Baron Adi murmured.

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“I shouldn’t have held the devil’s son’s hand back then.”

However, at that time, Viscount Leven’s assistance felt like a lifeline to Baron Adi. 

Viscount Leven was exceedingly kind and considerate, appearing to care more about their well-being than they did.

‘Unfortunately, this incident occurred on the day of the party… There are a few witnesses.’

‘Then, what will happen to my son?’

‘It will be difficult for him to escape punishment.’

With a devastated expression, Viscount Leven sincerely expressed his pity toward the distraught Baron Adi.

‘I, too, thought that there was no one as talented as your son in the central region. He is not someone who would commit such acts. However, I cannot predict how others will react… Sever, who was by your side at that time? Or perhaps, do you have a clear alibi?’

‘Well, there is no one.’

‘Oh no, this is a serious problem. The news of Lady Levache’s death is already causing a commotion outside.’

At that moment, Baron Adi was on the verge of collapse. Gasping for breath and unable to speak, Viscount Leven asked him,

‘If you wish… I can teach you how to hide your identity and live in secret.’

From then on, Baron Adi and his son Sever became servants of Viscount Leven. 

At that time, they thought it wasn’t a bad deal. 

Viscount Leven not only provided a residence for Sever in the estate but also arranged for a mage to conceal his appearance and live a hidden life. He also secured a job at the palace, helping Sever gather evidence to clear his name.

Until then, Baron Adi believed that the heavens had helped him and his son. If only Viscount Leven hadn’t gradually entangled him in strange affairs.

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‘Baron, I’ve found a good source of income.’

‘…Income, you say?’

‘It’s not a bad offer for you either. How long will your son bear the stigma of being a murderer? Let’s gather money together and emigrate to another continent to live.’

It wasn’t a bad offer. Baron Adi had been using his son’s fugitive status as an excuse not to show his face outside. Blaming his incompetence, the servants had even stopped working.

However, because Viscount Leven’s mention of a ‘good source of income’ was so cruel, Baron Adi refused. Immediately, Viscount Leven burst into laughter.

‘You’re no better than your son. He’s already helping me by risking his life, saying he doesn’t want to live as a fugitive forever.’

‘…Is this what Sever said?’

‘Yes. But he dares to forsake being a son. Can we even consider ourselves comrades who sailed on the same ship? I’ve been hiding so much evidence for you, isn’t it a matter of shame?’

Viscount Leven left the room with a strange laughter, without saying anything further. However, Baron Adi understood what he meant without him saying another word.

Until then, Baron Adi had been too preoccupied with healing his wounded spirit to actively intervene in his son’s affairs. 

Every time he saw the mounting evidence of murders, his heart became increasingly restless. He feared even suspecting his son’s innocence.

Viscount Leven understood Baron Adi’s state of mind as if he understood everything and handled all matters on his behalf. In other words, it meant that all the evidence declaring Sever a murderer was in Viscount Leven’s hands.

After realizing this fact, Baron Adi became a slave to Viscount Leven by his own will. Even though he knew that Viscount Leven was plotting to bind his limbs, he pretended not to notice. 

He believed that if he gathered enough money and emigrated to another continent as planned, it would all end. But…

It might end before that.

Baron Adi’s son, Sever, who concealed his appearance by wrapping his entire body in black cloth even after using transformation magic, spoke up.

“Father, the fact that our family is involved in Viscount Leven’s affairs remains unchanged.”

“W-What should we do then?”

“I wonder why His Highness has given me this information.”

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Baron Adi furrowed his brows. Although he had distanced himself from politics, he still kept a close eye on the aftermath of Viscount Leven’s actions.

In his eyes, Prince Dianel was like a living statue. Some saw him as a heartless and ruthless person, devoid of blood and tears, but Baron Adi’s perspective was different.

‘He behaved like a doll intentionally devoid of emotions. And when pushed to his limit, he explodes…’

He would remain quiet for a while, and then suddenly take action. The tasks at hand were tremendous to the point that even those who supported the prince were taken aback.

According to Baron Adi’s closest advisor, at such times, the prince seemed like a different person.

At first, Baron Adi thought that the prince’s lack of emotional control was due to the side effects of his immense power. But suddenly, something clicked in his mind, and he asked Sever.

“How did His Highness behave during that time?”

“I see Father has also noticed.”

