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Professor Tan once said that the twins needed to be carried for more than fifteen months before they could be born.

On a certain day in the sixteenth month, when the Central Star’s skies were crisp and clear in autumn, the Duchess’ due date was reached amidst the rustling red maples.

The twins were successfully born from the mechanical gestational sac.

The loud cry of the babies broke the peace of the Empire, and these two little guys who were “the first baby/second baby in twenty years” attracted much attention.

After the newborns were baptized with blessings, they were entered into the population system and officially became new members of the world.

The older brother’s name was Luther Chris.

The younger brother was named Ricardo Raphael.

The eldest son inherited his Father’s surname and will also inherit the title of Duke in the future.

The younger brother inherited his Dad’s name and honor.

Luther and Ricardo, these are two very serious names.

The exclusion method used by their fathers to name them was finally abolished under the full persuasion of Butler Anderson.

It was Butler Anderson who saved the lives of the two brothers.

However, Tu Mianmian prefers to call them Little Chris and Little Raphael instead of the serious names of “Luther” and “Ricardo”.

It’s like nicknames for children.


Babies are not good-looking when they are just born, but after a long time, the wrinkled faces will become stretched out and more defined.

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Although Little Chris and Little Raphael were twins, they looked different.

The elder brother inherited his father’s emerald green eyes, and the younger brother had the same big obsidian eyes as Mianmian.

The two children were also well raised.

When teasing them, two pairs of big and clean eyes will turn around with you, and their mouths will babble nonsense.

The two brothers have chubby cheeks, and they will wave their white and fat arms like lotus roots at you.

Mengmeng is so cute, it almost melts your heart. (T/N: mengmeng is like calling them cuties, an affectionate term)

Little Chris and Little Raphael, relying on the counterattack of their appearance, got rid of their fathers’ evaluation of “ugly” and regained their fathers’ favor.

After Tu Mianmian enthusiastically started raising the babies, the other half of the Duke’s bed was vacant for several days in a row at night.

Little Chris and Little Raphael have a team of nanny robots taking care of them in different shifts.

So, the Duke couldn’t figure out where else there was a need for Mianmian to help take care of the children himself.

But the little husband was in high spirits, and more interaction with the children could enhance the relationship between father and sons, so the Duke pinched his nose and recognized its necessity.

Also, under the active selling of Amway by the little petite husband, he began to calmly participate in the great business of raising babies. (T/N: ‘Amway’ means the action of basically strongly recommend something)

The ruthless father of the twin brothers had little interest in any parenting business other than raising his daughter-in-law. (T/N: He means he’s only interested in raising Mianmian~)

Even after being forced to help raise the babies, Sivir’s mentality and emotions were very stable and normal.

His face was still expressionless and indifferent, and he didn’t show any of the specialness he treated Tu Mianmian with to his two sons.


When the two young fathers, Sivir and Tu Mianmian, had their hands full of parenting life and were in a hurry to bring up the babies, the twin brothers’ personalities began to emerge.

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Whenever Little Raphael was held in Sivir’s arms, he cried whenever he saw his Father’s cold face.

It was just thunder and no rain. (T/N: basically to describes the chaos of raising babies)

In the end, he had to throw himself into his Dad’s(Mianmian’s) arms, hug and hold him high before he would close his crying mouth.

Little Chris was different.

After being hugged by his Father and seeing his expressionless father, he would only look at his father very stubbornly.

Sivir: ▼_▼

Little Chris: ▼^▼

If Sivir turned his eyes away and no longer met his elder son’s gaze, Little Chris would use his little feet to kick his Father’s chest, using his weak strength to force his Father to focus on him again.

Then he would continue to stare stubbornly at his father.

Little Chris: ▼^▼!

Sivir: “…”

But when Little Chris was in his Dad’s(Mianmian’s) arms, he would turn his face as fast as turning a book, and only showed a cute and obedient smile.


The great cause of raising babies ended with the Duke using a game to lure his little husband back to the bed.

And the twin brothers ended up losing daddy’s company during the night.

After waking up in the middle of the night, Little Raphael couldn’t feel his Dad’s breath.

He didn’t know how to do anything else, so he just stepped on his sleeping brother beside him, and used his brother’s crying to attract the adults’ attention.

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When both his fathers came to check in on them, they only saw a crying Little Chris in the cradle, and a Little Raphael who was giggling and drooling at them with his teeth on display.

This situation lasted for three or four days. Both the nanny robot team and Tu Mianmian were puzzled.

They ruled out Little Chris’s sleep quality, diet, mood and other factors, and in the end they really couldn’t figure out why Little Chris often woke up crying in the middle of the night.

Only His Excellency the Duke was pensive, and his eyes swept over the twins.

Little Chris stared at his father stubbornly.

Little Raphael had an innocent expression, and stretched out his little hand to his father, giggling.

In the end, it was Sivir who adjusted the surveillance in the baby room before he realized what Little Raphael had done.

The Duke pinched Little Raphael’s criminal foot, patted the back of his foot twice, and said in a deep voice, “Nonsense.”

Little Raphael shook his little feet and kicked out of his Father’s hand.

He looked at his Father’s face, curled his mouth and frowned, showing that he was about to cry.

Tu Mianmian hastily took the child from Sivir’s hands and held him in his arms.

Little Raphael, who had already been getting ready to cry, immediately closed his mouth and clung happily to his Dad.

“What does Little Raphael know?” Tu Mianmian patted Little Raphael on the back to comfort him, “He is just naughty. Let them sleep in two cradles.” He said while kissing Little Raphael affectionately on the forehead.

Dad kissed him and Little Raphael giggled immediately, he swayed his little feet in joy, arched back and forth against his Dad, and rubbed him with saliva.

Sivir: “…”

His Excellency pinched the space between his brows.

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By the time Little Chris and Little Raphael were around a year old, they were able to walk with their Daddy leading them.

The two brothers’ favorite thing to do was to hold Daddy’s hand and learn to walk next to Daddy.

Walking slowly and waddling, like two little penguins.

Children around one year old have strong enough immunity to start contact with some non-human guests who visit from the outside.

For example, the little elf.

After many years, the elf was still chattering in an incomprehensible language.

It’s unknown if Little Chris and Little Raphael can understand it. Anyway, after they saw the novel species of an elf, they were amused and giggled non-stop.

With the elf brand automatic baby teasing machine, Sivir and Tu Mianmian liberated themselves, escaped from the endless career of raising babies, and had time to be busy with their own affairs.

The elf brand automatic baby teaser was good for everyone who used it~


On one fine day, the elf played with Little Chris and Little Raphael in the baby room as usual.

Sivir and Tu Mianmian received Yuri and Anna who came to visit in the living room.

While talking to each other happily, an alarm suddenly sounded in the baby’s room.

Before they had time to say more, everyone rushed to the nursery immediately. But when they saw the situation in the baby’s room clearly, they couldn’t help being stunned.

Tu Mianmian: “…”

Sivir: “…”

Tu Mianmian was shocked, he subconsciously turned his head to see Sivir’s reaction, and then: “…”

“Why are you looking at me like that!” The charming husband jumped up and hit the Duke: “I didn’t cheat!!!”

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