In the hall of the mansion, a grand ball was in full swing. The corridors were filled with nobles who had come out to take a break from dancing. I quickly walked, holding a basket in my arms, and stopped upon hearing a casual conversation.

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“Ugh, how annoying. When is the Crown Prince arriving?”

“It’s ridiculous that he came to this countryside. What a waste of time.”

“Exactly. Everything here is old and outdated.”

The irritated voice belonged to someone from the central nobility. It didn’t sit well with me, but I knew that to the eyes of the central nobility, even Astita would appear rustic. Just as I was about to continue walking, someone called out to me.

“Hey, go and bring some iced tea.”

Could it be that they were calling me? I glanced over and it seemed like they were referring to me.

‘Well, I can’t help it.’

I sighed deeply and nodded my head. Then they called me again.

“Can’t you greet properly?”

“These countryside folks haven’t received a proper education.”

I was annoyed, but there was nothing to gain by escalating the situation. I greeted them briefly and they waved their hands as if telling me to leave. I quickly moved away from there.

‘These people act like they own the place.’

They wouldn’t even spare a glance if I were the daughter of a Count. They were privileged individuals who wouldn’t even think of acknowledging me if it weren’t for Dianel. So there was no point in getting upset.

I told a passing server to bring iced tea to the noblewomen in the corridor and went to the kitchen to get something for myself. Fortunately, it seemed that the server delivered the drinks because the women were holding iced tea in their hands. It seemed like the service at the mansion wasn’t completely chaotic.

Feeling relieved, I turned to go back to my room when I heard a sharp voice again.


“…Did you call me?”

“Come here for a moment.”

I swallowed a sigh and approached them. Then one of them swiftly snatched the basket I was holding.

She lifted the cloth covering the basket and made a strange expression.

“I think this was in the banquet hall.”

“Oh, my, were you stealing noble food?”

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As their gazes met, they burst into wicked laughter. They seemed to have a nasty personality, and I decided to play along. Just as I was about to engage them, I locked eyes with Therid, who had just come out of the banquet hall.

He had a stiff expression when he noticed me.

“Why are you here…”

Before long, he turned to the people in front of me and spoke.

“Ah, there you are.”

“Oh, my, Count Astita.”

The noblewoman who took the basket from me handed it to Therid and said. Judging by her pursed lips, it seemed like she expected me to be scolded if I received the basket.

“This girl was trying to steal the banquet food, so I will give her a proper punishment, Count Astita.”

Then Therid looked at the basket and me alternately, and a troubled expression appeared on his face. Based on his attitude, it seemed like they were high-ranking nobles, just as I had expected.

‘Well, there’s nothing I can do.’

It seemed best to apologize and step back. This was precisely why I didn’t want to leave my room. As I was about to lower my head, Therid bowed to them first.

“I apologize Princess Ashley and Princess Riot. I will scold her severely.”

Then he firmly held my arm and spoke sternly.

“We need to talk. Let’s go.”

…Princess Ashley and Princess Riott.

‘I’m glad I didn’t act presumptuous.’

I followed Therid as we distanced ourselves from them. I could hear snide laughter coming from behind.

* * *

After coming to a secluded place, my brother finally let me go. He had a terrifying expression on his face as if he didn’t like the fact that I almost got into an accident. This time, I was partly at fault, so I bowed my head before he scolded me.

“I’m sorry, Count.”

He furrowed his eyebrows in displeasure and asked, 

“What did you say?”

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“I shouldn’t have come out of the room and wandered around recklessly. I apologize.”

“…What’s this?”

He pushed a basket toward me. I casually replied, 

“It’s food.”

“Why do you have it?”

“I brought it from the kitchen to eat.”

He looked at me with an expression that seemed to question everything.

At that moment, my stomach growled loudly.

‘What a stupid stomach.’

I hugged my stomach and let out a deep sigh. Then my brother hardened his complexion and said in a low voice.

His low voice sounded genuinely angry. 

“You brought food from the kitchen?”

What part of my words does he not understand? I sighed and reached out toward the basket.

“Please, I’m hungry.”

“You didn’t have lunch?”

“I didn’t even have breakfast. So please give it to me quickly.”

