I am a Big Villain

Chapter 36.1

Translator: Kieshi

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Editor/Proofreader: Mona

Status: Edited

Bai Mei and others faintly woke up and found that they were in a dark and shabby small warehouse. The ground was cold and wet, and there was an inexplicable sticky feeling. They immediately quivered and woke up completely.

“Yu Chuchu, what’s going on?”

Xu Ze frowned and looked at the ring buckles on his hands and feet. They were made of metal with a light red colo(u)r. He didn’t know what they were. He only knew that those things firmly buckled at each joint, and they couldn’t be taken off at all.

They still remembered that they were called by Yu Chuchu. She said that she had inquired about Yan Yin’s whereabouts. She also said that the other side seemed to retaliate against them and specifically asked them to ask for leave from school to discuss countermeasures.

There were nine people in the warehouse.

Xu Ze, a school grass[1] figure at senior high school, many girls secretly regarded him as their male god.

He had double-edged sword eyebrows and clear eyes, he was a handsome man in the sense of the public, that type of handsome which still very upright, not feminine, and had a passion for working out. He had a sturdy physique that made people had a sense of security.

Xu Ze’s father was an executive of a private enterprise, and his mother was a university teacher. He had a good family background, good grades, and a smooth life.

Bai Mei, Xu Ze’s childhood sweetheart, had always secretly liked him. They have been in the same class since kindergarten. When her first awakening of love[2], she decided that Xu Ze would be her future husband.

Bai Mei’s father ran a clothing company, her mother was a housewife. She had a good family and good grooming. Especially after graduating from high school, without the restriction of student’s identity, she began to use some cosmetics proficiently. Her formerly six points appearance ultimately became eight points[3], and many boys were pursuing her in college.

The two of them were attending the same university. Because Bai Mei was sticking to Xu Ze, many people in the University defaulted them as a couple. In fact, according to the trend of the world story, Xu Ze would feel that it was not easy to live after the death of seven other friends. He would accept Bai Mei’s sincerity and stay with her.

The remaining seven people were Yu Chuchu, Li Meimei, Xia Yuxin, Wang Zhihan, Jiang Yi, Xu Chen, Chen Qiu. Three women and four men. Nine of them plus the missing Yan Yin, ten of them had formed for graduation trip team.

Yan’s parents also considered their group of ten people, including Yu Chuchu, who was familiar with their family, and five boys, whose safety could be guaranteed, so they agreed to let their baby daughter take a memorable trip. Who knew these people they thought could rely on ended up taking away their daughter and their lives.

“What, what happened?”

Yu Chuchu was confused. She thought that since Yan Yin’s ghost had come to find her, she would just call all those people who participated in that prank together and asked her to deal with those who actually proposed the game. She didn’t expect that the first second she was still in her temporary guesthouse, and the second after that, they all appeared in this strange factory.

Did Yan Yin’s ghost bring them here?

Yu Chuchu trembled, looking around in fear.

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“Yu Chuchu, what is going on here?” Bai Mei looked at Yu Chuchu and asked angrily.

“Yes, what’s going on?”

The others were also full of questions. After all, they all came here after listening to Yu Chuchu’s words. Looking at the other side’s current expression, she seemed to know who brought them here.

“I want to play a game with you.”

A hoarse voice sounded from all around the closed factory. Although it was hoarse, nine people in the room immediately heard it. It was the voice of the missing Yan Yin.

“Yan Yin, what are you doing? You still don’t let us out. It’s against the law for you to detain us here like this, do you know?” Bai Mei’s face was a little flustered, and she turned sharply and said to the surrounding air.

She heard that there should be some recording devices here. The other person was not in the factory building. She estimated that she was hiding in some corner and secretly watching them, and what was left in the factory building were only a few prerecorded recordings.

“Yan Yin is dead. She is dead!”

Yu Chuchu shouted out of control: “It’s the ghost. The ghost brought us here. She came back to take revenge on us.”

“What nonsense are you talking about? How can there be ghosts in the world?”

Li Meimei refuted Yu Chuchu’s words. She felt there seemed to be something wrong with Yu Chuchu’s mind. Of course, it was very frightening with thick Yin here. What was a ghost, ah? A ghost, ah. They didn’t seep to people, ah. (Kieshi: I confused with this paragraph, help? Mona’s translation: Li Meimei rebutted Chu Chu’s words. She felt that there was something wrong with Yu Chuchu’s mind. The spooky thing here was terrifying. Whatever it is. )

“It’s true. I saw it with my own eyes. She was covered in blood, her wounds were rotten, and she was still breathing black qì. She asked me what happened that day. I was so scared that I told her everything. Now she comes to revenge.”

Yu Chuchu regretted that she was really careless. Yan Yin was dead. Why couldn’t she forgive her? She was still very young. She also had her parents, how sad they would be if they knew what had happened to her, ah?

She burst into tears, hugging her own shoulder, crying silently.

