Probably because it was nearby, the intern named Cai Zhen arrived at the barbecue shop quite quickly. Just as Shao Lili was about to introduce them to each other, she watched Cai Zhen look at Ning Wan and blurt out--

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"Ahh, it's you!"

Ning Wan looked up in shock. "Do you know me?"

"You... you might not remember me," Cai Zhen seemed a little shy and embarrassed. "Once when I was on the high-speed train, an old auntie bullied me out of my seat1. At the time you helped me to distract her, but I misunderstood you. I thought, why wasn't a lawyer using the law to solve a dispute, and that a lawyer should have more dignity..."

When she said this, Ning Wan came to a realization. "No wonder you look so familiar. So it was you!"

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Cai Zhen seemed even more embarrassed. "I'm so sorry. Later on, I realized that you had used the efficient and flexible method of getting rid of a bully. I regretted it. I tried to apologize to you after getting out at the train station, but I couldn't find you. I didn't think we would run into each other now. Thank you so much."

Ning Wan had never been the kind of person to hold a grudge. After all the back and forth, Shao Lili finally understood what was going on, and she clapped Cai Zhen on the shoulder and said frankly, "Now that you're an intern, you should know that lawyers  have to handle plenty of disputes among the common folk, and it isn't always as simple and rigid as just following the law. But what a coincidence! Ning Wan also belongs to our Zhengyuan Law, and she's also your senior."

Because they had all studied law and were all in Zhengyuan Law, the three soon became familiar with each other. Ning Wan and Shao Lili would occasionally trade views about their cases, while Cai Zhen listened carefully. She truly was studious, and when confronting something she didn't understand, would raise a question in a cute and clever manner. Although she was just an intern, the questions she asked were keen and perceptive. The first time could just be a passing though, but when it happened several times, Ning Wan found that Cai Zhen was indeed very suited to law thanks to her quick thinking, rigorous logic, and clear mind. Judging from the engrossed look in her eyes, she probably also enjoyed law and the process of analyzing and solving cases.

"You have so much potential and the institute has offered you a contract, so why do you suddenly want to go home to take the civil servant examination?"

When questioned by Ning Wan, Cai Zhen paused, then lowered her head. "I won't take the civil service exam; I want to be a lawyer, and I'm going back to my hometown to practice there..."

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If Cai Zhen wanted to go back to her hometown to take the civil servant examination, work in public security law, and pursue a stable life, Ning Wan wouldn't have said much, but when she heard that she was going to go back to her hometown to practice law she couldn't help herself. "If you want to be a lawyer, the market will definitely be better in Rong City than in your hometown, since it's a first-tier city. Becoming a lawyer is tough at the start. Even if you're homesick or want to go back to take care of your family, you should take advantage of your youth to brush up your resume a little at Zhengyuan, then go back in a few years and maybe make partner in a smaller local firm."

When this topic came up, Cai Zhen paled visibly. Her sparkling eyes of just now disappeared, and her entire being seemed to fade to grey. She would no longer meet their gazes, and even seemed a little panicky. It seemed that there was something hidden behind her sudden refusal to join Zhengyuan Law Firm.

But since she didn't want to talk about it, Ning Wan didn't press her. As she was about to change the subject, Shao Lili opened her mouth and said, "Ugh, don't even bring it up. I've told Zhen Zhen the exact same thing at least eight hundred times. Those who've never known hunger just can't imagine how it feels! It's getting harder and harder nowadays for law students to find jobs, do you even know how hard it is to get into Zhengyuan now? Yet you're giving up this opportunity so easily. Plus you're so lucky compared to Ning Wan and me! Not only did you get a formal offer, but you would be assigned to Partner Jin as soon as you start. He works in business law and has tons of luxury, high-end business clients. The end of year red packets for the lawyers in his team are super generous..."

These words reminded Shao Lili of when she had complained about Ning Wan. "So you both really do share the same destiny! Tell me, you two, what's the matter with you? Ning Wan, although you went into the talent pool when you first entered, Partner Jin also tried recruiting you into his team afterwards. But you never went and now you're here stationed in the community as it's resident lawyer."

Shao Lili sipped her orange juice as she spoke, and couldn't help but sigh, "Poor Partner Jin! It's not easy to take a liking to someone and invite them to a team, but both of them turned him down..."

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What the speaker didn't mean, the listener heard. As soon as she heard the words "Partner Jin", Ning Wan's gaze shot up to examine Cai Zhen. Sure enough, when the girl heard those two words, she began to fumble with her hair nervously, her pallor paled, and she tried to hide the anxiety and fear that bloomed in her eyes.

Shao Lili, that nitwit, didn't have even the slightest idea that something was wrong, and soon changed the subject. Cai Zhen, after all, was about to leave Zhengyuan Institute. Shao Lili wished her well several times. It was obvious that she had really hit it off with Cai Zhen, and that she had poured out her care on this junior.

Cai Zhen's expression was very bleak, but in the face of Shao Lili's care and consideration, she pasted on a reluctant smile. Shao Lili seemed to think that she was feeling down because they had to part, but Ning Wan knew that that wasn't the case.

The meal didn't last long, since Shao Lili had to work overtime that night. The three said goodbye at the entrance to the barbecue shop, but as Shao Lili left, Ning Wan found that she couldn't let it go. She and Cai Zhen lived in completely opposite directions, and she knew that she didn't need to mind someone else's business, but in the end her feet were faster than her reason. By the time Ning Wan realized, she had already turned back and chased Cai Zhen back down--

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"Cai Zhen, would you like to have a cup of milk tea with me?"

In the face of Cai Zhen's stupefied look, Ning Wan said calmly, "There's something I want to talk about with you."

Although it was a little abrupt, Cai Zhen still retained a good impression about the high-speed rail seat-occupying incident, so she eventually agreed to Ning Wan's request. Ning Wan chose a small tea shop with a tasteful environment, ordered two cups of milk tea and first made a little small talk. Although Cai Zhen had been a little nervous at first, after listening to Ning Wan's interesting stories about community cases she begun to relax, even smiling and asking about the follow-up of some of them.

Sensing that the time was almost right, Ning Wan no longer beat around the bush. "You actually do want to stay on at Zhengyuan Law."

Cai Zhen hesitated, then pressed her lips tightly together.

Ning Wan sipped her milk tea. "Is Jin Jianhua harassing you?"

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