But Ning Wan was the person who had spent the most time with Fu Zheng, and also the person most impacted by his identity being concealed... So why...

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"I would like to explain it to Ning Wan in person, you see." Fu Zheng pursed his lips. "I would like for her to hear the story directly from me, and I want to put some careful consideration into it. After all, she deserves to receive a solemn explanation."

"You must be familiar with Ning Wan's character. If she came to know that I deceived her, she might not take it well. However, I value Ning Wan very highly. She has taken care of me very well during my time in the community, and I've seen that she's very capable. I'm still hoping that she will join my team in the future, so I wish to approach our relationship with care." Fu Zheng smiled. "As you know, if this isn't well-handled, it will be difficult to guarantee that Ning Wan won't react badly. If a misunderstanding occurs, it might bury a lede for any future cooperation, right?"

This explanation of Fu Zheng's was actually quite persuasive. Although he seemed mild, he had built it up step step. Accidentally exposing his identity was not at all the outcome he wanted. Before he had figured out how to gently resolve the crisis brought upon by his identity, he didn't want to take any risks. Nothing else mattered more than Ning Wan coming to accept who he was in as placid a manner as possible.

Shao Lili's eyes lit up when she heard this. "Do you mean to say that when you form a new team, you'll choose Ning Wan as one of the members?"

Fu Zheng nodded. "Yes." He let a slightly distressed expression slip over his face. "That's why I don't want any big changes in my relationship with Ning Wan to happen right now. Before I figure out how to tell her the truth, will you keep it a secret for me?"

"Yes! Of course!"

There was only happiness left in Shao Lili's heart at that moment. She was over the moon for Ning Wan, to be finally selected into a senior partner's team. Fu Zheng had worked with Ning Wan for so long that he must be well aware of her personality and ability.

"Oh, and can I trouble you with one more thing?"

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When she heard that the senior partner had something she could help with, Shao Lili promptly and cheerfully replied, "Of course, Partner Fu! Just name it!"

Fu Zheng cleared his throat and said very naturally, "Are there any other male coworkers besides Chen Shuo who are close to Ning Wan? Maybe not even at our firm, but just fellow peers in the same occupation?" He glanced at Shao Lili and added, "I'm just asking, not implying something else or anything. I also want to recruit a man for the team, you see, so I'm just curious if Ning Wan has a good relationship with any other male lawyers besides Chen Shuo? If they're close to Ning Wan, I might give them priority."

A senior partner was truly worthy of being a senior partner, to consider such things when forming a team. Shao Lili gave it some serious thought right away. "The only one Ning Wan is close to in our office is Chen Shuo. She only has a passing acquaintance with our other male colleagues. She's been so busy in the community that she hasn't been able to attend many cases and meetings at headquarters..."

When she finished, for fear that Fu Zheng might think that Ning Wan wasn't good at interpersonal communication, she quickly added, "But Ning Wan is very good on her own. I think she should be able to cooperate with anyone you select, Partner Fu."

When a boss formed a team, it was natural to hope that their team members would have already learnt to rub along well together. Some bosses had a lot of work to get done, and wished that they might be able to just pull a fully mature team out of thin air. But when he heard that Ning Wan had no other particularly close male colleagues in the firm, not only did Fu Zheng not only seem disappointed, but he actually looked... a little happy?

"Are you going to try to get Chen Shuo onto your team, too?" Shao Lili asked tentatively.

Although Chen Shuo was already on a team, as long as both partners and Chen Shuo agreed, switching teams wasn't problematic. According to reason, Chen Shuo had also worked in the community recently, so although Shao Lili had heard that he had been crushed by a falling dog, poor man, perhaps he had gotten along well with Fu Zheng and had caught the eye of the senior partner?

"No, there's no need for that." Fu Zheng answered instantly. He was smiling again and looked very cheerful indeed. "It's actually rather frowned upon to change teams halfway," he said very considerately toward Chen Shuo. "Chen Shuo's current partner values him very much, and he's on the right track there. It wouldn't be good to rashly change his team. A young man needs some time to build a solid foundation."

Shao Lili nodded, suddenly seeing the light. As expected of a senior partner, how thoughtful and considerate of Chen Shuo he was!

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"Also, you said that today you were here to pick up some original witness testimonies. Who was in charge of this? Cui Jing?"

"Um, yes..."

"Alright, I got it."

