I Am My Wife

Chapter 7

CHAPTER 7: Afternoon Sunshine

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The second school bell rang after the fourth lesson, the two people who are immersed in their own world came back to reality.

The students who just finished taking the P.E. class obviously doesn't have any strength to immediately go to the school canteen, so the students chose to walk there slowly, normally after the fourth class was finished the students will rush to go to the canteen.

The male students exercised in the entirety of the P.E. class, this time their whole body was covered with the stench of sweat, all of them don't have any appetite, and they can only have their lunch with just a few snacks.

Although they have rested a lot after their run, the girl's physique is still very weak, the energy in their body is still not fully recovered and because of that they still didn't want to move.

"Now the canteen must be very crowded....." Jin Jing said while she reluctantly stood up.

Ye Wen nodded her head, looked toward the direction of the canteen, it seems to have a long row of students and was very crowded.

"Let's just go!" A girl with a small round face suggested.

This is precisely the girl that was ranked third among the beauties in their class, in fact, she is a beautiful small girl with a small round face, of course, she still can't be compared to Ye Wen's baby fat, because her face is really round....

She is called Lu Yu, a very cute girl, in Ye Wen's memory, she seems to be a member of the sports committee together with Wang Xin, a very lively and cheerful girl but also one of Jin Jing's best girl friends.

At this time on the sports field only Jin Jing, Lu Yu, and Ye Wen did not leave, they waited for a while before deciding to go into the canteen, they reckoned that there's not enough time for lunch.

At the time they came, there were only a few high school students that were still in the canteen, because most of the high school students need to pay for their meal, their family cannot afford to give them a surplus of pocket money, so the students can only occasionally patronize, compared to the rich students who can afford to eat there every day...... it would be too much for them.

Wen Lan Academy is not a school for the rich, in this day and age it wouldn't matter, Wen Lan Academy has a strict bottom line, if you want to enroll, you have to be able to pass the examination.

The people inside the canteen are basically their fellow classmates, chewing the snacks they have bought.

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"It's my treat!" Ye Wen reached out her hand into the pocket of her purse then said with a rich and imposing manner, "Don't be polite!"

The purse in her hand was filled with a 100 yuan bills! In this year, 100 yuan for the students is a large sum of money, especially if you're going to spend it with just three people, she can basically buy anything in the canteen.

"Really?" Lu Yu exclaimed then held Ye Wen's arms, her eyes are shining like stars in the night.

"Yeah," Ye Wen gave a positive answer.

"Nevermind, I have money."

"Everything is okay, after all, we are friends, friends should be able to treat each other!" Ye Wen said hurriedly because she thinks that it's going to be 

a good thing if they get closer to each other.

After seeing Ye Wen's sincere eyes, Jin Jing hesitated for a moment then nodded her head.

"What do you want to eat?"

"En... that.... I want to have a pork floss buns." [1]

"I'll have those too."

"Do you want more?"

"Ah." Jin Jing nodded.

"Not enough? Don't be polite." Ye Wen took out a red colored bill from her purse and passed it to the two of them. [2]

"Wow~ rich!" Lu Yu exclaimed, "a piece of bread is actually enough, I am afraid I can not eat it."

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"Well, that's enough." Jin Jing also said.

"All right, boss, two pieces of pork floss bun, three big bottles of li ziyuan milk, and a bowl of shrimp noodles. [3]

At this period of time, the instant noodles market is still not prosperous, because the taste of it was not flavorful, and the shrimp noodles have been regarded as a relatively new taste.

Ten years ago, the production of instant noodles was a lot..... Ye Wen sighed in her heart, she remembered the instant cup noodles that was filled to the brim, which later, became popular instantly. The floss bread also was much bigger now, and only costs about 5 yuan..... [4]

The three girls that were sitting beside the canteen's window started to eat, Lu Yu and Jin Jing are sitting opposite of Ye Wen, her small mouth nibbled the soft bread, the afternoon sun shone obliquely through the window, then the clear sunlight embraced their body, it was seen by the boys across them and was dazzled by the sight.

Perhaps this scene would turn into the most memorable experience in their entire high school life.

