I am a Big Villain

Chapter 25

The Hidden Marriage of the Scum Film Emperor 10

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Translator: Kieshi

Editor/proofreader: sleepymona

#The film emperor took his wife to participate in [Meng Pets Forward!] and the crazy fan splashed acid on him, his life and death are uncertain#

#Crazy fans splashed acid, the film emperor’s life and death become a mystery, counting the years of extreme fans has caused nasty events#

#The mysterious identity of the film emperor’s wife revealed when she appeared in [Meng Pets Forward!]#

The newspapers and magazines were in no doubt. The media present at that time had already compiled the report and uploaded it on the Internet in the first moments, including the live scenes taken by the passerby’s who were present at the time of Yan Chu’s attack, and also shared them crazily on the Internet immediately.

Yan Chu’s fans were crazy. They didn’t admit that the woman who attacked their favorite film emperor was one of them. They were better after seeing some live videos of the fans who wrote that the movie emperor was rescued, though his life and death was uncertain.

Despite the poor quality of the photo, at least it could be seen that Yan Chu’s injuries were not serious, did not hurt his face and vital parts. But even so, it hurt those who really liked him. Furthermore, the videos had a gap in coverage. Who would have imagined if he had suffered any injuries where they couldn’t see?

This was an extremely nasty event. Many stars had come out appealing to everyone for a rational pursuit of the stars. They were also human beings. What Yan Chu experienced currently would very likely to be something they might encounter in the future. They all understood the reason for without the lips, the teeth felt the cold[1].

Many people, whether they like or hate Yan Chu, left messages under his Weibo this time, hoping that he would be okay. As for the matter of not retiring from the circle, it seemed not significant in the face of safe and sound.

【I only want to say that I am touch by the feelings between Film Emperor Yan and his wife. Although the video is not clear, it evident that when the madwoman splashed acid, the first reaction of the film emperor’s wife was to stop in front of him and protect him. And the film emperor’s first reaction was to keep his wife and face the sulfuric acid splashed on them with his back, which was the first reaction of human beings. If it weren’t for love, it would never have been possible】

【What upstairs say is also what I want to say. Before, I was worried about what kind of woman the film emperor’s wife was. She is not beautiful and has a good personality. But if there is a lover who can save you at the most critical moment, it won’t really matter】

【I also believe that there is love in the world. Yan Yan also said before, he paid too much attention to his career and neglected his wife, so his wife chose to divorce. Now it seems that they still love each other deeply. I hope that they can reconcile after this event. As for retirement from the circle, it is not essential. As long as he is happy, it is us spud’s happiness】

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Life and death were the most emotional tests. Yan Chu and Yu Xinyan’s reaction to the acid-splashing female fan happened to prove this, which made Yan Chu’s fans, passers-by watching the drama, or those sunspots could only send blessings.

“What the hell is going on? How did our trip leak out?”

Now the most headache was estimated to be the directors of [Meng Pets Forward!]. A great thing had turned into a severe matter because of Yan Chu’s injury. In a few hours, the official website had attacked by fans. In any case, the film emperor attacked when he participated in the recording of the program, which was the irreconcilable responsibility of the program group.

“Director, there is nothing we can do for this matter, ah. Our program has gathered a lot of focus. Everyone is big stars, and someone can always find out when walking on the road. Even if we protect Yan Chu more rigorously, it unable to stop many people who use their heads.”

The little assistant said bitterly.

“What about the film emperor’s wife? Do you know that the film emperor brought his wife to the studio? How did this matter get out?”

The director’s thought wasn’t wrong, ah. The reporters clearly came for the film emperor and his hidden wife. How did this news got leaked out?

“I don’t know. I asked. No one knows that the woman who looks like an assistant is the film emperor’s wife. Neither did the film emperor introduced her from beginning to end. All of them, even Xu gē, is unclear about them.”

The little assistant shook his head.

“Director, quickly look up at the explosive material.” The program rushed in and held her phone in front of the director.

“The identity of the film emperor’s wife was dug up by netizens. Yu Xinyan, who played a little lóngtào[2] in the idol drama that made Yan Chu famous 12 years ago, her appearance time did not much and was supposed to be doing well at that time.”

“Now you tell me the identity of the film emperor’s wife. What’s the relationship with my headache?” The director licked his forehead and was a little impatient.

“Director, don’t worry, ah. Yu Xintong, Yu Xinyan, don’t you think these names are too similar?” She touched the screen of his mobile phone and scrolled down the post.

“You mean?”

That director suddenly came with a thought. If it really the way he imagined, no one knew Yu Xinyan except Yu Xintong, ah! If you wanted to find someone on the performers and production team who’s likely to make a fuss, it was definitely that Yu Xintong.

Just why are these sisters doing this kind of thing?

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“Look, ah, it is written here that Yu Xinyan and Yu Xintong are half[3]-sisters. Yu Xinyan is the first wife’s born, Yu Xintong’s mother is similar to the promoted mistress. This inside dig is clear here, and according to some of Yu Xintong’s best friends, she doesn’t like her jiějie very much. She often said that she is the only young lady in the Yu jiā[4]. She dissatisfied with Yu Xinyan’s mother got half of Yu jiā‘s property when she divorced. She also said that as long as it was something that Yu Xinyan had, she is going to grab it.”

The producer clicked her tongue and said, “It’s just that the so-called best friends exposing the story in the back, i don’t know whether it can be credible or not. But one thing is clear, that, the feelings between Yu Xintong and Yu Xinyan are unquestionably not good. The film emperor was gentle to Yu Xintong than other actresses when filming before, probably because he did not know the conflicts between the two sisters and looked at his sister-in-law in the face of his wife, and it’s not necessarily like what Yu Xintong thoughts.”

