I am a Big Villain

Chapter 22.2

Yu Xinyan was sitting on the sofa at this time. When the reporter asked the question about Yu Xitong, she couldn’t help to pause her movement of gently caressing and stroking Yan Aotian’s head. Her mood also became a little nervous.

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Although she knew in her heart that Yan Chu would not say anything about his reputation at the press conference, she still wanted to hear the other side’s explanation for the reason why Xintong was different from others.

“I don’t know where this journalist friend heard the false news. From beginning to end, I have no idea of ​​Miss Xintong beyond my friends.”

Yan Chu said this sentence extremely affirmative, as if his words thrown on the floor[1], it would make a sound.

“I love my wife. The reason for the divorce is because in the past few years, for the sake of my career, we, husband and wife have gathered less and separated more. And out of selfishness, I have been reluctant to promise her to announce the news of our marriage. The mistake is all about me. She is a very gentle and kind woman. In our marriage, she paid 99%, and I only paid a poor 1%.”

Yan Chu could hardly conceal guilt and regret in his eyes: “In this marriage, I am sorry for my wife, because I did not fulfill my responsibilities as a husband, and I am sorry for those who like me because I hide such an important thing from them. I know that this mistake will disappoint many people, but I have been wrong for twelve years. I don’t want to make mistakes again in the days to come.

【Yan Yan, no matter what, we spud[2] loves you】
【Āi[3], as expected, you don’t know how to cherish it until you lose it. But a woman who can make Yan Chu bet on his career must be real good I presume. I can only choose to bless her】
【Heart attack[4], the man I love belongs to another woman, blessings】

Many passionate fans couldn’t help but touched by Yan Chu’s heartfelt words and send their blessings one after another.

【He deserves to be the film emperor. His acting is especially good】
【He said he had nothing to do with Yu Xintong and the masses were fools】

There are quite a few messages like the above, but the water army invited by Liu Jiangtao and some loyal powders of Yan Chu quickly brushed it down, and more passers-by chose to eat melon seeds.

However, we had to say that Yan Chu’s choice of self-destruction was too well. The masses were tolerant of those who take the initiative to admit mistakes. Also, Yan Chu’s answers to audiences over the years were all quality-guaranteed films. He never made monstrous scandals, and the popularity of passers-by was excellent.

Especially when women looked at the film emperor’s expression at this moment, they were almost envious of his mysterious ex-wife who had placed on his heart. They wished they could replace her, but there hadn’t any second thought about it at all.

Of course, none of the people here had sincerely touched like Yu Xinyan’s heart. She couldn’t help holding Yan Aotian’s hand tightly.

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“Ao ao ao ao.”

Yan Aotian rolled its eyes and spat its tongue. It felt like it was dying soon.

“Aotian, ​​maybe your father Yan’s words, can be trusted once again, isn’t?”

Yu Xinyan’s words paused. It is rare to use the word used many times these days. She looked at Yan Aotian’s eyes with great tenderness.

“Ao ao ao ao ao.”

That slag dad gave the dog a small steak and lamb chops. He was a good dad. The dog didn’t want a stepfather and to compete with the stepfather’s dog.

Unfortunately, Yu Xinyan was not Yan Chu. She couldn’t understand its dog’s language.

Looking at Yan Aotian’s lively and happy appearance, Yu Xinyan found a reasonable excuse for his compromise.

She just wanted to give her child a complete home, yes, that’s it.

“Film Emperor Yan, do you want a simple apology to end the twelve years of concealment? Those fans and audiences who trust you, have you ever thought about the harm that your hidden marriage brings to them?”

The reporter who just asked didn’t seem to want to let Yan Chu off easily. Even before the press conference began, Yu Mingxia already said that every media could only ask one question, but he still broke the rule and persisted in questioning Yan Chu.

Yan Chu frowned. He remembered that he never became enemy with Bāguà Zhōukān. Even if it was for the sake of topic and exposure, to accomplished to this degree was too excessive. This reporter probably not bought by any other side, he presumed?

“Film Emperor Yan, why don’t you answer, or are you guilty? Do you think it is unfair for some of your predecessors to make the mistake of a hidden marriage but you still be able to shoot a movie and get endorsements as usual?”

The predecessor of that journalist’s word had some people to hit the target. It was Yuan Kui, an actor with more seniority than Yan Chu.

He was China’s most famous idol when Yan Chu just entered the circle. In the beginning, he also flaunted singleness to the outside world and was sought after by thousands of girls.

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When Yuan Kui was in transition, he had photographed living in a hotel with the female lead of the crew, as well as some intimate photos. At that time, both of them expressed their feelings, indicating they were in ordinary love and denounced the paparazzi’s behavior.

At that time, except for a few fans, most fans were supportive of their relationship. After all, women’s career was not weaker than men’s.

But just when the hype of romantic love between the two peoples was unstoppable, the paparazzi they reprimanded, Zhuowei, revealed that Yuan Kui had been married for eight years, had a son and a daughter, while maintaining an improper relationship with three or four women.

At that time, a stone stirred up a thousand waves[5], Zhuowei once again established his position as a big paparazzi, and Yuan Kui scolded by the public because of this series of scandals. How many fans supported him at the beginning, and how unforgiving they were later.

Now Yuan Kui was still mixed up in the entertainment circle. But unfortunately, without the original status, he could only play some 18-line small movies and online dramas. During this time, Yan Chu burst out his hidden marriage news, and Yuan Kui’s old materials had also mentioned once again.

But if you said so, it was two different things.

First, Yan Chu’s hidden marriage was his own revelation, and he had an acknowledged one’s mistake attitude. After the incident, Yuan Kui tried his best to deny it. Until the evidence was confirmed, he had to come out and apologize to the public.