An absent-minded Qiu Yi hastily gulped two mouthfuls of cooked rice and went towards the canteen, after finding that Ye Wen was there, his appetite to eat was revitalized.

Qiu Yi touched his empty stomach, in fact, he didn't eat much earlier, so at this time, with some regret, he straightaway entered the canteen.

"Fortunately, I still have some money....."

Qiu Yi entered inside the canteen, he settled beside the windows while leisurely looking at the girls eating their lunch, the bright sunshine that shone on their face was so dazzling.

Qiu Yi's eyes swept inside and stayed in Ye Wen's body.

I always feel.... that she has a different temperament compared to others, it is like a magnet, that will make you be attracted on your own. Qiu Yi in the middle of his thoughts, stood there motionless, seemingly enlightened by something.

Ye Wen took a mouthful of noodles then saw Qiu Yi standing in front of the window, she was curious to his dazed look, and she asked: "What's wrong? you don't have any money?"

After all, he still was me, so I'll take care of him, if he doesn't have any money, then, I don't mind to ask him to eat lunch with us.

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Speaking of which, at this time of the high school, the number of stores was awfully rare, at the very least in her memory, that was the thing she can recall.

Qiu Yi's family is not rich, it was only after 10 years that they're considered to be well-off, but before that, their family has always been very frugal.

"Ah?" Qiu Yi was shocked, he suddenly blushed, "No, that's not.... it! I have money!"

Suddenly, being caught by the girl he was watching, Qiu Yi immediately became embarrassed and had said some incoherent words.

"Well...." Ye Wen is, after all, an experienced person, she found that her past self is really cute being shy, and cannot help but to open her mouth, "Well, don't be shy, come here, sit beside me."


"What is it? is it because we are not on the same table?" Ye Wen directed her eyes on the boss of the canteen and waved her hand, "Boss, give him a cup of suan cai noodles, a piece of floss bread, and a bottle of iced tea. [5]

The boss was puzzled, "What kind of flavor is the suan cai noodles?"

"Ah!" Ye Wen wiped her sweat, she accidentally blurted out her favorite flavor of noodles 10 years ago, and quickly corrected, "No, that's wrong! I said beef flavored noodles!"

The boss is still doubtful in his heart, what is that new kind of taste..... Of course, for now, it is impossible to find that in the market.

Seeing Qiu Yi that is still standing, Ye Wen gave him a supercilious look and said: "Come over here, I bought so many, do you want me to eat it for myself?"

Qiu Yi blankly nodded his head and he sat on the edge of the chair of Ye Wen.

Jin Jing and Lu Yu whispered with each other, from time to time looked at the two and snickered.

Ye Wen found it strange that they're laughing, but she felt more amused by Qiu Yi's embarrassment.

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Qiu Yi shivered for a long time, stunned he didn't open the cup of instant noodles, Ye Wen looked again and saw that he didn't eat, so she gave up to persuade him.

I am not this cowardly before! This one is not me! Ye Wen tried to make excuses for herself.

"Let's eat," Ye Wen said, "if it goes on like this you will definitely not eat."

"Yeah, let's eat." Jin Jing said while enduring not to smile.

"Haha~" Lu Yu didn't mind and laughed, she then inexplicably said, "Come on!"

How much more, do you want?


1. 肉松/面包吧 - ròu sōng/miàn bāo, literally translated as meat floss/bread.

2. red colored bill is the 100 yuan bill.

3. 李子/园 - li zi/yuan, literally translated as plum garden, the Li Ziyuan you read was a famous brand of milk in China and 虾/板/面 - xiā há/bǎn/miàn, literally translated as shrimp, block, noodles, it is a flat noodle dish that originated from China and was popularized in Malaysia, Taiwan, and Singapore, consisting of handmade noodles served in soup. If you want to search it just type the name of the noodles "Banmian". In this sentence, what Ye Wen was talking about was the type of instant noodles of that banmian.

4. 10 years ago was referring to her time in the past.

5. 酸菜 - suān cài, also called as Chinese sauerkraut is a type of pickled cabbage, it is a unique form of "pao cai" that was also a pickled cabbage where the "kimchi" originated from. 

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