No matter how noisy the star network was, or how much turmoil the outside world was undergoing due to the pregnancy news, Tu Mianmian remained ignorant.

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His life was very peaceful and comfortable.

In contrast, the Duke became extraordinarily busy.

Sivir blocked all the interviews and entertainment show requests, and worked tirelessly to deal with everything alone, without disturbing Tu Mianmian at all.

Butler Anderson was appointed by the Duke as the spokesperson of the Duke’s Mansion to deal with some details that the Duke had no time to take care of.

Since the nursing team settled in the Duke’s Mansion, Tu Mianmian has been the only one favored by them.

They were responsible for Tu Mianmian’s daily diet and controlling the frequency of healthy exercise, as well as giving regular inspections.

Under their professional scientific breeding method, after half a month, Tu Mianmian’s rabbit ears and rabbit tail were able to be taken back, completely restoring his human form.

The professional ‘pig-raising’ (rabbit-raising) team raised Tu Mianmian to be fat and healthy.

His waist wasn’t sore, nor were his legs, and it became more and more boring for him to be unable to go upstairs to eat.

Tu Mianmian was excluded from all dangerous and tiring activities.

Since the fans are fully excited, he could be chased by fanatical fans, and so he can’t even go out for a walk.

There was finally a media meeting to attend that day.

But after Tu Mianmian was taken out by the Duke for a walk, he was immediately sent back.

The busy Duke only had time to kiss Tu Mianmian’s face before turning around and hurriedly going to the military headquarters to handle official business.

Tu Mianmian sighed softly.

He was pregnant with a rich man’s child, lived in a rich man’s mansion, and drank bowls of soy milk and had nothing to do every day except to count the balance on his star card.

The days are so empty and lonely.

Tu Mianmian leaned on the sofa, shook his calves leisurely, and suddenly looked at Judy.

Tu Mianmian: OwO

Judy: “?”

Judy doesn’t know why the Duchess is looking at her, but that doesn’t hinder anything.

She stepped forward and asked diligently, “What’s wrong with Madam? Are you hungry? Are you thirsty? Or do you suddenly want something to snack on? I’ll ask the kitchen to cook it for you right away?”

A sudden desire to eat something on a whim—for such a thing, Judy was already familiar with it.

But this time Tu Mianmian shook his head, “Neither.”

He said instead, “I’m so bored.”

Tu Mianmian vaguely remembered that when he had just married into this rich family, it was Judy who gave him advice when he was too bored.

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She found something for him to do to pass the time.

Now, he was also looking at Judy eagerly, waiting for her good idea.

“This…” Judy hesitated, “Why don’t you play small games?”

As long as you don’t enter the game cabin to play professional-level games, it won’t affect your body or cause radiation.

Tu Mianmian shook his head.

Judy added: “Then you can chat with fans on a live broadcast? It just so happens that fans want to see you more.”

Tu Mianmian’s group of fans are all talented, and they speak nicely, and they will surely make Tu Mianmian happy.

Tu Mianmian shook his head again.

Looking at Judy’s eyes more earnestly, expecting her to give a satisfactory answer.


“…” Judy understood the hint in Tu Mianmian’s eyes and refused: “It’s impossible to go out to play.”

Judy said firmly: “You should play small games at home.”

“Okay. “The little rabbit who was imprisoned in the big villa by the rich family looked sullen.

I had to get in contact with Robbins, his good friend who hadn’t found a husband yet, and entered a game together.

The game was the mecha game that Tu Mianmian first took a week playing to reach the top of the ranking list.

Later, after Tu Mianmian stopped playing for a few months, the account was entrusted to the smart game AI to brush daily tasks.

At the beginning, some people gathered around Tu Mianmian’s account characters to pay homage to them, but later they found out that it was an AI, and they all left disappointed.

After Tu Mianmian logged into the game, he manipulated his game character to look around.

The game had been updated several times, and many things were not the same as a few months ago.

“Hey… the big boss’s game AI is online again.” Two people passed by beside Tu Mianmian, watching his character and sighing.

“It’s a pity, there is another small-scale war today. It would be great if the big guy can lead the audience, but the game AI never participates in non-daily activities.”

The passerby was talking while looking over a brand new battle beside Tu Mianmian.

And the character standing next to him was Robbins, who came to play with him.

Tu Mianmian looked at the nickname on the top of Robbins’s head—he actually used his real name, “Brother, are you using your real name to access the star network?”

Robbins replied: “This way people can know who I am at a glance.”

Tu Mianmian stood in silence, “…”

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“Hey, can you still play games while pregnant?”

Robbins stretched his arms and legs and started to move again.

Then, he moved his head, his neck made a “kaka” sound as he cracked it, “Will it have any problematic effect?”

Tu Mianmian shook his head, “No effect.”

“By the way, how many babies will you give birth to, Mianmian?” Robbins’s topic jumped quickly, “I’ve brushed up my knowledge recently. The encyclopedia says that the animal breed that you reverted to has a very strong reproductive ability.”

Tu Mianmian: “…”

“I feel that His Royal Highness the Duke is very strong. You are also very good. You should be able to give birth to a lot of cubs, right?”

Robbins lives up to his reputation as talkative, and Tu Mianmian ignored him as he continued to chatter: “Can I be your child’s godfather? If there are many cubs, I have to start appealing now and get the presents ready.”

