[I’m angry! I am so angry!! I can’t believe it!!! Why no Mianmian???]

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[I remember that the live broadcast meeting of the military department allows you to bring family members to attend. In the past, the Duke was a single dog, and it was fine to sit alone! But now, there’s Mianmian—here, look, the seat next to him has Mianmian’s name written on it. So why didn’t he bring Mianmian?!]

[I’ve taken my pants off, and you let me see this…No that’s not the right phrase. I was looking forward to seeing Mianmian, but you’ll pour a basin of cold water on me?] (T/I: ’took my pants off to see this’ is an internet term used to express dissatisfaction)

[Mianmian won’t really feel unwell right? Is he in the hospital? So that’s why he can’t attend the meeting with His Royal Highness??]

[It shouldn’t be. If Mianmian was unable to attend the meeting for any reason, there wouldn’t be a nameplate with “Duchess Chris” in front of a seat prepared for Mianmian. Because there’s a nameplate on the table, it means that Mianmian was 100% supposed to attend.]

[Where did my Mianmian go? I don’t care, I don’t care, I don’t care about anything!!! I want my Mianmian! I haven’t seen my cub for such a long, long time! My cub!! *rolling wildly*]

It was noisy on StarNet, and the atmosphere in the live conference room was also very lively.

The live camera had already been set up and was shooting the entire meeting room.

However, because the meeting hadn’t officially started yet, only random images were taken and no sound was recorded.

Everyone in the conference room was chatting with each other, and they were very relaxed and happy.

Sivir had plucked Mianmian Rabbit from the top of his head and placed him in the position where the Duchess would sit beside him, which attracted the attention of many of the people in the room.

Most of these people were family members of military officers.

They didn’t participate in the previous internal military meeting, instead, they all chatted and waited in the live broadcast meeting room.

Therefore, they didn’t know anything about the origins of Mianmian Rabbit.

Some people were curious and wanted to go up and ask, but after seeing the expressionless face of the Duke, the steps they took were silently retracted.

Still a little afraid to go over…

The indifferent Duke’s personal aura separated him quietly from the rest of the world.

In the past, when the Duke was a single dog, everyone dared not come forward to chat with him.

This year, it was special because of the Duchess, and seeing that the Duke’s temper was much more improved.

The family members of the officers were waiting for the Duchess to socialize with, but ended up not seeing the Duchess, losing the opportunity to chat, and inevitably they felt lost.

And this year, the Duke, who was lucky enough to get away clean from chatting with anyone, was playing with a bunny.

The fluffy fluff on the soft rabbit made the Duke feel happy.

The Lord Duke stroked Mianmian twice, and was in a good mood even though his face became more and more tense, resulting in an expressionless face.

Sivir pinched Tu Mianmian’s tail ball.

He doesn’t know if it was his own delusion, but the Duke always felt that his little husband was getting more and more stocky recently.

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“Mianmian.” Sivir stretched out his hand and gently poked Mianmian’s fleshy buttocks.

Tu Mianmian: “!”

Oh, what are you doing! Really!

Touching other people’s butt—you’ll be arrested for harassment!

Tu Mianmian twisted his tail, escaped from under the Duke’s hand, raised his head to look straight at him, and fiercely cried: [What are you doing!]

“Mianmian.” The Duke raised his eyebrows and looked at the little husband intently, his eyes full of doubts: “Are you getting heavier?”

The Duke asked euphemistically.

Not directly saying that he was getting fatter.

Tu Mianmian: “…”

Mianmian raised his head and stared at the Lord Duke for a while, then very calmly bit the Lord Duke’s finger.

Dog man, I think you need a lesson.

How dare you say such cruel words to a little rabbit!

It’s none of your business!

Am I eating your rice? (T/N: rice here just means food)

…really, I really ate it.

Tu Mianmian silently released his pursed mouth.

Then, he licked the place on the Duke’s finger where he had bitten.

The wetness he felt on his finger made Sivir startle slightly.

Mianmian Rabbit in front of the Duke was squatting obediently: [I don’t know if I have gained weight, maybe I’ve eaten a little too much recently.]

The Duke looked down at his fingers.

There wasn’t even a red mark on the place where Mianmian Rabbit had bitten.

It was like a paper tiger had opened its bloody mouth at him, trying to intimidate him.

With a smile, Sivir rubbed Mianmian Rabbit’s long ears, “Well, it doesn’t matter.”

“No matter how much you eat, I can afford it.” Sivir said as he continued to rub Mianmian Rabbit’s fur.

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Mianmian Rabbit was small, so no matter how heavy he becomes, he can still be held in one of his palms.

Tu Mianmian shook his head and broke free from the Duke’s stroking.

He jumped onto the Duke’s lap and squatted, avoiding the gazes of others, and looked at something intently after poking his head about.

Sivir was a little curious, so he lowered his head to look at Mianmian’s light brain’s screen—

[Search: How to eat more than pigs while maintaining a good figure?]

Sivir: “…”

Sivir: ?


The sound of footsteps outside the meeting room gradually increased.

The officers who had besieged Anna and asked about the details of Fluffy came over one after another.

Arriving at the same time as them was the heavy news that the small, fluffy animal was the Duchess.