Who let the video of sacrificing oneself to protect one another spread too widely? Everyone could unite pressing you if you wanted to say Yan Chu did not love his wife. The producer was also a woman. She envied that Yan Chu’s wife could get such a sincere feeling. Looking at Yu Xintong again now, you would wear colored glasses[5].

“Delete all the scenes with Yu Xintong in this episode.”

The director made a prompt decision. In fact, the shooting went smoothly this time. Enough shots had been taken on the first day. The film emperor was injured and definitely couldn’t take part in the shooting. It would be better to let other people continue shooting and then re-edit it.

As for Yu Xintong, no matter whether it was her explosive material or not, she carried this pot[6] on her back. Otherwise, she could not let the whole program group suffer.

In the director’s, there were 70% sure the person who exposed the film emperor’s wife in the hotel was Yu Xintong. He merely lacked definite evidence.

Nevertheless, it didn’t matter. The entertainment circle was all about chasing the wind and clutching at shadows[7]. As long as the program broadcasted without her scenes, the audience’s brain hole[8] was enough for them to make up a big play.

None of the people present felt pity for Yu Xintong. The entertainment circle was like this. If this was not her explosive material, it could only say that she was unlucky.


At this time, Yu Xintong was watching TV in her apartment, humming and manicuring her nails. She was in a good mood. Unfortunately, Yan Chu and Yu Xinyan had too much life. That sulphuric acid did not destroy their faces. Otherwise, she would be happier.

Just then, the doorbell suddenly rang, and the housekeeper rushed to open the door. Song Die and Chu Tianhe, wearing sunglasses and masks, hurried in.

“Liu sǎo[9], you go home early today, OK? And your salary will be paid as usual.”

Yu Xintong was a star and had not much time at home. So Song Die invited her an hourly job. She only needed three hours at home every day. She was mainly responsible for cleaning and hygiene. If Yu Xintong at home, she would cook an extra meal.

The woman called Liu sǎo knew what should and should not hear. She immediately took off her apron, took her bag, changed her shoes, and left.

“Song gē, what are you doing so urgently?”

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Chu Tianhe took off his sunglasses and mask. He went to Yu Xintong’s side and made a gesture of hugging, only avoided by Yu Xintong seamlessly. She pretended to concentrate on trimming her fingernails, blowing the trims off her nails, without lifting her eyelids.

Chu Tianhe did not perceive the indifference of the other party. In his opinion, Yu Xintong was extremely infatuated with him and even wanted to frame Yan Chu, the film emperor standing at the top of the pyramid, for his sake. This made him felt superior over the others. Although temporary he was losing power, the company also said it was only temporary. When the audience gradually forgot about it, that’s when he started all over again.

“I asked you, whether or not you were the one who exposed Yan Chu and Yu Xinyan in the program group of [Meng Pets Forward!] matter?”

Song Die asked with a somewhat ugly face towards Yu Xintong.

“Song gē, why did you ask me about this? We didn’t agree at that time. Yu Xinyan’s existence is our trump card. Can’t you say it at will?”

Yu Xintong trimmed her nails and looked up at Song Die, and his expression recovered naturally.

“It’s not you?” Song Die had some doubts.

“Of course not me.” Yu Xintong shook her head unexpectedly.

“Since it’s not you, why then [Meng Pets Forward!] didn’t call you to make up for shooting the last stage?” Song Die sat on the sofa on the other side with some puzzlement, and his eyes were contemplative.

“Maybe my performance is good enough, and I don’t need to make up for it. Song gē, you know, my Cindy is professionally trained.”

As soon as Yu Xintong’s eyes were closed, she decided to use the new mobile phone and telephone card when the explosion happened and broke it into the sewer when it was used up. She also used a voice changer at that time, so no one would notice that it was her.

Originally she didn’t want to do that, but who let Yu Xinyan bully her intolerably? All of this was forced by her.

As for that crazy female fan, it’s none of her business. Blame it to them both husband and wife’s very lacking moral standing that attracted lunatic to come.

“Is this really true……”

Song Die was still not at ease, but his face is much better than when he first came. Maybe it was really like Yu Xintong said because she performed very well that she didn’t need to make up the scenes, right?

“Dōng dōng dōng.”[10]

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The doorbell rang again, and Yu Xintong frowned. Was it Liu sǎo who dropped something?

She kicked Chu Tianhe beside her and told him to quickly opened the door.

“According to the masses’ report, it is suspected that you are taking and possessing narcotics. We also ask you to assist in the investigation.”

There were seven or eight policemen armed with guns at the door. Chu Tianhe was frightened. His first reaction was rushed away several policemen in front of him and tried to run.

But Yu Xintong and Song Die were shocked by this scene, and could not react for a while.


[1] 唇亡齿寒 [chún wáng chǐ hán]: lit. without the lips, the teeth feel the cold (idiom); fig. intimately interdependent

[2] 龙套 [lóngtào]: costume of minor characters in opera, featuring dragon designs; walk-on

[3] 同父异母 [tóng fù yìmǔ]: (of siblings) having the same father but different mothers; half (brother or sister)

[4] 家 [jiā]: family

[5] 有色眼镜 [yǒu sè yǎn jìng]: a metaphor for the stereotypes of people or things, ref link

[6] 锅 [guō]: pot; pan; network language, the cause of something wrong or failure

[7] 捕风捉影 [bǔ fēng zhuō yǐng]: lit. chasing the wind and clutching at shadows (idiom); fig. groundless accusations; to act on hearsay evidence

[8] 脑洞 [nǎo dòng]: brain hole; of whose imaginations are beyond ordinary people

[9] 嫂 [sǎo]: older brother’s wife; sister-in-law; generally referred to as a married woman who is not old enough

[10] (onom.) thud; thumping; thudding; pounding

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