Episode 13

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Adandito waited outside the door, hoping to catch a glimpse of Siara. Every day, he stood in front of the door that said “No Entry Beyond This Point.” 

He wanted to ask her if she was truly Hierian and why she had deceived him. Dianel also remained silent without saying anything. 

After three days had passed, the door finally opened. Inside, there was not Siara or any other Hierian, but a young child. The child resembled Hierian, and upon seeing the cat, the child screamed and closed the door.


At that moment, Izaya, who had been relieved to find Siara, rushed forward, pale with worry.

“Hierian? Hierian!”

Bang, bang! The sound of knocking on the door echoed loudly, but there was no response from inside. Time seemed to pass by. Siara opened the door again and found Dianel, causing her face to turn pale.

Even though Dianel cutely cried like a fan fanning a fire, it did not calm the situation.




Izaya shouted towards the door that closed once again.

“Why are you doing this? He can’t come out because of you!”

“That’s right. Dianel, please be careful.”

Adandito rubbed his tired eyes and murmured.

“It has become more difficult this time. Hierian wouldn’t play such a prank.”

In the meantime, Dianel, who returned to his original form, turned his head a few times and stood in front of the door.

“Come out right now.”

At that moment, shouts erupted from all directions.

“It’s because of you that he can’t come out.”

“Yes, please go somewhere else for a moment!”

“So strict.”

Dianel clicked his tongue but obediently took a step forward.

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After several attempts to calm them down, Hierian reluctantly came out, accompanied by Siara. They were different people, which confused the wizards who had just discovered this fact, but Adandito was delighted.

Meanwhile, Izaya stuck close to Hierian and bombarded him with questions.

“Are you really Hierian? Well, you certainly seem like Hierian…”

Hierian nodded, his head moving. His light blue fluffy hair swayed along with the movement. Izaya absentmindedly reached out and touched Hierian’s hair like cotton candy. Immediately, Hierian slapped Izaya’s hand away.

“Seeing you, it doesn’t feel like much time has passed.”

Izaya looked at Hierian’s hair with eyes filled with disappointment and replied.

“Yes, it’s been exactly one week since Hierian disappeared.”

“One week, huh.”

Hierian narrowed his eyes and turned his head towards Siara.

“Who is that girl inside?”

“She opened the door and went in herself. So we thought Hierian used a transformation spell.”

“…I see.”

As a serious conversation unfolded, Adandito, who was holding the collapsed Siara, casually commented.

“You were cute back then, Hierian.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s nothing. Let’s sit down and talk for a while.”

Adandito headed towards the sofa. Hierian also took a step to sit down, but his unsteady gait revealed his unfamiliarity with his young body. Seeing him struggle, Izaya stepped forward.

“I’ll help you.”


Izaya swiftly lifted Hierian and placed him on the sofa. However, the tall and large sofa seemed uncomfortable for Hierian.

Frowning, when Hierian looked unimpressed, Izaya transformed the size of the sofa to make it suitable for a child. Then she brought a small cushion and placed it in front of him.

Finally, Hierian, who had been stiff the whole time, showed a comfortable expression. The expressions of the wizards guarding the surroundings also relaxed. Frowning at them, Hierian furrowed his eyebrows.

“…Don’t mock me.”

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In response to his faint voice, the individuals known as the Grand Sorcerers trembled and extended their hands.

“Yes, yes!”

“Is there any doubt? Who are you in front of?”

“You exude authority and dignity!”

Amidst the pouring praises from all directions, a satisfied smile appeared on Hierian’s lips. Although his abilities remained the same despite his diminished stature, his expression revealed a youthful vigor, just like his body.

Seeing Hierian’s contented smile, the Grand Sorcerers once again trembled in awe.

“S-Seriously, he smiled!”

“Not just a smirk, but a genuine smile!”

“How charming he is.”

Izaya, whose eyes were dripping with honey more than anyone else, playfully handed Hierian a cup of juice for the child. Just as Hierian’s throat was parched, he eagerly accepted the offered juice and drank it. It was strawberry juice, sweet and refreshing, and it brought a pleased smile to Hierian’s lips.

Izaya wiped Hierian’s mouth with a gentle smile, and the sorcerers watching them applauded their skill.

