Where is the slightest sign of rain?

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But the sun had been shining brightly and blazing like a ball of fire since morning, and no matter what it didn’t look like it was going to rain.

The note was utterly groundless and could even be described as nonsense, but he unexpectedly had the slightest hint of expectation.

This kind of feeling is absurd.

“Your Majesty?” When the imperial physician did not hear the emperor speak for a long time after he finished speaking, he could not help but remind him.

Ji Wu Jue swept a glance at the imperial censor (formal title of a dynastic official), “This matter will be discussed later, what is Qintianjian (Board of Astronomy)’s opinion about this?”

A thin old man came out of the crowd, it was Zhao Yuan, the supervisor of the Qintianjian Lord Zhao, “This small official is here.”

Ji Wu Jue handed the slip of paper in his hand to the eunuch in the hall beside him and handed it to His Excellency Zhao (Zhao Daren) from the Board of Astronomy. 

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Lord Zhao was still a little confused, how come this note was folded into this kind of shape?

It took him half a day to unwrap the note.

It’s written, “Watching the stars at night, on the nineteenth day of the Gui Yue,between 9-11 am, a torrential rain fell from the sky, accompanied by thunder and lightning.”

Isn’t today the nineteenth day of the Gui Yue?

[Gui Yue: 桂月: (archaic) the eighth month of the Chinese lunar year. From the mythological Chinese belief that the phases of the moon were caused by the presence of a rapidly blooming osmanthus tree or forest]

But he had looked at the configurations of the stars (formerly studied for their supposed influence on human affairs) last night but there was no sign of rain at all ah. 

What is the Emperor’s intention in asking him to read this slip of paper?

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For a moment, he could not figure out what His Majesty meant, “Your Majesty, this small official venture to ask, who is the person who wrote the content of this note?”

Ji Wu Jue picked up the tea cup on the side and took a sip, “A woman.”

“Moreover, it was written two days ago.”

Two days ago?

Moreover, is it a woman?

Ever since the ancient times, the art of stargazing had always been learned by men, and what’s more, in this huge palace, no one else would know the art of stargazing, except the people from the Board of Astronomy (Qīntiānjiàn). 

What’s more, even though he had been stargazing for decades, he had never heard of anyone being able to predict the two days later weather, and able to tell the details of the exact time of rainfall.

Thinking of this, Lord Zhao’s heart settled slightly, “Your Majesty, the contents of this note are clearly nonsense and irresponsible remarks! Your Majesty, you must not fall for this person’s trick! I have been watching the stars for more than 30 years, calculating calendars, and in charge of astronomy and astrology. There is nothing unusual about the stars these days and there is no sign of rain at all!”

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Your Majesty must not fall for this person’s trick! I have been watching the stars for more than 30 years, calculating the calendar, and in charge of the astronomical calendar, and there is nothing unusual about the stars these days.

“But this note says that today there will be a downpour of torrential rain with thunder and lightning. It’s really extremely ridiculous!”

Lord Zhao was slightly agitated at the end of his sentence. The person who wrote this note definitely had impure motives!

The four big words “夜觀星象” (“Observe stars at night”) were clearly a challenge to their Qīntiānjiàn aka the Board of Astronomy’s authority. 

When they had finished talking, they put the note in their hands into the wooden tray of the eunuchs in the hall. 

At that moment, the ministers behind Zhao Yuan finally understood what was going on.

Someone had unexpectedly written a note to the emperor saying that it would rain heavily today?

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Although they also hoped that a timely rain would fall, it was not just a matter of saying so.

Look at the sun shining brightly outside, where is there any sign of rain?

Really such nonsense!

He also didn’t know what behind the person who wrote this note had in mind!

There was a lot of whispering and discussion.

“Zhao Yuan, do you say that there will be no rain today?” Ji Wu Jue frowned slightly and swept a glance at the weather outside the windows of the main hall, not sure if it was his misperception but the sky that was shining brightly just now seemed to have darkened a little.

“Answering Your Majesty, since the beginning of summer this year, there has been no rain for three consecutive months.

I have been thinking about it day and night and worrying about it night and day too. The stars are numerous and bright these last few nights, the silver moon is bright and the borders are distinct, not to mention that there will be no rain today or in the next few days, there is no sign of rain at all so Your Majesty, please don’t listen to this slanderous report!” Zhao Yuan spoke plausible and volubly in self-justification. His words sound powerful and resonating.

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