice."

Fu Zheng's smile grew deeper. Meeting Ning Wan's eyes, he said in a sincere tone, "It's because my teacher taught me well. It's really all thanks to you."


What a born schemer.

Even Chen Shuo couldn't help but applaud. From posture and bearing to his every move; how skillful, how natural. With such words and techniques, Fu Zheng really was a formidable enemy.

As expected, Ning Wan blushed. Looking away, she stuttered, "No, no. You're the one who's learnt so much."


At this moment, Chen Shuo felt that he should be under the car, not in the car1. He was obviously present, yet he was like someone on the outside who couldn't get a word in. His eyes darkened as he watched Fu Zheng. He could no longer sit back passively and do nothing, but he couldn't attack aggressively either.

The best defense was a good offense!

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