I am a Gao Fushuai Villain

Chapter 202: 202

Walking into the room, Lin Yuan gave a meaningful smile to Mei Yuxian.

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"Sister Yu Xian, lie down."

Lin Yuan spread out his needles and drew out a few from it while talking to Mei Yuxian.

"Tonight, I will give you a nice ‘injection’ Sister Yu Xian."

When Mei Yuxian heard Lin Yuan’s teasing, her cheeks turned red.

However, she took off her high heels obediently.

Then, she lay on her stomach on the bed.

Mei Yuxian’s posture, at this time, was really very attractive.

The skirt of her loose purple dress naturally hangs downward.

Even though the two huge jade peaks on the chest are pressed and spread out flat on the bed, but they were still clearly contoured.

The back of the body formed an arc, and when it met the tail of the vertebra, it suddenly tilted up like a steep slope.

Seeing Mei Yuxian’s two tall and sexy hips due to the drooping skirt, Lin Yuan couldn’t move his eyes away.

As if feeling the scorching heat from Lin Yuan’s stare, Mei Yuxian’s face blushed. “Aren’t you supposed to cure me? What are you looking at?”

Hearing Mei Yuxian, Lin Yuan did not hesitate to walk directly towards Mei Yuxian on the bed.

He put his hand on the smooth purple dress covering Mei Yuxian’s back.

He stroked her back a few times and then smiled. “Sister Yuxian, is it now convenient to do the acupuncture and the massage?”

“Yeah…” Although she was ready, she still blushed to the back of her ears and responded faintly.

One of Lin Yuan’s hands pressed Mei Yuxian’s high-end purple dress while the other hand grabbed the zipper of her dress and opened it.

As soon as the zipper was opened, it seemed as if a new world was revealed.

Put bluntly, behind the purple dress was a white and smooth back that appeared to be as shimmering white as jade.

And on that smooth jade back were a pair of a pink laced bra.

It turned that the sexy and plump Mei Yuxian likes pink, as expected of a virgin girl, Lin Yuan thought.

When Lin Yuan opened the zipper, Mei Yuxian's whole body trembled.

When Lin Yuan began to unbutton the bra, Mei Yuxian’s body trembled a few times.

But Mei Yuxian did not speak.

She let Lin Yuan’s hands do it.

As soon as the buckles of the bra were unfastened, its straps slipped to the sides.

As soon as the straps slipped to the sides and fell off completely, Mei Yuxian’s twin peaks were no longer bound and the previous spread on the bed became even larger.

From Lin Yuan’s angle, he can see that the two large circles of tender meat were squeezed out.

He resisted his urge to squeeze the tender meat.

Lin Yuan continued to pull down the zipper of Mei Yuxian's dress.

The zipper of this dress can be pulled down to the waist.

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Finally, just above Mei Yuxian’s most alluring peach hips, Lin Yuan stopped.

The round buttocks were half exposed and it was even more alluring than naked.

It is not known whether intentional or otherwise, Lin Yuan touched the sleek and curled up buttocks a few times while unzippering.

The astonishingly bouncy hips made Lin Yuan’s mind shaken.

Mei Yuxian felt Lin Yuan’s touch and so trembled even more delicately.

Looking back at the upper body again, Lin Yuan pulled Mei Yuxian’s dress to the sides.

He exposed her round, white, and fragrant shoulders directly in the air.

At this time, except for Mei Yuxian’s hips and down under, almost everything is exposed in front of Lin Yuan’s eyes.

“Sister Yuxian, shall I begin with the acupuncture?” Lin Yuan asked with a smile on his face while looking at Mei Yuxian.


This time, Mei Yuxian’s face flushed up to the root of her neck.

Ever since she was a child, she has never been touched this much by anyone from the opposite sex.

But today, Lin Yuan, a man ten years younger than her, everything was almost shown.

Lin Yuan did not hesitate and directly inserted the silver needles into the acupoints on Mei Yuxian’s back.

It didn't take long for these silver needles to be inserted.

Mei Yuxian felt that her body was gradually heating up.

The acupuncture was done quickly and over.

Mei Yuxian immediately felt the effect.

She felt good and her whole body seemed to be so full of energy.

It’s just that even if the needles were already pulled out of her body, the heat she felt does not seem to disappear but instead, she felt hot even more.

This is not Lin Yuan’s doing.

It’s because of the pressing of the acupoints, that’s why.

