[Arasaa] Book 2 ch 5

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[Edited by junior editor here]


Only the tick tack and the sound of the clock hands was echoing in the room.
Even though it’s the dead of the night, I repeatedly turned around with gruel, with eyes uncontrollably hurting from headache.

‘Let’s sleep, I have to sleep’, I thought, but this was a sleepless night, I experienced it in a previous life.

Especially when I started living alone after changing my work company .
After watching the variety of shows, when I turned off the TV, the insides of the room was too silent.

When I was living at my parent’s house, I was overwhelmed with noises, however now I am no good with silence.
Since I knew that I would forget it as much as I can in the morning, I went to bed, but for some reason, I couldn’t sleep after getting into the futon.

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I reacted to the sound of the wind, my eyes opened swiftly. My eyes are aching because of that useless movement, and I become even more unable to sleep.

At that time I already was waiting for some company.

When you realize that you are living alone, and you are alone in the room, at these times you want someone to be by your side.
Before, when I talked about this to Melba, that I want someone to stay near me at night.

~ “Even though you are leaving alone, isn’t it more scary to notice that there are two people in room?”

Returned Melba, he was convinced that it would be more scary to realize that there are two people than to be alone.

No. That is not the case. I wasn’t talking about a situation like this.

‘What I wanted to say is, after experiencing shock today it was impossible for me to fall asleep, and I think I’m afraid to have a dream, so for me to go to sleep, please stay overnight!’ It’s that.

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However, typical euphemistic wish couldn’t reach him at all, and I was neglected.

What was it, I felt like a cheapskate, but at time I can’t fall asleep I tend to think a lot?
Because it’s night, thoughts are somewhat negative.

I planned to watch over Laurel’s happy ending with Ricardo, but because of my erotic hopes I have put Melba to danger.

Fortunately the students who came to that empty classroom were distracted by the three people buried under the desk and didn’t notice Melba.

But if Melba was found out at that time that couldn’t be undone.
Entering without permission into Academy there would be punishment only for that, but what happens if he get’s recognized as a monster from the forest?

Melba is a fantasy existence and appears in various places looking for food, but this time it’s different. As I talked hotly about it all the time, Melba knew that the event will occur today. Appearing at such a good time, as if he was peeking, I was concerned if it was the case.

However after exposing Melba to danger, I still reflect on my doings inside of my mind.

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And not only because of Melba.

I was afraid when those three people forcibly pressed me down.
It seems that the touch of the hand grasped me by the legs still remains, that disgusting feeling can not be wiped out.

For me, Arasaa [woman in her 30’s], to act this way.
Still so young 16 years old Laurel-chan, she must’ve had been terrified even more.

Speaking from the readers point of view, Ricardo-sama is a must-see handsome man so I was thinking [it’s fine], but he was cruel and merciless, even to the point of being named extreme sadist.

I knew that Levin would save her, but Laurel of course was clueless.
She could’ve had a terrible feeling.

Me, who was peeking from the locker while being extremely aroused, as a fellow woman, and as a human being, wasn’t it ugly?

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Even though the feelings of being raped is so scary, as if I didn’t understand what was happening, what a thoughtless person I am.

I regretted my actions more deeply than the depth of the great sea.
I repented and decided — I will not peep at all! —

Laurel will continue to see dangerous things in the future, but it’s impossible to prevent it because there is a risk of changing the story.

At least, I will not insolently observe her from the shadows.

Coming all the way here, let’s admit it prudently.
Watching the happy end, or how the story develops, I placed justice on my actions. I can’t be thinking that it’s just beautiful girl and handsome man quarreling up close.

Perhaps I might be blessed with good relationships myself if I do so, I hoped, and I was trying to steal Laurel-chan natural ero appeal.

Watching all the cruelty done to a young girl, I was enjoying myself like an old pervert, lining together with those three vulgar mobs.

I am the worst, it’s too disgusting. I punched the head with a sharp poke and kept myself clogged up for the night.

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