His life is over!!

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His bunny tail is showing!!!

Tu Mianmian was in a hurry in the observation room, and the elf flew beside him and followed him around.

Tiny rays of light scattered from the soles of her feet as she spun in circles following Mianmian.

Outside, the Duke who followed him knocked on the door: “Mianmian, are you alright?”

“No, no!” Tu Mianmian was so nervous that he almost fainted on the spot.

He covered his tailbone with his hand, and anxiously said to Sivir outside the door: “You…you wait for me!”

“…” Sivir behind the door suddenly became quiet.

Then, the door to the observation room was forced open, and Sivir walked in frowning.

Sivir’s senses were very keen, and just from Mianmian’s tone, he could tell that something was wrong.

After he came in, he looked around, glanced over at the flying elf, and stopped his gaze on Tu Mianmian: “Mianmian, what’s wrong with you?”

Tu Mianmian’s rabbit tail trembled in fright.

He stood stiffly on the spot, and stammered: “No, It’s fine. I’m fine…”

Sivir walked towards Tu Mianmian.

Mianmian looked terrified, and took a step back.

When the Duke arrived in front of him and held down his shoulders, he was unable to move.

Sivir stretched out his hand and reached behind Tu Mianmian.

Tu Mianmian: “…!!!”

The Duke pinched the rabbit’s tail on the little rabbit husband’s tailbone.

~Soft and fluffy~

The Duke looked down at his palm, recalling the touch just now, and his expression became serious.

He took away Mianmian’s hand and looked behind him.

Behind Tu Mianmian, there was a round tail ball on his tailbone, white and fluffy.

Because the owner of the little tail was too nervous, it even trembled, looking very cute.


“…Mianmian?” Sivir called him hesitantly.

“I, I…” Mianmian dragged out his words and lingered in place for a long time, but couldn’t seem to utter a complete sentence.

There was cold sweat on his forehead, and the fact that his identity as a rabbit demon was revealed filled his heart with fear.

Tu Mianmian’s face became extremely pale.

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Seeing Mianmian like this, Sivir misunderstood.

He took off the cloak on his shoulders and draped it over Tu Mianmian’s shoulders, wrapping him up.

“Mianmian.” Sivir bent down slightly and lowered his head to look at him.

His eyebrows were creased full of concern: “Is there something wrong with your body?”

Tu Mianmian avoided Sivir’s line of sight and dared not look directly at him.

His body became even more rigid, standing there.

“Mianmian, don’t be afraid.” Sivir patted Mianmian’s back lightly, to coax him.

Then he hugged Tu Mianmian up into his arms and strode out.

The elf wanted to follow Mianmian, but was afraid of Sivir’s murderous aura.

So, it finally stopped at the door, watching Tu Mianmian and Sivir leave in dejection.

“His Royal Highness?” When all the guests saw Sivir come out with someone in his arms, they couldn’t help but be surprised.

Sivir glanced at them.

In his arms, Tu Mianmian, who was being held like a princess, immediately shrank into the cloak covering him when he heard someone else’s voice.

He buried his face into Sivir’s chest, unwilling to see anyone.

Seeing this, Sivir tugged at the cloak with one hand and hid Tu Mianmian.

Nodding to the crowd, he hurriedly strode away from them.

While walking, Sivir looked down at Tu Mianmian in his arms.

Tu Mianmian was shaking slightly, as if forcibly enduring discomfort.

But in fact, Mianmian’s long ears were about to pop out.

So, he was trying his best to control the overflowing demon power, and was finally able to stop the situation where his rabbit ears would also pop out.

It was also because he was just too nervous, that he ended up trembling for quite a while.

Watching His Royal Highness hold the Duchess and hurry away in his airship, everyone was a little confused.

They didn’t even say goodbye to each other yet.

The adjutant Anna, who was called by Sivir to handle the follow-up matters, had just come out of the garden director’s office.

As soon as she understood how someone tried to frame the Duchess, she glanced around at the guests, and focused her gaze on Borg.

Her glass-colored eyes were full of indifference as she looked at him.

Robbins knew that Anna was Sivir’s adjutant, so he stepped forward to stop Anna and asked her about the situation.

Anna turned her head and glanced in the direction where the airship left, and explained briefly: “The Duchess is unwell. His Royal Highness will take the Duchess to the hospital first.”

Anna knew that Robbins was close to the Duchess, so she said politely, “I’m very sorry, there’s a reason for this incident. Please understand that the Duchess left in a hurry and couldn’t say goodbye face to face.”

