Episode 131 – END

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‘What happened at home?’

Even though I could feel my brother trembling so much that I worried he might let go, he held onto my shoulder with even more strength. I pushed him away and asked directly.

“What’s wrong? What happened?”

“Hmp, humph, hu, hu, ugh―!”

Instead of letting go, he buried his face in my shoulder and cried, tears and mucus flowing out. How could a grown man be crying like a child? It was bizarre, but I patiently waited for him to calm down.

In the meantime, knights who arrived late surrounded me. They were familiar faces who had been protecting the family for a long time. 

Even if they didn’t remember me due to the curse, they had seen me multiple times after the curse, so they should recognize my face.

‘I need to ask them.’

As I was about to speak to the one standing at the front, he met my eyes, and tears filled the knight’s eyes. His appearance seemed as if he would collapse if I poked him lightly. 

‘What’s going on?’

I thought, but before I could ask, the knights standing beside him began to burst into tears one by one. It was a rare sight to see big, burly men crying like babies.

Then they all fell to their knees as if they were about to crush them. Their crying voices echoed in my ears.

“Miss, we’ll serve you properly now.”

“How could we ever forget about you… Please never forgive us.”

Before I could ask what they were talking about, Therid held me tightly and whispered.

“I thought you were just a stubborn child, but now you’ve grown up…”

“What’s all this nonsense?”

“I remember everything.”

“What do you mean?”

“That you were selected for the subjugation force to seal the Demon King, and that you received the Demon King’s curse, making everyone forget about you. I remember everything now.”

At that moment, I couldn’t help but exclaim, 

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So the curse had been lifted? I urgently turned around and looked at Dianel. He nodded as if my thoughts were correct.

“I don’t know the reason, but the curse was lifted a little while ago. Maybe it was a reaction to what you said to the darkness.”


The curse was lifted like this. It was an unbelievable turn of events. My legs almost gave out, and Therid barely caught me.


At his completely different reaction from before, I asked with my lips pursed, 

“When did you ask me who I was?”

“Well, at that time… I’m sorry.”

Therid apologized, lowering his eyebrows. His eyes which were filled with tears were still cold. I watched him silently and then hugged him tightly.

“I’m glad you remember.”

By then, the sunset was setting. My parents, who had ridden in a carriage and come running, saw us and hugged us tightly.


“…Saying sorry is not enough. Forgive your incompetent father.”

My mother smiled calmly, as if things had worked out well, and my father bowed deeply as if apologizing. While we were embracing each other, Therid hugged us again.

With them in my arms, I watched the ring on my hand gradually oxidize and disappear.

The fairy in the pink crystal disappeared, and even the gem concealed its presence.

‘Did it protect me until the curse was lifted? Or was a part of my power sealed in the ring?’

After I transformed into a fairy, an inexplicable, powerful force filled me.

Although I couldn’t understand the cause, I felt like only good things awaited me in the future.

As if blessing us, the sky was painted red by the setting sun, spreading a deep glow all around.

* * *

Five years later.

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Near Astita, there stood a golden castle. When the sun rose, it emitted a dazzling light, and when the sun set, it reflected the moonlight, creating a beautiful castle.

In front of the castle stood a statue of Siara, along with a statue of her faithful companion, the unicorn, sculpted by the best artist in the empire after Dianel became the emperor. 

It was a renowned statue that had been praised by the imperial courtiers, and as a result, there were always people gathered around it.

“If you touch the statue’s feet and make a wish, it will come true.”

“I’ll visit Astita and do that.”

“They say a golden castle was built to honor Siara in the palace. The temple priests go there every day to pray.”

“Of course, she’s the only savior in the world.”

“A savior born in Astita. Living in Astita must be an honor.”

People talked about different things as they walked back and forth in front of the statue. The owner of that statue, on the other hand, always shuddered and ran away whenever she heard their conversations.

Meanwhile, Siara was diligently carrying out her duties as the savior.

After transforming into a fairy for the first time five years ago, she thoroughly researched how she became a fairy and why it happened. Adandito, Hierian, and Dianel also participated in the research.

After discussing and training together, Siara was able to freely transform into a fairy. 

The surprising thing was that she could enter the conscious world in her transformed state. She could go anywhere, anytime, but she mainly stayed in her conscious world. 

There, she arranged and cultivated the flowers and trees that blossomed in her world. She also learned the rules of the conscious world, one by one.

The conscious world accurately reflected Siara’s consciousness. When she was happy, it rained, and when she had memorable experiences, life sprouted. 