As soon as the news came out, the meeting room suddenly became noisy.

“No wonder! I just saw His Royal Highness put Fluffy on the Duchess’ seat! I was puzzled at that time, but now it makes sense.”

“My God, I’ve watched the Duchess’ variety show before. He’s been very cute since the beginning!”

“Sure enough, even if a cute person reverts to the form of an animal, it is still a very cute little animal!”

“Furry Duchess, I can’t!!!”

Many of the family members of military officers immediately dragged their own rough spouses and ran to the Duke to greet him.

This was probably the most lively scene the Duke has ever experienced.

His indifference could not stop the enthusiasm of the people who came by, and Tu Mianmian, who was hiding in the Duke’s lap, was held out and carried to the front to socialize.

Tu Mianmian squatted on the table obediently, with his nameplate beside him.

There was a circle of officers’ family members in front of him.

One of the young girls was extremely excited, and her eyes were full of excitement and maternal love when she looked at him.

Tu Mianmian: “…”

It’s confirmed, it’s a mother fan.

Tu Mianmian looked at her and tilted his head.

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Then he stretched out his front paws and raised them towards the young girl.

Young girl: “…Huh?”

She was slightly confused, and under the urging of the people around her, she also raised her palms like Mianmian Rabbit, “Like so?”

Tu Mianmian’s little head nodded, and his front paws pressed into her palms.

Tutu high five.jpg

The young girl was stunned.

After taking a moment to come to her senses, she quickly exited the crowd and ran to the corner, clutching her heart and breathing rapidly, like she was about to faint in happiness.

Ooh ooh ooh! How can Mianmian be so cute!!!

The young girl touched the palm that was stamped by the rabbit jiojio—she won’t wash her hands for the next three days!

“I can’t wait to tell my little sisters this good news!”

The girl opened her light brain and made crackling operation sounds: “I thought about the title: Shock!…”

However, the edited message was not sent.

The young girl poked her light brain again, and found that the star network couldn’t be connected, nor could she enter the live broadcast room on the star network for the live conference.

The network signal had been blocked.

At this time the husband of the young girl came and found her.

Seeing her staring at her light brain with a puzzled face, her husband leaned over to take a look, “The live conference is about to start.”

The husband explained to her: “In order to avoid being disturbed in the venue, the Central Control Intelligence has put all the information networks in the military building under its control. The network is blocked, and now the signal in the military headquarters cannot be connected to the outside world.”

The young girl was a little disappointed when she heard his explanation, and she put away her light brain dejectedly: “Okay.”

Only after the live broadcast was over was she able to share this peerless and shocking news to her little sisters.


The live conference was about to start.

The people around the Duchess left one after another and went back to their respective seats to sit down.

Tu Mianmian finally didn’t have to socialize anymore.

When he turned around and jumped forward, he accidentally bumped into the triangular nameplate, and the nameplate fell on its side on the table.

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Mianmian tilted his head and glanced at it, then stretched out his furry claws to push up the nameplate.

[Wow, it also knocked down Mianmian’s nameplate! So arrogant!]

[Look at its condescending look! Not only did it knock it down, but it also looked down on the nameplate! So bad!]

[Give it to me! I promise to suck it bald!] (T/N: ‘suck it bald’ means to pet and rub until they lose all their fur and go bald)

[Leave it to me! Give it to me! I won’t give it an easy time, after all, I can kiss ten cuties like this to death!]

[Where is Mianmian? Did Sivir scumbag hear that? If he didn’t hear me, I’ll ask again later.]

Tu Mianmian scratched and pulled at the plate for a while, but the silver bottoms material of the nameplate was too slippery and he couldn’t pull it properly.

So, give up.

Upon seeing this, the Duke who was watching, stretched out his hand to stand the nameplate up.

He took Mianmian Rabbit away and placed him in front of himself.

The Duke held the little rabbit in his hands.

Mianmian found a comfortable position in the Lord Duke’s palm, and subconsciously protected his stomach.

He was surrounded by the Lord Duke’s aura, which was extremely comfortable to him.

The Duke’s palms were warm, and Mianmian Rabbit was covered so warmly that he was about to fall asleep again.

When it was the Duke’s turn to come to the stage to deliver the concluding remarks of the meeting, Tu Mianmian suddenly woke up.

He squatted on the table and looked at the Duke on the stage in a daze.

Tu Mianmian listened to the Duke’s speech very intently, earnestly, and respectfully.

Then his eyelids fell all the way down, and the little head seemed to be bobbing like a fishing rod, moving down little by little.

Finally, crack.

He fell asleep against the table.

[Wow it blatantly fell asleep! (It’s not like I’m talking nonsense. Everyone is obviously riled up.)]

[God, is this being hypnotized by His Royal Highness’ speech hahahaha. One thing to say, this fluffy little animal is quite cute.]

[Whisper: I also think it’s cute, almost as cute as Mianmian!]

[Yes, yes, +1. I also think it’s about the same level of cuteness as Mianmian—I think this plush is quite similar to Mianmian~]

[Like…Mianmian? Woohoo, what is this? A substitute? Sivir scumbag flirts, and leaves Mianmian to pamper a plush?]

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