Jobless – Chapter 46

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Translator: Yoshiro
Editor: Rumanshi

The Battle with the Goblins②

The goblins aren’t that intelligent.

By no means can they fight in battles high in calculation.

However, their body is ingrained with the instinct on how to defeat their opponent.

All three of them were not attacking from the front, but from 3 different directions.

Towards the simultaneous attack, I wonder how Eri will cope with it.




Eri’s decision was fast.

Raising a courageous voice, she charged to the enemy on her right.

Likely, she thought that lying in wait would only get her surrounded.




The goblin tried swinging the club in his hand to counter the coming knight.

But, that attack has totally no technique in it.

Aiming at the instant of it swinging the club widely with its arm, the blue knight raised her one-handed sword.




Fresh blood came gushing out from the goblin’s right arm, with the severed arm dancing in the sky.

Continuing that, the goblin fell with no control from the slashing attack to the head.

The remaining goblins stopped their movement as if hesitating.

Even though a monster, I believe they have emotions after all.

They might have felt fear for that instant, seeing their comrade being killed by the opponent.

However, that opening turned out fatal for those goblins.

Eri sprinted over, not missing out on that opening.




She swinged her one-handed sword from top to bottom just like that.

Without being able to resist, the goblins,



Raised a shriek and fell strengthlessly.

And then, there was one left.

The last goblin seems to have its consciousness returned from having its other comrade taken out.

It was examining the enemy’s state without attacking with no plans.

The first to attack was Eri.

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She swung her sword that was closing in to the goblin.

It was a small swing to examine the state of the opponent.

Reacting to that attack, the goblin tried defending it using the club.

Eri danced with multiple slashing attacks.

She does not let the opponent have a chance to attack.

Being cut in the arms and body, the floor is flowing with the goblin’s blood.

But, the eyes of the goblin are not dead.

So――did it judge that it has no chance of winning as it is?

The goblin assaulted with the resolution of receiving attacks.

One hand was amputated, and fell off.

But, the goblin did not stop.

Raising its remaining arm, it aimed its claw at Elisha’s throat.

But――that attack did not reach.

The one-handed sword went through the heart of the goblin’s heart from Eri’s thrust.




Eri who gave a sigh after the battle ended.

The three summoned goblins have already disappeared from the area.


“Un. That’s so-so. For a debut fight, that was great, wasn’t it?”


Saying that, Lania smiled.

While there were students that were bored looking at the attack, there were students that were flabbergasted, showing shock with their mouth opened.

I thought that it wasn’t a bad fight.


“Thank you very much.”


Having regulated her breath, Eri returned to my side from the middle of the battle drill room to the wall.


“Mars, how was it?”

“Ah. While the number of enemies was numerous, the goblins also have power contrary to their small-built after all. Without just pushing in with power, I do think that fighting with techniques and speed to cause confusion is effective. It’s also good that you did not hesitate on your decision.”


As she doesn’t have much experience with fighting monsters and could move that well, it’s quite something.

Just that, since monsters might take unexpectable actions, one must not be negligent towards any opponent.

However, I thought Eri would hesitate about taking the lives of the opponent though.


“If it’s monster, it seems that you can fight normally.”

“…… it doesn’t…seem that way.”

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After looking at her properly, Eri’s body was trembling.


“I couldn’t stop killing monsters. If I don’t do it, I will be the one done in. Though I know that…..I thought that it would be better if I could not kill.”


Eri’s naivety is going to be fatal when the opponent is a human.

Though it’s not something you can just get used to…..


“Elisha, if you get into a situation where your life is threatened, you must never waver. That’s is even if that opponent is a person you are close to.”

“…..I understand.”


What I can say right now is only this much. (TL: Why does he sounds like he know something about his parents’ murder?)


“Next, step forward whoever wants to do it.”


Those who were spiced up from looking at Eri’s battle, came forward to fight one after the other.

I guess I should say as expected of Class A, most of the students were able to acquire victory against the goblins.