Watching the world gradually take shape, Siara felt proud, even though she had become a humble farmer.

Every time, Siara recovered one or two pieces of her memories. They were memories from the time when she lived as an ancient fairy before becoming a savior.

In the process, she naturally learned who she was and why she was living without her memories now.

‘An offering of Eora, huh? First, you have to nurture warm memories before facing unpleasant ones.’

Until now, the conscious world had been a mess due to the suffering of the savior’s life. The soul that had been tarnished by witnessing birth and death countless times since ancient times, even when living as a human, had failed to find any meaning in life.

All she had left was her duty. A being that would not be strange to die at any time, living only based on duty and responsibility. Piasse was in a state of almost collapsing under such circumstances.

‘So, I’ve returned to a hundred years ago.’

Siara had to construct the conscious world since the time she was Siara. She had to firmly nurture life there so that she could withstand any storm.

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However, she wasn’t too worried. Piasse’s life no longer existed. It had truly become a story in a novel. Since Adandito, Hierian, and Dianel had started to change, the future was bound to change as well.


After pulling out the rotten roots, Siara clapped her hands. Then she turned around with a contented expression as she gazed at the vibrant meadow filled with life.


As she returned to the real world, Hierian came running. Dianel was lying on the ground, having transformed into a cat, blinking happily in the sunlight. Since he could handle the darkness almost as much as the power of the Demon King, he was no longer affected by Eora’s power.

Adandito was leaning against a tree pillar nearby, reading a book. 

A year ago, after three years of training, he shouted that he fully understood himself and rushed out of the temple, finally free from training. 

Not only that, but his power continued to grow without having to train, and he even received the title of the only priest to declare his complete freedom.

Anyway, he was having very peaceful days lately. A simple smile formed on his serene face.

The reason they stayed close to Siara but didn’t come too close was one and only one. They were spending time with Siara on predetermined dates.

They either gathered together under her lead and had fun or spent time together without Siara on some days. It might look strange to others, but they had their way of understanding this fair system.

Siara smiled thoughtfully as she recalled the dates.

“Today’s Wednesday, right?”

“Yeah, I found a delicious cafe for us.”

“Are you going to research desserts again this time? I thought you changed your taste.”

“That’s true, but you get hungry after working, don’t you?”

Siara nodded with a good-natured expression.

“That’s right. Where are we going today?”

“Today, we’re going to Hyregia.”

“Weren’t we in Hyregia last time too?”

“Yeah, all my friends are in Hyregia.”

Hierian smiled warmly. Perhaps it had merged with his sunny smile, as a faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

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‘His ‘friends,’ huh? It’s been a while since Hierian called anyone other than me a friend.’

Last time, Siara had given Hierian a task to get close to the Mage Tower people. It was after she found out that he was still keeping his distance from Izaya and other mages.

‘And then he comes to see me, saying he’s lonely. There’s a problem there.’

Siara had given Hierian the task to greet and talk with the Mage tower people every day, and despite his plump face, Hierian diligently carried out the tasks she assigned. As a result, he made a few friends.

They were still at the stage of sharing delicious food, but most of the mages were enthusiastic fans of Hierian. Thanks to that, the restaurants near Hyregia were thriving due to their frequent visits.

‘Well, it’s fine. As long as Hierian is happy.’

As if he didn’t like that she was lost in thought, Hierian squeezed Siara’s hand. Recognizing his signal, Siara quickly spoke up.

“Let’s go quickly.”


Hierian smiled warmly and hugged Siara tightly. As soon as he did, a purplish cloud of magic enveloped them as if protecting them.

It was a portal that Hierian discovered while researching space and time. Unlike regular teleportation, it allowed instant movement right where they stood, and it took almost no time.

Thanks to that, Hierian and Siara were transported to Hyregia in an instant.

In Hyregia Square, her statue was also erected. The statue depicted Siara healing the fallen Hierian.

Powerful mages loyal to Hierian couldn’t pass by without notice. Even now, the area under the statue was filled with bouquets, and someone was giving a speech about her accomplishments to the people in the street.

“I’m so embarrassed…”

Siara bowed her head deeply. Ignoring that, Hierian whispered to her.

“It’s okay, I told them to ignore you when they see you.”

“It’s even more embarrassing.”

“Then should they pretend to know you?”


Ahaha, Hierian’s laughter burst out in all directions. Even his usually powerless and gloomy blue hair and ash-colored eyes sparkled with extraordinary energy. 

Seeing him, Siara couldn’t help but burst into laughter as well.

It was just an ordinary day.

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