‘What should I do if I earn money? Once I pay off the family debt, maybe I should try saying, ‘Give me everything from here to there,’ just like I saw in dramas.’

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The thought that I might fulfill my lifelong wish made the corners of my mouth curl up. Due to the modest household environment, I never had the chance to indulge myself like other nobles. 

Despite being born into nobility and lacking nothing, I could only admire extravagant items like dresses sprinkled with jewel dust, or expensive accessories that the noble ladies from the neighboring territory flaunted. 

‘If I succeed in my herbal research, I won’t have to worry about money for the rest of my life.’

Lost in my pleasant imagination, Hierian asked, 

“Sister, you seem happy.” 

“Yes, I’m feeling happy.” 

Coincidentally, I discovered the calendula in an herbal guidebook, and it turns out that the first person to discover it is Grandma Jimi, who lives nearby. For once, the world seems to be on my side. 

It’s a bit unfortunate that this world, which I have done no wrong in, seems to have turned the tables on the curse of the Demon King. 

‘Yes, that’s right. I should repay it like this.’ 

While I was having satisfying thoughts, Hierian made a cheerful remark. 

“If Sister is happy, I’m happy too.” 

In response to his thoughtful gesture, I stroked his hair several times. Hierian smiled, and I smiled too. It was a good day.

* * *

After returning to the mansion, Hierian obtained accommodation at the Astita Mansion through Siara’s introduction. 

He also shared the bread he bought with the people in the mansion. They all received it with gratitude, but the atmosphere was suspicious. 

‘Everyone calls Sister ‘Miss.’ But it doesn’t seem like they particularly like her.’

When Siara introduced Hierian, everyone had an uneasy expression. Some even overtly showed wariness towards her. Nevertheless, Siara ignored it and cheerfully distributed bread to the people in the mansion before retreating to her room. 

When Hierian saw the frightened servants with a menacing look, she scolded them, saying, “Stay quiet!” So they couldn’t move recklessly either. 

With nothing else to do, Hierian returned to his room. As a habit, he opened her notebook and wrote down what had happened that day. 

[It seems like Sister is disliked in the mansion. Could it be because she’s not a real family member?]

Then why did the Astita Mansion accept her as a family member? 

“Hmmm, I need to find out.” 

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After considering it, Hierian set off from his room again. Whether it was because he was wearing his pajamas or because the maids looked at him suspiciously, they whispered among themselves, and he even caught a glimpse of their disapproving glances. 

As he was pondering whether to cause a commotion, Siara came to mind. He pretended not to hear the gossip of the servants next to him. At that moment, something occurred to Hierian. 

‘Is she trying to play a game of discriminated nobility due to her circumstances?’

If she had grasped the concept like that, Hierian had to follow suit. 

So he smiled like Siara. As he did, one maid with a particularly sorrowful expression approached him, letting his guard down. 

“Where are you going, guest? It’s dangerous to wander around late at night.” 

Hierian giggled and took out candy from his pocket. It was a candy made with a truth serum. 

“Yes, would you like some candy?” 

“Candy? No, I’m a bit full at the moment—” 

“Don’t you want to eat the candy?” 

When he asked with a trembling voice, the maid didn’t know what to do and accepted the candy. 

“No, I’ll eat it. Thank you.” 

“Really? Then eat it now.” 



When he looked at her with innocent eyes, the maid reluctantly put the candy in her mouth. As the drug began to take effect, the maid’s pupils started to dilate. Only then did Hierian ask as if she knew nothing. 

“When did Siara come to this mansion?”

“…Siara first came to the mansion not long ago.”

“Not long ago? Why do you call her ‘miss’ then?”

“…To cure Madam’s illness. Madam believes that person is her daughter.”

“I see. What kind of illness does she have?”

“…She is trapped in the delusion of giving birth to a daughter. Even though she has only one son. The doctor says it’s because of a mental disorder. She hasn’t slept properly for three years and has been restless every day.”

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“I see. Thank you.”

Both madness and the recovery from that madness were within the realm of magic. Perhaps it was prepared in advance for entertainment purposes.

Hierian’s steps, as if leaving the maid behind, abruptly stopped. It was because he was worried that if Siara found out that he had used confession medicine, she might resent him.

‘I shouldn’t.’

He had always used various drugs, including confession medicine, without hesitation. Even so, he had never considered that the victim would protest against him, the master of the tower.

