[How can Tu Mianmian hit someone? If you don’t agree with someone’s word, you will attack!? That’s too tasteless!!]

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[This guy upstairs is undoubtedly a fan of Borg.]

[Why, only Borg is allowed to hit someone, and Mianmian isn’t allowed to fight back?!]

[Woo woo woo~ Distressed for my Mianmian! The hands and tender flesh are bleeding!]

[Even if Borg did it first, Tu Mianmian shouldn’t fight back! It was just a moment of high emotion for Borg, so his behavior was a little too extreme. After all, we also saw it on the camera just now. Borg was going to be sent to the Overwatch Council to be sentenced. He’s already so miserable, can’t you tolerate him and forgive him?]

[Where did this pheasant come from, cooing all day. So illogical, I was stunned. Do you want to be ridiculed by the whole network by saying this?]

[Mianmian, hit! Hit hard for me! Beat him to death!!!]

[Borg is so shameless. This arrogant master deserves punishment from the Overwatch Council!]

The star network was noisy.


At the same time—The Empire’s borders.

Since the enemy’s main ship was attacked by Sivir and his mecha Long Night, the enemy’s fleet also began to show signs of decline.


Even with the support of a new main battleship, they still lost the first opportunity to attack and suffered repeated defeats in the subsequent skirmishes.

After being bogged down by the Chaoyang Empire’s overwhelming victories and the capture of six resource stars in one fell swoop, the enemy country was finally powerless to resist and raised their white flag in surrender.

Once the white flag appeared, the fighting ceased.

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The Chaoyang Empire then immediately dispatched logistics to clean up the battlefield.

The main ships of both countries will dock onto each other and the enemy will enter the main ship of the Empire in their defeat to negotiate the post-war compensation agreement.

In Interstellar wars, the defeated party must bear all the war expenses of the victorious party.

Various reparations are also required as the price for reconciliation.

In cases such as voluntary surrender, the amount of compensation paid is several times higher.

Although the Empire has been fighting for years, their treasury hasn’t become stretched, but instead has become richer and richer.

“Commander.” After the successful docking of the main ships of both countries, the central control system of the Chaoyang Empire’s main ship called out to him.

A soft electronic voice entered Sivir’s ears, “The enemy commander requested a meeting.”

“Agree to meet.” Sivir said concisely.

After a short pause, he said again: “Transfer to Anna.”

The central control system received the command, and as soon as the communication with Anna was connected, her voice came through: “His Royal Highness.”

Anna continued: “I have already received the notification from the central control. I’m waiting for the arrival of the enemy commander.”

Sivir nodded slightly, “I’ll leave it to you.”

The civilian adjutant, Anna, was always in charge of negotiations and tearing through the terms of agreements.

“Yes!” Anna took the order.

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“Remember, this time it was a war initiated by them.” Sivir lowered his head and tidied up his cuffs, then commanded in a light tone: “If they don’t want the Empire to fight back against their country in the near future, they must show their ‘sincerity’.”

On the word ‘sincerity’, the Duke’s tone was harsh.

Anna’s face twitched. It’s almost foreseeable that the enemy country will be bleeding profusely.

“…Okay, His Royal Highness. I understand.” Anna agreed immediately after a brief silence.

She had already planned out how she’d play around with them.

Sivir nodded, and ended the communication.

After hanging up, he looked at the imperial fighter ships that were cleaning up the battlefield in an orderly manner in space.

Sivir’s mental power tightened like a string.

In the past few days, he was piloting an unsuitable mecha to lead sharp attacks in the dark.

On the one hand, it was necessary to monitor the overall battle situation and issue the most appropriate commands at the right time.

On the other hand, he had also tried his best to bring down a hammer on the captured traitor.

Long Night’s metal power consumption was too much for him, and adding on a few other responsibilities, even an iron-willed man would feel fatigued.

Sivir turned around and walked towards the commander’s lounge.

He asked his light brain’s AI while walking: “Is there any news or communication from the Duke’s Mansion recently?”

The AI replied: “Report to His Highness the Duke, there is no news from the Duke’s Mansion.”

Sivir: “…”

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So many days have passed, Sivir has been caught up with the war, yet there is no news from the Duke’s Mansion for fear of disturbing him.

After a long pause, Sivir gave a soft “um”.

The Duke, who has never cared about anything before, felt that there was something missing in his heart now.

Sivir instructed the AI: “Notify the royal family and the military headquarters that the fleet is about to triumph. We are now entering the final steps of the plan and the facts can now be made public.”

He then manually opened a display page to type and send a message to Tu Mianmian.


Chaoyang Empire, Central Star.

After night fell, the Zoological Garden Variety Show entered the last part in the program’s flow—the bonfire.

There was originally no concept of ‘bonfire party’ in the Interstellar, but after restoring historical data from the ancients, they found that parties would be held like such a ‘bonfire party’.

The firewood burned in stacks, emitting light and heat, and crackling every now and then.

Everyone sat around the bonfire with the light from the orange-red flames on their faces, sitting in a trance.

Borg sat far away from Tu Mianmian, as well-behaved as a wilting quail.

He was beaten up by Tu Mianmian today.

No one else stopped it, and the live broadcast audience was still applauding his beating.

Borg never imagined that Tu Mianmian, who looked so tender and weak, could hit ten times harder with one punch.

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He was beaten so soundly that he couldn’t even get up.

After Mianmian beat him, he strutted away.

When the director and the others arrived, there was only a bruised-faced Borg and a camera left in the lounge, recording the whole process.

No one expected that the cute and lovely Tu Mianmian would be so dark once he was triggered.

But no one blamed him. It was Borg who was at fault in the first place and he deserved the beating.

After the series of bad things that occurred during the day, the atmosphere of the bonfire party at night wasn’t very good.

And both Tu Mianmian and Borg were silent.

Mianmian was too lazy to pay attention to anything, and even the most noisy Robbins had nothing to say to Borg and the others.

On Borg’s side, he was too embarrassed to say anything aloud.

After all, although Borg’s deceit didn’t end up harming Tu Mianmian, his teammates had tried to cover-up for him, and everything ended up being exposed.

In the Zoological Garden Variety Show, the purpose of setting up a bonfire party was to allow the guests to speak freely to each other, creating topics and explosion points to increase their popularity and the topicality of the show.

But the atmosphere at the scene reached a freezing point.

Fortunately, the show wasn’t badly affected by this.

The attention and popularity of the show was still rising and the live broadcast room was also very lively~

[Ah, ah, why haven’t these people connected to the network! There’s a lot of buzz on the star network, and these guys aren’t even aware of it! I’m dying for them to see it! Come, let’s remind them personally! Surf the star network!]

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