I am a Big Villain

Chapter 15

Gao Yaqin was lucky, even though she bled so much, her life finally saved.

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She and Jiang Cheng made a lot of noise that day. When they started smashing things, they attracted all the neighbors. It was just a housework for married couple to quarrel with each other. It was hard for others to get involved until Jiang Donglin came home, they followed him and looked quietly into Jiang Jia[1]‘s room.

It was at this moment they saw Gao Yaqin lying in a pool of blood and a messy living room. At this time, Jiang Donglin thought it was too late to close the door again. The neighbors rushed up and pushed him away, human life was beyond value[2]. A group of people rushed Gao Yaqin to a nearby hospital and barely saved her life.

At that time, there were many people who saw the situation inside the house. Even if Jiang Cheng wanted to say that Gao Yaqin had fallen and injured herself, no one would believe it. In addition, Jiang Nancheng and Jiang Xijin, the two children were already frightened to death, so many words were put forward. Before Gao Yaqin woke up, Jiang Cheng was taken away by the police.

There was not any doubt that Gao Yaqin loved Jiang Cheng, but she loved her life more. When she woke up, she knew that after she fell into the museum shelf, Jiang Cheng watched her bleeding but did not send her to the hospital for treatment. At that moment, she was chilled. The first thing she did when woken up was to divorce Jiang Cheng, and asked for the custody of a couple of her children and most of the property in their family.

Unfortunately when it rained, it poured[3], and they could not divorced for the time being. Gao Yaqin was not discharged from hospital yet, she was isolated and investigated by the Discipline Inspection Division. Some corruption and abuse of the law[4] practices that Jiang Cheng had done in those years were exposed. There were also many shadows of Gao Yaqin’s participations. She was not firm-minded, seriously wounded and the enormous pressure exerted by the Discipline Inspection Division, she could not resist it after all, and brought up all the things that she had been done in those years.

The two people’s civil service were cancelled. Jiang Cheng was sentenced to 30 years for bribery case. Gao Yaqin was better than him. She was finally sentenced to 10 years for jointly participating in the sale of stolen goods.

As for Jiang Jia‘s property and some savings, it were confiscated, including the small amount of gold bars that Yan Xun gave Gao Yaqin at that time. He did not claim the property, after all, it took too long and there was not enough evidence to prove that was his. Yan Xun’s goal had been achieved as long as those finances no longer belonged to Jiang Jia.

She was nearly 40 years old and would came out 10 years later. She had not any job and savings. As one could well imagine what kind of life awaits her.

Family’s social status was very important for a person in the past seven or eight years, including for college students.

Jiang Cheng loved Jiang Dongling most. Even if he pleaded guilty, he also trying to get Jiang Donglin out of everything, but Gao Yaqin was not so kind. At the beginning, she was good to Jiang Dongling. Besides pleasing Jiang Cheng, she also had the intention of restoring her reputation, after all, when Yan Xun was in trouble, she immediately divorced him. In the most people’s eyes, she was a desperate woman who could be with wealthy and honorable but couldn’t share hardships. After remarrying, she urgently needed a good reputation to help to get rid of her bad reputation left by her previous marriage.

Now she was going to jail, of course she didn’t want to not say anything about Jiang Donglin’s participation, she strove for commutation of her sentence to leave prison early.

Gao Yaqin had not suffered much in her life. Even when Gao Jia declined in her childhood, in most unfortunate occurrence she was still a homeworker[5]. She did not criticized harshly for eating and wearing. After she married his family, she lived a good life with less grandmother. Even after she was divorced, she had a rich gold bars, and her days were still rich.

For her, prison was similar to hell. She couldn’t stand rough prison clothes, food mixed with bran, even intolerable with more than a dozen people in a big room and a life in which she couldn’t take a bath for more than ten or twenty days. For this reason, she racked her brains to fight for commutation. Jiang Dongling was the first person she bit out, but definitely not the last one.

In the end, Jiang Dongling was sentenced to two years of imprisonment. Because of insufficient evidence, he couldn’t continued his college and it left a very serious stain. His future was almost dark.

The only ones who escaped were Jiang Nancheng and Jiang Xijin, two jiědì[6]. There were some distant relatives left in Jiang Jia and Gao Jia, but no one willing to support these two spoiled young lady and noble son. Finally, they were sent to Child Care Institution. They were only thirteen years old. The Child Care Institution could guaranteed their lives before they were sixteen years old, but after that, they had to rely on themselves.

Yan Chu did not expect everything to went so smoothly. Sure, there were reasons for his father’s intervention, but the end of Jiang Jia‘s dog-eat-dog[7] was beyond Yan Chu’s imagination.

