16 Years Old  Doki Doki Peeping Life

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I, Tiariela Norfolk, have turned 16.

It was long, so very long.

At my fifth birthday, I realized I was in the world of where it was fine to think that you could categorize this as an adult manga right~ and packed with ero scenes, the world of the reverse harem story【Flower Blooming Underneath the Snow】.

And, I Tiariela am only a side character that shows up a little, no matter what I do it probably won’t effect the story, so I decided to closely watch over the heroine welcoming her happy end.

11 years have passed since my firm resolution.

In one week, I will enter Luxen Academy.

In just a bit, I will be starting life as a side character in a heart throbbing eroero harem.

「You say it coolly, but you really just want to peep out of lecherous curiosity, don’t you.」


Behind I who was attending my luggage was a boy who ate sweets while reading a book.

The boy who perceived my pure heart wanting only to watch over the heroine’s happy end as dubious was named Melba.

His whole body was covered in a gray robe that gave him a questionable appearance, but in actuality he was shady.

Melba was the starving kid at our entrance of my fifth birthday party.

I left food at the broken fence on the east side.

As promised, I diligently carried food (mainly sweets I wanted to quietly get rid of) to that place.

When I left them, not even a day would pass before they would disappear.

I made clear that I wanted to meet the child with the unfortunate life and speak with him, but when I sat beside the confections he would never show his appearance.

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When one or two years passed I also gave up, stopping only to drop off food.

But on my 12th birthday, Melba appeared.

My birthday was the most troublesome day of the year to get rid of sweets.

I stealthily sneaked out from the party venue and went to the specified place to leave food.

As the quantity of confections was great, I noncommittedly stuffed some in a container; a treat from the party.

After I piled them up into a mountain and made to leave, a child suddenly appeared from behind a tree.

The robe that didn’t match the child’s stature coiled around his feet as if it were dragged along.


To be honest, I was freaked.

Paying no mind to I who left my mouth wide open, the robed child

「Ah, the smell of meat……」

was only moved by the food and turned towards it.

Without sparing a glance towards I who had frozen in shock, he moved naturally to leave.

「Wait, wait!」

Don’t ignore my existence!

The robed kid picked up the food as if he were used to it.

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I wonder if this suspiciously dressed kid was the boy from that time.

When I tried to confirm his face and remove his robe, I was met with a silent reluctance.

Clutching the robe tighter and shaking him off, when I tried to peer into his face he turned his back towards me.

Noticing the scuffle, the servants approached this way.

With a child’s stature we could hide behind the shrubs if we crouched, but as the boy and I were both standing, we were out in the open.

I panicked on what I could say to gloss over this suspicious invader but

「Ojou-sama, what are you doing over there by yourself?」

The servant inclined their head conjecturing negatively.

Neither this servant or anyone else could see this shady Melba.

Astonished I

「Eh, but look, this……」

I tried pointing my finger, but the servant was only puzzled and urged me to return to the party venue.


What’s with this guy. What is he!? Ignoring me who scrutinizingly examined him, the boy gnawed on the meat bone.

Grabbing his arm I pushed him into my room

「You can eat all the sweets in this room. Don’t leave until I come back!」

Telling him that and leaving, I went to fulfil my duty as the birthday party’s leading actress.

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When all the guests returned, it took a while for the party to close, so half-resigned I returned to my room thinking he would be gone, but he was there like normal.

Normal, that is to say he was lazing about as if he were the owner of this room and eating sweets.

The birthday booxes that were hid away my confections were all open and empty.

Ehー!? It can’t be, all by himself?

With an amount that would take 10 gluttons to finally be able to finish off, all the sweets were gone.

This guy, really what is he!? I thought, and challenged this robe boy who sat in a chair he while continued eating and leisurely read one of my books.

Or rather, you’re too relaxed! Is this your house or something?

「Me? I am Melba. Melba the Monster.」


Melba was the name of the Monster of the Forest that appeared in children’s tales I’ve read.

He was always hungry, and when he met someone he would pester them for food.

If you carried enough food to satisfy Melba, then he would grant any wish.

But in the case you didn’t have food, he would make you into his food supply.

Although Melba’s body was the size of a small child, he could slurp up large humans and eat them, a scary monster.

I thought Melba was a myth.

Melba really exists!? when I exclaimed in astonishment, I heard as an adult-like snicker slipped out.

Even though Melba was only around the size of a child, his manner of speech was like an adult’s.

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I was convinced by his unbalanced mysterious ambience and after being told by him.

On the day I first met him, no one saw Melba’s appearance until he was hungry so he became out of power, and to begin with Melba could only be seen by people who gave him food.

In other words, only to me.

Numerous servants came to drop off gifts, but none of them paid Melba any attention.

As I thought, no one else can see him.

「Since it’s a world with magic, there are also monsters, huh.」

Ever since Melba showed his figure, he came to my room to pick up food.

Plus while eating he would laze about.

He’d sleep occasionally.

I felt like he destroyed my image of monsters, but I had always been worried about how to dispose of sweets so I used Melba’s existence without restraint.

Furthermore, this Melba.

Even without his official sweets disposal duty, he was useful in other things.

Even though he’s a monster, or it’s better to say because he was a monster.

He’s pretty sharp.

Willfully coming and leaving after eating food, for some reason when I met with a troubling situation Melba would definitely come and impart his wisdom.

Like that, I also came to trust the dubious Melba and eventually told him everything.

Including that this world was inside an ero-ing harem story, everything.

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