Empire’s Frontier—

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The two countries had been at war for nearly half a month.

After another day of fighting, the Empire and the enemy were both seriously injured, and the soldiers on both sides were also fatigued.

The two sides once again took a step back in tacit agreement and retreated to the rear of the battlefield to rest.

However, in the middle of the night, when the Imperial fleet was least prepared, the enemy fleet suddenly launched a sneak attack.

The escort fleet surrounding the Empire’s main ship was forcibly torn apart by the enemy, and a large number of fighters flocked to break through the defense, aiming to attack the main ship.

It was in a corner of space unnoticed by the two fiercely fighting sides that a slight distortion occurred.

After a wave of fluctuations, a pitch-black mecha came silently across the space.

As soon as the mecha appeared, it was hidden by the dark background of space.

After a small flash of light, the whole mecha became hidden, as if nothing was there.

It was Sivir who was manipulating the mecha Long Night.

The Duke had galloped all the way to the frontier by constantly making spatial jumps.

After using his last energy stone to perform a space compression jump, he finally arrived at the Empire’s battlefield.

As soon as he got there, he saw fire blazing.

The light from the attacks of fighters, the rainbow of light from the explosion of fallen battleships, and the other various colors of light interwove into the sea of war.

Obviously, the Chaoyang Empire was showing a slight decline in their force.

Sivir became more and more downhearted.

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He scanned the distribution of fighters and looked at the battle situation on his mecha console and immediately locked onto his target.

He became like a shooting star in the dark, moving flexibly through the war zone, crossing over various groups of battleships, and headed straight for his prey.

His mecha arms quickly began to charge with energy.

Suddenly, a burst of fire exploded in everyone’s field of vision.

The light of the fire blazed outward, and the domineering sight attracted everyone’s attention.

It was so dazzling that it almost caused the people watching to become momentarily blind, and unable to open their eyes.

Even the fierce battle taking place momentarily stagnated.

“This is—?!”

In the control room of the main ship of the Empire, adjutant Anna slapped her hands on the console because she was too emotional, “—what just happened?!”

With the blinding white light, it was impossible to see.

However, the ship was well equipped, so they quickly resolved the visibility problems caused by the explosion.

Looking out from the command platform of the Empire’s main ship, across the stagnant battlefield, you could clearly see a cut on the bottom of the enemy’s main ship in the distance.

The spark caused by the damage to the enemy’s main ship’s equipment caused a new round of explosions to go off.

In addition, it seemed that some people were attacking many important positions on the enemy’s main ship, causing even more explosions.

No sound can be heard in space, but just by looking at the roaring flames caused by the repeated explosions, you could imagine how seriously damaged the enemy’s main ship became.

Before the blinding white light completely faded, Sivir maneuvered his mecha to leave the vicinity of the enemy’s main battleship.

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Wading through the dark space, he distanced himself from their fleet and entered the Empire’s territory in the war zone.

He found a safe corner and stopped.

Long Night’s arm stretched forward, revealing a particle cannon.

On its muzzle, there was a faint blue ray of energy slowly condensing.

In the central control room, Anna, who saw this scene, took a deep breath: “It’s His Royal Highness!”

“What?!” Hearing this, Yuri, who was behind Anna, rushed forward to take a closer look, “His Royal Highness the Duke has returned so soon? He’s here?”

After seeing the pitch-black mecha, Yuri frowned: “This isn’t Daylight…”

Yuri suddenly had a spark of inspiration, his brows loosened, and his expression couldn’t hide his surprise, “His Royal Highness used Long Night which is specialized for assassinations, to carry out a sneak attack!”

Long Night is a light-weight mecha that is designed for camouflage, and has an explosive offense which is perfect for one-hit kills.

Unlike Anna, who was only a civilian adjutant, Yuri, as a soldier, followed Duke Sivir and had frequent contact with the mechas he used.

He could see the unusualness of Long Night at a glance: “Long Night has been urgently refitted. It’s power seems better than before.”

Just as Anna and Yuri were having a brief exchange, the blinding white light caused by the explosion on the battlefield completely disappeared.

Their vision became clear once again.

For those remaining on the battlefield, at this time, whoever reacted first would take the lead and could defeat their opponents before they were prepared.

At that time, Long Night’s particle cannon finished storing up energy.

Sivir issued the order, and the particle cannon shot straight ahead letting off a stream of light.

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In one-shot, it completely penetrated the central control room of the enemy’s main ship.

The ship was instantly torn apart and went out of control.

As it exploded, the decomposing fragments became space junk in an instant.

The explosion from the fall of the main ship illuminated the whole battlefield.

At this point, Sivir was almost completely exhausted.

He maneuvered through the flaming battlefield, slowly heading towards the Empire’s main ship.

The Imperial battleships in the war zone had a tacit understanding and they worked together to resist all attacks under the wrath of the enemy, carefully covering for the jet-black mecha.

Anna pressed a button on the center console, and the main ship immediately opened its hatch to allow for the mecha to land.

After Sivir boarded, he immediately left the cockpit and placed Long Night back into its mecha button.

There were many logistics staff members at the entrance, and seeing Sivir come out of the mecha, they were very excited, so excited that they couldn’t speak.

Their admiration was quite apparent.

Anna and Yuri quickly rushed over from the central control room.

When they were only three steps away from the Duke, they stood straight to salute him, “Congratulations on your return, Your Royal Highness!”

Sivir nodded slightly in acknowledgement.

Taking the lead in walking to the control room, he listened to Anna and Yuri report the information they gathered about the traitor.

Sivir’s back was soaking wet.

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He doesn’t fit well with Long Night.

Although he can control it, it takes too much of a toll on his metal power.

Once he entered the central control room, Sivir lowered his eyes for a bit to cover up his exhaustion.

When he raised his head up again, his emerald-green eyes were deep and cold.

Sivir ordered: “Turn on the main ship’s main cannon, and make a decisive shot.”

The battleship’s AI received the order, then a burst of sound could be heard as the large particle cannon was pushed out of the hull, pointing directly at the enemy fleet.

The battle turned around in an instant.


After the Duke left, Mianmian slept alone all night.

It was rainy and windy last night, but by the next morning, the weather had cleared up.

When Tu Mianmian was still sleeping in bed, Judy completed her job as an agent.

The popular science reality show that Mianmian participated in sent a message two days ago.

The mysterious reward that Mianmian won as the first place with the highest number of votes was taken care of by Judy.

Judy handled the communication with the program team and took over the matter completely.

When Mianmian finally woke up, Judy found him to explain everything and to inform him about the mysterious gift.

“It’s an invitation to another variety show,” Judy explained.

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