Sever smiled slightly.

“He was extremely arrogant and conceited. He even handed me these documents and threatened that if I failed to accomplish them properly, he would tear my throat apart.”

“What? How could the prince say such things…?”

“Because he is not a prince.”

Sever calmly continued, as if sympathizing with Baron Adi’s frustration.

“Assisting Viscount Leven, or rather, working in the central region, I found it strange. Why does the flawless prince transform into a different person when engaging in tasks? There was only one answer. He still cannot control his power, Father. And it seems that power doesn’t favor His Highness.”

“Then what do you suggest we do?”

“That power controlling His Highness’ body won’t last long. In other words, when His Highness regains consciousness, the investigation will narrow down again. Before that happens, we need to make a choice. Whether to escape now or…”

Sever swallowed nervously.

“We should be the first ones to expose this matter.”


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“Coincidentally, Her Majesty the Empress seems to be searching for a new loyal dog. I know how to meet her.”

* * *

Baron Adi and Sever went straight to the Empress’ palace.

Usually, to meet the Empress, one had to seek permission in advance and wait for a long time. But there was another way.

The shabby tavern in the royal district, an old establishment that seemed unlikely to have any connection to the Empress, was bustling with loud voices of daily laborers.

Dressed shabbily like those workers, Sever confidently descended into the basement of the tavern.

The basement, filled with barrels of fermenting alcohol, was permeated with a musty smell.

The man guarding the basement glanced briefly at Sever. With a rough beard and disheveled hair, the man stood behind Sever, pressing his robe tightly against his body, and raised his eyebrows.

“What’s this brat doing here alone? You’ve been here for a while.”

“I am part of our group. More importantly, I have important information. Can I meet Her Majesty right away?”

“Of course not. She has her schedule for the day. You’ll have to wait at least two days.”

“This is a matter of great importance. Time is pressing, so I would appreciate it if I could meet her even at a late hour.”

The man chuckled coldly, his eyes glinting.

“No matter how important it is, it’s up to her to judge the value of the information. But keep in mind, if it turns out to be nonsense, the contact may be severed.”

“Don’t worry. It will be of great help.”

“In that case, I’ll do my best. Let’s see… Finish your business before sunset today. Meet at the ‘place.'”

A violet magic emanated from the man’s hand. 

Startled by the sight of a bandit-like alleyway suddenly turning into a mage, Baron Adi was terrified but kept his thoughts to himself. 

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He just nervously swallowed his saliva, filled with tension.

Sever’s involvement in Viscount Leven’s affairs and his knowledge of suspicious routes had not gone unnoticed. But knowing how to establish close contact with the Empress was something else entirely.

‘Can he really arrange a meeting with Her Majesty?’

Even after listening to their conversation, Baron Adi remained skeptical. However, his doubts vanished as soon as they approached the back door of the palace, where the palace servants frequented.

“Please come this way.”

A man disguised as a servant guided them into the palace. Despite his appearance as a laborer, there was an air of refinement about him. He led them into the underground chambers of the Empress’ palace and disappeared.

The place they entered was surprisingly clean and elegant, to the point where it was hard to believe it was an underground chamber. Behind translucent curtains, there was a majestic chair.

‘Is that where the Empress sits?’

Baron Adi couldn’t move, unsure of what to do. Sever, on the other hand, had a tense expression but seemed familiar with the surroundings.

As they sat in silence, the Empress appeared from behind the translucent curtains. She was accompanied by several knights, armed with swords.

The Empress sat in the spot Baron Adi had anticipated and spoke.

“What is the matter?”

“I have something I must convey to Your Majesty.”

“Come forward.”

Upon her command, one of the knights standing nearby approached Sever. Sever handed him some documents, which the Empress began to read. After reading the information provided by Sever, she asked inquisitively.

“…This is what Dianel was investigating. Are you asking for my assistance in resolving the aftermath?”

“Your Majesty, Viscount Leven is no longer of use. Even so, he remains loyal to Your Majesty and hopes to be of help until the end.”

“For me to intervene and take credit away from Dianel is a bit too…”

As the Empress was about to say more, she smiled and handed back the documents. Her gaze focused on the words “Astita” and “Healer” written on the papers.

“I have a brilliant idea. Bring the healers to Huangdo. I will make sure to properly repay you.”

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