The elf flew up and down beside Tu Mianmian, and drilled into him and rubbed him with affection and intimacy.

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Tu Mianmian glanced at her, then closed his eyes weakly.


Almost sucked me dry.

After a while, the sirens stopped.

The sound of hurried footsteps could be heard in the distance.

Led by the director of the garden, more than a dozen people wearing the Zoological Garden’s work uniform and a group of work robots arrived in the restricted zone.

The frantic middle-aged director who was usually graceful and well-groomed, now lost all of his demeanor and good appearance.

He ran wildly in this direction and had a face like one would have running from a landslide, while he shouted: “What’s wrong!? What’s wrong with the Rainbow-colored Flower!!!?”

There was a sense of despair in his voice.

“My Rainbow-colored Flower!—“ The director’s voice stopped abruptly.

He stood still like a statue and stared blankly at the situation inside the protective cover of the flower, looking dumbfounded.


“Madam, Duchess?” The garden director asked, stunned.

His eyes instantly caught onto the elf flying beside Tu Mianmian.

He straightened up and suffocated his breath.

Behind him, the workers that came running after him came one after another.

These people didn’t expect that the garden director would suddenly stop, so they all collided uncontrollably.

The director staggered back due to the force pushing him, and almost fell.

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The robot next to him supported him, but he still looked like he had not recovered from his shock, and continued to stare straight at the flying elf.

“Get out of the way!” Robbins yelled from behind the crowd.

Robbins domineeringly opened up a path by pushing the people blocking the way out, one by one.

He stretched his head up and probed forward to look and sure enough, he saw Tu Mianmian.

“Mianmian is here!” Robbins told Fritsch and Xu Lu behind him.

He continued to push the sluggish crowd aside and rushed in.

When he was in front of the defensive cover, he directly pressed the work card of the garden direction into it and opened it to walk in.

Behind Robbins, the activated live-streaming cameras followed him into the restricted area.

Next to the rhizome of the Rainbow-colored Flower, Robbins saw Tu Mianmian collapsed and the word ‘F***’ was written all over his face.

Robbins shouted in horror: “Why do you look like you’ve been sucked entirely out of energy?!”

[What’s that thing?!]

[Is Mianmian sick? Why does he look so bad? Should we call an ambulance robot to take a look?]

[Uuuuuuuuuu! The cub left Mother’s sight..I just can’t! After not seeing him for so long, he made himself look so miserable! Woo woo my Mianmian~]

[…Wait, I seem to see something flying around Mianmian, as if there is a light shining around him?]

[What happened just now? This dog show shouldn’t have turned off the live camera! What intermission! We missed the plot!]

[F*** I saw it too! What monster is that! Or some kind of insect?! It has wings! It can fly!]

[What monster insect!! You illiterate bunch! That’s an elf! ELF! An elf bred from the Rainbow Flower!! *hissing*]

[What? Is that little elf sucking the lingering essence left?!]

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Tu Mianmian: “…”

I #&*@%*

Robbins hurriedly shut his mouth and went to help Tu Mianmian up.

The elf flew to Tu Mianmian’s face and stayed there.

As its wings fluttered, a lot of small sparkles of light fell down, covering Mianmian’s cheeks, like bright glitter.

Because it was a thumb-size little thing, Robbins hadn’t noticed it before.

When the elf landed on Tu Mianmian’s cheek, he finally saw it clearly.

Immediately, he was stunned on the spot: “This is…”

The garden director came over and his fingertips trembled slightly, showcasing his uneasiness and shock, “It’s the elf that the Rainbow-colored Flower should eventually give birth to.”

The director took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

“Duchess, may I ask you, how did the elf hatch? Did you see?”

Although there were questions about how the Duchess came into the restricted area, it was obvious that the elf was the most important thing.

For a moment, Tu Mianmian recalled the fear of being drained of his demon power.

“Your Rainbow-colored Flower was about to wither and die!” Tu Mianmian said fiercely, “I did my best to help it and hatched that elf!”

“By the way, Borg was also here.” Tu Mianmian said as he recalled being pushed from behind.

It was because of that push that he made contact with the flower and established a connection.

Tu Mianmian turned his head and saw Borg’s figure amongst the crowd.

Mianmian pointed at him and said, “Borg is the culprit.”

Tu Mianmian was almost at the point of anger as he shouted: “He hurt me!”

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There was a thin layer of sweat on the garden director’s forehead.

He was well aware of the Rainbow-colored Flower’s weak state, but he didn’t quite understand the rest of the situation that occurred here.

That’s why he wasn’t sure of Tu Mianmian’s accusation of harm and also didn’t understand why Borg was pointed out.

However, that didn’t stop the director from understanding one thing—the Duchess could not be offended.

“Then can you tell us about the situation at that time?” The garden director wiped the sweat from his forehead as he asked.

“There is no monitoring in this restricted area, so we can’t be sure of what happened to you,” He explained.

Because the Rainbow-colored Flower was too special, they were afraid that even radiation from technology would affect it.

So, there was no monitoring equipment installed in the area around the flower.

Tu Mianmian hesitated.

It wasn’t that he didn’t want to explain, but he was unsure about his physical state.

He had his demon power almost completely absorbed, and his body had felt extremely weak.

But he felt a bit more energized now—his body didn’t feel so empty and even his words were full of anger.

The sparkles of light that fell on his cheek seemed to have been absorbed, so his pale complexion also improved a bit.

Tu Mianmian had a flash of inspiration, reached out, and took the elf off of his face, holding her up and shaking her.

“Duchess!!” The calm appearance that the director had just regained collapsed instantly.

When he saw Tu Mianmian’s rude treatment of the elf, he almost fainted, and screamed: “You can’t, you can’t!”

The elf was shaken so much that a lot of tiny sparkles of light fell, and Mianmian gathered them with his hand.

The sparkles of light melted into his palm and turned into a warm current that warmed his limbs.

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His demon power recovered slowly, little by little.

Tu Mianmian understood in an instant.

This thing shouldn’t be called an ‘elf’, but by another name—Flower Demon.

No wonder the elf could absorb his own demon power before.

Now, it could also feed back demon power to him.

Flower Demon. Rabbit Demon.

They belonged to the same group. They’re all little monsters.

In front of him, the director and garden workers desperately wanted to take the elf from Tu Mianmian.

But the elf seemed to despise them.

It turned its head away and ignored them, and held onto Tu Mianmian’s fingers, refusing to let go.

The rejects were at a loss.

After the embarrassment and confusion on the scene settled down, the director finally grasped ahold of himself and calmed down completely.

He asked Tu Mianmian to take care of the elf first, and then took Borg away from the crowd.

“Borg,” The director rubbed his temples and asked, “What did you do? Are you willing to tell me the facts?”

“I haven’t done anything.” Borg shook his head and denied, “I’ve been with my group. I don’t understand what the Duchess is talking about.”

Borg’s eyes were clear as he explained: “I have never done any harm to the Duchess.”

Borg’s teammates also spoke up and testified for him.

They said that Borg had been with them the entire time.

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