The Thing That Puru Found

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“Don’t go in there by yourself, Cosette!”

I called out to the half-elf girl who had started running ahead of me.

“But, Puru is…!”

It looked as if Cosette was chasing after her pet hamster.

Shifting her attention to smaller corners, she can make the most of her body and run through the trees, which are normally quite troublesome for people to move around.

Under normal circumstances, it would be quite difficult to catch up with her in such a lush terrain.

Should I cut down these trees instead?

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Though that idea crossed my mind, there was a chance I could crush Puru under the falling trees.

So I figured all I could do was to go after her until she stopped.

“Wait up, Puru! Where did you run off to!?”

Cosette kept on calling out as she ran, and there was no sign she would stop any time soon.

The deeper we went into the forest, the darker everything seemed to get around us.

Still, that hamster was already set on a destination from the moment it started running.

So he rushed through the deep forest without hesitation.


Just how far did that hamster run off to?

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We were getting really far away from where Raphie and the others were waiting for us.

But Cosette had finally stopped.

However, it wasn’t because she had wanted to stop. Instead, it seemed as if some unexpected event had forced her to stop.

“Huh? A cave…?”

Cosette seemed perplexed due to what she was looking at.

But that wasn’t a cave made out of stone and dirt.

What laid before our eyes was a large hole in the side of a tree so enormous that it looked as if every tree in this dense forest had merged together.

It was way too dark to see if the hole reached the other side of the tree, but…

“Ah– Puru!?”

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Puru darted into the hole, much to the half-elf’s chagrin.

“Wait! What are you doing!?”

Cosette was about to dash into the hole after Puru.

“Wait, Cosette!”

I grabbed Cosette by the shoulder.

“What are you doing!?”

“If you want to go in, please let me go first. You can follow right behind me.”

We didn’t know how dangerous it was in there.

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Cosette agreed after a brief moment of hesitation.

We took a look inside from the edge of the big hole.

It was a space completely filled with darkness.

It looked too dangerous to even take a single step inside.

I used magic to create a ball of light in the palm of my hand.
Light overflowed in the middle of this dark forest.

“Let’s go.”


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