“Your acupuncture skill is really good Xiao Yuan!” Mei Yuxian was still laying down on her stomach but was still able to shout with a little excitement.

She has severe pain in her waist every month, which is actually torturing.

At this time, Mei Yuxian feels relieved, and it is expected that she will not feel particularly painful in the future.

She is naturally happy when she thinks about it.

However, Lin Yuan smiled and said: “For your illness, acupuncture can only treat 10%, as for the other 90%, it can only be treated with massage. I don’t know if you ever heard of that Sister Yuxian.”

“I…I heard…” Hearing Lin Yuan’s voice, Mei Yuxian knew something not good was coming.

True enough, on Mei Yuxian’s smooth jade back, she immediately felt Lin Yuan’s warm hands.

Mei Yuxian has never had such contact with men.

Moreover, Lin Yuan pressed a few acupuncture points while rubbing her back.

Mei Yuxian couldn’t help but gasp.

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After rubbing her back a few times, Lin Yuan’s hand suddenly shifted position.

Mei Yuxian’s face was flushed and her sight became blurry.

Lin Yuan directly turned over Mei Yuxian’s body.

He made her face him.

Then he pulled the purple dress on the upper body straight down.

A perfectly plump and incredibly sexy jade body appeared in front of Lin Yuan.

“Xiao Yuan…don’t… don’t do this…” Mei Yuxian did not expect Lin Yuan to act so fast.

At this time, since the purple dress covering her body was pulled down steadfastly, Lin Yuan stared directly at Mei Yuxian’s tall and plump twin peaks under the bra, as well as her flat and smooth lower abdomen. This made Mei Yuxian feel hot and blush.

“Pressing the womb will promote blood circulation. It must be done in the front.” Lin Yuan smiled and put his hand directly onto Mei Yuxian’s lower abdomen.

Fortunately, Lin Yuan is handsome. Otherwise, his smile would have definitely looked wretched at this time.

Mei Yuxian lifted her hand lightly, trying her best to stop Lin Yuan.

But at this time, she was already weak. How can she be able to stop him? She could only let Lin Yuan do as he pleases.

Lin Yuan’s hand pressed lightly Mei Yuxian’s lower abdomen.

Mei Yuxian really feels that her belly, and even the middle and lower parts of her body, felt very warm and comfortable.

What Lin Yuan did was really promote blood circulation!

Mei Yuxian just thought the same.

After some time, Mei Yuxian found that Lin Yuan’s hands slowly began to be playful.

His hands began to climb up little by little.

Mei Yuxian’s cheeks were red, but she could only watch Lin Yuan push her pink bra up to her neck.

Then a pair of scorching hot hands slowly climbed up and landed on the pair of round, upright, full, and proud breast peaks.

Mei Yuxian’s body is really sexy and stunning. Lin Yuan estimates that the size of her breasts is above G cup. He can’t grasp one using just one hand, and a lot of smooth white meat will spill.

Lin Yuan’s hand gently rubbed her breasts.

Then the intensity gradually increased.

As more strength was used by Lin Yuan, Mei Yuxian’s coquettish gasp gradually became louder.

“Stop…Xiao Yuan…” Mei Yuxian’s eyes are getting more and more blurry. Her flattering eyes stared at Lin Yuan at this time with a hint of pleading.

Lin Yuan knew that this kind of pleading was just a way to show that she does not completely give in, but that doesn’t really mean that Mei Yuxian didn’t want this.

So, instead of stopping, Lin yuan tried even harder, and harder.

"Stop… gently… ahhh!"

Mei Yuxian was still begging in a low voice when she suddenly felt that the red beans on top of her upright peaks were pinched by Lin Yuan.

First, there was pain, then numbness, and finally the numbing sensation impacted her nerves at the twin peaks constantly.

Lin Yuan rubbed the two red beans back and forth with his hands, both the thumb and index fingers together.

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In the beginning, Mei Yuxian was a little uncomfortable.

But soon she was breathing comfortably.

Soon, Mei Yuxian’s body became soft. Her jade hands grasped the shirt on Lin Yuan’s chest.

Mei Yuxian looked at Lin Yuan with embarrassment and weakness. Her beautiful eyes were charming and shy.

So, Lin Yuan no longer hesitated and kissed Mei Yuxian’s soft cherry lips. Mei Yuxian closed her mouth tightly and refused to open it. Lin Yuan could only press the tip of his tongue onto her lips. Her mouth was shut tight and her lips were soft. Only traces of sweetness penetrated Lin Yuan’s mouth but was less enjoyable.