Fu Zheng smiled again, said a few more caring words, then thoughtfully called a taxi for Shao Lili and sent her back to the wedding.

It was just that to Ning Wan, Shao Lili seemed rather abnormally happy.

"Didn't you just come back from cleaning up after Cui Jing? Why are you still so happy after a whole trip back and forth?" Ning Wan was a little cross with her friend. "Next time Cui Jing does this, you should refuse. She's shameless enough. Every time she reports in, she takes credit for your work. That smooth talker, it's like flowers come out of her mouth when she talks. She obviously didn't do any of it but she takes all the results for herself..."

However, Shao Lili paid no attention to Ning Wan's remarks. Instead, she inquired solicitously about Ning Wan. "Ningning, how are you getting along with Fu-- Fu Zheng recently?"

Ning Wan hesitated. She had actually been secretly glancing at Fu Zheng recently. Had she been so obvious? Even Shao Lili, who didn't usually come to the community much, had found out?

Before, thanks to being busy with cases, Ning Wan hadn't put much thought about it. Afterward, something had happened to Chen Shuo and everything had been quite a mess. However, things at the community had slowed down the past two days, and the police seemed to be making headway on investigating Chen Shuo's matter, leaving her unoccupied and free to start having thoughts about Fu Zheng.

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No matter how Ning Wan tried to deny it, she had to admit that he was different to her.

It was just unexpected that at a time when she herself still didn't understand, 'everyone on the street knew what was on Sima Zhao's mind'1...

Fu Zheng was handsome, tall, gentle and kind. Although he was only an intern at present and had no great wealth or nobility, Ning Wan believed that there would be plenty of young women who would gladly marry him if he stepped out the door.

It was a disheartening thought. Although Ning Wan was quite close to him now because she was his mentor, she couldn't be his mentor for a lifetime. Sooner or later, somebody else would start eyeing him up...

Now that Shao Lili knew that she had these wild ideas about Fu Zheng, Ning Wan no longer bothered to hide it. "Do you think I treat him better?" she whispered.

If she treated Fu Zheng a little better, then Fu Zheng himself might be reluctant to leave her! In modern society these days, there was nothing wrong with a girl taking the initiative!

As expected, Shao Lili's eyes lit up. 'You finally get it!' was written all over her face. "Yes! You should be a little nicer to him! Treat him right! I can't emphasize this enough!"

Sure, she had promised Fu Zheng not to disclose his identity to Ning Wan, but it wasn't illegal to just drop a hint or two, right? Ning Wan was so sincere and warm-hearted; sure enough, as Fu Zheng's mentor she had been thinking about how to better take care of him! thought Shao Lili in her heart, and began to advise to Ning Wan on how best to treat Fu Zheng right. Anyhow, one couldn't go wrong letting Ning Wan kiss up to her future boss first!

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After a long chicken and duck talk2, Ning Wan's thoughts seemed to return to work. "Ugh, let's not talk about this stuff," she said a little nervously. "The senior partner is going to hold a written test for team selection next week, I wonder if the topic will be difficult..."

Shao Lili patted her chest right away and assured, "Don't worry, Ningning, I have a hunch this time that you'll definitely be on that team!"

"I'll be fine, I still have some confidence in myself. I'm worried about Fu Zheng," Ning Wan sighed. "I'm afraid that he won't pass, and if he doesn't, then won't he keep wasting away his time in the community...?"

One side of Shao Lili's mouth twitched. "I don't think your worries are necessary..."

Ning Wan continued to fret. "I've been in contact with the senior partner via email, right? I'll send him an email tonight pushing Fu Zheng. He's a little older and started a little late, but Fu Zheng really is quite talented and persistent..."

"Please don't..."

To recommend the senior partner to the senior partner himself? Just hearing it made Shao Lili feel second-hand embarrassment. "'The same sex repels each other', as they say," she attempted to hint. "If you push too hard, the senior partner might think that you're trying to bring him in through the back door."

"That's true." Ning Wan thought for a moment. "Well, if Fu Zheng doesn't make it, it won't be too late for me to find the senior partner then. In the worst case, then so long as Fu Zheng doesn't mind, I'd be willing to give him half my salary so that he can have the opportunity to work in the senior partner's team. Buy one get one free! The total salary the senior partner pays to the team won't change, and he'll get one more employee. I think that'll work!"


Shao Lili thought, I don't think that'll work...

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