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“What?!” Robbins was shocked, “Going to the hospital? Feeling unwell?”

Tu Mianmian was fine before!

Robbins instantly thought of the fact that Tu Mianmian’s energy was sucked away before by the Rainbow-colored flower, and murmured, “Is there a problem with his metal power…”

Anna frowned when she heard his words and the look she gave Borg with her eyes became worse and worse.

She opened her light brain to check some information and found that the Central Star Overwatch Council had reviewed the submitted evidence.

They had just announced the acceptance of the case regarding Borg’s intentional injury of Tu Mianmian just a minute ago.

“Mr. Borg.” Anna turned to stare at Borg: “The Overwatch Council has issued an arrest warrant for you! Please cooperate and head to the Overwatch Council with me.”


On the Duke’s airship—

After getting on the airship, Tu Mianmian broke free from the Duke’s arms.

Wrapped in a cloak full of Sivir’s aura, he sat far away from the Duke.

While covering the bunny tail on his tailbone with both hands, he almost cried a river.

Tu Mianmian continued to stammer and couldn’t say a complete sentence: “I, me, me…”

The Duke looked at his little husband huddled in the corner, and his heart was full of unstoppable and overflowing distress.

It was as if Tu Mianmian’s next words were going to be: “Am I going to die?”

Sivir sighed.

In front of him, Tu Mianmian closed his eyes and clenched his teeth, as if he was disheartened and feared facing reality.

Sivir stepped forward promptly, and hugged Tu Mianmian.

Holding him in his arms, he patted Mianmian’s back lightly, and comforted: “It’s okay. It’s okay Mianmian.”

Sivir kissed Tu Mianmian’s cheek, and coaxed him in a low voice: “You may have just awakened an orc bloodline. This is an atavistic phenomenon. Don’t be afraid. We’re on the way to the hospital now, and we will find out everything when we check it later.”

“I actually…” I’m a lop-eared rabbit.

Tu Mianmian choked suddenly and held back the second half of his sentence.

He looked at Sivir with tears in his eyes, “What, what? Atavistic phenomenon?”

“Yes.” Sivir stroked Tu Mianmian’s back to soothe his emotions, “A phenomenon of reverting back to our ancestral blood. Our ancestors were all orcs.”

This matter regarding the history of the Chaoyang Empire, Sivir was afraid that Mianmian wasn’t aware of, or wouldn’t be able to understand.

So he explained as he comforted him: “We all have the orc blood of our ancestors in our bodies. Although the blood is very thin and inheritance is unlikely, there are still cases of atavism.”

Sivir remembered the small, round tail of Tu Mianmian’s on his lower vertebrae and Mianmian’s pale face before, “You have signs of atavism on your body. Are you not feeling well right now?”

There were only a few cases in which atavism and the appearance of animal traits have shown to cause great pain all over one’s body.

Sivir caressed Tu Mianmian’s back even more gently, releasing his own mental power to appease Tu Mianmian’s nervous emotions: “Be patient and wait until we get to the hospital.”

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*Hiccup* Tu Mianmian, who was weeping in Sivir’s arms, gradually stopped crying.

Does he not have to admit the fact that he was a lop-eared rabbit?

…That’s right.

In the Interstellar era where flower demons can be recognized as elves, it wasn’t impossible for his lop-eared rabbit to be recognized as an atavistic orc blood awakening.

Fortunately, happiness came so quickly.

It was like a tornado.


At the same time, on the star network—

[Have you seen it! The latest case accepted by the Overwatch Council was the intentional harming of Tu Mianmian! Borg has been taken to the Overwatch Council by Miss Anna! Happiness! I feel like running outside!]

[Haha! I felt relieved the moment I saw His Royal Highness, Mianmian’s lovely big backer that came back, so that no one could bully him anymore. This old mother was greatly moved.]


[That guy Borg was finally taken away! Ooooooooh, I’m moved! I’m going to let the AI steward play a famous historical song to celebrate such a good day.]

[I really wish Borg had been arrested immediately on the spot. It’s a pity that it takes time for the Zoological Garden to submit an application to the Overwatch Council. It also takes time for them to investigate the evidence, list of crimes, and to negotiate the verdict and punishment. Alas..]

[Wish +1. During that time Borg was allowed to stay in the Zoological Garden and be near Mianmian. I was really afraid that such a dark person would do more bad things to Mianmian. Fortunately, the Overwatch Council is highly efficient. Now, just a few hours later, Borg’s verdict has come down, and he’s finally been taken away!]

