I am a Big Villain

Chapter 42

Translator: Kieshi

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Editor/Proofreader: Mona

Status: Unedited

Yan Chu did not know that the two troublesome characters he had to deal with were reborn. At this moment, he was thinking of how to settle with Eldest Sister and Second Sister.

“Gouzi[1], tell Big Sis that you did nothing wrong.”

Coincidentally, Yan Chu was thinking about his two older sisters, and Eldest Sister’s phone call came in.

Gouzi was Yan Chu’s nickname. When he was a child, his health was not good. His parents worried that this hard-to-find son could not live, so they used an ugly name to overwhelm it. It was a coincidence that after taking this nickname, his body became healthy day by day, and he also showed different intelligence from other children.

The elders of Yan Family firmly believed that this was the name’s contribution. In their hometown, almost no one called him by his formal name. They were all called him by Gouzi. When Yan Chu first came to the world, he was helpless, but he could only cope with it.

“Eldest Sister, what crime I can do, ah?” Yan Chu thought it might be the 50,000 yuan from him that made his eldest sister called.

“Gouzi, don’t scare your big sis, you are such a little brother. If anything happens to you, your big sis ashamed to see our parents in the underworld. Big Sis is unworthy on behalf of our 18th generation ancestors of Yan family. Where did you get the money? I heard that some people outside are scamming in multi-level marketing, and it’s against the law. Gouzi, you’re not involved in that, right? “

Yan Zhaodi wanted to go to the bank today to see if she had enough money on her card. She was timid. Wasn’t the news often reporting about who had lost the money in the bank nowadays? She was worried that the patrimony, which she saved for her son and younger brother to get married after so many years, had disappeared inexplicably. She had developed the habit of going to the bank to check the deposit every week.

In fact, every time she saved 10,000 yuan, she would deposit it regularly, and the money in the card always remained in the four digits. But for Yan Zhaodi, who came from a poor family, it was also a huge amount.

Otherwise, she probably had started the SMS service a long time ago. Wasn’t it two yuan a month for the bank card to open the SMS service? The bank was next to her small restaurant. Yan Zhaodi thought it was a good idea to go there by herself, which not only could save money, but also to take exercise.

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There was something wrong with this check today. Her card inexplicably had 50,000 yuan more, which scared Yan Zhaodi.

Thinking about the news on the Internet, she doubted whether her card had become the account number of money laundering by lawbreakers. She also wondered whether she would break the law or be chased by the organized crime syndicate if she took the money out. She was worried about it. Only after the teller checked it, she found out that the account number of the money on her card was her own family’s baby brother.

At this time, Yan Zhaodi was even more nervous. At that time, her head was blank, she was sweating with a pale face and almost fainted.

Fifty thousand yuan, ah. The business of their small restaurant was good and earned about 100,000 a year. This was already very good as other people in a county like theirs. But their younger brother, who was still in college, sent her 50,000 yuan without saying a word. What did he do, ah? He sold his kidney, ah.

Their younger brother’s kidney should be well preserved to give birth to their family’s grandson. It was not for sale, ah.

Yan Zhaodi let her imagination run wild[2]. She called her younger brother after she went out of the bank and returned to her restaurant. She spoke with a sobbing tone. Obviously, she was really anxious.

Yan Chu was not to know whether to laugh or cry. No matter how Eldest Sister and Second Sister treated other people, they had not to recount regarding him, this younger brother. Listening to the other side’s jabbering on their worries on the phone, Yan Chu felt quite warm.

“Don’t worry, Eldest Sister. I am not doing anything wrong. I just sold a game program I made some time ago. I have relied on you and Second Sister all these years. As a matter of fact, it is your little brother’s skill, and I want to let you enjoy yourself. You can spend that money at ease to buy more beautiful clothes and shoes, and you should dress nicely.”

As soon as Yan Zhaodi heard her younger brother’s words, and tears flowed down, ah.

“Mom and Dad are right. I and your second sister have to rely on you, this little brother, ah.”

Yan Zhaodi cried and wanted to slap her family’s man hard: “Listen, you used to think that I spent a lot of money for my little brother. Our family’s Gouzi has good prospects. He cherishes about your money, even he still hasn’t paid it back.”

Li Xunzi did not understand how this conflagration had affected him. At first, it was that woman who ran home with a broken face to say that her younger brother might have an accident. He also persuaded her to stop panicking. Now, he was doing things on two sides and not complaining everywhere[3].

“Gouzi, ah, Big Sis has money. Your brother-in-law earns money for your big sis. You take the money, and Big Sis will save it for you. When you graduate, it will be used for you to get married.”

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Yan Zhaodi felt that this younger brother did not hurt at all. Which younger brother would take the initiative to spend money on his older sisters like their family’s Gouzi? Her mother was right. Their family’s Gouzi was different. This child was kind-hearted, which was their old Yan Family’s seed.

Li Xunzi had been numb to his wife’s brainless favoring her younger brother, but who let this wife gave him a pair of smart, lively and good-looking children, which had completely improved their old Li family’s bad genes? He could only bear it.

After both a long-winded and warned a lot, Yan Zhaodi hung up the phone reluctantly.

“Zhaodi, why are your eyes red? Is your lame man’s family provoking you?”

The meals in the small restaurant opened by Li Xunzi’s family were delicious but also the neighbors. Li family’s restaurant had been open for more than 30 years. Since Li Xunzi’s father’s time, everyone knew that their family’s raw materials were genuine. They never bought those rotten leaves and stinky pork to fool people. As long as it was the family’s guests, they were willing to come to his store to pack some meals and took them home, which saved both trouble and effort.

