I am a Big Villain

Chapter 65

Before Yan Chu, Liang Zhizhi had followed several introducers to meet many “honest” men, but none of them was as satisfactory as the man in front of her.

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This place was a small county. Those who could stay outside after university would not come back. Those who remained in the county now were only men who entered the social work after going to junior high school or vocational school.

It was not that such men were not good, but those men who had been in the society for a long time would inevitably have some oil and gas. Many honest-looking men saw such a beautiful blind date as Liang Zhizhi, and the lust and desire in their eyes made her feel sick.

Marriage was just her reluctance to protect the children in her stomach. She did not intend to have anything to do with those men. So before coming to the blind date, she learned that Yan Chu had never had a girlfriend, and Liang Zhizhi was a bit satisfied with him.

In a small place, everyone was acquaintances, and she could not yield to gain ground. Yan Chu was also an elementary school teacher anyway. If he went out to visit a prostitute, it was impossible not to hear the rumor. Therefore, Liang Zhizhi was sure that the man in front of her was very likely to be a chick, and it would be easy to fool around at that time.

Besides, even if she intended to find a shield to fool Zhang Xiuyuan’s wife temporarily, she did not want to wrong herself too much. Young people with better conditions in the county should get married in the 20-34. She was already 28, even though she had excellent other conditions. It was not easy to find a better partner in a small county at this age.

Although Yan Chu was not very good in other aspects, he still had a little money in his family. After selling the two old houses real estate. As for the monthly rent of the two shops in his family and Yan Chu’s income as a teacher could barely pay for the full set of skincare products and some high-end makeup she needed for daily maintenance.

She had made a lot of money these years, but the money saved was barely five digits. Most of them had become luxury goods such as bags, and the cash was not much.

Just in case, she did not even tell Zhang Xiuyuan about her pregnancy, so she wanted to wait for the birth of her son. She only had to do a paternity test at that time, and there was no need to worry about the other party suspecting that the child was not his. As for telling Zhang Xiuyuan now, there were too many variables in it, and Liang Zhizhi was not at ease.

Her parents were ordinary basic-level civil servants. Their salary was 6,000 or 7,000 per month, which was not enough for Liang Zhizhi to buy a jar of facial cream. Now she was relying on her in the future, and it was positively impossible to go to work. So, in this way, she necessarily just found someone with decent financial resources to get by. If not, how to afford her daily expenses?

At this moment, Liang Zhizhi did not feel that there was anything wrong with her ideas. People would become intolerable if they did not plan for themselves[1]. Besides, she was so beautiful. What an honor it was for the other party to marry her as a wife, ah. If it were not for her, maybe the other party would only marry a short, fat, sloven, and an aunt-like young countrywoman with her mouth full of the trivia of everyday life[2].

Besides, she just wanted to borrow and use his wife’s identity. When she gave birth to a son, she would naturally divorce him. When she had a son from the Zhang family, he would not divide his house through a divorce. It considered being a small advantage for him.

Since Liang Zhizhi could do such a thing, it showed that her moral consciousness was remarkably low. Did you feel guilty? It did not exist.

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Yan Chu smiled. He lowered his head for a moment, and a sharp look flashed under his eyes.

This world’s original self had never done anything good for the benefit of the country and the people since childhood, but he had never done anything illegal and disciplined. He was an ordinary honest person who did not carry any shortcomings except being filial to his mother.

According to the story of this world’s plot, after more than ten days, the original self and Liang Zhizhi should go to get the certificate. Don’t think this was fast. In the eyes of the older generation, as long as you saw the right eye, both sides had no significant problems. Their feelings, and so on, could be cultivated after marriage.

The original self, Liang Zhizhi conjectured, had never had the experience of being intimate with women. The love action films spread from the island nation were regarded as great scourges by the original self. As a child raised by her mother, she never participated in the activities of roommate sharing the film even at the college. So even at the age of 28, the original self still stayed at the simple basic theory learned in the biology class when it came to sexual matters between men and women.

Therefore, on the wedding night, the original self was drunk too much. When he got up in the morning, he saw that both of them were lying naked on the bed, and there were bloodstains on the new sheets. He thought they did what they should do and felt happy that Liang Zhizhi’s first man was him.

Although the original self was shy and honest, he was still a man after all. He had long been curious about the very comfortable things that male friends often mentioned. He was confused about his wedding night. He naturally wanted to experience it when he was sober. However, he seemed to be too rough that night, which made Liang Zhizhi’s body bruised, leading to his wife to have a shadow over this matter.