He remembered what 007 said at the beginning, and there might be reasons why the novice world’s tasks was less difficult.

For him currently, the Jiang Jia was a thing of the past, now he was standing outside the delivery room, anxiously pacing back and forth.

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“Xiao Chu ah, you can rest assured that even a woman’s first birth is not fast, Dingding’s body is well-nourished, there will be nothing wrong.”

Said Huang Ruhua to her son-in-law. She was really glad that she hadn’t prevented her daughter from marrying him, otherwise she would went somewhere else to find a son-in-law with a good family and good character.

One month before Lin Dingding giving birth, Huang Ruhua came to the capital with Lin Guangguo and her eldest son Lin Dingnan. Now she lived in Yan Jia‘s house. After all, Lin Guangguo was the production team’s leader. He couldn’t take a long vacation. After staying in the capital for a week, he and her eldest son returned home with gifts and bags. As for Huang Ruhua, she stayed in the capital. She had to wait for her daughter during zuòyuè zi[8] and saw what happened before she went back.

“Qìngjiāgōng[9], you too. Take a seat, OK?”

Huang Ruhua was very respectful of her son-in-law’s father. He is an university professor, before that, a graduate student who teach talented people. The most powerful person she had ever met was the director of the commune. Now Yan Xun ranked first among the most powerful people in her heart.

“It’s all right, qìngjiāmǔ[10]. Currently I can’t sit down either.”

Yan Xun was a little nervous. His daughter-in-law was giving birth to his granddaughter or grandson inside. He missed his son’s growth. This time, he hoped that he could participated in the growth of his granddaughter or grandson.


Across the thin door panels of the delivery room came a loud cry from the baby. Now let’s not talked about Yan Chu and Yan Xun, even Huang Ruhua, who was very calm at the beginning, could not help but got excited. Three people surrounded the door of the delivery room and waited for the nurse to carry the baby out.

“It’s a boy. The nurse will hold the baby for basic examination, cleaning and weighing later.”

A little nurse with a mask came out with a child wrapped tightly, a pink lump. The hair of the newborn was thick enough. Because the amniotic fluid was not dry, the wet strands were sticking to his head. His skin was wrinkled, like the little old man. But in her eyes, there was not any better looking child in the world.

Was this the feeling of being a father?

Yan Chu looked at a small soft lump, apparently he still not believing that he had two palm-sized child, he did not dare touched him at all.

“Nurse, how is my wife?”

Yan Chu didn’t forget the child’s mother, and asked the nurse who was holding the child nervously.

Huang Ruhua was somewhat more satisfied with this son-in-law. The men value their children. When she gave birth to Dingnan, everyone always went around the child after she giving birth. When she saw enough children, only then she remembered this pregnant woman. If Huang Ruhua had any dissatisfaction with Lin Guangguo in her life, it was at this case.

But what could be done? The men in the village were all like this. If you said you were not happy, people would dislike you for being unreasonable, what kind of vinegar[12] you’re eating with your own children?

Yan Chu’s unconscious practice added another point to his mother-in-law’s satisfaction with him, and also got regarded with special respect from the little nurse.

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Since the one-child policy came out, the most nurses in the maternity ward had been experienced having surrounded by a group of people around the children, either male or female, even relatives of the women’s side were the same.

If the baby was a girl, most people would be disappointed and disperse, even the children were too lazy to see. If the baby was a boy, they would be wild with joy[13] and surrounded the baby boy, looking at what kind of baby he was, leaving the newly chǎnfù[14] aside.

The first reaction to ask chǎnfù like Yan Chu, little nurse did not see much.

“There’s nothing wrong with chǎnfù. She is just resting after giving birth and has gone to sleep for a while. She’ll wake up and came out to be sent to the ward in a moment. You can either wait here or go to the ward.” The little nurse finished speaking and took the baby back into the delivery room.

When Lin Dingding woke up again, her husband sat on the edge of her bed. On the other side of her, there was sweet-smelling pink little monkey who finished a bath, eyes closed and sleeping soundly.

“Dingding, this is our child”

Yan Chu picked up his freshly born son and brought him to Lin Dingding. Before that, he helped her with a few pillows behind her so that she could sat up.

“He is so small and red.”

The custom of Lin Dingding’s hometown, which the unmarried girls was unable to enter the delivery room or contact the child who was not one month old. Therefore, most of the children she saw were children who had broken away from the wrinkled little old man-like at birth, and their skin was not as red as it was now.

“All the new-born children are like this, our son is very handsome.”

Yan Chu didn’t know how high his son was ranked in the baby world, but in his eyes, he was absolutely the most handsome.