Second, Yan Chu made only one mistake in his hidden marriage from the beginning to the end. He did not have any conclusive evidence of derailment with any actress. Many of them were just the shadow of the media. Yuan Kui’s extramarital affair with many women was a fact. There was even an illegitimate son who had involved in a lawsuit for paternity testing. Such behavior was difficult for female fans to accept.

So in summary, for the reporter compared Yan Chu and Yuan Kui, which seemed unreasonable to his fans.

Because of his problem, the Internet suddenly blossomed, the little reporter’s Webo had not been overturned out for the time being. His family’s eldest, Zhuowei’s and gossip entertainment official’s Weibo were invaded by fans at once and asked them to state their side on how their family Yan Chu and Yuan Kui had made a certain degree of mistake.

“This reporter.”

Liu Jiangtao’s face was not very good. He picked up the microphone in front of him and was trying to answer this question for Yan Chu when Yan Chu stopped him.

“I have been joining the entertainment industry for twelve years. During this period, I have starred in five TV series and filming seven movies as the lead actor, participated in three TV dramas and shooting five movies as the supporting role, and some friendship TV plays and movies. In these twelve years, I have won China’s highest award for TV dramas and movies. These words, not because I’m proud and complacent, but I want to say that for those fans who really like me and support me, I delivered a fairly good answer.”

【It’s not accurate. It’s reasonably good, OK? Our Yan Yan is China’s youngest three gold film emperor】
【Love Yan Yan, no explanation】
【Remembering Yan Yan’s follow up to obtain his first film emperor, tears come to my eyes】

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Despite the man who was emotionally a scum, he had a clear conscience regarding in his career as an actor. Except for several Mary Sue idol dramas at the beginning of his fame, and later the scripts he performed were guaranteed quality and his acting skills were incomparably passable.

Apart from a few of thoroughfare minor literary and artistic films awards, all his films were popular and critically acclaimed, and he never used a stand-in for the fierce wǔdǎ[6] and blasting drama. He could not leave the front line on account of minor wounds[7], and his professionalism was beyond reproach.

Because his words, whether it was a fan or passers-by, all recalled the works Yan Chu had given to the audience over the years. As an actor, he was excellent, no needed to mention his hidden marriage.

Moreover, he did not take drugs, did not smoke or drink, had not any scandals, was enthusiastic about public welfare, or was a show. In public opinion, he had portrayed a rather good leading role model for his fans and was an excellent idol.

Those sunspots who had been spraying him also paused their offensive. In fact, except for a few bored keyboard men[8], most of them were recruited by the water army of the duìjiā[9] fans or other companies. Faced with Yan Chu’s achievements in his career, they really could not find any black spots.

“Here, I announce that I will retire from the entertainment industry forever, except for the previous contract which can not be changed.”

Yan Chu stood up and bowed deeply.

“I’m sorry for those fans who love me and support me. I have lied to you for twelve years. I fulfilled the promise I made to you. Now, I want to be stubborn for the last time. I’m sorry for my late adolescence!”

【WTF? WTF? WTF?】[10]

The internet was boiling because of his words. The film emperor wanted to withdraw from the circle. Was this an April Fool’s Day joke?

Everyone was extremely shocked, not to mention his fans, who didn’t believe it was true.

【That stupid beep——beep——beep—— gossip weekly reporter, if Yan Chu really withdraws from entertainment circle because of his words, I will send a wreath to their headquarters every day in the future.】

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Many fans were violent. Zhuowei’s and Bāguà Zhōukān’s Weibo were full of insulting and blaming words, which could only be replaced by beeps.

Zhuowei wondered, recently he did not explode anything about the flow of young actors or actress ah! How could everyone scold him? He didn’t know the foolish things his family’s little journalist did when he was bought up. If he knew, he had eaten his heart already.

Zhuowei was still very smart. He only revealed the scandal that the star had solid evidence. In this way, he was the one who took the initiative. Even if the fans were angry, more passers-by were standing on his side. Although Yan Chu’s affair had attracted a lot of attention, it was obvious that there was not any room for him, Zhuowei, to play. So he didn’t devote much attention to this matter, basically, it was basically handed over to him.

Many thanks in advance for reading and responding <(_ _*)>

[1] 掷地有声 [zhì dì yǒu shēng]: lit. if thrown on the floor, it will make a sound (idiom); fig. (of one’s words) powerful and resonating; to have substance

[2] little potato; an edible tuber native to South America; a staple food of Ireland

[3] 哎 [āi]: hey!; (interjection used to attract attention or to express surprise or disapprobation)

[4] 心塞 [xīn sāi]: lit.heart attack; it is less about physical pain but is often used to describe an extremely painful or negative feeling caused by something else; speechless

[5] a metaphor for a small action can cause a strong reaction

[6] acrobatic fighting in Chinese opera or dance

[7] 轻伤不下火线 [qīng shāng bú xià huǒ xiàn]: not to leave the front line on account of minor wounds; a small problem cannot be an excuse to leave, ref link

[8] 键盘侠 [jiànpán xiá]: keyboard man; refers to some people who are timid in real life, and who occupies a moral high point on the Internet to publish “personal sense of justice” and “personal commentary”, ref link

[9] 对家 [duìjiā]: (in mahjong, cards, etc.) party sitting opposite oneself; other party in a proposed marriage; intended husband or wife; intended

[10] @卧槽 [wò cáo]: 卧 [wò]: to lie; to crouch and 槽 [cáo]: trough; manger; groove; channel; homonym of 我肏 [wǒ cào]: F***

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