I am a Big Villain

Chapter 33

Translator: Kieshi

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Proofreader/editor: sleepymona

Li Yi was the captain of this assault, and also a battle-hardened expert in solving cases.

When he took people into Wude Village and controlled all those villagers who were still sleeping, the crime scene of the Lin jiā had not been dealt with yet. After half of the night’s fermentation, the bloody smell and odors in the room were heavier, and the scene was tragic. Even Li Yi could not help frowning.

What kind of hatred could make a person cut five other people like this? And the other five dead were also men, why couldn’t they beat one murderer?

Maybe it was a group fight at the beginning? Li Yi thought it was better not to conclude interrogating the murderer and witnesses.

In fact, he had read the crazy post on the Internet before he came here. He didn’t know the person who posted it. The most powerful network experts in the police team couldn’t check the IP address of the person who posted the post, but one thing was certain that the other side was on the mountain and had deep hatred with the people in the village.

When reading this post, he was also quite angry. As a policeman, he always used justice as his motto and firmly believed in the rightness of the law. However, listening to the description of this post, even he had an impulse to kill all the people in the village directly.

He restrained his temper and waited in Lin jiā’s courtyard for his men to bring all the villagers here.

“She’s come for revenge, she’s come for revenge.”

Lin Youde, who first brought here, seemed to be totally bewildered. He kept repeating a sentence in his mouth.

“Who is going to take revenge?” Li Yi’s eyebrows jumped, instinctively that he (she) from the murderer’s mouth might be the key to the problem.


Lin Youde lowered his head and shrank into a ball, just as Li Yi approached him.

“Ghost, ah!” He was smiling. His face covered with blood and minced meat. He was like a devil. His mouth was wide open. His eyes covered with blood. He suddenly looked up.

The sudden action scared a few timid policewomen on the side to look around quickly, only to see nothing, then slowed down their heartbeat.

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Li Yi’s resistance to pressure was obviously better than these little policewomen. At this time, he had basically determined that Lin Youde was pretending to be crazy and played dumb. There was no ghost in the world. As a firm materialist, Li Yi saw the people who pretended to be crazy and played dumb after these crimes and tried to evade the responsibility of the law by this kind of behavior.

Lin Youde’s acting skills were obviously higher than those people, almost bluffing Li Yi, but this did not mean that he would be led by him. The tragedy in the truth inside the room was a ghost crime.

“Captain, the villagers have all brought. We checked the identity information, and the dead in the room are Zhang Fugui and his three sons, as well as Lin Youcai, the younger brother of the murderer.”

“Also, there are 13 women who are not on the population registration in the village, as well as eight foreign men. After interrogation, seven of the eight men are fleeing traffickers. The trafficker, Lai San, tries to escape with hostages and is hit by our police officers on the right leg bone. Now he has made a simple bandage and has been detained. The thirteen women are confirmed to be trafficked women. Five of them just delivered today, and eight other women have delivered in succession in the past ten years. According to the inquiry, there are five women besides them, four women commit suicide. One woman broke into the back mountain in the process of escape and killed by wild animals. Our people have gone to the back mountain to find the victim’s body.”

Even with psychological preparation, the present police officers could not help but lament for the poor girls, especially the five girls who died in their prime of life.

Some people who had followed and tried to find their daughter almost knelt on the ground when their legs were soft. They were afraid that one of the five dead girls was their child.

The women, who originally came for hope, the weaker ones had begun to cry. They grabbed all the things they could catch and fought against traffickers and villagers under the government’s control.

Those who wanted to defend and resisted being controlled by the armed forces, many of them were armed police with children. They could feel the feelings of these family members. They seemed to be on the fence on the surface, but they actually stopped those villagers and traffickers so that the out of control family members could fight harder.

Although it violated the regulations, who cared about it at this time?

There was no police in Lixian. After all, there was absolutely no reason to suspect that such a major case happened in the area. It was the local police station and the lawless elements who were in collusion or deliberately condoned. This time, the police force sent from the city and the surrounding areas did not understand the situation in Lixian. Naturally, they would not have any sympathy for these villagers.

“Eight? Is there another identified foreign male?”

Li Yi, a veteran criminal police officer, soon found that his subordinates had missed one without saying anything.

“There is also a tourist who went up to see the sunrise but was trapped in the mountain by the heavy rain. We investigated his identity, he is just an ordinary suspended college student. There is no doubt about it.” The little police officer looked at the record and told the captain.

“Out of school and in the mood to see the sunrise?”

Li Yi looked at the direction of the small police officer’s vision. He saw Yan Chu standing under the eaves, not a soul in sight[1] within three meters. His eyes squinted. His years of experience in handling the case told him that this man was very problematic.

Some people thought his intuition was absurd, but to the extent of Li Yi’s style, his intuition was often more reliable than anything else.

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The young man across from him had a delicate and refined appearance, but from him, Li Yi saw the antisocial behavior and reeking of blood air that even the serial killers didn’t have.

Immediately Li Yi decided to make a further investigation of that Yan Chu.

There were too many doubts about him.

“Mom, Dad!”

Several young girls from afar thought their lives would be ruined. Unexpectedly, they were saved. When they saw their family was here, they immediately ran towards them and crying.

