I remembered how rushed I was to risk my life due to my carelessness. This absurd thought came to mind, that even though I knew such illicit trades were flourishing, I pretended not to know and thought it would be fine as long as I was comfortable alone.

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I thought it was only natural to receive compensation for my efforts and planned to indulge myself with that money.

‘Why didn’t I do anything even after reclaiming my status?’

I wondered. While everyone forgot about me and when I had no strength, I worried about being caught by illicit traders. But now, I had forgotten and selfishly thought it would be fine if I was comfortable alone…

‘Can I still call myself a savior after this?’

Surely, that title wasn’t limited to just the protagonist. Yet, I had naturally believed so.

‘The saviors in the original story only got along with the male protagonists.’

Especially the previous saviors, there was strangely no mention of me. That’s why I thought there was nothing more for me to do. I thought so arrogantly.

I exerted so much force that blood didn’t flow in my fists. I clenched them so tightly that it felt like the cold was seeping into me.

Yet, I couldn’t bring myself to release the tension in my hands. I forcefully bit my lips and spoke in a strong tone.

“I won’t let it end like this. I will save all of you.”

“…What are you saying?”

“I will use all my strength to investigate those who kidnapped you one by one and ensure that something like this never happens again.”

“Are you trying to change the world? It’s impossible. Just give up and continue living comfortably, indulging yourself as you used to.”

The man furrowed his brow as if he had heard a tiring remark. His reaction puzzled me even more.

“Why are you saying that?”


The man lowered his gaze and mumbled softly.

“We are weak and money-driven. It’s a good means of making money for those who have power.”

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“Don’t say that!”

“Lady, you were raised in a sheltered environment, so you’re like that. That’s how the world works. So be grateful for someone who will protect you and pretend not to know anything. Trying hard will only exhaust you.”

With those words, the man completely turned away.

“Now leave. As a noble lady, wouldn’t it tarnish your reputation just by being seen here?”

I had nothing to say in response to his words. In the eyes of the Astita family’s noble lady, it was best to act as he said.

Sneaking into the underground of the North Palace secretly and trying to save them, was an undignified and unbecoming behavior for a noble lady.

But I had abandoned such noble dignity a long time ago. While serving in the subjugation force, I rolled on the ground and fought to get a piece of meat.

However, it wouldn’t be wise to continue behaving like that now.

‘Yes, this is North Palace, and it’s led by Dianel. Let’s go and ask for help.’

If it were the previous Dianel, I wouldn’t have known, but I could trust the current Dianel. 

And I had Hierian by my side.

‘Just to be safe, it’s better to stick with him in case there’s any potential threat.’

I gestured towards Hierian, who was hiding behind the wall. He didn’t even look in the direction of the iron bars, only focusing on me. He quickly understood my intentions and blended into my shadow.

The man rushed towards us and was astonished to see Hierian disappearing into the shadow.

Regardless of that, Hierian simply extended his hand and cast a spell on the prison bars.

Swish, with just a few movements of his hand, purple magic enveloped the prison. 

The man watched this scene and gasped in surprise. He seemed to be someone who knew a little about magic. 

If you didn’t know anything about it, you wouldn’t understand how amazing it was to cast a spell so easily. But if you had some knowledge in that field, you would understand how incredible what Hierian had just done was.

‘He must have been a member of a guild.’

If that’s the case, I also had something to share.

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“This magician is my companion.”

“A companion… The noble lady wouldn’t go around killing monsters, right?”

“Well, it’s quite a story. Anyway, I’ll show you that I didn’t grow up all refined and proper.”

I left the dumbfounded man behind and took a step forward. It was obvious where I was heading.

‘Dianel must be in his office as usual.’

I trusted Dianel. Perhaps he was the one who rescued those healers.

‘But still, why are they tied up? He’s not exactly the most delicate person.’

Well, let’s see how it goes. If he doesn’t know, I’ll inform him.

As I was about to reach the office, Hierian, who was hiding in the shadows, whispered to me.

“Siara, wait.”


“The atmosphere feels off… Let’s wait and see.”

Hierian used magic from within the shadows. As a result, my body gradually became transparent and eventually invisible. I was familiar with this magic since I used it occasionally during my time in the subjugation force.

Once I confirmed that the magic had fully taken effect, I cautiously took a step forward. Although I couldn’t be seen, physical contact was still possible. So to avoid being detected, I had to ensure that there would be no accidental collisions.

I proceeded with caution toward the office. As always, it was quiet in front of the office. The only difference was that a maid was standing there.

‘That person is a maid from the Empress’ Palace.’

I recognized her when I went to greet the Empress.

‘Is the Empress inside?’

Stealthily, I walked a little closer to the office.

However, the office door was tightly shut, and I couldn’t hear any conversations from inside. Feeling frustrated, I briefly pressed my ear against the wall…

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As the door opened, the elegant Empress appeared before me. She continued the conversation they had been having in my presence.

“Anyway, it’s truly regrettable to be involved in such a sinister matter. Human trafficking… it’s embarrassing even to mention it. Let me handle this quietly as the mother.”

‘Human trafficking?’

Could it be that Dianel was the mastermind behind the trade of healers?

‘No, that can’t be.’

Dianel had participated in the subjugation force, which possessed the power to seal the Demon King. It meant he willingly supported suppressing his powers. 

He wouldn’t engage in the simple task of selling healers. With his immense power and wealth, it was even more unlikely.

‘Well, let’s trust him.’

Maintaining my composure, I seized the opportunity and entered the office. The timing was perfect as the door closed behind me.

With only one candle lit, the dimly lit office was filled with an eerie silence. 

Dianel, amidst the darkness, wore a strange smile. His crimson lips were chillingly sinister.

Our gazes met in the void. In that instant, my entire body felt immobilized, as if bound by ropes. A sense of oppression flowed from Dianel, different from any other time.

While I remained frozen, Dianel seemed composed. With one hand in his pocket, he calmly approached me step by step, until he gently embraced my head.

In that position, he whispered to me.

“Is this the end, or is it just the beginning?”


Either way, if things were like this, there would be fewer regrets.

With his head lowered, Dianel smirked. His parted lips revealed sharp fangs. He continued pressing his lips against mine as if he were nibbling on them.


Only then did my frozen body begin to move. Immediately, Dianel staggered backward. 

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I wondered what had happened, where it hurt, but he soon returned to his original expression.

No, he seemed to have even more vitality.

In a state resembling a corpse, Dianel asked, 

“What is happening here?”

“Aren’t you a bit late with your greeting?”

I answered casually while directing my gaze downwards.

‘Did Hierian purposely not show himself?’

Dianel’s gaze followed mine. Worried that he might notice Hierian’s presence, I hastily spoke.

“I came here to ask you something.”

“Go ahead and ask.”

His tone was quite firm. Just the last time we met, he was clinging to me, but now he seemed indifferent.

‘Well, it was a behavior he hadn’t shown before.’

Nevertheless, the intimidating momentum had disappeared, and I could confront him with ease. To relax my tension, I let out a thin breath and asked.

“There were healers trapped in the underground of North Palace. Do you know what happened?”

For a moment, Dianel’s eyes flickered uncertainly. He furrowed his brow and tightly pressed his lips.

His face gradually turned pale as if the vitality was draining from him, and he seemed to have something worrisome to say. 

Sensing that it would be inappropriate to even make a joke in this atmosphere, I also fell into silence, following his lead.

Then, after a long silence, he let out a laugh. 

The laughter abruptly ceased, and Dianel raised his somber lips as he asked.

“…Did you see?”

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