At this time, Lin Yuan made a little effort for Mei Yuxian to open up her mouth.

He pinched sharply on one of Mei Yuxian’s erect red beans on her jade peak.

As it made Mei Yuxian scream, Lin Yuan immediately plunged his tongue into her warm mouth like a snake suppressing her lilac tender tongue, evading constantly.

Their lips and tongues crossed, kissing and biting wildly to almost wet kisses, with Lin Yuan sucking her sweet little tongue violently.

Mei Yuxian’s hands acted as if pushing Lin Yuan away who was now on top of her, but her sweet little tongue protruded emotionally, allowing Lin Yuan to suck and taste it.

Soon Mei Yuxian also became hot and passionate. Their lips and tongues intertwined. She sucked and licked Lin Yuan’s, exchanging saliva.

Her whole body trembled and became so soft.

Lin Yuan continued and vigorously rubbed the soft, firm, plump, and smooth twin peaks. There was a hint of shyness from two soft and tender plump flower buds on the top, exuding a virgin aroma.

With Lin Yuan’s rubbing her proud peaks with his hands and both kissing each other passionately, Mei Yuxian’s face flushed. Her delicate body trembled violently, and a surge of passion and desire could not help but gush out of her lower body.

Mei Yuxian was brought far away.

After a pause, Mei Yuxian, whose sight was blurred, regained her clarity a little.

She only felt ashamed looking at Lin Yuan’s handsome face.

Lin Yuan smiled, raised his head, and touched Mei Yuxian’s smooth and fair face.

True enough, everything is new to her. She is still a virgin, so easily emotional.

Leaving Mei Yuxian’s upper body, before Mei Yuxian could even breathe a sigh of relief, she felt a coldness in her lower body.

Lin Yuan had lifted the skirt of her dress.

This time, under the purple dress, a pair of high-end flesh-colored transparent crystal stockings covered her plump and round snow-white jade legs.

Without hesitation, Lin Yuan caressed her tender calf wrapped in the high-end flesh-colored crystal stockings.

Mei Yuxian felt the scorching heat from Lin Yuan’s big hand. Her white and delicate calf trembled slightly under the caress of Lin Yuan’s palm. Soon Lin Yuan was caressing her calf, passed through her knees, and is now slowly reaching into the inside of her round thighs.

Mei Yuxian gasped.

She did not know what to do.

She was extremely shy at this time.

However, she can’t deny that the feeling of Lin Yuan’s big hands caressing her body felt really wonderful. Burning with a tingling sensation spread from her calf to the root of her thighs.

The high-grade stockings were very thin that Mei Yuxian clearly felt Lin Yuan’s palm making the tendons inside of her thighs twitch gently because of Lin Yuan’s every stroke.

Lin Yuan’s hand continued to climb up, pulling away from her purple dress little by little.

Mei Yuxian’s mysterious triangle was covered by black laced underwear.

And just as his hand reached the heel of the thighs, Lin Yuan felt some dampness.

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Obviously, it was the juice that Mei Yuxian poured out during the high tide, which made the laced edges of her skirt, her stockings, and the laced panties wet.

After stroking the inner part of Mei Yuxian’s thigh for a while, Lin Yuan directly reached into the inside of her lace panties. His finger touched the tip of the gully valley which had risen. He felt an extreme moistness that released a virgin fragrance.

“Ahhhh!!!” Mei Yuxian continued to shout as Lin Yuan’s middle finger gently rubbed her pink petals. The honey abruptly went out of Mei Yuxian’s pink petals dampening her underwear, and sticky spring water covered Lin Yuan’s fingers.

One hand continued to fiddle with her cherry while Lin Yuan continued kissing her pink lips again all the way down to her snow-white jade neck. The towering proud chest now completely revealed from the noble purple dress caught his eyes.

The pink buds were now completely congested and erected. Lin Yuan could not help but suck Mei Yuxian’s left breast, sucking like a baby, sometimes sticking out his tongue to lick the pink bud quickly, sometimes biting with his teeth. Lin Yuan held the pink bud on the left with his left hand, while his right hand kept on kneading gently the bud on the right.

With her head and body swinging continuously, the purple dress had completely been lifted up from to her waist and hips, and the black laced panties have completely fallen off and hung onto her left leg.

Looking at such a beautifully tempting sight, Lin Yuan could not bear it anymore.