“I think you should worry about your husband’s affairs first.” Tu Mianmian patted his belly full of doubts, “And I think it’s just one.”

He should give birth to just one, there shouldn’t be more.

Just in time for the game event, Tu Mianmian ordered Robbins to close his audio and dragged him to join the battlefield involving the two armies.

“…” The two passersby who sighed just now had just digested the large amount of information in the conversation between Tu Mianmian and Robbins.

When they looked over again, the figures of Tu Mianmian and Robbins had just disappeared in front of them.

One of them took a deep breath and quickly sent a server message:

[Quick report! The big guy who does the daily AI brush is Mianmian, the cutie himself! Real hammer! His friend Robbins beside him is the evidence! Mianmian himself is online today and has just entered the battlefield. The coordinates of our army is xxx, xx! Everyone rush for me, catch Mianmian alive! Catch the little cutie alive!]

The entire server: “?”

The entire server: “!!!”


Tu Mianmian and Robbins were delayed for a while at the preparation point.

Tu Mianmian had quickly entered his mecha, and was ready to go.

Robbins stumbled though and slammed into the floor with his face on the ground.

Tu Mianmian: “…”

After Robbins got used to the operation of the mecha, the two entered the battlefield, and the battle between the two armies had already started for several minutes.

Unexpectedly, there was no smoke of war on the battlefield, instead both sides were fighting a war of words.

Tu Mianmian: “?”

Could it be that since he hasn’t played the game for a few months, it became a world at peace?

You can get victory through scolding???

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It sounds like it’s a little cooler than suiting up mechas to decide who wins or loses.

“Ah ah ah!” The general on the opposite side was shouting: “Hurry up and hand over Mianmian! And I’ll spare you!”

Tu Mianmian: “?”

Robbins: “?”

Robbins played this game for the first time and didn’t know much about the game’s war system.


He asked curiously: “Mianmian, are you a war victory item?”

Tu Mianmian: I #%&*$#

Robbins’ words were heard by those with sharp ears, and everyone looked over, just in time to recognize Tu Mianmian’s customized mecha model.

In an instant, the surrounding people dispersed instantly, forming a vacuum around Tu Mianmian and Robbins.

The weak, pitiful and helpless Tu Mianmian was exposed in front of everyone.

With a wide field of vision, the enemy also had a clear view of their own situation.

“Damn!” The general on the opposite side shouted even more: “To let a pregnant person go to the battlefield! It’s inhumane!”

“Inhumane! Inhumane!”—The opposite side shouted.

“Let’s rush! Catch Mianmian! Take good care of him!”

“Come on! Catch Mianmian! Capture him!”

“Rush, rush! Catch Mianmian! Look at how many cubs he is pregnant with! ”

Tu Mianmian: “???”

I feel offended.

While they were speaking, the mecha group on the opposite side had already rushed towards them.

Robbins looked at this magnificent scene with a look of amazement.

His teammates weren’t vegetarian either.

Seeing this, they immediately picked up Tu Mianmian and ran away, shouting, “Mianmian is ours! Long live the Empire!”

Robbins turned around and found that Tu Mianmian had been taken away, and quickly followed.

While escaping, Tu Mianmian felt that something was not right, and when he turned around, he saw that the teammates who were escaping around him were secretly touching the outer arm of his mecha.

What the hell! Idiots! shameless!

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Tu Mianmian kicked the group of shameless teammates away, and dragged Robbins to run together.

The two were dependent on each other and were desperate.

“These people are too scary!”

They want to see how many cubs he is pregnant with!

Tu Mianmian complained to Robbins.

When he turned his head, he found that Robbins was also secretly reaching out to touch his mecha.

Tu Mianmian: “…”

Tu Mianmian kicked Robbins’ ass, “Why are you so wretched!”

“Hey. I’m wretched, but I don’t waver!” Robbins sobbed, “Just blame your mecha for being too dazzling.”

Robbins and Tu Mianmian experienced a life-and-death escape, running for a long time, and finally they found a safe point to go offline to escape the clutches of netizens.

A few minutes after going offline, Tu Mianmian logged into the game quietly again, and he wanted to see if the people were gone.

However, as soon as he emerged, he was almost caught alive, and became so frightened that he quickly hid.

The idea of using games to pass the time was killed.

Tu Mianmian and Robbins were speechless by the situation.

The air was silent for a long time, and Tu Mianmian sighed with melancholy: “If I can find some fun, I will die without regrets.”

Robbins said sincerely: “Generally speaking, this kind of wish is impossible to achieve.”

Mianmian: “…”

Life is not easy—Tutu sighed.

Tu Mianmian ran to the East and West in the Duke’s Mansion.

After fiddling around for a long time, he turned the live broadcast on.

Forget it, let’s listen to fans blowing rainbow farts.

“Come in?” Tu Mianmian said to the live broadcast camera: “Let’s talk about small things first.”

Fans rushed into the live broadcast room—

[Ahh, ahh! By the way, Mianmian, how many cubs will you give birth to? I recently made up for my knowledge, and the encyclopedia said that your atavistic bunny breed is super fertile!!!]

Tu Mianmian: “…”

Tu Mianmian: “?”

I suspect that you are Robbins’ trumpet, but there is no evidence.

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