As the yellow light was absorbed into her skin, Ashley’s scars vanished without a trace.

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“It’s all done.”

Ashley, fearfully, ran towards the mirror as soon as I finished speaking. Soon, she exclaimed with a loud voice.

“No way! My lifelong trauma disappeared!”

“What? Let me see too!”

Riott examined Ashley and jumped up in surprise. Her arrogant expression was filled with curiosity.

“Wow, our mansion’s healer couldn’t do this.”

“You’re truly amazing!”

I shrugged my shoulders in response to the pouring compliments.

‘Well, their skills can’t compare.’

To bridge the gap in skill between the main characters, I underwent rigorous training, followed by three years of toxin purification work, and more. My career as a healer was different from the others. 

Most healers struggled with treating small wounds, as they required delicate adjustments for healing smaller areas. But I took care of my skin and even the main characters in the toxin-filled forest. It meant I had mastered the treatment of minor injuries.

And that meant another steady source of income. I swallowed a satisfied chuckle inwardly as I spoke.

“Blood color management, wrinkle improvement, skin whitening. Just tell me what you need.”

Upon hearing that, the sisters sparkled with excitement like no other.

* * *

Hierian fell asleep while watching a play.

In the meantime, Hierian had a dream about Piasse. Intuitively, he realized that the dream he was having now was about something that happened long before the dream he had before.

Hierian was lying on Piasse’s lap. From her, a fragrant scent emanated, and the hand that stroked his head was as soft as feathers. Strangely, even in the dream, Hierian’s mind became hazy, as if he was about to fall asleep. Just as Hierian was about to fall into a deep sleep, Piasse whispered like a cuckoo.

“Poor Hierian.”

In Hierian’s dream, a harsh life was his everyday reality. That’s why Hierian dismissed Piasse’s concern with indifference. Nevertheless, she often worried about Hierian more than his parents did.

“Hierian, how do you feel today?”

“Did you sleep well?”

“You seem like you should rest early today.”

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“If it’s too difficult to eat a proper meal, how about having dessert? If you keep eating only candy, you might die.”

Every time she repeated her words, Hierian scowled with a sullen expression. Something oppressive bothered him whenever he heard Piasse’s words. However, his rebellious behavior didn’t last long. It was because everything Piasse said was right.

Even when he stayed up all night, thinking of Piasse’s words allowed him to sleep, and he made an effort to eat something even if he had been refusing meals. Thinking about her words made the food that he used to spit out while eating, now digestible, and he no longer suffered from nightmares.

He could live like a human. For that one reason, Hierian fell deeply in love with Piasse.

So even in his half-asleep state, Hierian murmured to Piasse.

“I won’t suffer anymore, because you’ll be by my side.”

However, Piasse didn’t respond at all. Hierian looked at her lips which remained sealed and closed his eyes, pretending to be oblivious.


It was a dream, another dream about that woman.

‘What was it?’

Hierian tried to recall the dream and furrowed his brow. His head felt too dizzy, perhaps because he was dreaming. Without thinking, he covered his forehead with his arm and took a deep breath at the feverish heat that was as hot as a volcano.

His throat was dry. Indifferent to it, he moistened his lips several times and absentmindedly searched for someone amid the burning heat.


Even when the magical pillar went out of control, even when he had a strange dream the last time, Siara was by his side. So, it felt like Siara would be there miraculously by his side this time as well.

Hierian cautiously reached out his hand, following Siara’s presence. Soon, his fingertips touched a body that radiated warmth. Immediately, Hierian urgently called out to her.


But what he heard was a chilling voice.

“…I’m sorry, but I’m not Siara.”

Hierian turned his head and looked at the man beside him. It was Adandito. He was looking down at Hierian with a statue-like face.

Hierian let out a dry laugh but soon realized that something was amiss and asked.


“She must be in the room.”

“That can’t be! We were supposed to go watch the play together!”

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They had gone to watch a play together. Until then, Hierian had been eagerly anticipating the upcoming play with great interest. However, he had fallen asleep before the play even started. All he had eaten until then was popcorn.

‘…Could someone have put a sleeping pill in the popcorn?’

Hierian had a high tolerance for almost all herbs. To make him fall asleep, a significant amount of rare herbs that were difficult to obtain had to be used. And if someone had gone to such lengths to make Hierian sleep, it was highly likely that they had sinister intentions.