Students having a hard fight were also numerous but there wasn’t anyone close to being killed.

And then, just when most of the students have completed their training,


“Mars, how about you?”


Lania asked.

Actually, whether or not I do it, it’s fine but,


“Please show how you fight.”


Sail having said it first,


“I would also like to see it.”


As if to follow up, Eri also said it.

The whole class is giving me their attention.

Though they didn’t say it, they seems to be anticipating it.

Looks like it doesn’t seem to be the mood to choose the choice of not doing it.


“Then, I guess I should do it.”


I step forward.


“Should I make it around ten goblins?”

“It’s fine even if there’s more, you know?”

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“Control yourself, will you”


My first battle using the magic stone.

I wonder what kind of equipment will mine become?.

Though I have used various weapon before, the most fitting one was the two-handed sword.

From young, since I was taught kenjutsu from Master, that could also be related though.

I put in my magic power in the magic stone.

And then――


“As expected――it’s this”


The heavy weight feels familiar in the hand.

What was formed was a two-handed sword.

Contrary on the heavy and thick look, it doesn’t feel heavy.

Though it’s a big sword, it’s something I can hold single-handedly.(TL:….is that still a two-handed sword?)

Other than the edge that was silver, this sword is dyed in black completely,

Even the handle that holds the sword is also black.

It’s a weapon that gives out a slightly ominous atmosphere.


“Hee….. a Black Greatsword, I see”


Lania who said that, murmuring.

The equipment was a blue combat attire that focus on mobility.

Just that, though I said equipment, it looks no different from just clothing.

There was totally no plate that works as armor.

Though I tried moving my body, as if made from very soft materials, it doesn’t feel like it’s stretching and was really easy to move about.

If there is anything that looks like an armor, it’s only the leather gauntlet that is being protected by a plate.

While even the leather boots is no different from normal shoes, the weight of it can be barely felt and it feels as light as being bare-footed.

It seems to be armor that is easy to move in but barely any defensive ability.


“Now then, are you ready?”



But, it doesn’t matter as long as I don’t receive an attack.


“Then, let’s begin.”


The goblins were summoned.

I stood without a stance, and was just waiting but there was no sign of them coming closely at all.


“Un? That’s weird. Fight, you all.”


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Lania commanded.

But, the goblins were trembling on the spot.


“Aren’t you coming?”


They were just bewildered, not even trying to move.

As if they were rejecting to fight.

Did they understand from their instinct?

That they could not win against me.


“Then, let’s finish this.”


I took a stance with my greatsword on my right hand on that spot.

From right to left, I swung horizontally with the sword.




Instantly――without a sound, the goblins’ heads flew simultaneously.

While blood gushed out from the severed head as if counter-flow of the waterfall, the bodies of ten goblins slowly fell.


“Well, I guess it’s something like this.”


Seeing off the goblins disappearing, I stopped the supply of magic power into the magic stone, releasing my equipment.

The students were unable to understand what happened, and was dumbfounded in shock as if the time has stopped.


“Is it a blade of the wind?”


It seems like Lania was able to see it.


“Ah. I will say it first, but it’s not magic. That just now was kenjutsu.”


Swinging the sword.

Even only with just that, one can cause a blade of wind to come forth from a single swing for those who have mastered the sword and whose swing can reach the speed of light.

It’s one of Master’s specialty sword techniques.(TL: I changed kenjutsu to sword technique due to the usage. I will use kenjutsu for ‘sword arts’ or ‘the way of the sword’, but situation like this, I will use sword techniques. )

The name of the technique is ―― Fuujin(Wind Blade).(TL: I prefer using Japanese names.)

By the way, it seems to be a school less, self-taught technique.


“You, aren’t you trying to cut me up as well? If I didn’t put up defense in time, it would have hit, you know?”

“No no, that is because there is the faith in the instructor-dono that she will be able to do something about it, you know.”

“Fuunn, say what you like.”


While the students were bewildered, I exchanged some frivolous talk with Lania.

Just like this, the actual combat training against monsters came to an end.

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