Knowing that his little cutie had calmed down, His Excellency the Duke relaxed a lot.

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He pushed the nutritious soup in front of Tu Mianmian, and reminded him, “Remember to drink the soup.”

“Okay.” Tu Mianmian agreed, and took a sip of the soup first, to reassure the Duke.

He looks obedient and cute, not at all like the wicked little husband who beat up the Duke last night.

Tu Mianmian was still eating while browsing StarNet news.

Sivir had just experienced Mianmian’s anger last night, and he didn’t dare to correct Tu Mianmian’s little habit at all.

The star network was currently bustling with excitement——

[Wow, in the past few months, there has been a lot of publicity about Mianmian being pregnant.]

[Isn’t it the Empire’s efforts to propagandize the event just to let us have children? Impossible, I won’t give birth! I am only two hundred and thirty-six years old this year, and I am still very young! Not yet married! This world is already too complicated! I will be single until I die, and I will not have children!]

[I won’t give birth either. I already have little baby Mianmian, and my Mianmian is going to have a baby soon! Hey-hey! Becoming a grandmother at a young age, I am a winner in life!]

[I wonder how many ducklings Mianmian is pregnant with?]

[Mianmian has experienced atavism and can turn into a little rabbit. Will the cub born by Mianmian inherit his ancestral bloodline? Can it become a little bunny?]

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[Today, I love our obedient boy, Mianmian, more than yesterday. I don’t know if Mianmian can start a live broadcast today? I want to continue sucking Mianmian~]

Tu Mianmian, who was coaxed by fans’ rainbow farts, started a live broadcast after eating breakfast to interact and chat with fans.

The Duke, who wanted to stay at home with the little sweetheart, was left out instead.

Sivir: “…”

I suspect that Mianmian is still angry, but there is no evidence.

The Duke was unwilling to be a lonely man, and unwilling to be ignored and not be spoiled by his little husband.

So, he didn’t do anything else, and just stayed by his little sweetheart’s side.

Tu Mianmian happily chatted with fans, while the Duke served tea, water, and fruit snacks beside him.

Tu Mianmian was like a retired old man who could be fed just by opening his mouth.

Tu Mianmian said that he would show the fans a stunt of carving carrots, so the Duke went to prepare the materials he needed.

When Tu Mianmian was serious about carving carrots, His Excellency the Duke was beside him cleaning up the residue.

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When Tu Mianmian said that he would give the carved carrot to a lucky audience member, His Excellency the Duke took the carrot on the spot.

“Hahahaha.” Tu Mianmian leaned back with a smile, Sivir reached out to catch him, and held the little husband in his arms.

“You send the carrot I carved.” Tu Mianmian poked Sivir’s chest, “I promised to give it to fans.”

Mianmian coaxed him: “I’ll carve you a better one later.”

“Oh.” Sivir lowered his head, and kissed Tu Mianmian’s cheek, “Okay.”

Then he casually sent out a box of star coins.

The carved carrot was bought out with money.

The front of the live camera seemed to be filled with pink bubbles.

The fans just watched the Duchess and the Duke loving each other, with no regard for other people’s feelings.

Finally, the fans in the live broadcast room couldn’t help crying—[Please don’t show it again.]

The dog food has made us full!


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After one night passed, it was finally the day when Professor Tan would come to check on Tu Mianmian.

Because Professor Tan came out to first say, “If there is no accident, you can see the little hands and feet of the little highness today”, this ordinary day inexplicably became sacred.

Both the people and the robots in the Duke’s Mansion were on high alert, expecting to see the little hands and feet of the Little Royal Highness in the scanned images.

There was an atmosphere of tension and excitement in the Duke’s mansion, and Tu Mianmian, the protagonist, was not phased in any way.

Relaxed mind, no stress.jpg

Because of the promise made to fans the day before, Tu Mianmian also held a live broadcast to teach the live broadcast viewers how to carve carrots before Professor Tan came to do an inspection.

Tu Mianmian took the time to finish teaching, and the fans still had some questions, so Tu Mianmian pointed out a few more things.

Suddenly, the topic in the live broadcast room changed—

[Mianmianmianmianmianmianmianmianmianmianmianmianmianmianmianmianmianmianmianmianmianmianmianmian! Putting aside the carved carrot, are you going to check up on my obedient grandson today? Can I see the images of my obedient grandson? Woooooooo Mom is so touched!]

Tu Mianmian: “?”

That big mouth was yelling about him again.

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[Wow, can we see the Little Highness? So good?!]

[I saw an airship carrying new medical equipment entering the Duke’s Mansion!]

[I don’t know who the Little Highness will look like? Can it become a little bunny?]

[I don’t know who the baby will look like, but StarNet has already started a bet. Half of the people bet that the Little Highness will look like Mianmian, and the remaining half betted that he’ll look like His Royal Highness the Duke~]

[Mianmian! I bet that the Little Highness will be like you! Remember to publish the results on the star network after you check it! I will give you a red envelope!]

Tu Mianmian: “…”

My kid is only a few months old!? You can already bet on who the baby will look like!?

“Mianmian.” The Duke’s voice came from a distance, “Professor Tan is here.”

“Got it.” Tu Mianmian responded.

He waved to the audience in the live broadcast room and said goodbye, turned around and picked up various carving materials and a pile of carrots at his feet, and made room for himself to get out, and walked outside, “I’ll come right away— —”


Tu Mianmian suddenly tripped and let out a pitiful cry.

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