Ning Wan and Fu Zheng arrived at the school prepared to leave empty-handed. As luck had it, Professor Gu was teaching a class that day. The two inquired of a few students, found the mechanical engineering building, and waited outside the classroom for ten minutes, watching Professor Gu wrap up his class--

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"That's it for today. You can find your homework online on the teaching platform1. Next week I'll be at an academic forum on a business trip," he said, pointing to a girl sitting in the first row. "In the meantime, if you have questions about your homework and can't reach me, contact Yao H2. Also, please hand in your essays from our last class to Yao H when class is over."

Professor Gu was a dignified man who looked as though he was in his early fifties. Although his hair was turning gray, his spirit seemed hale and hearty still. He wore a pair of old-fashioned glasses, and he had piercing eyes and a loud, clear voice.

This was an undergrad class, so the girl named Yao H was probably a graduate student under his mentorship who was helping out as his teaching assistant.

As Professor Gu was going to leave the classroom, a few students came up to ask him questions. He paused to answer their questions patiently and in detail, with Yao H taking notes by his side.

Ning Wan waited patiently until Professor Gu had finally answered the last student's question before stepping forward.

"It's nice to meet you, Professor Gu. My name is Ning Wan, and I'm lawyer. Here is my license. I would like to confirm some things with you about one of your former students. Would you happen to have some free time?"

"Which student is it? I may not always remember them. "

Professor Gu's friendly attitude emboldened Ning Wan, but as soon as she uttered the words "Shu Ning", Gu Yejun's expression changed--

"I don't know them!"

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He growled those four words with a dark frown, unceremoniously bypassed Ning Wan and stormed away.

Although he said that he didn't know her, Professor Gu being so angry meant that he obviously remembered Shu Ning, very much so.

It was clear that Shu Ning both very talented and academically excellent, the sort of student that teachers loved. So why was it that when Professor Gu heard her name it was if he never wanted to acknowledge her existence again3...?

Although she hadn't expected to find out anything from the university, the results were worse than she had thought. As Ning Wan was feeling somewhat depressed, Fu Zheng stopped her. "Wait a minute."

Following the line of his sight, Ning Wan discovered Yao H still collecting homework in the classroom.

Fu Zheng smiled at Ning Wan, then walked over to Yao H. At the distance she was at, Ning Wan couldn't hear exactly what he was saying, but she watched Yao H's face rapidly redden, then saw her glance at Fu Zheng shyly, then quickly look away. She kept tucking a lock of hair behind her ears nervously.

Fu Zheng was tall and long-legged, but Ning Wan had never thought much of it before. Now standing in a group of young male college students, she found that he stood out from the crowd. Like a fine wine, his air was mellow and clear, with the charm unique to mature men. The way he gestured, the way he moved, it was all in a disposition that a young man could never imitate. When she looked at him like that, he really looked rather beautiful.

She didn't know what he said, but all of a sudden Yao H covered her mouth and laughed, as if amused. Her fan-like eyelashes quivered. She was quite a handsome girl herself, and when she stood beside Fu Zheng they seemed very well-matched. Normally, Ning Wan would have enjoyed watching them, but now as she stood on the side, her heart swelled with some indescribable emotion. She felt like a balloon about to explode at any time, her heart sour as if stuffed by a lemon.

Fortunately, before she died from an acidic explosion, Fu Zheng finally led Yao H up to Ning Wan. He looked at her, smiling. "I tried asking Yao H. She's currently getting her doctorate under Professor Gu, but she also did her undergrad here and heard of Shu Ning then. Back then, Shu Ning was their teaching assistant, and Professor Gu's most important protégé. You can ask her if you have any questions."

Ning Wan quickly returned to work mode and looked seriously at Yao H, "Since Shu Ning was once Professor Gu's favorite pupil, why was it that when I asked about her just now he not only claimed not to know her, but there also seems to have been some conflict? Did something happen?"

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Yao H glanced at Fu Zheng, then hesitated before speaking. "Teacher Gu used to really like Senior Shu Ning. He had originally wanted her to take over his mantle; he encouraged her to stay in school and teach. Later, when Senior Shu Ning considered going out to work, Teacher Gu was also very supportive, even giving her his referral for several large companies. Unfortunately in the end..."

"In the end, Shu Ning chose to get married and become a full-time mother and housewife?"

"Yes. Teacher Gu thought that she was wasting her talent, but if it was just that, he wouldn't have been so angry. He respected Senior Shu Ning's personal choices, even though he didn't agree with them. The reason why they became like this is that after Senior Shu Ning got married, she slowly began distancing herself from Teacher Gu."

Let alone Ning Wan, even Fu Zheng's brow wrinkled. "Did she and Professor Gu have a fight?"

"I've never heard of anything like that. Teacher Gu really valued Senior Shu Ning. Back then it was 'Senior Shu Ning' this and that every time he opened his mouth. Whenever he taught us he would tell us to be more like her. What's more, Teacher Gu is actually quite good to us students. He's definitely not the sort of mentor who squeezes his grad students."