But Siara was different. From the Tower, she had said that he was disgusting, and she didn’t want to see him. If she found out that he had used drugs on the maid, she might say such things again. It hurt his heart too much to hear harsh words from Siara.

‘Tears will flow.’

He would cry vulgarly, and then Siara would surely think of him as a troublesome child who needed a lot of attention and care.

‘A child should listen well and pretend to be cute to be loved.’

He had known that fact since he was very young.

Fortunately, unlike the young Hierian, he had become an adult. As an adult, he knew several ways to survive besides being loved. Whether it was crushing with overwhelming strength or buying with money, there were various methods.

‘But Siara would dislike it if I tormented the maid.’

Then there was only one option left. Making up his mind, he turned around and stood in front of the maid again.

“You know what?”

The maid was just waking up from the effects of the medicine. Hierian quickly spoke before the medicine’s effect wore off.

“If everything I asked you is a secret, I’ll give you this instead.”

Hierian took out a magical stone from his pocket. A high-purity magical stone was more expensive than the gold of the same weight. 

The maid accepted the magical stone with a bewildered expression.

Whether she didn’t know what a magical stone was or she simply thought it was a pretty stone, it was obvious. She was different from Siara, who seemed to be knowledgeable about the world’s affairs.

If left as it was, she might be cheated on and come crying to Siara. After much deliberation, Hierian added.

“When you sell it, you should get more than a hundred gold.”

Upon hearing that, the maid, still under the influence of the medicine, was taken aback and held the magical stone preciously in her arms. Hierian smiled satisfactorily and asked again.

“Do we have a deal?”

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“Yes, I’ll keep it.”

Relieved after receiving a definite answer, Hierian walked away with a joyful heart.

* * *

Time flew by, and a week had passed. However, there was no significant progress in the research of calendula.

‘I seem to have forgotten how to do research during the break.’

It was frustrating to have an opportunity right in front of me but not be able to make use of it.

‘What should I do?’

As I was groaning, I heard a presence lingering outside the door. Even without looking, I could tell who it was. It was Hierian.

The thought of wanting to ask for his help suddenly came to mind. However, I was also afraid that I might ask for Hierian’s help and then have the ball snatched away from me.

‘But if I do it alone, I feel overwhelmed.’

Giving up was not an option, especially after hearing my father’s regretful voice mixed with remorse last night. My father had been agonizing over money problems all night. I didn’t want to burden my family anymore. After much contemplation, I came up with one idea.

‘Why don’t we split the profits upfront and start developing?’

After making up my mind, I quickly drafted a contract and opened the door. As I did, Hierian, who had been loitering outside, blinked innocently as if he didn’t know anything.

“I wasn’t waiting here.”

He had been just hanging around there. As I watched silently, Hierian hastily added.

“I was just passing by…”



“I see. Then keep doing what you were doing.”

“Can I continue loafing around then?”

Hmm, that might be bothersome. I gestured towards Hierian, pretending not to have heard. In response, Hierian’s face turned sour as he reluctantly entered the room.

He then discovered the room filled with herbs and wore a puzzled expression.

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“…What’s all this?”

“These are calendulas.”


Hierian tilted his head as if hearing it for the first time. Seizing the opportunity, I handed him a contract.

“Let’s develop this and sell it. We’ll split the profits in half.”

“…But this looks like a weed.”

Hierian furrowed his brows, seemingly displeased. Thinking it was a worthless herb, I firmly stated,

“No! We’ll make a fortune from it later.”

“How can you beli… Hmm.”

He made a subtle expression and then nodded reluctantly, asking,

“But why aren’t you doing it, Sister?”

“Me? Do I have to research something like this at my age?”

“I see. So you want me to make it into medicine and sell it? And Sister won’t do anything.”

Hierian looked at me with squinted eyes. I discreetly avoided his gaze, feeling a sting. However, Hierian seemed unfazed.

“Well, fine… But does Sister have no money?”

He looked at me with a puzzled expression. Although I didn’t know much, it seemed like he was asking if dragons were overflowing with money. So, I quickly responded.

“It’s about the concept, the concept.”

“Then you’ll have to live in poverty.”

“It’s the concept of overcoming poverty and becoming wealthy.”

“I see. So you have to overcome it.”

“That’s what I was planning, but you seemed bored.”

Feeling like it was a transparent lie, I hesitated, but suddenly Hierian pressed his milky cheek with both hands. His white face had turned as red as a radish.

“…Did it show?”

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