[? But I saw that Mianmian was also taken away by His Royal Highness. What happened? I remember that at the end of the show, the guests are usually asked to record a little tidbit to thank the audience. Have they stopped recording?]

[Could it be that as a newlywed, His Royal Highness the Duke was too anxious? Couldn’t wait to take Mianmian away?]

[Hahaha! I think this is a guess I would make too! I went to the show just now, and when I arrived, I happened to see His Royal Highness the Duke holding a person onto an airship. In his arms was Mianmian with his face covered, hahahah.]

[No need to guess, I saw that the Duke’s airship was parked outside the Central Star Royal Hospital, and His Royal Highness the Duke and Mianmian were greeted by the dean.]

[??? Why did they suddenly head to the hospital? I remember that the family medical robots in our Empire are very useful, and it’s unnecessary to go to the hospital if you’re not seriously ill? Is His Royal Highness ill? Is he still injured??]

[The comment upstairs seems to be cursing them… I heard the news from the show that the Duchess was unwell.]

What?! Σ( ° △°|||)︴How can my baby Mianmian go to the hospital? Seeking real facts! Mom fans are going to be heartbroken!]


In the Central Star Royal Hospital, Sivir turned off his light brain, and the comments on the star network disappeared from in front of him.

He wasn’t a person who cared about online trends and comments, but Tu Mianmian liked to pay attention to those things.

In order to have a common topic with his little husband, the Duke has also developed a habit of browsing the comments on the star network in a short period of time.

However, the liveliness on the star network had nothing to do with the Duke.

Sivir looked at the closed doors of the medical examination room in front of him, and was a bit absent-minded.

Tu Mianmian was taken by the nurse robots to check his physical condition, but he had not yet come out.

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The Dean of the Royal Hospital accompanied the Duke.

Seeing that their patient’s family member was in a low mood, the director comforted, “Please rest assured, Your Royal Highness, the Duchess will be fine.”

The dean was knowledgeable, and when he first caught a glimpse of Tu Mianmian’s symptoms, he already had a few conjectures in mind: “The Duchess has indeed undergone an atavism. When his body first shows animal-like features, he would probably feel a little uncomfortable, but it will be much better after that…”

The Dean rambled on, but it was useless to the young commander beside him, who didn’t react at all.

The Dean shook his head and couldn’t help but laugh.

It was really rare to see this new side of His Royal Highness the Duke.

He was a commander who has always been rigorous and serious, but now had moments where even he would become distracted.

After a bit of a wait, a nurse robot came out of the examination room and let the Dean come in to look at the test results.

Sivir waited alone outside the corridor for a while until Tu Mianmian finally came out.

Sivir immediately stepped forward to check Tu Mianmian over while asking about his health, “Mianmian, how are you?”

Tu Mianmian had long since lost the nervousness and fear of revealing his identity as a rabbit demon.

After relaxing, his face was now a healthy ruddy color.

Before his examination just now, the nurse robot injected him with a soothing potion.

The soothing potion was originally used to calm the manic energy in one’s body, and it also had an effect on Tu Mianmian’s demon power.

After soothing his demon power, the excess demonic energy that had nowhere to go in Tu Mianmian’s body calmed down and circulated in his body.

He could then slowly absorb the demonic energy over time, and would then be able to control it freely.

Tu Mianmian touched his behind with his hand and found that the soft rabbit tail had been retracted.

He was so relieved that he showed Sivir a big smile while shouting, “I’m fine!”

Sivir’s dangling heart also relaxed at Mianmian’s exclamation.

The Dean and the nurse robot came out of the medical examination room together, and the results of the exam were displayed on the Dean’s light brain screen.

After looking over it carefully, he said, “The Duchess’s body is indeed undergoing atavism.”

“After a blood test, it has been preliminarily determined that the characteristics of the Duchess’s atavism are related to an ancient noble bloodline…”

The Dean clicked on his light brain screen and turned to the next page of the inspection results.

“After we screen and determine which noble family, the Duchess will probably be given a new surname.”

The Chaoyang Empire pays attention to historical and ancient inheritance.

Once a citizen undergoes atavism, and after the atavistic species is determined, if the bloodline is still an ancient noble bloodline, they will be regarded as a descendant of this noble line and will enjoy the treatment belonging to a noble.

Tu Mianmian who heard the entire explanation: ( °□°)

His worth is going to go up again!

His rabbit meat now costs at least 100 million stars a pound!

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