With a peculiar appearance, Adandito cleared his throat and spoke up. Finally, Dianel, who had been observing from a distance, quietly stepped forward.

“There seems to be much to discuss, so let’s stop playing around.”

Adandito nodded in agreement. However, when Hierian noticed Dianel, his complexion turned pale. Hastily catching his breath, Hierian spoke, tears already welling up in his eyes.


“Yes, my Lord.”

“Why is that guy here?”

“Oh, he was wondering if Hierian was in the Empire and wanted to ask for your cooperation-…”

“Then that’s enough, tell him to go away!”

Izaya turned her head as soon as Hierian finished speaking and looked at Dianel.

“Please leave, Your Highness.”

“Very well.”

“It seems that the administrator has become weaker and emotionally fragile due to his age.”

Upon understanding the meaning behind Izaya’s words, everyone sighed. No one present was unaware of what Dianel had done to Hierian when they were young.

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As evidence, Hierian trembled in Izaya’s arms, shaking uncontrollably. It was a sight that would never have been seen in the usual Hierian. After confirming his condition, Adandito quietly added:

“Dianel, it seems better for you to leave.”

“You’ve suddenly turned into a child and are afraid of me? You expect me to believe that?”

No one responded to Dianel’s words. As Dianel scanned the silent audience, he fixed his gaze on Siara for a moment before turning away.

As Dianel’s presence faded, Hierian’s trembling also subsided. Izaya had been comforting and soothing Hierian all along, and now that Hierian had stopped trembling, he let out a relieved breath.

“I’m glad you’re back, Hierian.”


Nodding absentmindedly, Hierian turned his gaze towards Siara. The woman known as Siara was in Adandito’s embrace. Even disregarding her eerie aura, she was a peculiar woman. Hierian felt the urge to use her as an experiment, but since she was precious to Adandito, he couldn’t recklessly interfere.

As Hierian was organizing his thoughts, a voice resonated in his ear.

[Hierian, set her free.]


“What’s wrong”

“Oh, it’s nothing.”

Hierian stiffened, and the voice spoke again.

[Protect her from threats and set her free].

Startled by the clear voice, Hierian stood up from his seat. Then he looked at Adandito, who was holding Siara, with determination in his eyes.

Despite being known for his compassionate nature, he was quite stubborn and difficult, but somehow he was gentle to that woman. Even though he didn’t know what their relationship was, it seemed unlikely that they would separate easily.

But the words were directly transmitted by the consciousness of the dragon.

Above all, Hierian was the leader of those who borrowed their power. In a position where he could not ignore the words, he became extremely confused.

Hierian’s confusion was evident to everyone. As a result, Izaya and the surrounding wizards paced back and forth, deeply immersed in contemplation.

“Hierian, your complexion is dark.”

“What troubles you?”

“We will help you.”

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Adandito, who had been watching them, asked softly.

“Hierian, why are you suddenly like this?”

“…It’s nothing. But Adandito, is that woman so important to you?”

Then Adandito smiled gently and whispered.

“Yes, she is no different from my other half.”


“Why that expression?”

“…Well, it’s just… Adandito, that woman should stay in the Mage Tower for a while.”

Hierian clenched his lips and furrowed his eyebrows as if he were about to cry.

“I think I need to find out how she managed to enter the restricted area…”

“But Hierian, I can’t leave her. She is someone precious to me.”

“…Someone precious.”

Hierian blinked his eyes. His hands fidgeted restlessly, replacing his lost mind. Adandito noticed Hierian’s hesitation and added.

“She is the one entrusted by the oracle. Hierian, you know what that means to me, don’t you?”


“Yes, Hierian. You are my friend, so you should know what my words mean.”

‘Friend.’ Normally, he would scoff at the word, but to the troubled Hierian, the word felt incredibly poignant. It was because his greatest desire as a child was to have a friend.


Which was more important, a friend or the words? Just as Hierian was immersed in contemplation, Izaya, who noticed the signs, quickly leaned close to Hierian’s ear and whispered.

“Hierian, trust in the divine command is not necessary.”

At that moment, Hierian jumped up like a startled fish and shouted.

“What, what! Since when have I been your friend?”


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