“Huh, you’ve been starving until now…”

At that moment, my brother threw the basket to the floor. The food I carefully brought was scattered messily on the ground, and a reflexive scream erupted.

“What are you doing?”

I looked at him in astonishment. However, my brother, with a displeased expression, muttered as if something didn’t please him.

“So, you’ve been starving and went to the kitchen to get food yourself.”

I frowned as I stared at my brother’s face.

‘Why is he so angry?’

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Does he think I tarnished the family’s honor?

I stood out in the eyes of a nobleman, even among the central aristocracy, and that might have been displeasing to him. But still, even if he throws the basket like that, what am I supposed to eat?

‘Does he want me to starve because I made a mistake?’

Therid wasn’t originally this cold-blooded, but he seemed unusually sensitive during the festival. But I’m practically dependent on him now, and he doesn’t even recognize me as family. So I can only endure as the good one.

I sighed and replied, 

“I understand, I was wrong.”


“No matter what happens, I shouldn’t have come out of the room and wandered outside. I’m sorry.”

But contrary to my words, my eyes were fixed on the fallen meat on the ground.

‘That might be edible if I wash it.’

I’ve eaten meat that fell into a pile of mud during my expedition life. But this wasn’t even dirt on the ground; it fell on the floor that the maids cleaned to shine every day. 

Moreover, it was the most delicious-looking piece of meat in the kitchen, so it was a waste to throw it away. When I saw the well-balanced combination of flesh and fat, and the glistening juices, my mouth watered.

Eventually, I made up my mind.

‘I’ll eat it when my brother goes.’

Then I glanced up to see when my brother would leave. However, he was looking at me with an unpleasant expression. He seemed very angry.

I have no idea why he’s so angry.

“Why are you like this?”

When I asked him quietly, my brother spoke in a low voice.

“Who is the maid in charge of your room?”


“I have to call her right away and give her a scolding.”


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“Because she didn’t bring you your meals until now!”

“Well, maybe, but it’s a busy day.”

Becky made a mistake, but she was always a clumsy child. It wasn’t right, but I knew her personality since we grew up together, so I kept her by my side. And my brother knew Becky well too. We used to play together when we were young.

Becky could barely manage even one task; it was likely she forgot to bring me my meals while helping with the festival. I didn’t want to call her and ask her to prepare my meals because I hated giving orders to a child who was running around so aimlessly. That’s why I went to the kitchen myself.

He probably knows it well, but I don’t understand why he gets angry. 

“Above all, it doesn’t matter to the Count.”

When I looked at him with a strange expression, my older brother sealed his lips and turned away. 

“Fine, it doesn’t matter at all. Do as you wish.”

He deliberately stepped on the spilled food, making a mess. 

‘Anyway, he’s so temperamental.’ 

I quietly stared at the food on the floor, contemplating how I could eat it. But even I couldn’t bring myself to eat the food crushed under his boots. Just thinking about making a remark like this and going back to the kitchen to hear another lecture made me sigh deeply. 

‘…I can’t help it.’

I’ve gone without eating for a week. Can’t I survive one more day? Thinking that I should eat the snacks in my room, I returned to my bedroom.

* * *

Therid stomped off, grumbling. The words Siara had said lingered in his mind like a scar. Eventually, he stopped in his tracks and burst out, 

“What? It doesn’t matter to me?” 

It did matter. Despite everything, Siara had been the healer who had cured his mother’s madness. Even the Great Priest Adandito was impressed by her exceptional healing skills, leaving no traces of the madness. 

Moreover, his mother had instructed the servants to treat Siara as a lady of the house. But the servant who should have served Siara lunch mistakenly failed to do so. It deserved punishment. And as the Duke, he had the authority to meddle in all those matters. 

But how could she casually say that it had nothing to do with him? Therid seethed with anger. 

“Well, if starving is your wish, go ahead.” 

Filled with determination, he took brisk steps. 

He remembered the sight of Siara looking at the fallen meat on the floor. It was as if she were gazing at a beloved one who had been separated. 

She was extremely hungry, and her gaze was nostalgic. Unable to bear it any longer, Therid headed towards the kitchen on his own.

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