The original self felt that it was his fault and flattered Liang Zhizhi. Seeing that the other party resisted this kind of thing, he did not force her much. After a month, Liang Zhizhi’s bruises faded away, and she was found pregnant. Liang Guifen and the original self were ecstatic and wished they could provide Liang Zhizhi. The original self, concerning a pregnant woman with his child, was even harder to mention that matter.

In a blink of an eye, it was more than seven months. In these days, Liang Zhizhi enjoyed the best treatment of the whole family. When she wanted to eat a swallow’s nest, Yan Chu asked his colleagues who traveled to Xiangjiang to help bring them. The early pregnancy stretch marks were ugly. The mother and the son also followed her wish, bought the oil and milk that cost thousands of Yuan to wipe her stomach. Although they felt sorry for the money, it was not a problem before the third generation of the Yan family.

Beware of everything[3]. Once, Liang Guifen mopped the floor at home, who knew that she did not wipe the water off the floor. Liang Zhizhi slipped when she went out to the toilet and immediately became red. Although she finally gave birth smoothly and the child did not have any problems, Liang Guifen still blamed herself, including Liang Zhizhi. Whenever the child had a cold, she blamed her mother-in-law for those illnesses. For the son she gave birth, she did not borrow the hands of others, especially Liang Guifen, as if the other party would harm her grandson.

Liang Guifen did not even think about the housework she had done all her life and paid for the significant stage of seven months of pregnancy. How could she make the low-level mistake of not wiping the ground? Seeing that her son was in a dilemma between his wife and his mother, she felt sorry for Liang Zhizhi in this matter. To calm down the family’s quarrels and the freezing atmosphere, she chose to move out of the large spacious house to a nearby location and rented a small one-room apartment in the old district. She only dared to visit her grandson and helped her son clean the house when Liang Zhizhi was not at home.

He was a cowardly and clumsy person. He was filial to his mother, and at the same time, he loved his wife and son. Faced with a dilemma, he could only choose to give his mother the 500 Yuan pocket money left by Liang Zhizhi from his salary every month, and he was reluctant to spend any money.

Initially, he thought that his wife might merely be angry, and when the other party’s anger subsided, he would be able to take his mother back.

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He was conceivably somewhere. Before he coaxed his wife to take his mother home, he stepped into the game first.

It also had something to do with the couple’s sex affairs. Before Liang Zhizhi was pregnant and had the postpartum confinement, the original self could bear it. But after all, he had a wife now. Although after being married for nearly a year, he slept with his wife only on the wedding night. He was still drunk on that day, and he could not remember what it was like at that time. Therefore, it has been three or four months since watching his wife’s confinement, and the original self’s heart also somewhat got restless.

That night, the original self gave his son powdered milk and checked his diaper. After confirming that the little devil fell asleep, he went back to the room and took the initiative to bring up the matter somewhat shyly.

He initially thought that between husband and wife, that kind of thing was only taking advantage of the situation[4]. However, Liang Zhizhi refused right away. She also picked up her pillow and quilt and said that she was going to sleep in his mother’s room.

Since the birth of the child, Liang Zhizhi refused to breastfeed from the very beginning for her figure’s sake. She slept lightly and was prone to irritability if she did not sleep well. She hired a nanny at home, but she was not a housekeeper. The baby was taken care of by the aunt during the day. In the evening, the heavy responsibility of taking care of the children handed over to the original self.

Anyone who already had children knew that it was not easy to get a full night’s sleep. The original self had to go to school during the day and was responsible for feeding the child, changing diapers, and coaxing him to sleep at night. In just two or three months, Liang Zhizhi had an outstanding complexion contrariwise, but he was tired and thin.

However, as a child without a father, the original self’s affection for the son Liang Zhizhi gave birth to him was extraordinary. Hence, even if he was tired, as long as he looked at the child, he felt full of energy. Therefore, even if Liang Zhizhi, the mother, put everything on him, he had not complained about anything.

But tonight was different. Initially, the original self had a crushing stone in the heart because of his mother’s matter. Now, seeing his wife so indifferent, the honest person who had always been good-tempered suddenly erupted.

He did not understand, and she unquestionably was his wife. Why could he not touch her? He did not think much about it. He pulled Liang Zhizhi back to handle matters. How could Liang Zhizhi let this man who she did not look up to touch her? Of course, she did not want to, ah. She waved her hands mercilessly and grabbed at the original self.

Both of them were angry, and there was no point in their hands. The child sleeping in the crib got awakened. When the original self saw that the child was crying, he did not quarrel with Liang Zhizhi. He let go and turned around to coax the child. When she got released, she immediately ran out with her mobile phone. She called the police and accused him of marital rape.