Lin Dingding was Yan Chu’s brain powder[15], ah! This had became more and more obviously after marriage. Although she felt her son’s appearance seemed not as good as her husband said, she still choose to accept it unconditionally.

There was a smell of books in the abdomen from China[16]. Lin Dingding believed that there was a father like Yan dàgē[17], even if the child was not good-looking, he could attracted the eyes of many girls with his inner beauty. There was not need to worry about finding a daughter-in-law.

“That’s nice.”

Lin Dingding cautiously hugged her son, who was sleeping soundly, and looked at her tender-eyed husband. For a moment, the feeling of happiness filled her whole heart.

“Ding——The completion of the main mission is 100%, the novice world mission is all over.”

With the sound of 007, Yan Chu’s mind suddenly broke away from his body. According to his current perspective, he was floating in the mid-air, and could clearly saw the scene in the room. That Yan Chu was holding his wife’s and son’s hand. From beginning to end, his consciousness was separated from the body and no one seemed to be aware of this.

“You’re better than I thought, but it’s just a novice’s world and it’s going to be the least difficult world you’ve ever experienced. Now you have the option to stay in the world until the end of your life or you can also choose to end the mission and leave a copy, he will inherit all your thoughts and emotions, the equivalent of a fully cloned you.”

007 appeared from mid-air. To be honest, it was very curious about Yan Chu. He was not same with the hosts who had done similar tasks before. Without exception, they chose the means of revenge, which were extremely cruel and extreme. But Yan Chu was in a clear-headed state from beginning to end, as if the original body’s general emotions had no effect on him.

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He was too calm, this calmness made 007 surprised. He seemed to be able to isolate himself from original body’s emotions. At the beginning, the original body’s emotions killed so many excellent host’s state of mind. But it did not seem to have a big impact on him.

Perhaps it could expected something. Its No. 17 host, could went a long way.

“What kind of price would it take to stay in this world?” Yan Chu looked at the smiling girl who currently lying in bed, as well as that pink wrinkled child, and asked with an indistinguishable look.

“By deducting 100 points, you can stay in the mission world until the end of your life.”

“Then I choose to stay.”

Yan Chu smiled. It was his first time to be a husband and a father, so he wanted to stay.


007’s mechanical eyes took a deep look at Yan Chu. The next second, Yan Chu felt his soul swayed and returned to his body.

Feeling the warm touch in his hand, Yan Chu thought. He didn’t know if he was going to had a different attitude to family love after he was going to go through a whole world of missions. But at least at this moment, he really owned and cherished it.


In his first mission world, Yan Chu lived to be 77 years old. In the year that Lin Dingding was passed away, he returned to the small village where they met and on the third day, he completely separated from the world.

“Yan Chu, let’s divorce.”

It was the second world of his mission, it was more difficult than the novice world. He heard a tired and trembling female voice before he had time to accept the plot and the original memory.

Yan Chu looked at the woman in loose pajamas in front of his eyes, he helplessly nested in the sofa and looking particularly thin woman. He silent for a moment and responded coldly.


The woman was stunned for a moment. Her eyes were watery and she seemed to want to make a smiling expression. It seemed to be liberated, like a heartbreak, she biting her lower lip, getting up and leaving.

From beginning to end, Yan Chu sat in his seat and watched the woman disappeared on the stairs leading to the second floor.

Until that person walked away, he closed his eyes and began to absorb the memory of the original body. After reading the general direction of the world and understanding the mission requirements of the client, as calm as Yan Chu, he could not help but spit out a “kào[18]“.

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[1] family; household

[2] a case involving human life is to be treated with the utmost care

[3] unfortunate things happen one after another

[4] to take bribes and bend the law

[5] people working from their homes or from other premises of their choosing other than the workplace, for payment, which results of a product or service specified by the employer, ref link 1, ref link 2

[6] older sister and younger brother

[7] two people who are not pleasing to kill each other

[8] to convalesce for a month following childbirth, following a special diet, and observing various taboos to protect the body from exposure to the “wind”

[9] 亲家公; Qìngjiāgōng: generally the title of their parents to the spouse father; bride’s or bridegroom’s father; your esteemed father

[10] 亲家母; qìngjiāmǔ: generally the title of their parents to the spouse mother; bride’s or bridegroom’s mother; your esteemed mother

[11] sound of child’s crying

[12] jealousy

[13] ecstatic

[14] woman recuperating after childbirth

[15] fangirl; fanboy; usually refers to those who are extremely obsessed with celebrities or different brands, crazy pursuits and irrational, ref link

[16] 腹有书香气自华; fù yǒu shū xiāngqì zì huá: wisdom in hold, elegance in mold; as long as you read poetry and books, you will have a good temperament and elegance

[17] big brother

[18] English equivalent of “f***”

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