“Yu Chuchu, don’t make any more trouble. Is this your prank? Is it you and Yan Yin who play us together?” Jiang Yi’s temper was quite explosive. He went up and picked up Yu Chuchu’s hair to stop her joke.

They subconsciously didn’t want to believe that Yan Yin was dead, or they were indirect killers. They were more willing to believe that something bad happened to Yan Yin but she came back alive, and because she was angry with them, she teamed up with Yu Chuchu to play with them.

“I’m not happy you didn’t listen to me.”

The hoarse voice sounded again. The next second, bang, Jiang Yi’s hand that holding Yu Chuchu’s hair was suddenly exploded. The sparks were burning Yu Chuchu’s hair and cheeks. The two people suddenly screamed.

Everyone saw this scene clearly. The metal bracelet tied to each of his hands exploded. At this time, Jiang Yi’s wrists were burnt black, his palms fell to the ground, and his elbows were bare.

“Ah——” Jiang Yi rolled on the ground in pain, and everyone was frightened by this scene. They wanted to pull off their metal rings like crazy, but unfortunately, it was futile.

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“I said, I want to play a game with you, just like you did not have my permission, and I played the game that took my life.”

With a hoarse voice with endless resentment, everyone had stopped moving, fought this cold war[4].

Yan Yin really died, Yu Chuchu didn’t lie.

Bai Mei’s face was very pale. She could hardly see the original appearance of Yu Chuchu’s blistered cheeks and Jiang Yi, who had broken one of his palms when he looked at the blister on her cheek, he didn’t want to be like that.

“Yinyin, it’s Bai Mei’s idea to get you drunk and throw you in the hotel lobby. If you want revenge, go to her. You let us go, we didn’t mean it.”

Li Meimei didn’t say that there was no ghost in the world at this time. She just wanted to go home.

“Li Meimei, you were the first to respond to that game at the beginning. Don’t think everyone didn’t know that you liked Yan Yin’s gēgē, but you were annoyed that she didn’t want to introduce her gēgē to you. Even without my proposal, you might have wanted to tease her for a long time.”

Bai Mei retorted: “Besides, I just thought it was fun. Who knew that she had an accident in just half an hour, and the hotel’s security camera was broken, so we don’t know whether she left by herself or taken away by others.”

She didn’t know whether Yan Yin was a ghost or a human, but now her life was in the other party’s hands, and she couldn’t let them push all the pots[5] on herself.

“Yan Yin, I know you are a kind girl. Your death is not what we want to see, but we are good friends, ah. And our original intention, including Bai Mei, is really just to joke with you. Don’t let hatred blind your eyes and do these irrational things.”

Xu Ze frowned slightly. He didn’t know from where Yan Yin looking at him, but he was impassioned to the air and wanted to persuade Yan Yin to go back.

“The game I play with you is called an honest good kid. If each of you say your mistakes, I will give you the key that can untie the metal rings on you. You know, I’m a ghost, I know everything. The wrong thing I want you to say is not like stealing candy or accidentally smashing the windows of other people’s families. It’s boring. The number of rings on each of you is different, which means you have done some unforgivable mistakes in your heart. Remember, how many parts you can keep are in your own hands.”

The owner of the voice didn’t care about their long talk. She just said her own rules of the game in an orderly way.

Everyone looked at each other. Among them, Bai Mei had the most metal rings, a total of six. Four on her wrists and ankles, one on her neck, and the other on the thigh root of her right leg, which deeply squeezed her meat. No wonder she was standing on one leg now, it was because the blood was not circulating, and her thigh was getting more swollen. Over time, they were afraid that the metal ring would last for a long time without exploding, the nerve in her thigh would also be necrotic. Xu Ze had four, and the other seven had basically one or two.

Those people looked at the bracelets on Bai Mei and Xu Ze, which were a bit different. According to Yan Yin, how many unforgivable things these two people had done, ah.

Jiang Yi’s luck was the worst. He only had one ring on his body. Just a moment ago, that was only the chicken to warn monkey[6], exploded in advance. However, at that time, some of them were not at ease. They asked Jiang Yi to go to the lobby on the first floor of the hotel to look at Yan Yin. As a result, the boy didn’t take heart and secretly went back to his room to sleep. Yan Yin didn’t take him out to take offense.

At this time, he has passed out of pain, and he had no ring. This game had nothing to do with him.

“I’ll tell you first.”

Xu Chen was a student of physical education. His grades were not good. He could attend his current university only because he had won the provincial championship in long-distance running and was a national second-class athlete.

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He had two metal rings on his left and right legs. The condition of his family was normal. If his legs were broken, his life would be over.

“When I was 14 years old, I first saw a pornographic film, which was very impulsive. At that time, my tángmèi[7] was at my house. She was only seven years old. I gave her sugar and solved my desire at once.” (Kieshi: help again (kinda hope I read wrong)? Mona: I think he says he gave her candy and then r@ped her.)

Xu Chen looked at the eyes of his friends around him and quickly added: “I was a child at that time, and I never did such a thing since then.”

Unfortunately, no one listened to him. That was his tángmèi, and she was only seven years old. That was where the beast grew.