Yao H bit her lip. "In fact, after she graduated and got married, Senior Shu Ning not only distanced herself from Teacher Gu, but almost completely cut off all her friendships here at the university." She paused, then explained, "We used to be friends on WeChat. But when I wanted to tell her about a school anniversary meeting, I found that she had unfriended me. When I asked around, including a few other students who were her contemporaries and those who had remained here at school to teach, all of us found that she had deleted us. That was also when Teacher Gu discovered that she had deleted him too..."

"She unfriended all of you?"

"Well, yes. I asked around our circle. Everyone, without exception, was unfriended. Teacher Gu was afraid that something had happened to Senior Shu Ning, so he asked someone to inquire, and as it turns out she was fine. She just didn't want to talk to us anymore..."

"Is that why Professor Gu has this attitude toward Shu Ning?"

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Yao H nodded. "Ever since then, Senior Shu Ning's name can't be mentioned in front of Teacher Gu. Teacher Gu felt like he hollowed out his heart for this student, only to have her remove him as a friend. It was really..."

It was no wonder that Gu Yejun had been so angry just now. If you put yourself into his shoes, it was completely understandable. To have been ruthlessly removed from the social circle of a pupil he had been boasting about left and right. Even if he hadn't wanted anything from her in return, it would have been a slap in the face regardless of who it was, that would make one never want to acknowledge Shu Ning's existence ever again.

But the more Yao H said, the greater the doubt in Ning Wan's heart, because Shu Ning was not that sort of ungrateful person. She had a mild temper, so mild that she was easily bullied. Although she was very talented, she didn't have much determination, nor was she a person with strong opinions. This was likely another one of Yu Feiyuan's "the man takes care of the outside world while the woman takes care of the inside" brainwashings. She had done whatever Yu Feiyuan had told her to do, including removing all the friends, relatives, and teachers she had known in the past. It wasn't like she would have done this of her own initiative...

"So how did you and Teacher Gu realize that Shu Ning just didn't want to talk to you?"

Yao H bit her lip. "Because we asked Senior Yu Feiyuan, Senior Shu Ning's husband. When we couldn't find Senior Shu Ning, we naturally immediately thought of him. Fortunately, Senior Brother had kept all our contact information, but when we asked him about Senior Shu Ning, he seemed extremely embarrassed. He refused to say anything at first, and only told the truth later. As it turns out, he had also advised Senior Shu Ning against this, but Senior Sister felt like since she was going to be a full-time housewife anyway, there was no longer any need to maintain friendships with us poor mechanical engineering students and old professors with lots of connections."

Not only Ning Wan, but even Fu Zheng noticed that something was obviously wrong here. "Yu Feiyuan said that?"

No matter what, if a husband truly loved his wife, he wouldn't criticize her shortcomings in front of others. Even if she was the one at fault, he should do his best to maintain her image4. But not only had Yu Feiyuan not maintained it, but he had portrayed his wife like an ungrateful and calculating merchant...

Yao H glanced again at Fu Zheng, and some red came to her cheeks. "Um, yes. Senior Brother also actually…"

"Also actually complained to you about Shu Ning's such and such shortcomings, and poured out his sufferings, implying that there were some unhappy things about his marriage?"

Yao H seemed taken aback, and looked at Fu Zheng with some surprise. "Lawyer Fu, how did you know?"

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Fu Zheng didn't answer. He glanced at Ning Wan, and Ning Wan got his message - he had also realized.

Her heart felt heavy. It looked as though her guess had turned out to be true.

She took a deep breath. "If I'm right, after he complained  you comforted him, and then of course he thanked you, and said some sweet words such as how understanding, gentle and considerate you were? Words which, to tell the truth, were a little bit ambiguous? Am I right?"

Yao H nodded, but immediately explained, "However, I didn't seek him out again afterward. Since Senior Brother is married, I felt that it would be inappropriate for me to be too close to him."

"You did the right thing," Ning Wan commended her. "He probably wouldn't have stopped at simply complaining about his wife and looking for verbal comfort from a junior like you." She scrutinized Yao H, and then remembered something. "Could I ask about Professor Gu's evaluation of Yu Feiyuan? After all, Yu Feiyuan was also a student under his tutelage."

Yao H looked hesitant. Fu Zheng stared at her earnestly with with a gentle smile on his face. "Yao H, we really need your help." His beautiful black eyes were firmly fixed on her. "Won't you help us?"

The man was selling himself5...

Ning Wan was simply dumbfounded. When Fu Zheng had first arrived at the community, he had been scrupulously cold and upright, revered and untouchable. Let alone him setting a honey trap for you, if you wanted to set a honey trap for him, he would surely have given you a dirty look. Nowadays it seemed like he was... much more grounded and making the best use of all his resources....

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