He hugged Mei Yuxian and let her lie flat on the bed. And then he leaned over and above her.

Lin Yuan pressed his lips against her rosy cherry lips while his hands kept on rubbing her proud breasts.

Mei Yuxian who was in a state of great emotions suddenly realized that someone is doing a lot of frivolousness on her body, but bursts of comfort and pleasure continued to come, especially from her secret cave being guarded by a steaming dragon.

Mei Yuxian who was already wet felt even hotter and continued to secrete more liquid from down under.

But the scorching heat made Mei Yuxian feel a little scared, so she suddenly came to her senses.

“No… You can’t come in… Qingtong likes you so much… Ahhh…”

Now that the bow string had been pulled, Lin Yuan could not keep the arrow on the string without firing it.

He separated Mei Yuxian’s slender white jade legs and his dragon is now erected. The uncultivated petals that Mei Yuxian had kept for more than thirty years were silently pushed open by Lin Yuan’s dragon head paving its way into the slippery spring water inside her. Without even waiting for her reaction, he pushed hard into her wet valley


Mei Yuxian screamed and moaned as the dragon head directly entered insider her, seemingly tearing her body apart. The pain caused two lines of tears from her eyes down to her cheeks.

With Mei Yuxian’s graceful moan, Lin Yuan felt a sudden loss after breaking through. The resistance to the dragon head’s advancement inside her disappeared suddenly. Lin Yuan knew that he had finally broken through the hymen that Mei Yuxian had kept for decades. After which, a trace of warm bright red liquid seeped out in between the dragon and the secret cave, with drops of it engraved on the white sheets under them.

It is certainly the first time that a man’s dragon has stepped into Mei Yuxian’s secret cave. Although there was so much moisture inside the secret cave, it was still tight and resisted Lin Yuan’s invasion with all its might. The dragon’s advancement, therefore, was not steadfast. Mei Yuxian had involuntarily touched Lin Yuan’s shoulders tightly.

Lin Yuan pierced through Mei Yuxian’s petite and narrow valley. Its tenderness signifies chastity. He had finally connected with Mei Yuxian physically and emotionally. When Lin Yuan pushed deeply into Mei Yuxian’s petite and narrow valley, he finally reached the flower core sitting deep in Mei Yuxian’s valley. Mei Yuxian’s heart trembled and felt the utmost pleasure under the deepest part of her body, an untouchable and holy place.

Amidst the itchy feeling, the tender and shy flower core and the hot faucet of the dragon inside her kissed. Lin Yuan kept tapping it continuously making Mei Yuxian catch her breath again and again.

She felt that the dragon in the jade crotch valley was already big and hard enough, but it kept on coming inside her. It became bigger and harder, thicker and more swollen, while continuously digging deeper into her narrow valley.

"Ah, Ah, Ah!" Under Lin Yuan’s repeated movements inside her, touching her flower core, Mei Yuxian could only utter a strong sense of pleasure embarrassingly.

A large amount of blood secreted mixed with the blood from the rupture of the mucous membrane as Lin Yuan forcibly entered into and out of the valley. The blood slowly dripped onto the bed sheet as Lin Yuan’s dragon made a “pistolling sound".

Mei Yuxian responded shyly to the impact of Lin Yuan’s giant stick and accepted every blow into her flower core, with waves of slimy thick liquid gushing out and flowing through her.

As Lin Yuan continued to pierce through her narrow valley, it felt hotter and hotter and became slippery wet. Under the repeated friction from the repeated movements of the dragon inside her, the delicate mucous membrane the valley had involuntarily clamped and wrapped tightly around the sturdy dragon that was continuously pushing in.

“No…Stop…It hurts…” It was Mei Yuxian’s first time after all.

Mei Yuxian’s slender and beautiful round legs had clamped onto Lin Yuan’s legs tightly.

Lin Yuan felt her smooth abdomen against his body and how her soft valley pulsed and twitched repeatedly.

Mei Yuxian’s snow-white and smooth belly and the narrow valley trembled frantically and the wet and shining liquid flowed into the ditch. The pinkish-red liquid which was produced earlier has disappeared for a while. Instead, a creamy, luscious, crystal clear, and smooth liquid mixed with her blood vented out rhythmically into the stream from down under, embroidering pieces of red and delicately beautiful flower petals onto the white sheets.

But even though she just had her first time, Mei Yuxian fought several rounds with Lin Yuan until dawn.

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