“Mom, èr yí[2], sān yí[3], èr yífū[4], sān yífū[5], how about my father? Why didn’t my father come?” A delicate and pretty girl was about to cry and become a crybaby person. This week was the most terrible week she had experienced.

“Your father is in the hospital. Now that you have been found, he will be better soon.” A woman in her 40s or 50s was hugging the girl tightly. She was reluctant to let go, for fear that the child would be gone in the next second.

It was natural to be happy to find their children and some who didn’t find their own children were crying again.

This experience of allowing to hope and yet feeling despair was too painful.

“Yinyin, do you think gēgē did it right?”

Yan Chu looked at this scene not far away and said softly. Li Yi, who had been watching him silently on the other side, thought it was even more strange. How could he still talk to himself?

The little girl in the state of the soul couldn’t give Yan Chu the answer. In fact, in the original body’s heart, he also had resentment against these living girls. He was also a child who had suffered such an ordeal. Why did his sister die, and they lived well? So when he slaughtered a whole village, he didn’t let go of those women who abducted as well.

His last tenderness was his only failure, because the women in the village had been numb for a long time, and the three girls with hope in their eyes. He thought that his sister must be the same as them, begging him to appear when she was most afraid.

So he let the three girls go and caused him to be arrested by the police before the plan completed.

Although Yan Chu influenced by the monstrous hatred of the original body, he still had his own thinking and reason, so he chose to save those girls.

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He thought that this was what Yinyin, a kind girl, wanted to see.

Standing beside him, the little girl who no one could see at the moment crooked her head, but her terrible appearance was a little simpler.

She felt that the man next to her seemed to be very sad. She didn’t want to make the other person sad. She learned the actions that the other party had done these days and tried to hold his hand. As long as she shook his hand, he would be happy.

But she forgot that she couldn’t touch the man beside her.

“Good child, good Yinyin.”

Yan Chu took the initiative to hold the little girl next to him. She was very happy, and the blood flowed in her eyes became faster.

Li Yi watched Yan Chu’s action after talking to himself, and he was even more puzzled.

All the people had taken down the mountain. Some innocent children were taken away by the police women to take care of them. The influence of this matter was so bad that it couldn’t be solved by four characters of no law, no duty[6].

There were still some police forces on the mountain, who were responsible for staying at the investigation site and looking for the bones of the poor girls buried in the mountains.

When the villagers were taken away, they shouted loudly. They were innocent. The police had no right to arrest them. There were indeed several families who had not participated in the population trade. But at the same time, they also connived at other families in the village to trade women and helped to hunt down the abducted girls when they escaped. If they were innocent, they could not be called.

Unfortunately, according to the law of the present day, these villagers who were shouting their innocence could be released at most for several days. In fact, if it was not because of the bad influence of this incident, it might not be necessary for several days.

Even the buyers who participated in the population trade, according to the current law, couldn’t be held up for many years. Also, the crime of forcing women to have sexual relations was only ten years at most. The charge was too light. For these remote people, life in prison might not be different from that at home, and it was not a punishment at all.

Several police officers who were familiar with the process of handling a case should have foreseen the attacks on the government and the law by those netizens, but they didn’t want to let these disgusting people directly shoot themselves.

The legislation was rigorous work. Traffickers had a low sentence because they usually had information about human trafficking, and most of them had hostages when they were arrested.

Once the traffickers had the same high penalties as drug dealers, the consequences were likely to be a group of gunmen who, once found, fired and hurt the hostages, or other worse consequences.

Therefore, this issue had been mentioned all the time, but before there was enough basis to guarantee, it was sad and helpless to change the cause of those penalties.

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Along the way, in addition to the swearing voice of those people, as well as the crying voice of some family members who did not find their own children, the investigators were very quiet all the way.

The police station of Líxiàn temporarily expropriated, while the police officers of the original police force temporarily suspended.

Although Yan Chu had not a doubtful point, as a person who stayed in the village during that time, he was also asked to stay in the village and recorded his confession before leaving.

He was taken to an empty room by a policewoman. There was only one table with three chairs in it. He sat on the side of only one chair. The policewoman gave him a cup of hot tea and told him that the police force was in short supply now. Maybe it might his turn to leave after he recorded the later news.

Yan Chu didn’t drink that cup of tea. He sat in his chair for an hour or two, never changing his posture from beginning to end.

Li Yi looked at the monitoring screen and a copy of the information handed over by the people around him. He had a good idea. He took several stacks of information and went to Yan Chu’s room.

“Yan Yin is your sister, isn’t she?”

This was the first sentence he said when he came in.


[1] 空无一人 [kōng wúyī rén]: not a soul in sight (idiom); empty

[2] 二姨 [èr yí]: second maternal aunt

[3] 三姨 [sān yí]: third maternal aunt

[4] 二姨夫 [èr yífū]: second maternal aunt’s husband

[5] 三姨夫 [sān yífū]: third maternal aunt’s husband

[6] 法不责众 [fǎ bù zé zhòng]: no law, no duty; even if a certain behavior should be punished by law, but many people do it and it is not easy to punish them

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