“No, he doesn’t have that courage.”

Yan Zhaodi proudly said, “It’s our family’s Gouzi. That kid is really, didn’t he go to Tianshui University, the best university in our country? The student of this famous university is different. He can earn money for his family in his third-year. As a matter of fact, he gave me 50,000 yuan. I don’t want it. He has to give it and says he is showing filial respect to me, this older sister.”

Yan Zhaodi did not know what the neighbors said about her over these years behind her back. That was to say, she lived on somebody while helping others secretly[4], used the Li family’s money to support their Yan family’s children.

This was jealousy, jealousy of their family’s Gouzi’s good appearance, and good performance. Their daughter-in-law/wife could not bring them such a good wife’s younger brother. (Kieshi: 媳妇 [xífù] means daughter-in-law or wife (of a younger man), what should be used??)

Fifty thousand yuan. Had Li family spent 50,000 yuan on her younger brother these few years? Now, that was she wanted, ah, but neither was in vain.

“Aunt Wang, the owner is happy now. Wait a second for the braised pork with vermicelli that you ordered. I will ask Xunzi to give you a lot of pork. It is to spread happiness.

Yan Zhaodi was also the lady boss now. She had done a lot of things smoothly. Even she wanted to take her revenge, she did not intend to offend all these customers.

“That’s a good feeling.” At first, the old lady was a little uneasy. Now when she heard that it was unexpectedly still cheap, she burst into laughter.

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Soon, the matter of that younger brother of Li family’s daughter-in-law made a lot of money to show filial respect to his older sister spread all over the county.

Everyone said that Li family was blessed, ah. They invested a stiver of money in the front. Wasn’t a big sum of money coming in now?

His wife’s younger brother was still in college, yet he could give his big sis 50,000 yuan. When he worked and earned more money, wouldn’t that be this Li family would also get rich immediately afterward?

Only Li Xunzi was not as happy as everyone else. He sat in his shop and smoking an electronic cigarette. He took the money that was not his wife collected for her younger brother to get married. In the end, he was still the one who lost money, ah.

It did not long after Yan Chu answered the phone of Eldest Sister, and Second Sister’s phone number came in.

Like Yan Zhaodi, Yan Laidi was also surprised by the sudden extra 50,000 yuan in her card.

“Gouzi, tell Big Sis, is your kidney still there?”

Should it be mentioned that they were biological sisters? Yan Laidi and Yan Zhaodi had the same brain circuit, to fear that her younger brother would make money by selling kidneys.

“I heard that children in the metropolis like to use Fruit 8 now. If you want, Big Sis buys it for you, ah. Don’t do anything stupid, ah.”

The man Yan Laidi married was a kind of savvy, and she was not allowed to touch the family’s big sum of money easily. However, that was before she gave birth to a son. After she gave birth to a son, her position in that man’s heart was different. Anyway, everything would be for her son in the future. Now, what was wrong with giving her son the darned expense early?

Before that, the man gave Yan Laidi 3,000 yuan for household and pocket money every day, which was in the per capita wage of 1,800. A good skirt only for 70-80 in small counties. It already regarded as very generous.

After having a son, pocket money, nutrition money, and various expenses were reported first, and this family expenses also doubled. Yan Laihuan’s pocket money also rose to, except for 5000 yuan family expenses a month, she also had 2,000 yuan more pocket money.

The man hardly at home and he spent money extravagantly. He did not know how much normally he spent when he had his own house and did not hire a nanny. Every month with this money, Yan Laidi can save nearly 3,000 yuan while ensuring his son ate and drank well. She knew that her son could inherit his father’s factory and three houses in the county town in the future. This 3,000 yuan money every month, she saved for her younger brother to buy a house and marry his wife in the future.

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Such two women could be called Voldemort[5] everywhere. Their husband and their children might have a headache about the existence of Yan Chu. But for Yan Chu, he was indeed the winner. Everyone could look down on Yan Zhaodi and Yan Laidi, but only he could not.

Yan Chu explained his words to Second Sister, comforted her, and told her that he would go home early this winter vacation. Yan Laidi was overjoyed.

Her prosperous younger brother also knew to show understanding filial piety to her, this older sister. Yan Laidi felt that this younger brother clearly loved her dearly.

She watched her four years old son pouted on the ground and played with his littered toys.

Yan Laidi wondered in her heart that his son had too many toys. Otherwise, she could save money on toys in these recent months. In this way, she could save another two to three hundred yuan a month for her younger brother to marry.

Yan Chu hung up the phone, thinking about Second Sister’s concern for his kidney. He thought that he should go back earlier this time to deal with the problem of older sisters’ excessive attachment to his nephews.

You’re reading the translation of kieshitl.wordpress.com


[1] 狗子 [gǒu zǐ]: refers to an ugly child or a dog in spoken language, a kind of name indicating intimacy, and the elderly in the countryside believe that children with ugly names are easy to support

[2] 胡思乱想 [hú sī luàn xiǎng]: to indulge in flights of fancy (idiom); to let one’s imagination run wild

[3] 里外不是人 [lǐwài bùshì rén]: not a man inside or outside; doing things on two sides and not complaining everywhere

[4] 吃里扒外 [chī lǐ pá wài]: eat inside and dig outside; live on somebody while helping others secretly

[5] 伏地魔 [fú dì mó]: Voldemort, also known as ‘the devil who helps his brother.’ It refers to a woman who would rather dig out her own small home and subsidize her brother’s family, take care of her brother’s food and drink, talk to her brother about marrying a wife and have children. Even her brother’s children completely under her control, ref link

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