I Am My Wife

Chapter 3

In the early morning, a ray of sunlight shines through the curtains of the window and onto the eyes of Ye Wen, the sound of sparrow-like birds outside, chirping are seemingly singing cheerful songs.

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Ye Wen's long eyelashes shook, then slowly revealed a pair of clear eyes, stared at the ceiling for a moment, then her consciousness came back to her body.

Looking around the young lady's lovely and neatly decorated bedroom, there was a mirror as tall as a man not far away, in the reflection of the mirror, there was a lovely girl lying on the bed, with watery eyes looking at everything in this room.

"Sure enough...... It's not a dream......" Ye Wen deeply sighed, she placed a pair of pink little slippers on her feet and went to the bathroom to wash.

Ye Wen is standing in front of the mirror, carefully looked at her body, she saw a delicate face that is indeed incomparably adorable, and then thought that after a few years her body is going to develop more that will surely be a stunning beauty, her hair is also very supple, that if tied in a double ponytail would-be a lot more suitable....

Ye Wen gave her own body a few touches and sighed inside her heart. If the person that is standing in front of the mirror is her own girlfriend, then she would probably wake up from this dream and laugh.

Unfortunately, the adorable girl that was standing in front of the mirror turned out to be her own body,  she can only look, but cannot eat.... 

After washing her face, Ye Wen walked and stood upright in front of the flush toilet, pulled down her pants, and moved her hand to the lower part of her body only to realize that what she touched was a flat surface.

"Good grief..." Ye Wen is very disappointed, although his former self, was not very handsome, he still had the ability to perform it, but now even if she pushed a girl down the tools she needed have been seized....

"And I was still a virgin!"

This is the most indignant thing that happened to Ye Wen, he dedicated and used only his hand, in his entire life, and waited for the opportunity to offer it to someone, but now his precious tool was gone. 

"Come to think of it.... what does it look like?" Ye Wen looked downwards, she felt a heat coming from her lower body and saw a line of yellowish fluid flowing out that almost drizzled her hands. 

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"There's no head to lead the way..." after she finished relieving herself, the part of her lower body is still wet, "Ah, troublesome.... it's damp, I have to wipe it with a paper napkin..." 

While Ye Wen talks to herself, she pulled some of the napkins at the side, then wiped the part of her lower body a few times, "I feel somewhat itchy, what a strange feeling."

"It's as flat as a whiteboard...," Ye Wen washed her hands and thought to herself, "bai hu!" [1]

"Damn it!.... my most precious thing was.... why did this happen to me?"

Ye Wen felt that she would go mad, and quickly put away her thoughts, took a deep breath, then opened the wardrobe. 

The wardrobe has a variety of clothing, with all kinds of styles, even several sets of princesses' and sailor suits. Ye Wen picked up a pair of neat white knee socks, placed it hard on her face and rubbed it, "Ah ~ a girl's silk socks......" 

"Dong Dong Dong." 

There was a knock that came from the door, Ye Wen quickly shoved the white knee sock back, calmed her heart and opened the door. 

"Miss~" standing at the door is a little maid, who looked almost like her age, she cried out affectionately, and then handed some clean clothes to Ye Wen, and said: "Today, Madam instructed me to say to you that if you're feeling well and better, then this very day you can go the school."

"Hmm... okay!" Ye Wen took the school uniform and was about to close the door when suddenly the little maid barged in from the outside.

"Miss~ I also came here to help you change your clothes," the little maid smiled slyly. 

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"Eh ..." a cute girl will help me change clothes?" Ye Wen felt like her mouth was drooling but she quickly responded, "No, no.... I'll change it myself...."

"Well... all right." I did not expect that the little maid no longer urge me, but she just looked a bit frustrated, her head lowered down and walked towards the door with just two steps, she suddenly turned, grasped my chest from behind and said: "Haha~ Miss' chest is so small, ah~" then after that, she turned around and ran away.

Ye Wen stared blankly, after a while she came back to herself and extended her hand to also feel her own chest, probably the size of a small bread, it's not too small....

"Well.... it seems like the original owner of the body has a good relationship with the maids," and speaking of which, do they even go to school?" 

Ye Wen thought while sitting on the bed, and remembered that she was going to change clothes, she stood up and took off her pajamas and nothing more....

"Well.... I think I should wear an underwear...." Yesterday after taking a bath, she immediately got on the bed, then closed her eyes to sleep, because she didn't know how to put on an underwear.

Ye Wen walked in front of the closet then took out a white underwear. 

"It's a strap...." Ye Wen suddenly remembered the day when he was young, he stealthily pulled down the suspender of a woman, "ah, what a wonderful memory!" 

After spending a lot of energy, she had finally worn the underwear, there was also a bow tie at back of her neck, and because she was not skilled at tying, it took her more than 10 minutes to complete it...

Ye Wen unfolded her uniform, then suddenly felt that it was somewhat familiar, in the right chest of the uniform, she saw the school's logo and a circle of text around it.

"Wen, Lan, Science, Academy...." Ye Wen slowly read the text above, "Hey..." 

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The memory of her past and the current flow of time in this place coincided, and once again she can return to the familiar school. 

Ye Wen suddenly sunk into her beautiful memory, although he turned into a girl, to be able to re-take that good life, it may also be a good thing...

Wen Lan's school uniform is still as large as in her memory, even though it was not noticeable if someone has worn it, but Ye Wen does not really hate that kind of school uniform.... Because girls that are wearing a school uniform can make people feel that kind of refined, pure taste. 

After putting on the uniform, Ye Wen stood in front of the mirror and turned around twice to see clearly on how she looked like, the school uniform has a pure white lining, a pink blouse, and a white undergarment....

"Ah, so cute!" 

Ye Wen couldn't help but want to touch herself. However, doing this kind of action is really impossible....

The school uniform's sleeves are somewhat long, Ye Wen's stretched out hands, only covered half of the cuffs, and the excess length of the sleeves are pulled back. Ye Wen was fond of the sleeves of girls that are a little folded because if it was done in this way, it exudes an utterly delicate and adorable vibe, which can make people feel a strong desire to protect. 

"So cute!," I think I am falling in love with myself." 

Ye Wen looked at herself in the mirror with ecstasy, but it was not narcissism. It was a man's affection for women.

After taking care of herself, she remembered that she has to go to school today, so she reluctantly looked away from the mirror and went to the dining room.


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"Wenwen, did you comb your hair? Oh, girls should always pay attention to their etiquette." said by Ye Wen's mother that was sitting on a chair in the dining room.

"Eh... I forgot ... ..." 

"Are you excited to go to school today?" Ye Wen's mother smiled and did not blame Ye Wen, she turned her head towards the maid and said, "Young lady, please help Wenwen comb her hair."


Ye Wen was pulled back to her bedroom, her hair was combed with a single ponytail, in addition, the long hair on the sides of her temple was curled, and her bangs were combed straight, she looked lovely and elegant.

"It's finished, you can go and have a breakfast." The maid had patted Ye Wen's shoulder and said. 

"En...." Ye Wen's eyes were somewhat unable to move away from the mirror....

"Damn, so cute! but why is it me?!"


1. 白虎 Bái hǔ - White Tiger (the seven mansions of the west sky); (slang) hairless female genitalia.

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