After considering that, Hierian abruptly stood up from his seat.

“I have to find Siara.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Siara might be in danger.”

At that moment, Adandito’s face turned pale.

“Why would Siara…?”

“Someone drugged me and kidnapped Siara.”

“She was kidnapped?”

“Yes! Where did you find me?”

“I received a report about a child who collapsed on Astita Street. When I rushed over, it was you.”

There was a child who collapsed on Astita Street. However, both their appearance and clothes were immaculate, and no one dared to touch them. But then, a passerby shouted, 

“This child is a guest staying at the mansion!” 

Contact was made with the mansion, and coincidentally, Adandito, who was tired of the party, used this as an excuse to leave.

Afterward, he moved Hierian to the mansion. Judging by his appearance, he seemed to be in a deep sleep and hadn’t even called for Siara.

Time passed, and it was now. At least two hours had passed. There was still time for something to happen. Hearing Adandito’s words, Hierian got up from his seat in a rush. Adandito also didn’t hesitate and moved quickly.

Hierian spoke to Adandito.

“I’ll search the city, you go towards Mount Astita.”


The two figures disappeared into the night.

* * *

The two sisters said that things were going well and showed me around here and there. I obediently followed their words, but I deliberately didn’t fix everything at once.

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‘It’s important to feel frustrated for things to be valuable.’

So, I intentionally delayed the time, and when I pretended to be exhausted and needed to rest, I raised both hands and feet. Then, the two sisters kindly served me a meal and even gave me dessert, telling me to take a break. While patting my satisfied stomach, Ashley asked me.

“Don’t you want to be my exclusive healer? I’ll pay you a lifetime’s worth of money that you won’t be able to spend.”

A lifetime’s worth of money. It sounded tempting, but I firmly shook my head.

“No, thank you.”

“Why? I’ll pay you well.”

“I have enough money myself.”

“Really? How much do you have? More than us?”

“I may not have more than the noble ladies, but it’s enough for me alone.”

“Just receiving three gold bars won’t be enough for you to live. Don’t say that and come with us to the mansion.”

Even though I rejected them several times, the sisters didn’t easily back down. In their twinkling eyes, there was a kind of madness.

‘I wonder if I can escape safely.’

Just before gold bars and rewards, fear crept into me that I might be dragged to the mansion of the noble family and the surrounding area was filled with subtle magic. It was the magic Hierian used to locate someone’s position.

‘He’s awake!’

Normally, it would take a few days for the sleeping pills to wear off, but Hierian had resistance to poison and quickly woke up. And as I was within the range of his magic, he would find me in no time. 

As I expected, his magic grew stronger. And before long, 


With a sound of a door breaking, Hierian revealed himself. In turn, the sisters’ gaze turned towards him.


“What? Are you already awake?”

Hierian, who had discovered them, frowned and asked.

“…Was it you who kidnapped Siara?”

“Kidnap? We just had a little conversation with her.”

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“Yeah, look. We even fed her until she was full.”

I quietly set down the apple pie I was holding. Upon seeing that, Hierian approached me and asked.

“Sister, did they bother you?”

Suddenly, the attention of the two sisters turned to me. I nodded as if to reassure them and stood up from my seat. The gold bars I earned today were only twenty.

‘It’s a bit scary, but I can’t go against the intentions of important guests.’

So, I tried to speak as casually as possible.

“No, I had no issues.”

“Did you really just hang out with them?”


As I nodded, Hierian looked at me with wounded eyes.

“They drugged me, abandoned me on the street, and then you were hanging out with them?”


“How could you do that to me?”

Then, he let out a breath. Upon closer look, his flushed face was filled with anger.

I was surprised and asked him, 

“Are you okay?”


Finally, as if the tension had been released, Hierian’s body twitched. Reflexively, I embraced him, and Hierian looked at me with pleading eyes.

“Sister, you didn’t abandon me, did you?”

“…Well, you see…”

“They forcibly kidnapped you, didn’t they? That’s right, isn’t it?”

If we were to argue, Hierian’s words were correct, but we were currently being watched by important guests. So, I skillfully evaded the topic while gently stroking his head.

“Let’s go back to the mansion first, Hierian.”

Without asking further questions, Hierian nodded. Immediately, purple magic enveloped our bodies.

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