When the police came, he was confused. He did not understand how he raped her. Wasn’t the other party his wife? Besides, he did not do anything to her, ah. He was the one who was beaten even worse.

Whenever there was any trouble, it could be circulating everywhere in the small county town.

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As an elementary school teacher who taught and educated people, the original self honestly took care of his wife, who could not sleep well every day and was busy taking care of the child. The other party rejected his proposal of pleasure because he was too tired. He became angry and tried to use violence to get things done. This act completely violated the moral character of a people’s teacher.

A few people think that Liang Zhizhi was making a fuss, but a large part of them was on the other side, especially women. They understood the hard work of bringing a newborn child more than anyone and felt that the original self was indeed not a person.

Was it that fascinating thing? He genuinely wanted to do it himself, ah. The girl worked hard to give birth to children for you and took care of them every day and night for you. You were repaying your wife like that. You would not die if you endured it.

Before the original self had time to explain, his reputation was rotten. Now the media was well-developed. Because of its explosive point, it was posted on the Internet as a joke by a particular newspaper. It had caused a lot of heated discussions in return. His school felt that he had ruined the school’s ethos and suspended him from his post. When he would go back to work, he had not been sure.

In the end, the original self stayed in the detention center for two days, and most of the police focused on education. Besides, it was not rape. Finally, Yan Chu fined 200 Yuan and got picked up by his mother.

It could not be said how wronged the original self was in the two days in the detention center. Before returning to home when he came out, he heard his mother say that his wife was divorcing him and wanted to take away his son. For the original self, it was no different from a bolt from the blue.

Liang Zhizhi did not want the Yan family’s house and money. She only wanted the child, and many people objected to her impulsive divorce. However, when they thought that he was a man who raped his wife because his wife refused to make love with him during her breastfeeding period, the objection was not so big.

Not only without money but also a house. How big a problem did this original self have to force the girl to make such a choice, ah? During that time, just the advice of the people around them could drive people crazy.

Not only that, in the beginning, Liang Zhizhi gave birth prematurely because Liang Guifen did not wipe the floor dry. Many people speculated that Liang Zhizhi was going to divorce, which had something to do with Liang Guifen, the “evil mother-in-law.” It said that she was careless. Who knew whether it was intentional.

Public clamor could obscure the actual truth[5]. In other people’s mouths, the original self and Liang Guifen showed evil one by one. They pretended to be kind in their daily lives. Whoever dared to marry their daughter to their family was to push her into the living hell[6].

Liang Zhizhi took the child, patted her butt, and ran away, leaving countless messes for the original self’s family. In the end, the mother and son could not bear the finger-pointing of the people around them, so they had to sell all their property and left the hometown where they grew up. Because of the shadow on women, until Liang Guifen was depressed and passed away early in these years, the original self did not marry another wife.

It would be more than 20 years later to see Liang Zhizhi again.

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At that time, a real estate developer came to the county town where he lived. He accidentally ran into that young real estate developer called Liang Zhizhi, his mother. After looking at the age of the child, he was so excited that when he was about to meet him, a man who was much older than him came out after them. In his heart, there were 60% of his son and the other party similar.

The original self hid in the corner, afraid to be seen by that woman Liang Zhizhi.

Looking at the intimate family of three, the original self felt as if he had pushed aside the clouds and mist, and everything that he had never wanted to understand before suddenly figured out.

Let’s Talk Corner:
Kieshi: Sorry if the translation isn’t good enough, losing the mood at the divorce part (-_- 


[1] 人不为己天诛地灭 [rén bù wéi jǐ, tiān zhū dì miè]: people are not for themselves, heaven and earth will extinguish; in the old days, it meant that people would become intolerable if they didn’t plan for themselves, ref link

[2] 油盐酱醋 [yóu yán jiàng cù]: (lit.) oil, salt, soy sauce, and vinegar; (fig.) the trivia of everyday life

[3] 千防万防 from 千防万防,家贼难防 [qiān fáng wàn fáng, jiā zéi nán fáng]: guard against a thousand guards, house thief is hard to guard; the internal traitors are not easy to guard against

[4] 顺水推舟 [shùnshuǐ tuī zhōu]: lit. to push the boat with the current; fig. to take advantage of the situation for one’s own benefit

[5] 众口铄金 [zhòng kǒu shuòjīn]: lit. public opinion is powerful enough to melt metal (idiom); fig. public clamor can obscure the actual truth; mass spreading of rumors can confuse right and wrong

[6] 火坑 [huǒkēng]: pit of fire; fig. living hell

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