On the other side, in a company, a man in his fifties clenched his fist and watched the live video in Panda’s live broadcast. His eyes were bloodshot. He wished to dig out inside that zhízi[8] and cut off his third leg by himself.

Just an hour ago, the three big live platforms of China, Panda, Naughty Fish, and Wolf Tooth, were suddenly invaded by an unknown hacker. All the live-streaming rooms forcibly occupied by another live broadcast. In the video, nine students were locked in one room.

At the beginning, who were listening to the conversation on the other side was amidst the clouds and mist[9]. Everyone took it as a prank and reported it to the live broadcast platform. But with the explosion, one of the boys’ wrists was directly blown off, and everyone realized that this was not a game, this was a real scene.

At first, everyone was condemning the blogger who uploaded this video in the barrage, but gradually, there were different voices, because according to the dialogue of those students, it seemed that they did an unforgivable thing and caused other people’s revenge.

Some people thought that maybe it was really revenge of the wronged ghost. The case in Lixian, which had been raging before and had not been completely settled, was not it rumored to be the revenge of the female ghosts?

Of course, when Jiang Yi’s wrist blown up, most people still thought that the anchor had done too much. How could not use such cruel means, ah? But after listening to Xu Chen’s words, they felt that the anchor had not done enough, ah. These little animals should have blown up their four limbs to be their best ending.

Xu Xiuyuan, Xu Chen’s dàbó[10], worked hard to collect waste products in the early years. Relying on this initial fund, he opened his own acquisition station. Now he had a house and a car, and he got married late. In his thirties, he got a baby daughter. Moreover, her daughter was very ambitious and had a good academic record. Xu Xiuyuan had already thought about it. He would save some more money for her to go to university abroad.

Before that, he just listened to his favorite male anchor’s live broadcast game on the live broadcast platform as usual. Who knew that when the picture changed, it shifted to a shabby small warehouse, and his nephew Xu Chen appeared in the picture at the same time.

Xu Xiuyuan’s dìdì had no skills. His family had a hard life, and Xu Xiuyuan couldn’t stand it. He often asked his wife to buy some food and clothes for his dìdì’s family. He secretly gave money to Xu Chen, his zhízi.

Listening to the other party’s words, Xu Xiuyuan would like to slap himself a few times. His baby girl was hurt like that by the little beast when he didn’t know.

“Xu Xiuyuan, you broke the relationship with your dìdì’s family, or I will take Xixi and divorce you.”

Xu Xiuyuan almost numbly answered the phone. At the other end of the phone was his wife’s sharp roar, and she was watching the live broadcast at the moment.

“You take Xixi abroad, don’t wait until college, go abroad in junior high school, forthwith, at once.”

Xu Xiuyuan couldn’t imagine how many people’s finger-pointing his simple daughter would endure in the future. He must send her out when his daughter didn’t know anything.

At the other end of the phone, Xu Xiuyuan’s wife broke down and cried. Why did this happen to them?

The live broadcast was still going on, and people in the abandoned factory had no idea. At this moment, their words and deeds were exposed to the netizens all over the country and even spread on a larger scale using virus transmission.

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“Pā dā!”[11]

Almost at the moment when Xu Chen finished speaking, it seemed that a small key fell from the ceiling, the air above him. Xu Chen took the key to open the metal ring on his right leg without thinking. He could not open it. He took it to open his left foot again. This time, it opened smoothly.

“All the keys are on it.”

Xu Ze didn’t want to say what he had done in front of so many people. He had been waiting for the first person to speak and wanted to know how the other party would give him the key to open the lock.

But this factory building was very high, with a height of five or six meters. Without ladders, tables, and chairs, they couldn’t reach such a position at all. Even if there was a tower, it was also impossible.

Also, if it was so simple to let them found the key, was there any need to play this game?



[1] 校草 [xiàocǎo]: school grass; the most handsome boy in the school

[2] 情窦初开 [qíng dòu chū kāi]: the first awakening of love (usually of a girl) (idiom); just understand love (mostly girls)

[3] T/N: I think it is an appearance rating: from 1 the lowest to 10 the highest, 6 is average or feel like a girl/boy next door, 8 is very beautiful/handsome

[4] 冷战 [lěngzhàn]: cold war; (coll.) shiver; shudder

[5] 锅 [guō]: pot; the cause of a mistake or failure

[6] 儆猴的那只鸡 [jìng hóu dì nà zhǐ jī]: the chicken to warn monkey; refer to 杀鸡吓猴 [shā jī xià hóu]: kill the chicken to frighten the monkey; a metaphor of warns others by punishing one person

[7] 堂妹 [tángmèi]: younger female patrilineal cousin

[8] 侄子 [zhízi]: brother’s son; nephew

[9] 云里雾里 [yún lǐ wù lǐ]: amidst the clouds and mist; (fig.) mystified; puzzled

[10] 大伯 [dàbó]: big uncle; father’s older brother

[11] 啪嗒 [pā dā]: (onom.) bang; pop; pow

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