I am a Big Villain

Chapter 116

Chapter 116: I’m Surviving On A Desert Island 1

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Here a tiny part of chapter 116 as my proof of life…
Got tripped at the item names and descriptions T^T

After several world missions, Yan Chu’s points had grown considerably. At the same time, there were a lot of goods in his system space that he thought may come in handy in the future but had not been used yet.

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The goods in the system mall were known to be updated once a day, with only five items refreshed each time. Not every time you needed to use a particular commodity, it would appear on the shelf as you wanted. For this, Yan Chu was not stingy with points. When he saw those more beneficial commodities, he would choose to buy them.

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Now Yan Chu had 11,800 points left, but there were many icons in My Goods on the system panel, and each one corresponds to a category of products.

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【Muscle Growing Pill】Good medicine for trauma, return your milk-like skin, 2 of 3 remaining
【Internal Building Pill】Good medicine for internal injury, essential for life-saving, 2 of 3 remaining
【Golden Spears Never Come】Ten times a night, be the bravest and fiercest man, 2 of 3 remaining
【Countless Changes】Human skin mask, ultra-thin and breathable, for your personal enjoyment, permanent
【Animal Encyclopedia】Know the animal encyclopedia of your world, only valid for mission worlds, durability: one world
【Plant Encyclopedia】Know the plant encyclopedia of your world, only valid for mission worlds, durability: one world

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【Highly Intelligent】Possess the highest IQ in the world within 36 hours, side effects: brilliantly smart
【Time Rewinder】Similar to the load game function, it can reverse the time after saving the time node, utility: within three hours
【I am a Druid】Able to communicate with animals, with the natural animal favorability is 60, can only be used in one world
【Utility Knife】I am me, a different utility knife, my sharpness is beyond your imagination, durability: one world
【Exorcism Talisman】Mt Mao Technique, exorcising ghosts and warding off evil spirits, ten times

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【Meteor Shower】Mt Mao Technique, extremely powerful, used against fierce ghosts, three times
【Transcendental Mantra】Mt Mao Technique, having a certain chance to help the malicious spirits find peace, three times

Yan Chu bought these from the commodities updated in the system mall every day, and some of them had been used, such as Muscle Growing Pill and Internal Building Pill. Not every world was smooth. The efficacy of these two pills was potent. Yan Chu did not know whether the system would deliver him to those dangerous worlds one day. He had always hoped that the system could refresh similar drugs, but unfortunately, he had not seen them appear on the mall shelves for so long.

It was safe to say that there were too many female executors in the main god space, which led to the market-oriented channels of the mall mainly aimed at women. Sometimes, after a few months, the goods on the shelves were pills for beauty, skin nourishment, or giving birth to children. Yan Chu did not need those. Sometimes there were some good things, but his points may not be enough. This cause was also the reason after several missions had come down from the world, his storage space only had a few things.

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